UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES MAT) POtTAL ADOBItl ADRHSE POSTALE- UNITED NATION*, N.Y. 10017 CAILK ADOHEM—AO«««E TCLCgNAFHtaUCi UNATIOHE- NEWTOKK EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE *ECRETAIIV.aENCftAL. CABINET OU SECRETAIRE GCNCffAL. Rm. S-3840A-Tel. (212) 963-5495 - Fax (212) 963-1185 Rm S-38 •" /TJ f? n """'""••""—.,-»., iJsJ'? /V i;-/ tf ;-•'; 18 June 199 Dear Dr. Pujante, Dear Dr. Pujaate, We refer to our letter to you dated 10 June 1998 and are pleased to enclose he^ew^yu^. ouj. ,rt official UN flag to be flown at the summit of Annapurna in commemoration o^^rfj^^fiatf toVl ^^, anniversary of the first expedition to the Himalayan mountain. anniversary of the first Again, you are kindly requested to observe the provisions of the Flag Code ang^ Reguktions (copy attached as per our letter of 10 June 1998). Regulations (cop as p; Thank you very much for your interestand we wish your expedition every ;. you very m ibb Sincerely yoursi Gillian Martin Sorensen Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations Dr. Josep A. Pujante Dr. losep A. Pujaate Expedition Leader Expedition Leader Royal Expedition Annapurna '2000 Royal Expedition Annapurna '/ Barcelona Barcelona UNITED NATIONS ffiH NATIONS UNIES FOfTAL ADDflCCS AOREIEC POSTALE- UNITED NATION*. N.Y. lOOt? CAILI AOO»I«» ADRCMC TCLCSRAPHiauC: UNATION* NCWYOKK EXECUTIVE OFFICE OP THE SECRETARV-GENEHAL CABINET OU SIC RET*, IRE GENERAL Km. S-3840A - Tel. (212) 963-5495 - Fax (212) 963-1185 10 June 1998 Dear Dr. Pujante, Please refer to your letter of 16 May 1998 to the Secretary-General requesting permission to fly the UN flag in the summit of Annapurna, a Himalayan mountain, in the course of an expedition to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the first expedition to that mountain. It is noted that you would like "to spread the flag of the United Nations in the summit of An^purna" to welcome the new century, to wish the peace to the world, and "as a proof of brotherhood of all countries". Please be advised that the use of the UN flag is governed by the United Nations Flag Code and Regulations. Pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Code, "The flag may be used in accordance with this Flag Code by Governments, organizations and individuals to demonstrate support of the United Nations and to further its principles and purposes". This provision is reiterated in Section III of the Flag Regulations. In addition, paragraph (b_)(iv) of that Section specifically provides that it is deemed especially appropriate that the UN flag should be displayed on the occasion of any official event which might or is desired to be related in some way to the United Nations. Since during your expedition the UN flag wouid be flown as a demonstration of support for the United Nations, I am pleased to inform you that your request is hereby granted. You are kindly requested to observe the provisions of the Flag Code and Regulations (copy attached). A small flag of the UN will be sent to you under separate cover. May I take this opportunity to wish your expedition every success. Sincerely yours, Gillian Martin Sorensen Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations Dr. Josep A. Pujante Expedition Leader Royal Expedition Annapurna '2000 Barcelona Provenza, 290, 1.a2.s B Tel. xx 34.3.215 00 48 08008 Barcelona - Spain H. Excellency Mr. Kofi Annan General Secretary United Nations Organization New York, USA Excellency, Dear Sir, His Majesty The King Juan Carlos I of Spain, and His Majesty The King Birendra Bir Birkam of Nepal, They both had accepted the High Patronage of the Royal Expedition Annapurna'2000. «——.-- ..... ~ ....... I havethe" pleasure to inform you about this great hommage to the pioneers (from French Expedition of 1950), who got the first ascent of human being on a peak of eight- thousend meters, in Himalaya. Louis Lachenal and Maurice Herzog reached the summit of Annapurna (8.091 m.), and they suffered frostbites and many amputations later. But a important page of the History of the sport and culture had been written. To commemorate the 50th Anniversary we have organized that Royal Expedition, with the official support of His Excellency Mr. Juan A. Samaranch, president of International Olympic Comitee, and with His Excellency Monsieur Maurice Herzog, former Ministry Of France, as a Honorary Leader of the Royal Expedition Annapurna'2000. When I climbed to the top of Mount Everest, in_l_993,jny__g_p_od friend Sir Edmund Hillary was our Honorary Leader. But this time, we want to make more things to help poor people in Nepal. We have the plan to built a small hospital in a place located in the way to Annapurna, in Himalaya, according with Nepalese Authorities, suggesting an area with many necessities of health. Because, all that reasons, we'd like to spread theflag of the United Nations in the summit of Annapujna^in the threshold of the Third Millennium^ giving the wellcome to the new century, and the farewell to the another one plenty of explorations. The best way to get the top as a victory of whole Humanity, wishingjthe peace in the world, and as a proof of brotherhood of all countries, is showing the U.N. flag. So, We would appreciate so much if you could send and official small flag of United Nations (3"0~-40 crris, aprox), in order to commemorate, in base camp and in the summit, this hTstoTic event, if you give support to this^eauiifol_^aHenge._Thank you very much. Looking forwar3"fo~7eceive"news from you soon, I have the pleasure to send you my best regards. / Dr. JosepiA/Pujante Expedition/Leader Royal Expedition Annapurna'2000 EL <JIiI<"E DE LA CASA D1S S. M. EL HEY Palacio de la Zarzuela Madrid, 12 de Junio de 1.996 Senor DON JOSE ANTONIO PUJANTE CONESA Jefe de la Expedicion ANNAPURNA12000 Provenza, 290-12~23. 08008 BARCELONA Estimado amigo: Por encargo de Su Majestad el Key me coraplace acusar recibo a sus cartas de fechas 23 de abril y 2 de junio, en las que tiene la amabilidad de informarle sobre el proyecto de la Expedicion Internacional Annapurna'2000, Conmemorativa del 50 Aniversario de la conquista de la citada cima, para el que solicita Su ayuda, y me complace comunicarle que ha tenido a bien conceder su Alto Patrocinio al mismo. Al cumplir con el encargo recibido de Su Majestad, le saluda muy cordialmente, EL VIZCONDE DEL CASISILLO DE ALMANSA 31. LA ZARZUELA de Noviembre de 1.99 MADRID He recibido tu carinosa carta del 30 de Octubre pasado y tu libro dedicado, que tan amablemente me has enviado. Lo he empezado a leer y me esta encantando, imagine los paisajes que en el defines y pienso en las indes- criptibles sensaciones que debe producir estar en esas hostiles montafias rodeado de nieve y de hielo; debe ser una experiencia muy dificil de plasmar en un libro y creo que tu has conseguido hacerlo maravillosamente. Quiero aprovechar para felicitarte por el nacimiento de tu hija Rita y por la Gran Cruz de la Orden del Merito Militar que, tan merecidamente, te ha sido impuesta. Te deseo mucha suerte en las dos cumbres que te quedan por culminar dentro de tu apasionante proyecto "Siete Cimas" y espero que me cuentes que tal te ha ido en esas ascensiones. ''EXCMO". SENOR DON JOSE A. PUJANTE CONESA C/. Provenza, 290 , 1Q 23 08008 BARCELONA._ ' ,-. , (2-28755 A Ref. No.:- Teiephon e MNo. ] 4-19454 Fax No. 00977,1-227395 Telex. 2236. Rex. PAL. NP. ^ ^ ^ . ^ . Royal Palace Kathmandu, Nepal. April 17, 1997 Press "-*"*• F Subject:- Dear Dr. Pujante, It gives me pleasure to inform you that His Majesty the King has graciously consented to accept Patronage of the Royal Expedition Annapurna '2000' organised to mark the 50th anniversary of the first ascent of the Himalayan peak. Please keep us informed with regard to the progress made in this connection so that we will be able to properly coordinate the matters related to the expedition. With best wishes, Sincerely, / Narendra Raj Panday / Principal Press Secretary to H.M. the King Dr. Josep A Pujante, MD Chairman Royal Expedition Annapurna '2000' Barcelona SPAIN MAURICE H E R 2 O G Paris, Ie24mai 1996, Cher Docteur et Ami, Chere Collegue, Vous avez eu I'aimable idee d'offrir le livre d'"Annapurna Premier 8000" a S.A.R. la Princesse Christina de Bourbon pour la prochaine visite que vous devez lui rendre. C'est done avec le plus grand plaisir que j'ai dedicace cet ouvrage a son intention en esperant que sa lecture I'interessera. Vous presentant mes meilleurs voeux de reussite dans cette lourde preparation et pour votre expedition elle-meme, je vous prie de croire, Cher Docteur et Ami, a ('assurance de mes sentiments les meilleurs. Maurice Herzog Dr. Joseph Pujante Consesa Provenza, 290, 1.°, 2. a 08008 Barcelona Espagne BUREAUX : 64. RUE DE MIROMESNIL. 75OOS PARIS - TEL. : 53 75 Ol 6O • FAX : 4O 76 Ol 87 DOMICILE : 21, BOULEVARD RICHARD WALLACE, 922OO NEUILLY-SUR-SEI NE - TEL. : 47 47 96 II - FAX : 46 4O 70 17 CoMiTfi INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIQUE ALTIIIS KC1IOHIS MAURICE HERZOG MEMBRU HONORAfKE DU C.I.O. CONSEILLER DU PRESIDENT Paris, Ie2fevrier 1996, Cher Monsieur, Merci infiniment pour votre courrier du mois de novembre dernier concernant votre aimable invitation a etre le Chef d'Honneur de I'expedition "Annapurna 2000". C'est avec plaisir que j'accueille votre projet et repond favorablement a votre invitation. i En vous remerciant pour les details concernant cet evenement et en esperant que S.M. le Roi Juan Carlos I et S.M. le Roi Birhendra figureront dans la liste des hauts patronages, je vous prie de croire, Monsieur, a ('assurance de mes sentiments-las meilleurs.
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