AIP SUP 081/20 O S U E 1 Aéronautique S 2 E 8˚ Phone : +33(0) 5 57 92 57 97 Or 57 95 Publication Date : 14 MAY E-Mail : [email protected]

AIP SUP 081/20 O S U E 1 Aéronautique S 2 E 8˚ Phone : +33(0) 5 57 92 57 97 Or 57 95 Publication Date : 14 MAY E-Mail : Sia.Supaip@Aviation-Civile.Gouv.Fr

E S U O L U O T 3 A M T 5 FL 06 4000 USE ULO 2 TO TMA 000 2000 3 E 000 ULOUS 000 4 1.1 TO 3 TMA LOUSE .2 TOU TMA 1 1 7 4 ˚ 5 6 0 L F C 2000 F S A 0 0 AC 5 LAGN 1 B / CTR 0 0 0 3 E S U O L U O T 3 - 4 T T M A M A M A T 3T Service 4 - 3 O T U O L de l’Information U O L U AIP SUP 081/20 O S U E 1 Aéronautique S 2 E 8˚ Phone : +33(0) 5 57 92 57 97 or 57 95 Publication date : 14 MAY e-mail : [email protected] F F 3 L Internet : www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.frL B 0 3 0 0 0 1 6 6 0 5 5 / 1 5 0 F Creation of Tempo Restricted Areas (ZRT) “CESSALES”, “LONGAGES” and “SEPTFONDS” over South- 0A L 1 4 S Subject : 5 3 F Western France (FIR : Bordeaux LFBB) 7 C F L With effect : From 28 May 2020 to 21 April 2021 0 6 5 1. ZRT CESSALES parts A and B (future Areas LF-R 187 A and B CESSALES of « AIP France » ENR 5.1) St-Orens- -d e-Gameville DDSS AAlbiaclbiac SSt-Sernint-Sernin- ACTIVITY SSte-Foy-te-Foy- 4000 MMascarvilleascarville --les-Lavales-Lavaur AAuzielleuzielle -d'Aigrefeuille-d'Aigrefeuille D TOULOUSE Info. 996767 llaa S Salvetat-alvetat- Test drones flying within and out of sight in the day 121.250 -Lauragais-Lauragais 3000 CCaramanaraman MMouzensouzens AAgutsguts and night time TOULOUSE Info. ZRT CESSALES E 121.250 B : 500 AGL – 1000 AGL (1700) PPoudisoudis TTarabelarabel AAuriac-uriac- 1500 ASFC A : SFC – 500 AGL -sur-Vendinelle-sur-Vendinelle EEscalquensscalquens llee C Cabanialabanial MMontgeyontgey DATES AND TIMES OF ACTIVITY part A : MMontlaurontlaur LLabastide-abastide- 43˚ 30' -Beauvoir-Beauvoir SSégrevilleégreville SSt-Juliat-Julia GGarrarrevaques SSLL TOE 415 CCambiacambiac LFIR 0700-1700 (SUM : -1 HR) 99047047 MMontégut-ontégut- -Lauragais-Lauragais REVEL Except SUN and public HOL A61 X VVarennesarennes A M L 3 11205205 11119.575 643 750 m BBaziègeaziège 3 S 2 SSt-Germiert-Germier Activation at night is possible by NOTAM M MMontgiscardontgiscard A R SSBB 0 1 CCessalesessales RRoumensoumens 0 7 C 8 FL TR 0 1 part B : BL 200 06 JJuzesuzes 99330330 AG 5 N SSt-Félix-Lauragaist-Félix-Lauragais Activation by NOTAM AC MMontgaillard-ontgaillard- BBélesta-élesta- --LauragaisLauragais AAyguesvivesyguesvives --en-Lauragaisen-Lauragais VVaudreuilleaudreuille AX VVillenouvelleillenouvelle 99418418 9 L M AMS MMourvilles-ourvilles- LLFMGFMG 800 MMontesquieu-ontesquieu- VVallègueallègue --HautesHautes USER INFORMATION 1 --LauragaisLauragais lleses C Cassesasses MMONTAGNEONTAGNE NOIRENOIRE SSt-Romet-Rome See « RELEVANT AUTHORITIES CONTACT TM 1134.15034.150 11468468 550000 m A VVillefranche-illefranche- FFolcardeolcarde 4- FLSSt-Léon 145t-Léon --de-Lauragaisde-Lauragais DETAILS” 7 T VVieillevigneieillevigne MMontmaurontmaur CABLE llaa P Pomarèdeomarède O TOULOUSE Info. UL GGardouchardouch O C 121.250 U RRennevilleenneville 11040040 998787 TTrévilleréville SE T SSoupexoupex M PPuginieruginier A 1 4000 11201201 STATUS .2 T 40 OU TOULOUSE Info. AAvignonet-vignonet- SSouilheouilhe IIssssel 00 LO D 121.250 RRENNEVILLEENNEVILLE -Lauragais-Lauragais Tempo Restricted Areas US SSeyreeyre FL E 2000 MMontclar-ontclar- AAirouxiroux 06 -LLiauragais 3 5 3 08 000 TMA 1.1 TOULOUSE 2000 3000 Excerpt from 1 / 250 000 « Toulouse Région Occitanie » SIA map˚ 2020 edition 4 000 TMA 4-1 TOULOUSE 1500 ASFC 3000 TM SERVICES PROVIDED A 2 TO UL Flight information and alert OU SE 4000 FL 065 ENTRY CONDITIONS GAT / OAT : compulsory avoidance during activity except for aircraft flying as part of assistance, rescue or public safety missions, when the ZRT avoidance is not compatible with these missions ; entry is possible after contact with the Managing Authority. LATERAL AND VERTICAL LIMITS ZRT CESSALES A ZRT CESSALES B TMA 6 T 5 OUL 6 O 0 Circle radius 0.54 NM centred at : 43°27’20’’N 001°45’38’’E USE Circle radius 0.54 NM centred at : 43°27’20’’N 001°45’38’’E L 4000 F SFC / 500FT AGL 500FT AGL / 1000FT AGL (1700FT AMSL) TMA TMA 3 TOULOUSE 4-7 T FL 065 FL 145 RELEVANT AUTHORITIES CONTACT DETAILS OUL OUS E Activity manager phone : +33 (0)6 30 32 20 97 4000 FL 0 +33 (0)9 71 16 99 46 65 ENG Page 1/3 © SIA LT/A30F10L0F1RA91AS5NFCE E S U O L U O T 3 A M T 65 FL 0 4000 USE ULO 2 TO TMA 000 2000 3 E 000 ULOUS 000 4 1.1 TO 3 TMA LOUSE .2 TOU TMA 1 2000 NAC BLAG CTR T M A 3 T O U L O U S E T 12 M 8˚ A 4 - 8 T F O L U 0 L 6 O 5 U S E F L 1 4 5 3 0 0 0 F L 0 6 5 AIP SUP No 081/20 2. ZRT LONGAGES (future Area LF-R 238 LONGAGES of AIP ENR 5.1) 32 3000 R RMZ 17 CT FL LLahageahage R 00 0 FL 145 11500500 A ASFCSFC MMURETURET 2 BL 20 65 FForguesorgues AG NA ACTIVITY C TOULOUSE Info. C 121.250 LLhermherm Test drones flying within and out of sight in the day MMonèsonès 4000 PPoucharrametoucharramet SSt-Hilairet-Hilaire EEaunesaunes PPlagnolelagnole and night time TOULOUSE Info. RMZRMZ 11500500 A ASFCSFC D 121.250 RRieumesieumes ZRT LONGAGES MMURETURET 1 SSFCFC11010010 T 11325325 3000 LLavernose-avernose- e LLagaagardelle- DATES AND TIMES OF ACTIVITY M SFC – 500 AGL LacasseLacasse n A TOULOUSE Info. n -sur-sur-Lèze 4- o 7 E llee F Faugaauga r T LLautignacautignac 121.250 a BBeaumont-eaumont- 0700-1700 (SUM : -1 HR) O G U --sur-Lèzesur-Lèze LO 1500 ASFC a US SSavèresavères BBératérat L Except SUN and public HOL E TM MMauzacauzac 8 X A L MA Activation at night is possible by NOTAM 1.2 AMS 4000 TO 118800 UL NNoéoé OU F SESE LLongagesongages L 0 LLabastide-abastide- 65 -Clermont-Clermont D SSNN USER INFORMATION 30 66717717PPouy-de-Tougesouy-de-Touges 30 8˚ BBois-ois- 00 TMA 1.1 TOULOUSE 2000 3000 -de-la-Pierre-de-la-Pierre 40 See « RELEVANT AUTHORITIES CONTACT 00 TMA 4-1 TOULOUSE GGratensratens DETAILS”1500 ASFC 3000 PPeyssieseyssies SSt-Sulpice-t-Sulpice- -sur-Lèze-sur-Lèze MMarquefavearTquMefave 11249249 A 2 MMarignac-Lasclaresarignac-Lasclares TOMMontgazinontgazin STATUS LLafitte-afitte- UL --VigordaneVigordane CCarbonnearbonne OU SESE 11194194 C EEspercesperce Tempo Restricted Area (ZRT) LLacaugneacaugne 4000 FL 065 CTA 3 TOU le F Fousseretousseret LOUSE D SSt-Elix-t-Elix- CTA FL 065 4 TOULOUSE FL 145 --le-châteaule-château D FL 145 64 FL 195 LLézat-ézat- SERVICES PROVIDED A SSalles-sur-Garonnealles-sur-Garonne --sur-Lèzesur-Lèze LLavelanet-avelanet- RRieuxieux --de-Commingesde-Comminges Flight information and alert Excerpt from 1 / 250 000 « Toulouse Région Occitanie » SIA map 2020 edition 5 6 0 L F ENTRY CONDITIONS GAT / OAT : compulsory avoidance during activity except for aircraft flying as part of assistance, rescue or public safety missions, when the ZRT 0 0 avoidance is not compatible with these missions ; entry is possible0 after contact with the Managing Authority. 4 5 6 0 LATERAL AND VERTICAL LIMITS L F E S 0 T U M 0 Circle radius 0.54 NM centred at 43°21’06’’N 001°13’07’’E A 0 TMA O 4-7 4 3 TOULOUSE T L FL 06 C O 5 FL 145 C UL U T O T US A E O A T 3 SFC / 500 FT AGL 4 2 T T 400 E O 0 A O S T U F U L U 06 C L 5 O L O L RELEVANT AUTHORITIES CONTACT DETAILS O U U U S O S Activity manager phone : +33(0)6 30 32 20 97 E T E 1 A +33(0)9 71 16 99 46 T F C F L L 0 1 6 4 5 5 F F L L 1 1 9 4 5 5 ENG Page 2/3 © SIA LT/A30F10L0F1RA91A5SNFCE T M A 1 1 C L E R M O N T 5 0 0 0 1 6 2 F ˚ E L S 1 U 1 O 5 L U O T 3 A TM AIP SUP No 081/20 11 6˚ ZRT SEPTFONDS (future Area LF-R 263 SEPTFONDS of AIP France ENR 5.1) ACTIVITY BBelfort-elfort- --du-Quercydu-Quercy Test drones flying over Septfonds private aerodrome 339494 LLacapelle-acapelle- PParisotarisot --LivronLivron PPuylaroqueuylaroque ' 0 DATES AND TIMES OF ACTIVITY ˚3 1 CCaylusaylus Activation possible MON to FRI EXC HOL : LLapencheapenche 11132132 CCAYLUSAYLUS 0700-1900 (SUM : - 1 HR) CCayriechayriech 445050 m AAbbayebbaye de BeActivationaulieu is not possible when Area R 46 C is active. Montallzatzat LLavauretteavaurette EEspinasspinas USER INFORMATION G Verfeil See « RELEVANT AUTHORITIES CONTACT DETAILS” 39 F SSEPTFONDSEPTFONDS L MMonteilsonteils 065 770000 m SSeptfondseptfonds STATUS CCaussadeaussade SSt-Antonin-Noble-Valt-Antonin-Noble-Val 45 Tempo Restricted Area (ZRT) SSt-Cirqt-Cirq ZRT SEPTFONDS 0 2 SFC – 500 AGL A ˚ FLF G 6 L SERVICES PROVIDED 3 0 0 6 2 G 6 ˚ o 5 Milhars 8 r 1 g Flight information and alert 2 CCazalsazals e FFeneyrolseneyrols 3400 s d 2 R46C e 7 4˚ l 3 ' 800 ASFC 2 A v ENTRY CONDITIONS e 1 y 2 r V o 5 65 TMA4A 6 0 BBiouleioule 4-6 TO n 11906906 GAT / OAT : compulsory0 avoidance during activity FL ULOUSE 000 E FL 4 35005 PPenneenne 2 5 00 except1 6 for aircraft flying as part of assistance, rescue or FL 0065 V MMontricouxontricoux 65 11715715 0 E L US VVaouraour F ULO public safety missions, when the ZRT avoidance is not 2 TO NNègrepelisseègrepelisse TMA compatible with these missions ; entry is possible after BBruniquelruniquel TTonnaconnac contact with the Managing Authority.

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