H6630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 23, 2018 I thank Senator FLAKE, whose staff QUINDARO TOWNSITE NATIONAL state port of entry during the Kansas has worked closely with me and my of- COMMEMORATIVE SITE ACT Territory’s fight over the question of fice on this issue for the past year and Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I slavery. The town’s diverse inhabitants a half. I also thank the chairman and move to suspend the rules and pass the were antislavery and included Ameri- ranking member for supporting this bill (H.R. 5613) to designate the cans of European and African Amer- bill. Quindaro Townsite in Kansas City, ican descent, as well as members of the Given the importance of the water Kansas, as a National Historic Land- Wyandot Tribe. The Quindaro area was the location system and the implementation of the mark, and for other purposes, as of an African American refugee settle- settlement legislation to the White amended. ment that began during the Civil War Mountain Apache Tribe, I urge the The Clerk read the title of the bill. and grew into a prominent African swift passage of this bill and look for- The text of the bill is as follows: American community. It was also the ward to working together with all af- H.R. 5613 fected stakeholders on its implementa- site of the Freedman’s University and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tion. its successor institution, Western Uni- resentatives of the United States of America in versity, the first Black university in Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Congress assembled, myself such time as I may consume. Kansas. SECTION 1. QUINDARO TOWNSITE NATIONAL The Quindaro Townsite is on the Na- Mr. Speaker, this bill makes a small COMMEMORATIVE SITE ACT. tional Register of Historic Places and, change to the previously approved (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as water rights settlement in order to the ‘‘Quindaro Townsite National Commemora- importantly, has been designated as allow the White Mountain Apache tive Site Act’’. part of the National Underground Rail- Tribe in Arizona to complete work on a (b) DEFINITION.—In this Act, the term ‘‘Sec- road Network to Freedom. Quindaro’s rural water system. retary’’ means the Secretary of the Interior. early residents assisted fugitive slaves (c) DESIGNATION.—The Quindaro Townsite in escaping across the Missouri River to Specifically, the bill clarifies that Kansas City, Kansas, as listed on the National funding Congress has already author- freedom. Register of Historic Places, is hereby designated Supporters of Quindaro have long ized for water-related economic devel- as the Quindaro Townsite National Commemo- sought elevated status and recognition opment projects can be used to cover rative Site. The Site shall not be considered a for the site. H.R. 5613 designates possible construction cost overruns as- unit of the National Park System. Quindaro Townsite as a national com- sociated with the Tribe’s main water (d) ADMINISTRATION.—Nothing in this section shall affect the administration of the Quindaro memorative site. This establishes the project, which will provide drinking townsite as an affiliated area of the water supplies for Tribal members once Townsite by Kansas City or the State of Kansas. (e) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—The Sec- National Park System and authorizes completed. retary, in consultation with the State of Kan- the Secretary of the Interior to offer In addition, section 2 of the bill clari- sas, Kansas City, Kansas, and affected subdivi- technical assistance and support to fies that the Pueblos of Santa Clara sions, may enter into cooperative agreements Quindaro. and Ohkay Owingeh in New Mexico are with appropriate public or private entities, for I want to compliment my colleague, the purposes of protecting historic resources at authorized to lease all of their Tribal Mr. YODER, for bringing this matter to lands for up to 99 years. Currently, the Quindaro Townsite and providing educational and interpretive programs for the public. the attention of the Congress and for Pueblos have the option to enter into the work he has done to ensure that 99-year leases only on their trust lands, (f) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary may provide technical assistance to any entity this site receives national recognition. as this option is not extended to their with which the Secretary has entered into a co- Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of the restricted fee lands. operative agreement under subsection (e). measure, and I reserve the balance of Passage of this provision will correct (g) EFFECT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, LOCAL my time. that discrepancy, allowing the Pueblos LAND USE, AND LAND ACQUISITION AUTHOR- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield the same flexibility in leasing terms ITY.—Nothing in this Act authorizes the Sec- myself such time as I may consume. that other Tribes already possess. retary to— Mr. Speaker, this bill, as amended, I would like to thank our New Mex- (1) interfere with private property rights, or would designate the Quindaro Townsite any local zoning ordinance or land use plan of ico colleagues, Senator TOM UDALL and in Kansas city, Kansas, as a national ´ the State or any political subdivision of the Congressman BEN RAY LUJAN, for advo- State; or commemorative site, an honorary des- cating for this issue and for getting (2) acquire land or interests in land through ignation under the National Park Sys- this provision included in the legisla- condemnation or otherwise. tem. The town of Quindaro was founded in tion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 1857 and was a key site during the Mr. Speaker, I am happy to urge my ant to the rule, the gentleman from Bleeding Kansas conflict, serving as a colleagues to join me in supporting California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) and the safe port of entry into Kansas on the this bill which is sponsored by Senator gentlewoman from Guam (Ms. Missouri River for those opposed to JEFF FLAKE. BORDALLO) each will control 20 min- slavery. In addition, the town aided Mr. Speaker, I have no further speak- utes. runaway slaves as they escaped to free- ers, so I yield back the balance of my The Chair recognizes the gentleman dom in Kansas through the Under- time. from California. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, as ground Railroad. GENERAL LEAVE you have heard, this bill irons out a lot Local government, private entities, Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I of problems with the settlement and and individual stakeholders in the area ask unanimous consent that all Mem- clears the way for hopefully a very pro- have been working to elevate the sta- bers may have 5 legislative days in ductive project. tus of the Quindaro Townsite for years, which to revise and extend their re- Mr. Speaker, I urge its adoption, and and I am glad we were able to recognize marks and include extraneous mate- I yield back the balance of my time. its important cultural legacy with this rials on the bill under consideration. bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there I want to congratulate Congressman b 1745 objection to the request of the gen- YODER on his hard work, and I want to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tleman from California? commend my colleagues from across question is on the motion offered by There was no objection. the aisle for coming up with an appro- the gentleman from California (Mr. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I priate designation for this site. Des- MCCLINTOCK) that the House suspend yield myself such time as I may con- ignation of Quindaro Townsite as a na- the rules and pass the bill, S. 2850. sume. tional commemorative site is a fitting The question was taken; and (two- Mr. Speaker, the Quindaro Townsite tribute that ensures the sacrifices, thirds being in the affirmative) the in Kansas City preserves an important struggles, and triumphs of its early rules were suspended and the bill was piece of our past whose history should residents will never be forgotten. passed. be known by all. The site preserves the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to A motion to reconsider was laid on ruins of a frontier town on the Mis- join me in supporting this bill, and I the table. souri River, founded in 1857 as a free- reserve the balance of my time. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:12 Jul 24, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23JY7.071 H23JYPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE July 23, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6631 Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I Robinson, the Allen Chapel AME KEVIN YODER for bringing it forward. I yield such time as he may consume to Church, the Western University Asso- urge my colleagues to support it. the gentleman from Kansas (Mr. ciation, the Wyandotte County Unified Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I YODER), the author of this bill. Government, and the Freedom’s Fron- would again like to say what a great Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, I really ap- tier National Heritage Area, as well as pleasure it has been for me to work preciate the comments of the gen- Taylor Huhn in my office for his work with Ms. BORDALLO and the members of tleman from California, as well as the to bring this bill to fruition. the Natural Resources Committee. It gentlewoman from Guam. To hear my I thank them for their years of dedi- truly does work in a bipartisan man- community talked about so positively cation, for raising the historic site to ner, most of the time. And it is no co- here on the floor of the House is a my attention, and for educating me on incidence that, most of the time, it is source of pride for me and the many its importance to community, State, productive work.
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