" = Newsstand: 25¢ $1.50 postpaid (U.S., Can.) 1 $2.30 (Japan Air) #29871 Vol. 136, No.4 ISSN: 0030-8579 National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) MAR. 7-20, 2003 . Japanese Scholar Continues Search for Kibei dACL to Challenge U.S. PATRIOTS Act Nisei Who Served in Japanese Military By CAROLINE AOYAGI requests; can monitor public Osama Aw adallah to illustrate the By MARTHA NAKAGAWA ing a trip to California in FeblUaty. Executive Editor library records and bookstore pur­ fat'-reaching powers ofthe PATRI­ Assistant Editor In the near future, Kadoike will chases; may monitor jailhouse OTS Act. Aw adallah had original­ be making a separate trip to Texas SAN FRANCISCO-TheJACL conversations between attorneys ly been arrested as a materi,� wit­ A year ago, Nagoya, Japan­ and Denver to conduct interviews. is taking on the U.S.PATRIOTS and their clients and deny lawyers ness for a grand jury investigation based scholar Hiroshi Kadoike The majority of the men Act. (0 Americans accused of crimes; shortly following the Sept. II embarked on a project to research Kadoike has interviewed served in At its first national meeting of may search and seize Americans' attacks. He ended up beingimpris­ Kibei Nisei who served in the the Japanese Army but two were the year March 1-2, board mem­ papers and effects without proba­ oned for 83 days, spending most Japanese militmy dUI;ng World in the navy and three were in the bers voted unanimously to take a ble cause to assist in a terror inves­ of his days in solitary confine­ War 11. special kamikaze 4nit (two pilots, serious look at the Act and consid· tigation; and may jail Americans ment. On April 30, 2002, it was When he lirst started. Kadoike one navigator). They were sta­ er avenues.lO mount a legal chal· indefinitely without trial. finally determined that Awadallah thought he' d tioned in areas ranging from lenge. Michelle Yoshida, JACL legal was unlawfully detained and the be lucky if he China to New Guinea to the "It's one of those bills, after you counsel, pointed to tile case of indictment against him dismissed. located two or Philippines to within Japan. read it you think, 'Oh my God' ... "Mr. Awadallah was very much three Kibei By next year. Kadoike hopes to this is incredible." said John Trend of DecliningRevenues like most of us," pointed out Nisei dmftees. have tracked down more Kibei Tateishi, JACL executive director. and Trimming Expenses David Hayashi. JACL vice presi­ To his sur­ Nisei living in Japan. "As a civil rights organization it's dent of planning and develop- . Continues for 2003 prise, he has ''I've been told there are many imperative that we challenge ... ment. Originally From San Diego. been able to Nisei draftees. who did not return the legitimacy of the Act." By CAROLINE AOYAGI Aw adallah had been involved in lind 20. Ofthe to the United States and are still The U.S. PATRIOTS Act was Executive Editor the community and civil rights 20, he has interviewed 16 living in Japan," said Kadoike.�'I passed by the House and Senate issues but he was arrested beeause (California I!; Tokyo-area 4; want to uy to find them." shortly after the Sept. II terrorist SAN FRANCISCO-The of his race, said Hayashi. Hawaii I). The urgency of locating more attacks and signed into law by JACL national board continued With the help of legal counsel. "It·s been amazing to meet so President Bush. Americans were to trim expenses as revenues for JACL is currently looking for" many draftees," said Kadoike dur- See KAOOIKE/page 8 devastated by the deaths of hun­ 2003 are projected to fall short. case that will help them challenge dreds of fellow Americans and the At the national board meeting the U.S. PATRIOTS Act.JACL is Act saw little resistance. passing March 1-2, the finance and also looking to support an organi- Film 'Better Luck Tomorrow' Wants easily. budget committees met to deal "'Ition that has standing to ehal- Mainstream Success for AAs But now a number of civil rights with a projected revenue short- lenge the Act.Several cities across organizations, including JACL, fall of close to $420,000 for the country have already passed ByTRACY UBA upper middle class AA high are dismayed at the actions taken 2003. resolutions protesting the previ- Writer/Reporter school teenagers whose ambition by the U.S.government under the After lengthy discussions the sions- of the Act. and academic success belies a provisions of the Act, questioning committee members were able - Tateishi noted that the need to Justin Lin's independent film darker struggle descending into a their right to take away the civil to cut out expenses to meet the challenge the PATRIOTS Act has "Better Luck Tomorrow" already disturbing foray of sex. dlUgs and freedoms of citizens and legal res­ revenue shortfall while preserv- become even more important broke one banier: it was the first violence - is opening in limited idents alike. ing the curTent limited staffing since documents have leaked out Asian AmeIicnn nick to screen release in major U.S.cities April Under the Act the U.S.govern· levels. showing that a PA:fRIOTS Act 11 and subsequently pick up distribu­ II and ! 8, and Asian American ment: may monitor religious and "We were able to make is in the works, an act with even tion at last ye,u"s Sundance Film audiences are being encouraged to political institutions without sus­ adjustments and keep the 16 further ramifications than the orig- Festival in Park City, Utah. make it a mainstream hit. pecting criminal activity to assist personnel positions," said Art inal. Now. it's going for a second: "For the first time, we arenot on in a terror investigation; has Koga, JACL secretaryltreasurer. According to the Center for crossover success at the box office screen for some 'function' just secretly detained hundreds of peo­ To balance the budget, the Public Integrity that posted Act II in April. ple without charges; encouraged on its website, this new act would '1l1e film - about a greup of See 'BETTER t:UC K'/page 9 bureaucrats to resist public records See FINANCES/page 4 See PATRIOTS ACT/page 5 MORIMEMO Democratic Chair Calls for ReSignation, JACL Joins An Open Letter to the Groups Requesting Meeting With Rep. Coble JACL Membership By PacificCitizell Staff two dozens organi;wtions on Feb. and Associated Press - the National Day of By FLOYD MORJ .19 Remembrance - in requesting a JACL National President The Democratic National meeting with Coble. Committee (ONC) has called on The groups visited Coble's Thank you to all of you for North Carolina Congressman office. dropping off a letter being members of JACL and sup­ Howard Coble to resign from his expressing tlleir dismay with the porting a great organization that subcommittee chail1"l1anship at the congressman's comments during a continues to work for the bertelit same time two dozen organiza­ Feb.4 radio interview where he of us all. As we try to build up tions. including the JACL, are agreed with President Franklin PHOTO. TRAILING JOHNSON PRODUC TIONS membership through various Han (Sung Kang), Virgil (Jason To bin) and Ben (Parry Shen) in a requesting a personal meeting Roosevelt's decision to intern membership scene from Justin Lin's feature film "Better Luck Tomorrow," which is with Coble. [10.000 persons of' Japanese drives, we opening in major U.S. cities April 11 and 18. The DNC passed a resolution ancestry in ! 942 and said the Arab • hope you will urging Coble, a Greensboro American community today is a join us in Republican, to step down from his threat to national security. encouraging Inside the post as chaimmn of the House Along with the letter, the groups others to join Crime, Terrorism and Homeland dropped off two petitions with JACL as well. Security subcommittee.according thousands of signatures - one PacificCitizen Many friends to a statement released recently. organized by JACL and the and relatives Letters to the Editor ... "[n our work to keep our coun­ Organization For Chinese 2 would join JACL if we approach try safe from terrorism, policy­ Americans and the other by them about membership. We can makers have an obligation to b.11- ModelMinority.Com - demand­ National News ..... .3 also give gift memberships to ance the need to protect our home­ ing that Coble step down as chair those whom we feel would benefit land and safeguard the constitu­ of the House subcommittee over­ Community News . ..4-6 from JACL membershrp. tional rights of all American citi­ seeing homelmld security. It is unfortunate that we have zens and residents," Democratic Partof the letter to Coble stated: SpOIlS and been required to raise the dues for Chail1"l1an Teny McAuliffe said in "Your comments and the contin­ JACL membership in order to the statement. ued insistence that your statements EnteIlainment . ... ....7 keep JACL going. Increasing our "Congressman Coble is not fit were 'historical f'lct' have raised membership numbers �ignilicallt­ to lead our country on security and almm among Americans through­ .. Iy would help us fil13ncially so Columns . .. .8 constitutional mauers and must out tilis country. as evidenced by that further dues increases might resign from the chairmanship." the the thousands of signatures on the not be necessary.If most members Calendar .......... 10 statement said. attached petitions, which call on of JACL would help us obtain one A spokeswoman for Coble you to step down from your posi- or more new members. it would Obituaries .....
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