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CHUKYO SUNDAY,DECEMBER 1ST Post Time 9:55 1 ! Race Dirt 1800m TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:13Dec.15 1:54.8 MIX DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,550,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,000,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 750,000 500,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. KSHD 0 S 10001 Life20002M 10001 1 1 52.0 Keishi Yamada(2.0%,8−12−13−362,86th) Turf00000 I 00000 Agudo Imeru(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 .Tosen Jordan(0.18) .Harbinger C2,ch. Jiro Ono(2.9%,7−18−13−201,150th) Course00000E 00000 Wht. /Suzuka Green /Suzuka Grace 4Apr.17 Inahara Bokujo Wet 00000 16Nov.19 TOKYO MDN D1400St 1111 1:28.1 9th/16 Kazuma Harada 55.0 494, Kosoku Speed 1:25.8 <1/2> Astro Break <4> Hatto le Vent 3Nov.19 TOKYO NWC D1300St 13 13 1:21.9 7th/16 Tomoharu Bushizawa 55.0 498- Maitre Meneur 1:20.7 <1 1/2> Joy Win <NK> Pismaniye Ow. Mill Farm Co.,Ltd. 0 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 2 2 55.0 Yoshihito Nagaoka(2.9%,3−2−3−97,122nd) Turf10001 I 00000 Soyccino(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 .Jo Cappuccino(0.99) .Diablo C2,g. Tadashige Nakagawa(9.1%,19−14−15−161,65th) Course00000E 00000 Blk. /Only You /Miho Grace 18Mar.17 Mill Farm Wet 10001 23Nov.19 TOKYO MDN D1400Sl 16 16 1:28.1 15th/16 Makoto Sugihara 55.0 512- Breaking Bad 1:24.7 <NK> Divinity <2> Victoire Boss 28Jul.19 NIIGATA NWC T1400Fi 17 17 1:28.1 17th/18 Makoto Sugihara 54.0 496) Shiko 1:23.0 <1> Zansetsu <3/4> Oken Love Kiseki Ow. Tadashi Sakurai 0 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 2 3 55.0 Yuichiro Nishida(4.6%,9−4−11−173,84th) Turf10001 I 00000 Pinocchio(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 .Turtle Bowl(0.73) .Manhattan Cafe C2,d.b. Takaki Iwato(4.8%,12−19−20−200,121st) Course00000E 00000 Blk. /Harlem Swing /Call Me Soon 25Feb.17 Shoji Arai Wet 00000 16Nov.19 FUKUSHIMA MDN T1800Fi 15 14 15 16 1:50.3 13th/16 Yuichiro Nishida 55.0 510- Hello Candy 1:49.1 <1 1/2> Bateau Blanc <HD> Win Asteroid 21Sep.19 NAKAYAMA NWC D1800St 55710 2:01.4 14th/16 Hiroshi Kitamura 54.0 512' Longonot 1:55.3 <9> Ace Raising <NS> Donostia Ow. North Hills Co.,Ltd. 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 3 4 54.0 Kota Fujioka(8.0%,53−63−59−490,15th) Turf10001 I 00000 Primevere(USA) Dirt00000L 00000 .Pioneerof the Nile(1.00).Trippi F2,br. Kazuya Nakatake(8.6%,25−33−17−215,34th) Course00000E 00000 Red /R Heat Lightning /Yellow Heat 7Mar.17 Stonestreet Thoroughbred Holdings LLC Wet 00000 6Jul.19 HAKODATE NWC T1200Fi 9 9 1:13.3 9th/9 Kota Fujioka 54.0 444# Prince Return 1:10.6 <NK> Amazing Sun <3/4> Victoire Boss Ow. To s h i o F u k a m i 2,500,000 S 00000 Life50104M 40103 3 5 55.0 Hideaki Miyuki(7.7%,52−53−63−504,18th) Turf20002 I 10001 Deep Harmony(JPN) Dirt30102L 00000 .Epiphaneia(0.57) .Grass Wonder C2,d.b. Masaru Honda(7.4%,22−18−15−241,45th) Course00000E 00000 Red /Yukino Venus /Star Seeking 23Mar.17 Maeda Bokujo Wet 10001 3Nov.19 KYOTO MDN D1800St 2323 1:56.15th/9HideakiMiyuki55.0456" Legame Pesca 1:52.7 <10> Realisateur <4> Kurino Vincent 20Oct.19 KYOTO MDN D1800Mu2222 1:54.26th/11HayatoMitsuya52.0460% Fulleren 1:52.5 <2> A Shin Ganesa <5> Affilatura 22Sep.19 HANSHIN MDN D1800St 2233 1:56.2 2nd/13 Hayato Mitsuya 51.0 458* Seychelles no Yuhi 1:55.0 <7> Deep Harmony <1 1/4> Lord Gluck 17Aug.19 KOKURA MDN T1800Go2222 1:51.310th/12Fuma Matsuwaka 54.0 456$ Grand Speed 1:49.4 <1/2> Win Rose Bouquet <1 1/4> Tamuro Shine 21Jul.19 CHUKYO NWC T2000Go4432 2:05.47th/16Fuma Matsuwaka 54.0 464% Roll of Thunder 2:03.9 <2 1/2> Salt Capital <NS> Jun Light Bolt Ow. Hiruno Co.,Ltd. 700,000 S 00000 Life30003M 30003 4 6 55.0 Kazuo Yokoyama(4.9%,14−9−14−249,63rd) Turf20002 I 00000 Hiruno Bruges(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 .Hiruno d’Amour(0.01) .Brian’s Time C2,d.b. Mitsugu Kon(9.5%,16−14−14−124,94th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. /Christie Beam /Rusunai Christie 15Apr.17 Yoneta Bokujo Wet 00000 17Nov.19 KYOTO MDN D1800St 6698 1:55.36th/16Katsuharu Tanaka 55.0 476( Realisateur 1:54.3 <1/2> Salt Capital <NK> Matenro Spark 26Oct.19 KYOTO MDN T1800Yi 10 11 1:52.6 9th/11 Katsuharu Tanaka 55.0 478& Lily Pure Heart 1:51.4 <2 1/2> Derma Lucky Guy <NS> Taste of Honey 10Aug.19 SAPPORO NWC T1500Go 6 3 3 1:31.9 5th/14 Kazuo Yokoyama 54.0 482% Shoryu Haru 1:30.8 <2> It's Our Turn <1 1/4> Meisho Mimosa Ow. K.Thoroughbred Club Ruffian 0 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 4 7 55.0 Hokuto Miyazaki(3.4%,7−7−9−180,93rd) Turf00000 I 00000 Meiner Epicure(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 .I’ll Have Another(0.83).Marvelous Sunday C2,ch. Yuji Wada(5.1%,12−12−17−195,124th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. /Super Woman /Along Flora 13Jun.17 Big Red Farm Wet 10001 10Nov.19 TOKYO MDN D1600St 12 12 1:41.5 8th/14 Daichi Shibata 55.0 472, Danon Pharaoh 1:38.5 <1 1/4> Newton Tesoro <DS> D S Proof 19Oct.19 TOKYO NWC D1600Sl 14 13 1:40.6 12th/16 Daichi Shibata 55.0 470+ Ugo 1:36.9 <3 1/2> Gempachi Mighty <1/2> Fluffy Cloud Ow. Three H Racing Co.,Ltd. 0 S 00000 Life20002M 10001 5 8 55.0 Yasunari Iwata(8.6%,65−95−81−516,11th) Turf20002 I 10001 Peace Bonheur(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 .Rulership(1.30) .Sunday Silence C2,b. Makoto Saito(10.4%,36−38−24−248,12th) Course00000E 00000 Ylw. /Peace of World /Vivante Meule 30May.17 Chiyoda Farm Shizunai Wet 00000 16Nov.19 TOKYO MDN T2000Fi 14 13 13 2:01.8 11th/16 Hiroyuki Uchida 55.0 492+ Satono Flag 1:59.5 <3> Dejimano Hana <1 3/4> Meiner Andes 26Oct.19 TOKYO NWC T1600Go 13 13 1:36.9 10th/17 Takuya Ono 55.0 484) Aoi Creator 1:35.7 <1/2> Kotobuki Thetis <NK> Chronometer Ow. Tsuyoshi Ono 9,300,000 S 00000 Life50401M 50401 5 9 55.0 Yutaka Take(17.2%,101−74−59−352,4th) Turf20101 I 00000 Jet Max(USA) Dirt30300L 00000 .Goldencents(1.58) .Carson City C2,b. Hideyuki Mori(5.4%,14−17−19−207,107th) Course00000E 00000 Ylw. /Song’n Dance /Song for Par Ci 17Mar.17 C. Kidder & N. Cole Wet 00000 10Nov.19 KYOTO MDN D1800St 1111 1:54.0 2nd/15 Yutaka Take 55.0 494" A Shin Ganesa 1:53.9 <1/2> Jet Max <3> Little Clever 14Oct.19 KYOTO MDN D1800Go8833 1:54.6 2nd/10 Yutaka Take 55.0 484! Hakuai Windsor 1:54.4 <1 1/4> Jet Max <5> Rhone Glacier 28Sep.19 HANSHIN MDN D1800St 8853 1:54.9 2nd/16 Yutaka Take 54.0 486" Filo Rosso 1:54.2 <4> Jet Max <1> Hokko Akatsuki 7Sep.19 HANSHIN MDN T1400Fi 8 8 1:22.1 5th/11 Yutaka Take 54.0 488! Lugar Santo 1:21.4 <3> Noble Liger <3/4> Smart Kryos 18Aug.19 NIIGATA NWC T1600Fi 3 3 1:38.1 2nd/16 Katsuharu Tanaka 54.0 496& Rinen Fashion 1:37.9 <1 1/4> Jet Max <HD> Avancer Verite Ow. Win Co.,Ltd. 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 6 10 52.0 Taisei Danno(5.8%,21−24−27−293,46th) Turf00000 I 00000 Win Skog(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 .Sinister Minister(0.86).Deep Sky C2,ch. Takafumi Aoki(2.8%,6−7−12−187,162nd) Course00000E 00000 Grn. /Norway no Mori /Lady Chloris 20Feb.17 Fujisawa Farm Wet 00000 9Nov.19 TOKYO NWC D1600St 10 9 1:42.0 10th/16 Taito Mori 55.0 456' Nile River 1:39.1 <1/2> Tsukimade Todoke <2 1/2> Evviva Ow. Nagoya Keiba 750,000 S 00000 Life30003M 30003 6 11 55.0 Ryuji Wada(7.7%,65−78−73−626,12th) Turf10001 I 00000 Meikei Spirits(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 'Spielberg(0.17) 'To ny B i n C2,b. Hidenori Take(6.7%,16−25−12−186,86th) Course00000E 00000 Grn. (Dryad (Oak Tree 25Apr.17 Shadai Farm Wet 00000 16Nov.19 KYOTO MDN D1800St 12 12 14 15 1:56.3 10th/15 Daisaku Matsuda 55.0 484% Baccarat 1:53.5 <1 1/4> Le Bel Age <NK> Rocky Thunder 2Nov.19 KYOTO MDN D1800St 3322 1:56.94th/12RyujiWada 55.0478" Mario Mach 1:56.0 <NK> Sherbet Fizz <HD> Clever Barows 18Aug.19 KOKURA NWC T1800Fi 78810 1:53.2 10th/16 Kohei Matsuyama 54.0 466$ Champ de Fleurs 1:52.1 <3/4> Valcos <1 1/4> Mikki Rose Ow. Teruya Yoshida 0 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 7 12 B 54.0 Atsuya Nishimura(8.7%,53−51−55−449,16th) Turf00000 I 00000 Swear(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 'Swept Overboard(0.57)'Symboli Kris S C2,b. Hiroaki Sugiura(6.0%,15−13−24−198,100th) Course00000E 00000 Org. (Black Athena (Croupier Star 30Apr.17 Shadai Farm Wet 00000 9Nov.19 TOKYO MDN D1600St 1111 1:40.2 8th/16 Ikuya Kowata 53.0 508# Thunder Blitz 1:38.8 <3 1/2> Shigeru Mikazuki <3/4> Nature Curren 28Jul.19 SAPPORO NWC D1700St 9 12 13 10 1:50.7 8th/14 Takeshi Yokoyama 53.0 492! Serein 1:48.7 <3/4> Yaugau <1 1/2> Cobalt Wing Ow.

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