2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on ANALYTICAL and BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 11-14 March 2020 2nd International Congress on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2nd ICABC 2020) PROCEEDING BOOK Editor: Mehmet Yaman 11-14 March 2020 Antalya-Turkey 1 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on ANALYTICAL and BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 11-14 March 2020 ICABC 2020 SPONSORS Preface The organizing committee of the 2nd ICABC 2020 would like to welcome all participants to the "2nd International Congress on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry ", held in Antalya between 11-14 March 2020. The 2nd ICABC 2020 was started one year ago and covers all areas of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry as well as applications of Chemical and Biochemical Analysis. The scientific congress program consists of 18 sessions that include 26 invited and 52 oral presentations as well as 62 posters to be presented in the respective sessions. In addition, researchers of Academia (56 universities from 14 countries) and Research Institutes will present up-to-date developments on analytical and bioanalytical chemistry as well as applications to a wide range of environmental, biological and food matrices. We strongly believe that the discussions and the exchange of ideas among the participants during the 4 days of the meeting will make 2nd ICABC a brilliant platform to initiate new research collaborations, particularly in favor of the young scientists participating in the conference. We wish you all to enjoy this conference and have a pleasant stay in Antalya, hoping to meet you again during the next ICABCs. With our best regards The Chair (on behalf of Organizing Committee) Prof. Dr. Mehmet YAMAN Firat University, Science Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Elazig-Turkey 2 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on ANALYTICAL and BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 11-14 March 2020 ICABC 2020 COMMITTEES INVITED SPEAKERS Antony Calokerinos (Athen U/GR) Resat Apak–(Istanbul U/TR) Arūnas Ramanavicius (Vilnius U/LT) Ulla Wollenberger (Potsdam U/DE) Gulay Bayramoglu (Gazi U/TR) Frieder V. Scheller (Potsdam U)/DE Bezhan Chankvetadze (Tbilisi U/GER) Boguslaw Buszewski (N. Copernicus U/PL Durisehvar UNAL (Istanbul U/TR), Sibel A. Ozkan (Ankara U/TR) Perihan Unak (Ege U/TR), Trajce Stafilov (SS Cyril Meth U/MC) Hasan Turkez (Erzurum Tech. U/TR), Sezgin Bakirdere (Yildiz Tech. U/TR) Burhan Ates (Inonu U/TR), Fatma Akar (Gazi U/TR) Ismail Hakki Boyaci (Hacettepe U/TR), Arzum Erdem Gursan - Ege U/TR Mustafa Soylak (Erciyes U/TR), Suna Timur-Ege U/TR Mustafa K. Sezginturk (Canakkale 18 Mart U/TR), Ibrahim Isildak-Yildiz Tech. U/TR Mutay Aslan-(Akdeniz U/TR), Agnieszka Nosal-Wiercinska-M.C.S. U/PL Osman Yavuz Ataman (METU/TR) Almira Ramanaviciene-Vilnius U/LT INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Arturs VIKSNA Latvia U.-LV Iryna Kravchenko-Odessa N. P. U/UA Antony CALOKERINOS Athens U.-GR Altan Ercan-Abdullah Gul-U/TR Egon-Erwin ROSENBERG Wien Tech. U.-AT Kasim Ocakoglu-Tarsus U/TR Arūnas RAMANAVICIUS Vilnius U.-LT Aysu Yarman-Potsdam U/DE Bezhan CHANKVETADZE (Tbilisi U/GER) Nabil A. Fakhre- Salahaddin U/IQ Ilmutdin M. ABDULAGATOV Dagestan St U.-RU Bengi Uslu-Ankara U/TR Trajce STAFILOV (SS Cyril Meth U/MC) Evrim Gunes Altuntas-Ankara U/TR Eva BULSKA-Warszaw U/PL Sibel A. OZKAN Ankara U.-TR Yurij STETSYSHYN Lviv U/UA Mustafa SOYLAK Erciyes U.-TR Ali Rehber TURKER-Gazi U/TR F. Nil ERTAS-Ege U.-TR Nevin ERK-Ankara U/TR Arzum ERDEM GURSAN-Ege U.-TR Fırat AYDIN Dicle U/TR Mustafa ERSOZ-Selcuk U.-TR Ozlem SOGUT-Ege U/TR Serife TOKALIOGLU Erciyes U.-TR Burhan Ates (Inonu U/TR), Belgin IZGI Uludag U.-TR Ulla Wollenberger (Potsdam U/DE) Bedia Erim BERKER ITU-TR Frieder V. Scheller (Potsdam U)/DE Zafer YAZICIGIL- Selcuk U.-TR Boguslaw Buszewski (N. Copernicus U/PL B. Filiz SENKAL- Istanbul Tech. U.-TR Albanis TRIANTAFYLLOS-Ioannina U/GR Sławomira SKRZYPEK- Lodz U.-PL Gulay Bayramoglu (Gazi U/TR) Agnieszka Nosal-Wiercinska-M.C.S. U/PL Shahabeddin Memon-Sindh U/PK Fatma Akar (Gazi U/TR) Sedef KIR-Hacettepe U/TR Balal Khalilzadeh-Tabriz U/IR Engin Şahna- Firat U/TR Almira RAMANAVICIENE-Vilnius U/LT Mustafa Karatepe-Firat U/TR Irina KARADJOVA Sofia U/BG Nesrin Kartal Ozer-Marmara U/TR Rawil FAKHRULLIN Kazan Federal U. Republic of Vural Gokmen-Hacettepe U/TR Tataristan (RU) Yasemin Oztekin-Selcuk U/TR Selim ERDOGAN Inonu U.-TR Julide Hizal YUCESOY Yalova U/TR Levent PELIT-Ege U.-TR Triantafyllos Almpanis- Ioannina U/GR Mehmet OZTURK-Mugla U.-TR Ilker Saygili-Sanko U/TR Aysegul GOLCU-Istanbul Tech. U.-TR Perihan Unak (Ege U/TR), Ryszard LOBINSKI - Pau U.-FR Hasan Turkez (Erzurum Tech. U/TR), Adil DENIZLI - Hacettepe U.-TR Hasan Ertas-Ege U/TR Bekir SALIH - Hacettepe U.-TR Zeynep Altintas- TU/DE Ilhami GULCIN - Ataturk U.-TR S. Beniz Gunduz-Selcuk U/TR Ismail Hakki BOYACI - Hacettepe U.-TR Ersin Guler-Selcuk U/TR Mustafa K SEZGINTURK-Canakkale 18 Mart U/TR Mustafa Celebier-Hacettepe U/TR Sezgin BAKIRDERE-Yildiz Tech. U.-TR Fusun Pelit- Ege U/TR Resat APAK–Istanbul U.-TR Tugba Boyunegmez Tumer- Canakkale 18 Mart U/TR Osman Yavuz ATAMAN-METU—TR Emine Akyuz Turumtay-Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Seref GUCER-Uludag U.-TR U/TR Mehmet YAMAN- Firat U.-TR Yasemin Sahan- Uludag U/TR Durisehvar UNAL- Istanbul U.-TR Ibrahim Kivrak-Mugla U/TR Yusuf DILGIN, Canakkale 18 Mart U.-TR Mariia Nesterkina - Odessa N. P. U/UA Gokce KAYA- Firat U.-TR 3 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on ANALYTICAL and BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 11-14 March 2020 Erdem YEŞILADA- Yeditepe U.-TR Elif TUMAY OZER-Uludag U.-TR Utkan DEMIRCI- Stanford U.- USA Ersin KILINC, Dicle U.-TR Suna TIMUR-Ege U.- Turkey Emirhan NEMUTLU, Hacettepe U.-TR Zuhre SENTURK-Van Yuzuncu Yil U.-TR Sadin OZDEMIR-Mersin U.-TR Michael BOLSHOV Rus. Ac. Sci.-RU Serap Saglik ASLAN, Istanbul U.-TR Saadet GUMUSLU-Akdeniz U.-TR Nagihan KARAASLAN AYHAN, Munzur U. TR Engin ULUKAYA-Istinye U.-TR Umran SEVEN ERDEMİR-Uludag U. TR Sema ERDEMOGLU-Inonu U.-TR Veysel T. YILMAZ, Uludag U. TR Ibrahim ISILDAK-Yildiz Tech. U.-TR Ugur TAMER, Gazi U. TR Metin AK-Pamukkale U.-TR Gulberk UCAR, Hacettepe U. TR Najma MEMON, Sindh U.-PK Elif Apohan, Inonu U. TR Sema BAGDAT, Balikesir U.-TR Mehmet Emin DURU- Mugla. U.-TR Organizing Committee Members Prof. Dr. Seref GUCER-Uludag U. Prof. Dr. Yusuf DILGIN-Canakkale 18 Mart U Prof. Dr. F. Nil Ertas - Ege U. Prof. Dr. Slavomira Skrzypek Lodz U/PL Prof. Dr. Gokce KAYA-Firat U. Prof. Dr. Mehmet YAMAN-Firat U 4 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on ANALYTICAL and BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 11-14 March 2020 ICABC 2020 Chair Prof. Dr. Mehmet YAMAN-Firat University. Organizing Committee-Secretariat Mehmet Yaman (Firat U.), Nazime Ebrar Karlidag (Yildiz Technical U.) Gokce Kaya (Firat U.), Buket Cesur (Yildiz Technical U.) Umran Seven Erdemir (Uludag U), Serkan Topal (Yildiz Technical U.) Mehmet Gumustas (Ankara U), Bedrihan Kurtoğlu (Yildiz Technical U.) Hazal Ozyurt (Near East U), Ayça Girgin (Yildiz Technical U.) Nagihan Karaaslan Ayhan(Munzur U), Merve Fırat Ayyıldız(Yildiz Technical U.) Emine Akyuz Turumtay-Recep Tayyib Erdogan U Süleyman Bodur(Yildiz Technical U.) Nur Tarimeri (Canakkale 18 Mart U), Elif Yazıcı (Yildiz Technical U.) Bahar İnce(Canakkale 18 Mart U) Burcu Kartal (Canakkale 18 Mart U) Berfin Vural(Canakkale 18 Mart U) Burcu Yaman (Canakkale 18 Mart U) Meltem Caliskan(Canakkale 18 Mart U) Kenan Can Tok (Ankara U), İnci Uludağ (Canakkale 18 Mart U) Aryan Qader (Firat U.), Murat Celiker(Firat U.), Musir Salih (Firat U.), Sevda Gultekin (Firat U.), Tuğberk N Dizdaş(Ege U), Nursu Aylin Kasa (Yildiz Technical U.), Tuğba Yavuz(Ege U), Buse Tugba Zaman (Yildiz Technical U.), Merve Çınar(Ege U), Busra Yilmaz Durak (Yildiz Technical U.) Hande İzem Özok (Ege U), Zeynep Tekin (Yildiz Technical U.) Özğür Göbek (Uludağ U) Nihan Atsever (Yildiz Technical U.) Yiğit Kıran(Uludağ U) Tulay Borahan (Yildiz Technical U.) Rumeysa Ozcan (Yildiz Technical U.) GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction The 2nd International Congress on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry will be held on 11-14 March 2020 in Antalya-Turkey is a four-days scientific meeting covering all areas of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry and applications of Chemical and Biochemical Analysis. The international congresses have provided an excellent framework for the presentation of new concepts, instruments, methods, and applications in the area of modern chemical and biochemical analysis. Researchers and scientists from Universities, Research Institutions, State Organizations, and the Industry come together during the meeting to present and discuss the current state of the art in those areas. At the same time, it provides the grounds for the graduate and postgraduate students to present their projects, discuss scientific collaborations with other groups, as well as to explore employment opportunities. An exhibition of analytical and bioanalytical instruments and accessories will be also organized in the conference place whereas social events are planned to be included in the program of the. 2nd ICABC 2020. I strongly believe that young researchers will have chance to improve their knowledge in deep of the analytical and bioanalytical chemistry by coming together with experienced scientists including invited speakers and scientific committee members. 5 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on ANALYTICAL and BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 11-14 March 2020 ICABC 2020 Topics To promote collaboration among analytical and bioanalytical (including biochemists, food engineering, molecular biology and genetics and similars) scientists from different countries, “2nd ICABC 2020” will provide adequate opportunities. The topics include all areas of analytical and bioanalytic chemistry in applications such as, but not limited to, environmental, biological and food matrices, environmental protection, biochemical studies, drug characterisation, method innovation and validation, instrumental development and applications, sensors and nanobiosensors, chromatography, spectrometry and electrochemistry.
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