Eur Reaplr J CASE REPORT 1991 ' 4, 902-904 Three cases of idiopathic bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia J. Alegre-Martin*, T. Fernandez de Sevilla*, F. Garcia**, V. Falc6*, J.M. Martinez-Vazquez* Three cases of idiopathic bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumo­ Depts of •Internal Medicine and ••Pathology, nia. J. Alegre-Martin, T. Fernandez de Sevilla, F. Garcia, V. Falc6, J.M. Hospital General Valle Hebr6n and Medical School, Martinez-Vazquez. Universidad Autonoma, Barcelona, Spain. ABSTRACT: Three patients with bronchiolitis obliterans organizing Correspondence: I . Alegre-Martin, c/Juan de Garay pneumonia are described. Chest X·ray films showed peripheral densities 19-21 3G 1• 08026 Barcelona, Spain. and pulmonary function tests a restrictive pattern. In all three cases transbronchlal biopsy was not useful for diagnosis and we point out the Keywords: Idiopathic bronchiolitis obliterans; Importance of an open lung biopsy In order to make the differential organizing pneumonia. diagnosis with other infiltrative lung disease with a different prognosis and therapy. Received: April 18, 1990; accepted after revision Eur Respir J., 1991, 4, 902-904. March 27, 1991. Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia with methylprednisolone with a good clinical and (BOOP) is defined by the presence of masses of organ­ radiological response. Eight months after discharge he izing granulation tissue in the bronchiolar lumen with is asymptomatic. obliteration of alveolar spaces. It is caused by a diver­ sity of agents and may be associated with a number of different diseases (1]. The idiopathic form is a rela­ Case 2 tively rare disease, although the clinical and histologi­ A 49 yr old male with one pack-day of smoking was ca.l patterns are well characterized, that has a good admitted to hospital because of fever, cough with response to therapy with steroids [2, 3]. purulent sputum, chest pain and dyspnoea since twelve We describe three patients which were diagnosed as days before. On examination the patient appeared acutely having bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneu­ ill. The temperature was 39•c. Crackles and ronchi were monia by open lung biopsy. heard in the right lung. X-ray film of the chest revealed alveolar opacities in both lower lobes. Laboratory stud­ ies showed normal levels of serum electrolytes and Case reports chemical values. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate 1 was 138 mm·hr· • A normocytic-normochromic anae­ Case 1 mia with negative direct Coomb's test was detected. All bacteriological and immunological studies were normal, A 68 yr old male with one pack-day of smoking was and sputum cytologies were negatjve. Spirometry in good health until two months earlier when he devel­ revealed a moderate restrictive pattern. In the broncho­ oped asthenia, anorexia and weight loss. He was alveolar lavage of the right lower lobe there were 93% referred to our hospital for evaluation. Physical exami­ macrophages, 6.1% lymphocytes and 0.8% neutrophils. nation was normal. Chest X-ray film disclosed an Transbronchial biopsy of the right lower lobe disclosed alveolar consolidation with signs of atelectasis in the normal lung tissue. Because of worsening of the patient right upper lobe. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate 1 an open lung biopsy was performed and the histological was 66 mm p·h· • The white cell count was normal. analysis revealed a bronchiolitis obliterans with organ­ Immunological and bacteriological studies were negative. izing pneumonia. Steroid therapy was started and the Spirometry revealed a moderate restrictive pattern. In clinical and radiological response was successful. the bronchoalveolar lavage of the right upper lobe, guided by chest X-ray, there were 26% macrophages, 57% lymphocytes and 18% neutrophils. Transbronchial Case 3 biopsy of the right upper lobe showed only hyperplasia of alveolar cells. During the next days fever and dysp­ A 65 yr old male with one pack-day of smoking noea developed and subsequent X-ray film showed new was referred to the hospital because of asthenia, alveolar densities. An open lung biopsy was performed anorexia, weight loss and blood-streaked sputum. and disclosed bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing Physical examination was normal. Laboratory studies pneumonia (figs lA and B). The patient was treated showed a normocytic-normochromic anaemia with BRONCiflOLmS OBurERANS ORGANIZING PNEUMONIA 903 A B Fig. 1. - Granulation-tissue organization of inflammatory exudate extending from bronchiolus (A), into alveolar ducts and alveoli (B), lung biopsies from case 1. (Haematoxylin-eosin; original magnification x32). negative direct Coomb's test. The erythrocyte sedimen­ predominance in the bronchoalveolar lavage in the first tation rate was 125 mm·hr-1• Chest X-ray film patient, the normocytic-normochromic anaemia with an revealed an opacity in the left upper lobe with cavita­ excellent response to steroid therapy in cases 2 and 3 tion. All bacteriological and immunological studies and and also the presence of cavitation in the X-ray film of sputum cytologies were normal. Spirometry disclosed a the third patient, which is exceptional in this restrictive pattern. In the bronchoalveolar lavage of the disease [2]. left upper lobe there were 92% macrophages, Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia 4.3% lymphocytes and 2.5% neutrophils. Transbroncbial must be differentiated from other infiltrative lung biopsy of the left upper lobe disclosed normal diseases such as classic bronchiolitis obliterans, chronic lung tissue. During the next days new opacities app.eared eosinophilic pneumonia and cryptogenic fibrosing in the X-ray film; an open lung biopsy was performed, alveolitis [9]. This diagnostic distinction is important and the histologic study showed bronchiolitis obliterans because patients with bronchiolitis obliterans have a very with organizing pneumonia. The most conspicuous cells good response to steroid therapy, that is why we think were foamy macrophages occupying free alveolar that an open lung biopsy must be performed when there airspaces and some neutrophils, eosinophils and lym­ is a suspicion of this disease. phocytes were occasionally found within the lumen of airspaces. The response with steroid therapy was satisfactory with chest roentgenograms returning to References normal or nearly normal. 1. Gosink BB, Friedman PJ, Liebow AA. -Bronchiolitis obliterans. Roentgenologic-pathologic correlation. AIR, 1973, Discussion 117, 816-832. 2. Epler GR, Colby TV, McLound TC, Carrington CB, Gaensler EA. - Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneu­ The spectrum of aetiological factors associated with monia. N Engl J Med, 1985, 312, 152-158. bronchiolitis obliterans includes a number of different 3. Cordier JF, Loire R, Brune J. - Idiopathic bronchiolitis causes such as fume exposures, infections [4], con­ organizing pneumonia. 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Les clich~s thoraciques comparison of bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneu­ ont montre des opacites pulmonaires peripheriques, et les monia and small airways disease. Am Rev Respir Dis, 1987, tests fonctionnels pulmonaires un syndrome restrictif. Dans 135, 705-712. les trois cas, la biopsie transbronchique n' a pas ete utile au diagnostic, et no us insistons sur I' importance d 'une Observation clinique. Trois cas de bronchiolite oblitirante biopsie pulmonaire l ciel ouvert pour permettre un idiopathique avec pneumonie fibrosante. J. Alegre-Martin, diagnostic diff~rentiel avec d'autres maladies pulmonaires T. Fernandez de Sevilla, F. Garcia, V. Falco, J.M. infiltratives ayant un pronostic et une tbCrapeutique Martinez-Vasquez. differents. RESUME: Nous d~crivons trois observations de bronchiolite Eur Respir J., 1991, 4, 902-904. .
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