Transportation Research Record 909 19 5. The time required to travel a fixed distance 6. A.C. Malliaris, H. Hsia, and H. Gould. Concise under full acceleration was shorter for an average Description of Auto Fuel Economy and Perfor­ 1979 automobile and a poorly performing 1981 model mance in Recent Model Years. SAE, New York, than for the assumed 1937 design passenger· vehicle. SAE Paper 760045, 1976, 13 pp. Over a given distance, the times were 33 percent 7. World Almanac. Newspaper Enterprise Associa­ shorter for the 1979 automobile and 23 percent tion, Inc., New York, 1973. shorter for the 1981 model than for the design pas­ 8. E.E. Seger and R.S. Brink. Trends of Vehicle senger vehicle. Thus, modern automobiles can ac­ Dimensions and Performance Characteristics from celerate across and clear an intersection in less 1960 through 1970. HRB, Highway Research Rec­ time than the 1937 automobile. Consequently, the ord 420, 1972, pp. 1-15. intersection sight distance criteria given in the 9. W.D. Glauz, o.w. Harwood, and A.O. St. John. AASHO Blue Book remain appropriate for current use. Projected Vehicle Characteristics through However, the acceleration capability of new cars 1995. Presented at the 59th Annual Meeting, should be monitored at regular intervals in the TRB, Jan. 1980, 31 pp. future should vehicles powered by alternative fuels 10. M.I. Weinberg and K.J. Tharp. Application of or energy sources become as popular as it has been Vehicle Operating Characteristics to Geometric widely projected. Design and Traffic Conditions. NCHRP, Rept. 68, 1969, 38 pp. REFERENCES 11. C.W. Prisk. Passing Practices on Rural High­ ways. HRB Proc., Vol. 21, 1941, pp. 366-378. 1. Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways. 12. D.W. Loutzenheiser. Speed-Change Rates of Pas­ AASHO, Washington, DC, 1965, 650 pp. senger Vehicles. HRB Proc., Vol. 18, 1938, pp. 2. T.J. Carmichael. Motor Vehicle Performance and 90-98. Highway Safety. HRB Proc., Vol. 32, 1953, pp. 13. L.J. Pignataro. Traffic Engineering: Theory 414-421. and Practice. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 3. K.A. Stonex. Correlation of Future Vehicle and NJ, 1973. Highway Design. ASCE Highway Journal, Sept. 14. P.H. Wright and R.J. Paquette. Highway Engi­ 1962, pp. 47-76. neering. Wiley, New York, 1979. 4. K.A. Stonex. Driver Eye Height and Vehicle 15. D.L. Ivey. Smaller Cars and Highway Safety. Performance in Relation to Crest Sight Distance Texas Transportation Researcher, Vol. 17, April and Length of No-Passing Zones--!: Vehicle 1981, pp. 5-8. Data. HRB, Highway Research Board Bull. 195, 1958, pp. 1-4. 5. K.A. Stonex. Review of Vehicle Dimensions and Performance Characteristics. HRB Proc., Vol. Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Highway Vehicle Re­ 39, 1960, pp. 467-478. search. Federal Government and Integrated Vehicle Development: U.S. Experience R. K. WHITFORD Three integrated vehicle-development programs sponsored by civilian mission cess in the programs and to determine from the expe agencies in the federal government are critically reviewed. A brief historical rience what lessons might be applied to future background and some critical reflections are provided for the Transbus, Experi­ programs. Each vehicle program chosen reflects gov­ mental Safety Vehicle, and Near-Term Electric Vehicle programs. The ernment response to a different perceived public purpose of the assessment was to determine the lessons learned that might be requirement or need. applied in future programs. Funding limitations, relationships with industry, overly stringent specifications, lack of planning, competition (parallel con­ tracts). international participation, and government involvement in com­ 1. The Transbus program was initiated to gen­ mercialization are factors that are examined. Although all are important, erally improve bus aesthetics, passsenger amenities, planning the project following an in-depth requirements analysis and carrying it and the special mobility needs of the elderly and through under a cooperative partnership with industry appear to be the most im­ handicapped by developing a bus with lower overall portant for future programs. floor height and improved boarding and discharge capability. Because the government grants a signif­ icant percentage of the capital for new bus pur­ Vehicle research and development (R&D) programs ini­ chases ( 50-80 percent) , it was planned to improve tiated by the federal government are sometimes buses by using the federal grant power to aggregate viewed by the private sector with alarm and doubt. the market demand and by requiring grant recipients Three recent U.S. vehicle programs are critically to purchase buses according to Transbus specifi­ examined in this paper in order to assess our sue- cations. 20 Transportation Research Record 909 2. The Experimental Safety Vehicle (ESV) program adequate investment. The U.S. space program and and its follow-up program, the Research Safety Vehi­ basic and applied research programs that support cle (RSV), had as their primary goal the support of scientific and engineering activities in universi- automobile safety rulemaking. Basically, the pro­ ties are examples. gram was initiated to determine whether crashworthi­ . ness could be improved through integrated vehicle The government uses a variety of mechanisms to design and, if so, at what cost. The initial pro­ achieve the desired result in each of these catego­ gram dealt with large cars; the following program, ries; basically these are contracts, usually fully with small vehicles (less than 3000 lb). The latter funded, with full government specifications and with program also dealt with concerns for reduced emis­ the R&D results made available to all who wish to sions and enhanced fuel economy. use them. Some contracts, however, are of a cost­ 3. The Near-Term Electric Vehicle program was to sharing variety and allow for protection of propri­ be one of several developments that, if successful, etary development depending on the sharing arrange­ would help the U.S. citizen retain a high level of ment. For basic research, the government often personal mobility and simultaneously meet the na­ grants the money to be used in a mo~e discretionary tional goal of reducing petroleum use. Gasoline way. In addition, the government may also attempt price control and perceived high technological risk to subsidize (often through tax structures) some R&D kept commercial electric-vehicle R&D at a low ebb by rewarding the commercialization of a product or until Congress initiated a program in 1976 to push products. electric vehicles. The Near-Term Electric Vehicle program was one major portion of that R&D effort. TRANSBUS The major results of this assessment are found in Background the concluding section of the paper, entitled Les­ sons Learned. These lessons should be taken into Transbus, an UMTA R&D program, was initiated in 1971 account in planning any new program of vehicle R&D with the stated purpose to (a) improve passenger leading to commercialization and public use. comfort and ride quality, (b) reduce operating and maintenance costs, and (c) provide special features ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN R&D to facilitate its use by the elderly and handi­ capped. The special features to be developed were a The goals of R&D expenditures in the federal sector low floor, two-step entry, kneeling capability, ramp are considered here. Expenditures for near-term or lift to provide for wheelchair entry, increase in technology can be evaluated by standard benefit/cost front door width, and provisions for wheelchair methods. In contrast, longer-term R&D is less locks and turnaround. Other system-level improve­ amenable to quantitative evaluation and depends on ments included service life, curb visibility, and political values and insights at the time of author­ fire resistance. The desires of the transit agen­ ization and appropriation. Furthermore, such pro­ cies were communicated to UMTA through the Bus Tech­ grams in the civilian mission agencies are often nology Committee of the American Public Transit funded on a year-to-year basis and must compete in Association. [Before 1965, General Motors Corpora­ each budget cycle with other priority programs, tion (GMC) had a virtual lock on the bus market--an often new ones resulting from changes in political 85 percent share. GMC's main competition, Flxible, leadership. accounted for the remaining 15 percent. Following a Federally financed R&D programs are usually de­ U.S. Department of Justice suit in 1965, GMC agreed signed to meet one of five basic government fum:­ to allow other companies to buy major bus components tions (!, pp. 305-333): at interdivisional rates. AM General entered the bus-manufacture business in 1971.] Three contracts 1. They are intended to support operational ac­ were awarded (to GMC, Flxible, and AM General) in tivities that are the direct responsibility of the 1972 for the development of a prototype Transbus to federal government, e.g., national defense, surveil­ be followed by 100 preproduction models for service lance of the seacoast, and air traffic control. testing. Nine prototypes (three from each manufac­ 2. They support the regulatory process, either turer), as shown in Figure 1, were delivered in in determining the cost and effectiveness of promul­ 1974; demonstrations were held around the country in gation or in developing the procedures, tools, and 1975. There followed a month-long demonstration in instruments ( such as the ESV) needed for effective revenue service in each of four cities. The pur­ enforcement. The studies and experimental measnre­ chase of the 100 preproduction units was canceled in ments made before the automotive fuel economy regu­ 1975 when UMTA announced that, in lieu of design lation or aircraft noise regulation were essential; specifications, it would develop a performance spec­ compliance test procedures were necessary for the ification for low-floor urban buses that would have enforcement of automobile emission control regu­ performance requirements related to safety, accessi­ lation.
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