"Central Illinois' Only Equity Star Music and Drama Theatre" Guy S. Little, Jr. Presents I Dennis Weaver in "Catch Me If You Can" June 14-26, 1966 Guy S. Little, Jr. PRESENTS DENNIS HEAVER "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN" JACK WE IN STOCK^^^^ WILLIE GILBERT with John Kelso, Ralph Foody, Robert bwaltney, Patti Heider and JERlLl LITTLE Directed by JOHN KELSO Designed by DENNIS DOUGHERTY Production Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager RICHARD GIBSON E. JAMES ROSS CAST Daniel Corbin ............................................ DENNIS WEAVER Inspector Levine ................................................. JOHN KELSO Father Kelleher ................................................ RALPH FOODY Elizabeth Corbin ...............................................JERlLl LITTLE Sidney .................................................. ROBERT GWALTNEY Mrs. Parker ................................................... PAlTl HEIDER Everett Parker ....................................................LES MATHIS SYNOPSIS OF SCENES A summer house in the Catskills - Labor Day weekend Aot I Tmiligbt-about 630 P.M. M I1 ken. 1 : Later that niht Scene 2: The aext wrning ACT 111 Scene 1: 10 minutes latw Scene 9: Immediately later Tbre Will B. A 10 Minute Intermission B.)mm Ach NO SMOKING IN THE THEATRE No Pictures PI..rd'nneras Not Permittoti in Tk.hu PRODUCTION STAFF FOR MR LITTLE Public Relations and Publicity ........Lee fork Production Aeeiwmh ........ Kathleen Brown, Scenery.. ...................... .E. James Ross Pamela Hall. Clifford Mods, lick olly Children's Theatre. .............. .Paula Prancis Holly Mull Perter La &hue: Assistant to Producer .... erome La Pountain Lynn SIav~~~%~ky:and"iarbara Properties ...... Molly Mu!lins. Ra1 Hensley L nn Slavi- alph Heaaky, Barbara Property. Cc-ordinator .......... S reyer &ward, elnne Brown eanne Rostaing, Box Olflce ..... Alma Smith, Kathy ~rimann Lbarts. Mich;el Radigan, and Addie Patterson. Hekn HcCvae and ark Wheeler. Pat Bennett Assistant Techniul Director ...... Bob Lark Artistic Co-Ordinator ........ Andrew Greenhut Assistant to the T.D. ....... M ichapl Shepard Resident Designer .......... DdsDou hcrty Staff Photographer.. ............%ad Mobley Coatumer ..................... Blake ~nterron Head U.hw.. ................. .Kathy Erdmann Ligbtins Designer .................. Bob Lark Apprentice Co-ordinator ........... Bill Baker Executive Secretary.. ............ .Dee Bradley Assistant to Musical Director ...... Oil Fisher CREDITS: General Teh horn Co . Mattoon Royal Order of Moose- Duatur Police Dept.: Moulhie County Sheriffs Office; %r. and .~rs.John Barlor; Best Clinic; ~ibbfr. Bachman Company Inc. Furniture - Carpets - Bedding - Draperies Ph-: 429-521 1 Furnishers of Fine Interiors 240 East Main Stmt 1 Since 1880 Decatur, Illinois OUTBOARDS ENJOY THE SHOW! COME SEE US FOR YOUR OUTDOOR RECREATION STARCRAFT CAMPERS COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES AND ACCESSORIES DEALER ROUTE 121 MT. ZION PH 0N E 864-2361 Compliments of HENDRIX BOTTLING CO. MATTOON, ILLINOIS STATE BANK OF ART'R 543-a11 A FULL SERVICE BANK SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS FDIC adMombor of hmwa systan "FAMOUS FOR STEAKBE' STEAK HOUSE IN DOWNTOWN ARTHUR Arthur, Illinois For Reservations Phone H7-543-2332 WELCOME! UeS. GRANT MOTOR INN To The Tenth Season at The Little Theatre Re16 On The Square DOWNTOWN MATTOON Fin Food Ag~dCocktails I ENGINEERED HUT, tNC. Heating, Air Conditioning Guttering and Electrical Work Phono 3176 - Sullivan Fine Furniture and Carpeting ARTHUR'S FURNITURE 906 E. Wood St - Decatur, Ill. Free Parking Lot - Convenient Credit HOUSE OF PLENTY RESTAURANT AND BAR Producer Guy S. Little, Jr. Home Of The Flying Plate Producer Guy S. Little Jr. became interested in theatre when he was jive years old and. saw Decatur, 111. 423-7751 a touring production of The Mcrw W~dow. When h. was sixteen, he won a scholarship to the Keena New Ham shire Theatre and made his debutsthere in 1851. 11; 1952 and 1953 he returned to the East to appear at the Gate- Combine the Finest in way Musical Playhouse near Atlantic City. H? received his B.A. de ree in 1956 from the Unr- Entertainment with the venity of Miami ritf a major an drama. Whale in the Miami area he appeared at The Rin Finest in Food Theatre in leading roles in Smg of N0ra.y Jyo And The Paycock and sang wath the Mia- ma Opera Guild in support of Metropolitan THE BLUE MILL Opera stare. Guy spent two ears in New York studying at the American $heatre Wing and Phone 423-7717 taking graduate work at Columbia University. DECATUR, ILLINOIS In 1957 he returned to his native Sullivan ?nd opened The Little Theatre-On The Square whlch is the only professional theatre between the Chicago area and St. Louis. During the past nine summer season., Mr. Little has resented over seventy musicals ranging from 0&aka! to My Fair Lady in additon to lays featurin MILLER-O'NEIU such stars as Joe E. Brown, %Iarjorie Lordf Margaret Truman Pat O'Brien. Eddae Bracken, Edward Everett dorton Pcter Palmer Margaret "Decatur's Favorite Store for f Whiting Linda ~arnefiMarie willon David Floor Coverings and Draperies" Nelson 'Tab Hunter nkar aret 0'~riek ulia ~ead; June ~llyso; ~dbByrnes and dose- mary hrmz Mr ~itilehas resentedzduc- DECATUR, ILLINOIS tions of to ~iewerld-I #.at TO t off A Funny ~gingHappened on The Way to th; Fonmr with Eddie Bracken. Irma La Douce and Tao Por The Seesaw with Rosemary Prh on tour throughout the mid-west. GUY met his wife Jerili when they were Restaurant both stu kg theat;e at be University of Miami. aey have been married twelve ye- @ Cocktail and hare two children, Vanessa, age ten, and Lounge I "Ze azefri"n of a Bar theatre for ten Swimming ear8 in a town with a populatioa of 4,000 has i:een called "the miracle of Sullivan" by tba- Pa01 I tre historian.. Gu b Little,. Jr. grat=fully 1 salutes the feithfuf central Illanoie aud~ences 460 E. Pershing Rd. who have patronized The Little Theatre-On The Square aince 1957. Ph. 217-877-7255 DecaCur, lllinoir a- -- - YOUR CROPS CAN BE 'STAR PERFORMERS' UNDER THE FULL- YlElD FERTlllTY PROGRAM ACCURATE, STATE-APPROVED SOIL TESTS GRACE SLURRY MIX - The balanced, complete mixed broad- cast fertilizer, made locally for YOUR soil! GRACE SLURRY MIX STARTER - The Big Payload Starter- applied with standard liquid starter attachment! GRACE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA - The most concentrated form of nitrogen for super yields. SEE YOUR W. R. GRACE DEALER July 19-31 I JOHN CARRADINE I PETER I -------. - WADE'S DRIVE-IN CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY SHIRT FINISHING COLD STORAGE CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANED PHONE 4212 For Your Travel ESTABLISHED 1872 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK H. POST & SONS TRAVEL BUREAU Decrtur, Illinois JEWELERS MATTOON TRAVEL CENTER Corner Prairie & Merchant Streets Mattoon, Illinois Telephone 423-9781 Enjoy The Little Theatre In Sullivan And the Hit Shows In New York DECATUR, ILLINOIS r - -- -- -..-. MUTUAL TAKES THE CONFUSION OUT OF SAVINGS PROGRAMS Forget about special contracts . certificates . fixed amounts of deposits . mandatory waiting periods. Save the uncomplicated way at Mutual and enjoy all the benefits of the most sensible savings program available. Mutual pays 4y2% dividends backed b a 61 year perfect record of safety. There are no limitations on dqosits or w~thdrawals, and dividends may be added to your account or mailed directly to you. Mutual also pays the postage both ways on every mail transaction. Join the Sensibles now saving at Mutual! 1 35 EAST MAIN DECATUR, ILLINOIS ..I Trndifio71 rrf Srrvirr That Began in 1904 DINING ROOM COCKTAIL LOUNGE Intersection 133 and 45 ARCOLA, ILLINOIS Private Dining Room for Parties WEEK DAYS - 5:OO-9:30 SATURDAYS - 5:OO-11:OO SUNDAYS - 12:OO-, 8:30 (or after theatre with regervations) RESERVATIONS - Phone Arcola 2684949 Fin's Townhouse Steaks, Seafoods, Spaghetti, Homemade Pies EAST SIDE OF SQUARE SULLIVAN About the Staff. ANDREW GREENHUT RICHARD GIBSON Artistic Co-Ordinator Stage Manager Andrew Greenhut returns to Sullivan for his Mr. Gibson is a new staff member at The sixth season at The Little Theatre-On The Little Theatre-On The Square this season, Sguare. after being absent during the 1965 sea- coming to Sullivan with a great deal of out- son. In addition to having supervision of the standing professional experience. Mr. Gibson scene7 and costume deslgn?, Mr. Greenhut first worked in summer stock at Highland will dlrect Tbe World of Suz~eWong and one Park's Music Tent and then sta e managed at of the musical productions. He has been as- the Shady Lane Playhouse in sarengo before sociated with a wide range of productions from workin off-Broadway on Tbe Days Ad Nights the brassy Latin Quarter Revue in Miami of ~ee%eeFenaterntaker. Mr. Gibson who holds Beach to THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. At a masters in theatre arts from anb baa Univer- the University of Miami Ring Theatre he has sity. has directed for WGN-TV in Chicago and served as lighting deai ~rofessiohally he has served aa lighting designer for St. Louia' has designed for the g&lt Playhouse In Crystal Palace. Miami Beach and man other theatres throu h out the country. For tze past three years: 4; Greenhut has been teachln at the Unlverslty of DENNIS DOUGHERTY Delaware and ha8 directe! productions of Sud- denly Last Summer Lwk Homeward, An d Au#iah Designer and Oh Wbat A ~o;ely War in Newark, ~efa- Dennis Dou herty recently received his M.A. ware. in theatre at fndiana University where he had a Designing Fellowahip for the Indiana Theatre Repertory Company. A native of Minneapolis. JOHN KELSO Mr. Dougherty received hia B.A. from Minne- sota's St. Cloud State College. He has designed Dimtor The GIau Mep.gmsne, Itahan Straw Hst and John Kelso wan first seen in Sullivan in Tbe Miracle Worker for Pine Beach Playhouse Bells Are Ringin the opening production of and Theatre L'Homme Dieu The 1966 season the 1959 season. Since that time. he has been marks Mr. Dou here's first assignment at The a popular actor-singer-dancer in A Funny Thing Little g heat re-8n The Square.
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