THURUNA \ The Magazine of f CABRAMATTA HIGH SCHOOL \ \ 1967 THURUNA ~1 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL - Mr. R. RUSHBROOKE HEADMASTER'S MESSAGE This issue of Thuruna records the the younger people as represented by the achievements of our school over the past pupils of this school. Your teachers have year. I hope you share with me the firm this confidence in you for no teacher could belief that this is a record of which we find any true reward in his labours without can be proud. it. In these times when the exploits and I am sure that when our departing achievements of our young people lie un­ seniors establish themselves in the outside noticed in the shadow of the adverse pub­ world their efforts will justify this confidence licity so freely given to the deficiencies and that the staff and their parents have in them. delinquency of a minority of today's youth, They are lucky to be able to follow the splen­ it is important that faith in the coming gener­ did example set by their predecessors. The ation be stated firmly and broadcast widely. pupils who remain at school must also It is well to remember that in today's climate endeavour to carry on the fine traditions of change, doubt and mistrust there are established so quickly in such a young many who have an unshaken confidence school as Cabramatta High. • 2 71/URUNA lI EDITORIAL The creation or a school magazine is communal atmosphere in the school and a task which is basically that of the school home may result. Learning and education as a whole. It may not possinly be a success in their broadest senses mny move more without the co-operation or every school rewardingly forward. It is therefor(! sincerely member. I am happy to rcort that in 1967 hoped that no pupil will bo without this Miss Bruce and I have received the utmost year's magazine. co-operation from children and staff alike. Literature This alone, has allowed us to have the In this year's publication w,c have found magazine published on time. and to maintain th..:! literature to be or its usual promising we hope the high standard or rormcr years. standard, although perhnps a little thin in extent. Congratulations go to The purpose of the magazine: Phillip Mataruga (Prose) and .lean Knox If a school is to see itself as a unit, (Poetry) l'or their very enjoyable and mature possessing what may be called common contributions. .Jim lrvin~s· piec..:! on history aspiations, many nlCtors beside an annual was also a pleasure lo read. magazine are important. However a success­ The CommH tee l'ul magazine plays no unimportant part I would lik.: to thank the committee in this common aim. Through it we may !'rom firth yc:ar. Their contributions were look back on the year's achievement on the or uniformly high standard and they are lielcl of sport, in the scholastic lield. in now under the greater pressure of extended the many functions commonly enjoyed, school years. Sandra Williams, essay on and above all on the friendships and ass­ "The British Migrant" and Lyn Adams' on ociations or one year of our school lire. "The Wyndham Scheme" were both honest The magazine may well recall for us that and inl'ormativc. ! which we have appreciated most in the Many thanks and farewell to 1'11c Headmaster school. 'it is a fact that all the peoplc of It is important furthermore. that this Cabramatta High School have worked most magazine does somzthing to nllow the happily with Mr. Rushbrookc since he came children to project their point of view, to the school in 1964. In particular he has and their own impressions of the school been extremely hclpl'ul to the magazine I and indeed the world quite freely. In this staff. At all times he has been available way a magazine or this nature becomes and helpful in both small and major tasks. imperative in any democratic system of The commitlcc and editors express tl1cir education. Only because or this is the rc:grcts at his departure. We wish him well I magazine worth reading and digesting. It in his new appointment which is at least is no less vauable in not only allowing more convenient to his home. pupils to communicate to classmates that Finally a word of' thanks must go to to their teachers and all adu\ls. If something Miss E. Bruce and Mr. I. Creighton who is achieved in this respect then a happier have !'..O ably assisted in Lhis year's venture. Magazine Committee: Left to right. S. Williams, T Kononewski. S. Adam, Mr. F. Wilson, F. McLaughlin THE STAFF Bock Row, left 10 righi ~- C. ROBERTS, P. BERRY, P. REED, E. TURNBULL. J. LAMMAS. N. HILLIER, C. SOUTH, K. SIMPSON. J. ASTON, t. CREIGHTON, K. GRANT, J. STYLE, C. BAKER. ThirdRow,fofttonght -- B. MITFORD. Mrs. H. VIMLATI, Miss B. CLEARY, Miss E. BRUCE Miss M. RYAN, Miss f"'. SANBORN, Miss V. CANSICK, Miss J. WATFORD, Miss 0. MITCHELL. Miss t. SENKOLOVjCS, Miss R. BUCKWORTH, Miss E. HAYWARD, Miss M. HANCOCK, Miss C. GORNALL, Mrs. M. AITKEN, Mr. F. WILSON. Second Row, lefi to right - T. SOMERVILLE, Miss J. HUBBARD, J. FRENCH, 0. FIRTH. F. BARNES, Miss J. MILLER, Miss V. MORAN, Miss J. BAILEY, Miss C. CHALKER, C. BARNES, J. CURTIS, G. SLADEN, Miss I. Friedmann, Miss L HADLEY. Front Row, left to right - B. HAMILL. Miss J. KING, D. COURTS Science Maner, J. LAMBERT Eng/ishuHistory Moster, Mrs. V. Porteus Home Science Misuess, R. GALLAGHER Deputy Principo/, R. RUSHBROOKE Principal, Miss B. NAGAJNJS Girls' Supervisor. D. BENNETT Monuol Arts Moster, A. McDONALD Mmh• M.1sier. M. BAP'.OW Comme:ciol Moster, I. HINCKS Special Moster, Mrs. C. WRIGHT. AB'-ENT· Mr. N. McGUIRE 4 THURUNA SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS BOULOUS & SONS PTY. LTD. DRAPER AND M~RCER . I .I 19-20 DALE STREET, (near R.S.L.) FAIRFIELD Phone: 72 3598 .. , SCHOOL UNIFORM SUPPLIERS for BOYS and GIRLS Our School Wear Guaranteed By DI PLO MA Lay-Bys and Cash Orders Accepted URUNA 5 SCHOOL DIRECTORY INCIPAL: COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT: 1r. R. L. RUSHBROOKE, B.Sc. M. H. Barlow, M.A., Dip. Ed. (Master); J. Aston; Miss R. Buckworth; I. Creighton, B.A.; R. Gal~ Jagher, B.A., B.Ec.; Miss E. Hayward, 8.Ec., Dip. PUTY PRINCIPAL: Ed.; R. G. Newlon, l3.A. (Hons,), Dip. Ed.; 1r. R. E. Gallagher, B.A., 8.Ec. I. Style. GLISH/HISTORY DEPARTMENT: MANUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT: D. Bennett (Master; N. Hillier, J. Lamrnus, A . L. Lumbert, B.A., Dip. Ed. (Master); C. Baker, Mitrorcl; K. Simpson; C. South: E. Turnbull. I.A., Dip. Ed.; C. Barnes, B.A.; Miss E. Bruce, I.A., Dip. Ed.; Miss V. Cansick, B.A., Dip. Ed.; /liss C. Chalker; N. McGLiirc, B.A.; C. Roberts; HOME SCIENCE DEPARTMENT: .1iss M. Sanborn, M.A.; Miss I. Scnkolovics; Mrs. V. Porteus (M,:vtress); Mrs. M. Aitken, Miss tlrs. H. Yimlati, B.A .. Dip. Ed.; Miss J. Watford; .I. B. Bailey; Miss C. Gornall; Miss M. Huncock. :. Wilson. MUSIC DEPARTMENT: Miss L. Hadley, B.A., Dip. Ed.; Miss V. Nye. :-IGUAGE DEPARTMENT: iliss C. Miller, B.A., Dip. Ed.; Miss V. Nor.:rn, ART DEPARTMENT: I.A.; Miss M. Ryan, B.A. (Hons.), Dip. Ed. P. Berry, Dip. P.A.; Miss D. Mitchell. ,THEMATICS DEPARTMENT: SPORTS DEPARTMENT: 1. E. McDonnld, B.A. (Master); F. Barnes; J. B. Hamill; Miss J. King, Dip. P.E. ~urtis; 8. Surv; D. Firth; .. f·rcnch; K. Grant; , Hincks, B.A. (Special Master): M. Zdcb. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT: L. Madden; T. Somr:rvillc. IEi.,!Ci:J: DEPARTMENT: SCHOOL COUNSELLOR: ). S. Courts (Rei. Master): Miss I Friedmann, W. Campbell, B.A. ,1iss J. Hubbard; Miss B. Nagainis, B.A., i)ip. :d; P. Recd, B.Sc.: G. Sladcn; J. Woods; Mrs. C. Clerks. Vright. Mrs. N. Coogan; Mn,. M. Dtwics; Mrs. L. Hughes 6 THURUNA n MAGAZINE PEDDLERS i For the first time we have offered our ' magazine to Cabramatta people who do ' not send students to this school. Many I generous residents have made donations HIRE I wi and will have their copies delivered to their an homes by the students. 1111 The school is grateful for this local Im support and wishes to recognise the many A w, hours devoted to its collection. 19 Our thanks to:- R, Cathy Higgins, 2C irn Lynda Griffiths, 3C BUS! c, Elizabeth Bukovec, 1B th. who deserve special mention. ai( 1111 THE SPACE SELLERS Local business people have again sup­ for all an ported the magazine by placing advertise­ sh ments, This year, a small group of Fifth socia] gatherings 1111 Form girls have sold more magazine space . de and so helped considerably in meeting the p1cn1cs te~ production cost of this issue. th To:- outings de J anet Cole, SB m: Karina Krauklis, SB 1111 Rhonda Hickey, SC etc. ag Wendy Crerar, SA, th. ov thanks for so much of your spare time. wi Ci Julie Benson FOR Wondeiful Clothes • SUITS • FROCKS :~: • SPORTSWEAR • KNITWEAR CALABRO BROS. 14 JOHN STREET PTY. LTD. CABRAMATTA I! I 0 Phone: 72 4937 Phone: 604 5643 ¥ I g I I I f?UNA 7 SENIOR DEBATING TEAM This year's Senior Debating Team will The next debate was the semi-final and )lit a shadow or doubt go down in the was held al l-lomcbush High ahainst Vau­ Is or Cabramalla High - history as the cluse. The topic was most unusual (to magnificent and awe-inspiring learn that say the least!) and was that "This House !Ver taken the debating !Toor.
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