Oct. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2001 Remarks on Signing the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001 October 26, 2001 Good morning and welcome to the barrier of morality. They have no con- White House. Today we take an essential science. The terrorists cannot be reasoned step in defeating terrorism, while protecting with. Witness the recent anthrax attacks the constitutional rights of all Americans. through our Postal Service. With my signature, this law will give intel- Our country is grateful for the courage ligence and law enforcement officials im- the Postal Service has shown during these portant new tools to fight a present danger. difficult times. We mourn the loss of the I commend the House and Senate for lives of Thomas Morris and Joseph the hard work they put into this legislation. Curseen, postal workers who died in the Members of Congress and their staffs spent line of duty. And our prayers go to their long nights and weekends to get this impor- loved ones. tant bill to my desk. I appreciate their ef- I want to assure postal workers that our forts and bipartisanship in passing this new Government is testing more than 200 postal law. facilities along the entire eastern corridor I want to thank the Vice President and that may have been impacted. And we will his staff for working hard to make sure move quickly to treat and protect workers this law was passed. I want to thank the where positive exposures are found. Secretary of State and the Secretary of But one thing is for certain: These ter- Treasury for being here, both of whom lead important parts of our war against ter- rorists must be pursued; they must be de- rorism. I want to thank Attorney General feated; and they must be brought to justice. John Ashcroft for spending a lot of time And that is the purpose of this legislation. on the Hill to make the case for a balanced Since the 11th of September, the men and piece of legislation. I want to thank the women of our intelligence and law enforce- Director of the FBI and the Director of ment agencies have been relentless in their the CIA for waging an incredibly important response to new and sudden challenges. part on the two-front war, one overseas and We have seen the horrors terrorists can a front here at home. I want to thank Gov- inflict. We may never know what horrors ernor Tom Ridge for his leadership. our country was spared by the diligent and I want to thank the Members of Con- determined work of our police forces, the gress who are here on the stage, the lead- FBI, ATF agents, Federal marshals, custom ers, on this impressive effort: Senator officers, Secret Service, intelligence profes- Hatch and Senator Leahy and Senator sionals, and local law enforcement officials. Sarbanes and Senator Graham and Senator Under the most trying conditions, they are Reid. I also want to thank Representative serving this country with excellence and Porter Goss, LaFalce, Oxley, and often with bravery. Sensenbrenner for their hard work. And I They deserve our full support and every want to welcome the men and women of means of help that we can provide. We’re law enforcement who are here in the White dealing with terrorists who operate by high- House with us today, as well. ly sophisticated methods and technologies, The changes, effective today, will help some of which were not even available counter a threat like no other our Nation when our existing laws were written. The has ever faced. We’ve seen the enemy and bill before me takes account of the new the murder of thousands of innocent, realities and dangers posed by modern ter- unsuspecting people. They recognize no rorists. It will help law enforcement to 1306 VerDate Jan 31 2003 08:44 May 21, 2003 Jkt 193362 PO 00000 Frm 00490 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193362A.016 193362A Administration of George W. Bush, 2001 / Oct. 26 identify, to dismantle, to disrupt, and to rorism. The Government will have wider punish terrorists before they strike. latitude in deporting known terrorists and For example, this legislation gives law en- their supporters. The statute of limitations forcement officials better tools to put an on terrorist acts will be lengthened, as will end to financial counterfeiting, smuggling, prison sentences for terrorists. and money laundering. Secondly, it gives This bill was carefully drafted and con- intelligence operations and criminal oper- sidered. Led by the Members of Congress ations the chance to operate not on sepa- on this stage and those seated in the audi- rate tracks but to share vital information ence, it was crafted with skill and care, so necessary to disrupt a terrorist attack determination and a spirit of bipartisanship before it occurs. for which the entire Nation is grateful. This As of today, we’re changing the laws gov- bill met with an overwhelming—over- erning information sharing. And as impor- whelming—agreement in Congress because tantly, we’re changing the culture of our it upholds and respects the civil liberties various agencies that fight terrorism. Coun- guaranteed by our Constitution. tering and investigating terrorist activity is This legislation is essential not only to the number one priority for both law en- pursuing and punishing terrorists but also forcement and intelligence agencies. preventing more atrocities in the hands of Surveillance of communications is an- the evil ones. This Government will enforce other essential tool to pursue and stop ter- this law with all the urgency of a nation rorists. The existing law was written in the at war. The elected branches of our Gov- era of rotary telephones. This new law that ernment and both political parties are I sign today will allow surveillance of all united in our resolve to find and stop and communications used by terrorists, includ- punish those who would do harm to the ing e-mails, the Internet, and cell phones. American people. As of today, we’ll be able to better meet It is now my honor to sign into law the the technological challenges posed by this USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001. proliferation of communications technology. Investigations are often slowed by limit on the reach of Federal search warrants. NOTE: The President spoke at 9:49 a.m. in Law enforcement agencies have to get a the East Room at the White House. In his new warrant for each new district they in- remarks, he referred to Thomas L. Morris, vestigate, even when they’re after the same Jr., and Joseph P. Curseen, Jr., postal workers suspect. Under this new law, warrants are at the Brentwood postal facility in Wash- valid across all districts and across all ington, DC, who died as a result of anthrax States. infections contracted from contaminated And finally, the new legislation greatly mail processed at the facility. H.R. 3162, enhances the penalties that will fall on ter- Uniting and Strengthening America by Pro- rorists or anyone who helps them. Current viding Appropriate Tools Required To Inter- statutes deal more severely with drug traf- cept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PA- fickers than with terrorists. That changes TRIOT ACT) Act of 2001, approved October today. We are enacting new and harsh pen- 26, was assigned Public Law No. 107–56. The alties for possession of biological weapons. Office of the Press Secretary also released We’re making it easier to seize the assets a Spanish language transcript of these re- of groups and individuals involved in ter- marks. 1307 VerDate Jan 31 2003 08:44 May 21, 2003 Jkt 193362 PO 00000 Frm 00491 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193362A.016 193362A.
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