Serving the Better Interests of Commercial Radio and Television VOL. 2, NO. 23 NEW YORK, N. Y., TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1937 FIVE CENTS Summer Gains Continue 3%2 HOURS Of NEWS DAILY Su eel Thought CBS July Billing is 53.8 Per Cent Over Cincinnati - When WCKY dedi- cated its new 10,000 -watt transmit- Same Month Last Year NBC Shows AIRED BY KGY, OLYMPIA ter the other day, the station staff here claims presented President L. B. Wilson Increase of 11.4 Per Cent Olympia, Wash. -KG' with 10,00D chocolates. each with a record for heaviest something of WCKY stamped on it. Being a ' newscast schedule, having stepped up Major networks continue to close three thoughtful soul, and since he could- the gap between the seasonal low its daily quota of news to about n't eat all those himself NEW DEAL DISK SERIES sweets and high spots, with CBS showing a and a half hours. anyhow, at least not right away, Hourly from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., ex- 53.8 per cent increase on gross are "L. B." is distributing the confec- revenue for July as compared to the cept when longer newscasts tionery in attractive one -pound AIRED BY 223 STATIONS the headline same month in 1936. CBS billing scheduled, KGY gives boxes to friends and associates and There are 12 of for July was $1,988,412, giving the item of the hour. the trade in general. A series of recordings, identified as these headlines in the station's broad- the American Family Robinson and web a cumulative total for the first casting day, three half -hour news cut by National Association of Man- seven months of $16,791,686, which periods, five of 15 minutes duration ufacturers, is now being heard over represents a leap over the same (Continued on Page 2) period a year ago of 34.6 per cent. 223 radio stations. Series, dealing NBC gross billing for MM AND ET CONTINGENT with a dramatic story in serial form, July was Orchestras Returning is interspersed pro -new deal $2,707,450 which compares to $2,429, - with (Continued on To San Francisco Spots propaganda, but with no actual names Page 3) CONCUR "IN PRINCIPLE" being used. Coverage, according to Francisco of the three - the NAM, is from Maine to Honolulu San -End Executive board of the AFM held and Alaska to Florida. Latest addi- HORLICK AND MAC[ADDEN month hotel employees' strike last a session yesterday morning with the week caused a quick scramble for tion to the station list is WNEW, electrical transcription manufactur- the only station in Metropolitan New orchestras as hostelries reopened. ers and adjourned the conference RENEW Palace Hotel landed Paul Pendarvis York to carry the disks. Programs PROGRAMS ON NBC until this morning. Many details are usually heard on a three -a -week to start tonight for a month in the were worked out and an agreement Rose Bowl Room. Sterling Young basis. Two NBC network shows were reached in principle. In the after - renewed for 52 weeks yesterday when follows. Sir Francis Drake has only (Continued on Page 2) Don Francisco's four -piece band in Columbia's "Hamlet" Horlick's Malted Mill Corp., and (Continued on Page 3) Macfadden Publications came through. New Hearing is Won Heard by 7,500,000 The former show featuring Lum and Hearst is Taking Over In WJBW Litigation Abner, is effective Aug. 30 on the A survey conducted by CBS on NBC -Blue at 7:30 -7:45 p.m. Monday Friday, plus four repeat Texas Station Licenses the recent airing of "H a m 1 e t" through New Orleans -Alleging that the re- shows. Program originates in Holly- cent judgment by Civil District Court over that network showed that ap- San Antonio -Hearings will be held proximately 7,500,000 listeners heard wood, under direction of Lord & Judge Hugh Cage was contradictory Thomas agency. shortly by the FCC in Washington to the "opinion and decree" of the the broadcasts, 8.6 per cent of the on the applications for voluntary as- total listening power in the country. Latter program sponsored by Mac - state supreme court and to the "juris- fadden is "True Story Court of signment of licenses of KTSA here, (Contirted on Page 3) WACO in Waco and KNOW in Aus- (Continued on Page 3) tin to Hearst Radio Inc. Hearst al- WSPR Renews Hookup (Continued on Page 3) CBS on Big Board Springfield, Mass. -WSPR has re- John Lewis to Address CBS shares, formerly traded in newed its contracts with the Mutual, Mass Meeting of ARTA Cantor for Stage in '38 over the counter, went on the New Colonial and Yankee networks for Lee Shubert announces that Eddie York Stock Exchange yesterday. the coming five years, according to American Radio Telegraphists As- Cantor will return to the stage under Sales totaled 700 shares of the "A" Quincy A. Brackett, president of the sociation, an affiliate of the CIO, will his management in the fall of 1938. and 400 shares of "B ". station. hold a mass meeting at the Hippo- Shubert also lists Ed Wynn for a new drome on Aug. 12 during which John musical, "Hooray for What," this L. Lewis will be heard. Meeting will fall. RCA Second Quarter Net (Contained on Pagr 3) No Pal Tops 1936 by $1,927,240 Sikes on Vacation Omaha - Announcers for rival Washington Bin., RADIO DAILY stations faced each other in police KOIL Will Experiment RCA had a net profit of $2,404,329 Washington - Judge Eugene O. court here when Duane Gaither For Television Debut in the second quarter of this year, Sykes, head of the FCC broadcast came up on traffic charges before division and temporary chairman Judge Lester Palmer. Gaither is an increase of $1,927,240 over the cor- 1936, of the Commission, has left Wash- a miker and emcee for KO1L. Omaha -Chief Engineer Mark Bul- responding quarter in it was Judge Palmer is a part -lime an- lock of Central States Broadcasting announced by President David Sar- ington on his summer vacation. nouncer on WOW. Announcer Co. announces that KO1L will start nott yesterday. During his absence, Paul A. Palmer fined Announcer Gaither experiments in high- frequency broad- Net profit of $4,647,386 for the first Walker, head of the telephone $25 and suspended his driver's casting in preparation for coming of six months of 1937 represents an division of the FCC, has been license. television. Announcement followed increase of $2,883,606 from the cor- designated as acting chairman. granting of FCC permission to con - responding period of 1936. After (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) 1 ( 2 RADIO DAILY Tuesday, August 3, 1937 NETWORK SONG FAVORITE;S COmInG and GOIRG Following is an accurate list of performances for the week ending July 31, covering songs played from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. Vol. 2, No. 23 Tues., Aug. 3, 1937 Price 5 Cts. r on CBS and two NBC networks. Only compositions played 15 times or more are included. Titis listing is a regular Tuesday CRAIG LAWRENCE, commercial manager of JOHN W. ALICOATE . Publisher feature in RADIO DAILY. KRNT -KSO, Des Moines, is vacationing in northern Michigan. DON CARLE GILLETTE : Editor Played Selection Publisher Times MILTON CROSS will be in Boston next Sun- MAR V IN KIRSCH : : Business Manager 1 Know Now (Remick Music Corp 30 day, so Jolly Bill will handle the WJZ kiddies' program for that day. Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays It Looks Like Rain (Joe Morris Music Co.) 29 LESLIE and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, Where Or When (Chappell and Co 26 HARRIS producer at WQAM, Miami, will take in New York on his current vacation. N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W, Alicoate, Merry -Go-Round Broke Down (Harms Inc.) 24 M. President and Publisher; Donald Merser- Sailboat In The Moonlight (Crawford Music Corp.) 24 ELINOR DILLON, traffic manager for KFEL, J. eau, Trrasurer and General Manager; Chester Denver, vacationing in Los Angeles, where she B. Bahn, Vice.President; Charles A. Alicoate, Stop, You're Breaking My Heart (Famous Music Corp.) 23 will take time out to visit studios of World Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. Stardust On The Moon (E. B. Marks Music Co ) 22 Broadcasting System and Don Lee network. Terms (Post free) United States outside of And Me That Used To Be (Irving Berlin Inc.) 21 G. eater New fork, one year, $5; foreign, The You BARBARA WINTHROP, KMBC continuity edi- year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Whispers In The Dark (Famous Music Corp ) 21 tor, and FRAN HEYSER, production head, are in New York from Kansas City. Addres, all communications to RADIO Satan Takes A Holiday (Lincoln Music Corp ) 20 I)All.V, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (Robbins Music Corp ) 19 W. ARTHUR RUSH. head of the West Coast Phone Wisconsin 7 -6336, 7 -6337, 7.6338. office of Columbia Concerts Corp., arrives to- Time I Saw You (Santly Bros.-Joy Inc ) 19 Cable address: Filmday, New York. Holly - First day for a business conference with the New 'nod, Calif. -Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Afraid To Dream (Miller Music Co ) 17 York office and returns in a few days. Blvd. l'hone Granite 6607. Gone With The Wind (Irving Berlin Inc ) 17 Entered as second class matter April S, HERBERT ROSENTHAL is back at his desk 1937, at the postofrce at New York, N. Y., Sweet Leilani (Select Music Co ) 17 after a brief vacation in the Adirondacks.
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