Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 89 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, May 16, 1988 Ordnance to hold 'shoot out' for Navy Relief By JOSN JOEL PARKS out," sponsored by the Naval Station bers will be drawn. evenings aweek from 6 to 7p.m. beginning Ordnance Department. "The shells will be thoroughly mixed today. The drawing will be held as soon as The Navy ReliefSociety, an organiza- According toGMG1(SW) Olin Tilton, before the drawing and the entire event is all squares have been sold. tion dedicated to helping sailors and event coordinator, there will be a "target" by chance," Tilton explained. The cost is $2 per square, and winners Marines during times of need, is funded constructed of 500 one-inch squares, and "The pot will be determined by how will be notified through announcements on through voluntary donations. each contestant will buy a square. Squares many squares we sell. The winners will AM 1340 and in the Guantanamo Gazette. In order to raise money for Navy Relief are numbered randomly and people buying receive 25, 15, and 10 percent, respec- The deadline for entry is Tuesday, May 31. in Guantanamo Bay, many departments on squares will be assigned a number. tively, of the total amount. The rest of the base are sponsoring activities during the Numbers corresponding to the squares money will go to Navy Relief," he added. Tilton added, "This is a good way to fund drive, held through June 5. on the target will be marked on equally- Tilton will be at theGold Hill Towers help the Navy Relief Society, and achance One of these activities is the "Shoot- sized brass shell casings and three num- Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ) three at winning some money." What is Navy Relief? YOUR ORGANIZATION! Over 250 Navy Relief offices ** ashore and afloat throughout the p v IT IS YOUR MONEY! world to help you in time of All contributions used to help NEED. you and your dependents. !_v I, YOUR OWN PEOPLE! 1 J You'll Always Go Right The Navy 3800 Navy and Marine Corps v volunteers help those in need. w with Navy Relief and Marine Corps V Take Care of Their Own SECDEF message congratulates Armed Forces NOTE: The following message originally Lejeune and the Air Force's Mitchell - all tary forces in support of our diplomatic timely, effective military operations in was transmitted electronically to all mili- of them great leaders who clearly under- objects in these very important regions. response to political and diplomatic objec- tary activities worldwide by the Office of stood the critical relationship of military tives unleashes a flood of criticism. We the Secretary of Defense. and political strength. In the Persian Gulf, all four services hear all kinds of warnings: There is a have joined together to execute very capa- danger of escalation, the executive lacks As troops return from exercises in the bly a mission as old as our nation - the authority to take action, or someone might field and ships and aircraft squadrons re- . Commitment to that pur- protection of ships flying America's flag. get hurt. Fortunately, you see it differently: turn for deployments, it has long been The Persian Gulf remains a dangerous Each mission is another opportunity for our customary to send messages of congratula- pose, immediate readiness to place, but America's interests are more military services to prove themselves tions for a job well done. But in reflecting respond, through professional secure because of the quiet professional- imminently capable of doing a dangerous on the recent deployment of U.S. military ism of our military forces there. task well. What these recent operations forces to the Persian Gulf and Central grasp of procedure and prin- prove is the critics are wrong. Prompt America, as well as the continuing com- ciple and quiet execution of More recently, the Army and Air Force action brought more stability, not less. mitment of U.S. military forces overseas, responded very quickly to a rapidly devel- there are some more important issues that very difficult, dangerous oping situation in Central America. Events In my view, there are several reasons merit our consideration. missions -- this is what we of the last two weeks have shown that for your success. You are well trained and From the earliest days of our republic, America's willingness to help its friends ready. You are led at every level of the the U.S. military has stood ready to protect have come to expect from our carries a very strong and very important chain of command by leaders of the highest our nation's vital interests and underpin armed forces, and this is what message. caliber, especially at the NCO and junior our diplomatic objectives around the Our ability to exercise immediately our officer levels. But perhaps the most impor- world. Although the lesson has occasion- you deliver. military capabilities results from having a tant ingredients in your success are your ally been forgotten only to be relearned clear understanding of purpose, modem basic sense of purpose and commitment to with some pain and great expense, it has equipmentandrigorous individual andunit defend the elemental principles of our been consistently recognized that in exer- Today the men and women of our mili- training. Commitment to that purpose, republic - the liberty and equality Ameri- cising a leadership role and looking out for tary services are again called upon to un- immediate readiness to respond, thorough cans enjoy. our interests in a very dangerous and at dergird ourpolitical and diplomatic objec- professional grasp of procedure and prin- Whether you participated directly in times confusing world, military strength tives. In addition to satisfying existing ciple and quiet execution of very difficult, these operations or serve our continuing must undergird diplomacy. commitments in Europe and Asia and here dangerous missions - this is what we have commitment to freedom in some other And so our military history has been at home and at sea, events in the Persian come to expect from our armed forces, and capacity, either near or far, you represent enriched by great men like the Army's Gulf and in Central America have required this is what you deliver. the highest ideals of our nation. We are Marshall, the Navy's Burke, the Marine's the extraordinary deployment of our mili- All too frequently the execution of proud of each of you. Well done. mistake. Unfortunately it happened to tent - no one ought to drink and you. drive. Query: A lot of people are blaming Query: Recently I was promoted to Q 480 CAPTAINS HOTLINE Shore Patrol for the incident that hap- GS-6. I went to the CPO Club and pened the weekend before last. That's was told that I was not entitled to not true. Everyone, at one time or CPO privileges because my sponsor is another, has let someone that was drunk not a Chief and I was hired locally. get in the car and drive. A question that I As a government employee I feel I am Query: I coach one of the women's will not be altered for the MWR team's have is that if we see a Chief or an entitled to this benefit. softball teams. MWR has a team and benefit. Officer drinking and driving, what is since their members will be off island going to happen to us if we try to stop Reply: First, congratulations on your for a conference the season has been Query: I called the information number them or report them? promotion. What you were told at the postponed until further notice. I don't two times. After the operator said "wait a Reply: If you personally see someone CPO club is correct. Our guidance for feel this is fair to other people in the minute" to find out what I wanted, she driving that's intoxicated and shouldn't this policy is the Manual for Messes league. They should forfeit like hung up on me. Can something be done be driving, contact Security at 4105 and Ashore (NAVPERS 15951) which everyone else. about this? they will investigate the situation. You states club privileges may be ex- Reply: MWR's team has forfeited out Reply: None of our operators would in- are not required to leave your name tended, outside the United States, to of the league due to lack of participa- tentionally hang up on someone. They when calling Security, unless you want appropriate grades of government tion and the games forfeited due to generally place in excess of 2,000 calls to. It does not matter who is driving, the civilian employees, U.S. citizens their conference. The softball schedule and sometimes one of them will make a penalty is the same, and the goal consis- recruited in the United States only. I One hundred and twenty-five years of being there Red Cross on the job BAY NEWS By Luis Sanquirico Station Manager Sunshine Delegation to visit Free boxes This is the 125th year thatpeople in trouble have been turning to Red The Sunshine Delegation, a six-lady DoD va- The Base Library has clean boxes of all sizes Cross for support and assistance. In Guantanamo Bay, our office of- riety act featuring Miss Florida, Jennifer Sauder, and also old newspapers, excellent for mailing ficially opened to the public back in February 1955. arrives here Sunday for a four day visit and one packages. As you know, Red Cross workers are part of a national and evening show. Come by during open hours.
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