PAGE 2THX-E01-S2 Tweet us @plymouthherald Message us at facebook.com/theplymouthherald @ Email us at [email protected] The Herald, Tuesday June 14 2016 NEWSbriefs TOMORROW IN Man on child Find your porn charges next job in A MAN is set to face a judge and jury accused of Business :LWK RYHU VWDII DQG UHJLRQDO OHV downloading hundreds of EUDQFKHV FRYHULQJ PXFK RI VRXWKHUQ:D VACANCY... ũŽďƐ (QJODQG WKH 0LGODQGV DQG VRXWK FILL YOUR ZH¶YH EHHQ ZLULQJ QHZ KRPHV IRU WKH by phone VOHDGLQJ KRXVH EXLOGHUV IRU PRUH 8.¶ :H¶UH QRZ UHFUXLWLQJ IRU 12 0844 406 0268 WKDQ \HDUV ĚŽĨ&ŝŶĂŶĐĞ by email ,ĞĂ RXU 3O\PRXWK EUDQFK ĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚ Ƶůů ƚŝŵĞ ͲͲͲW indecent images of children [email protected] Ͳάϰϭ͕ϮϮϭ ͲͲͲ& άϯϱ͕Ϭϴϭ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ OOQDMSHBD $KDBSQHBH@MR by Twitter ŚĞ ƐƚƌĂƚĞŐ ŝĐ ƵŶƚĂďůĞ ĨŽƌƚ @tiplymouthjobs ĐĐŽ ƐĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƐĨŝŶĂŶĐŝĂů ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ :H FDQ RIIHU \RX XQULYDOOHG WUDLQLQJ ZLWK ŽĨ hW^h͛ ƚŽĨƚŚĞ &ŝŶĂŶĐĞ ůŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR SURJUHVV ZLWK XV RQFH by ŽƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶĂ Supported TXDOL¿HG over nine years. ĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͘ <RX¶OO JHW UHDO H[SHULHQFH ZRUNLQJ DV SDUW WORKING FOR PLYMOUTH plymouthherald.co.uk/jobs ŽŝĐĞ DĂŶĂŐĞƌ $! *$2* ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚs RI DWHDP RQ QHZ KRXVLQJ GHYHORSPHQWV LQ ŶĞŶƚ THX-E01-S3 ͲWĞƌŵĂ +/* ͲͲͲ&Ƶůů ƚŝŵĞ ͲͲ WKH ORFDO DUHD DWWHQGLQJ RXU WUDLQLQJ FHQWUH .1601 ͲάϮϯ͕ϲϮϭ D\ UHOHDVH EDVLV *5 .61 )/(/ ))/ ( άϮϭ͕ϲϰϮ ƚŝŽŶ ŽĨ RQ DG 1" " (/ ) ĂƚŝŽŶĨƵŶĐ XOO GULYLQJ ) ƚŚĞ ƌĞƉƌĞƐĞ Ŷƚ DI ( 1( dŽ ŵĂ ŶĂŐĞ ĞůLJ 1/ ) )/(/ 1% ( 1( ) "" / ƵĚĞŶƚƐĂƌĞ ĂĐƚŝǀ <RXQHHG WR EH DJHG KROG ĞŶƐƵƌŝŶŐ Ɛƚ ƐĂƚ Robin Whitcombe, aged 47, ( 1( ( (" (/ (/ / 1 ( ) 1( ) 1/ / hW^h͕ ŝƌ Ğdž ƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ŐƚŚĞ OLFHQFH DQG KDYH JRRG *&6( JUDGHV LQ /1( 2( % .!666666% / " / ĚŝŶŝŵƉƌŽǀŝŶ )/1(5 3 ) 3/ / 1/ 2 3 ( ( ( 3 ŝŶǀŽůǀĞ ,66 ƐŝƚLJ͘ (QJOLVK DQG PDWKV 1/)/ /1( 1/51&1 ) ( 1( 3/) 2 ( WůLJŵŽƵƚŚhŶŝǀĞƌ /()/ # $%) / ) )// () D@ANTS SGHR ONRHSHNM ("1// ) *) ( / ) ) 4/ / ĂƉƉůLJ͕ǀŝƐŝƚ 3N ÆMC NTS LNQ 2)/ 5/) 5( ŝŽŶĂŶĚ ƚŽ /1( // ( 1 3% ŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚ UHRHS NTQ VDA RHSD @MC BKHBJ NM "( " )/ 3/ &Žƌŵ "" (/1/5 3 4)/) ( /)/( (/% () ) / / / ( hQDBQTHSLDMSi NQ RB@M SGD 01 BNCD ( ƐƵ͘ĐŽŵͬũŽďƐ ( 1( ( 4"/ 21 3 ƵƉ pleaded not guilty at Plymouth / 1% " ))))) / 5 / (&1( (/ / &1/ VVV BK@QJRNMDU@MR BN TJ )1)// 4"( /) 1/ ) 3 ) ( (2 /1))/ /5 // 1)/ ( / 1)2( 1)))% /1 1) )(2 "( 2/ 3/ / /4/ / " )/ ( 3 "(/ / )1))1 ( 1( /) / )/ 06!006!+ /(/ 1))) "()" 2 )/) )1"" (/ / / / 1( ( 1( (% " )/ )(( 3 ) /(1/ / / / 3( 1' Crown Court to seven counts, ( )/ )/1()% && /$" $*!+ " 2*/* / + " $4" $ *$! $2* 4+/2*/* 444)+$2/!+)$3)2) / + " " && /$" $*! * /*"/3 5 $/"+ # ) 3 *$! 2+/$!* *3+ $2/ !+ +/*/ $2" $ /$" $2+ 5!$2/ $ 6%60 ,%10 '6%60 ,% $2/$$2*+ "+4*&$"( $* ! 2+/$!*)+*3++$2/!+)$3)2 covering pictures allegedly AND INSIDE $+" / *5 0% "2*5 16% TODAY... made between 2006 and 2015. NATIONAL TRUST P/T Holiday Cottage Caretaker Wembury Beach - £13,650 pa pro rata - Permanent, 216 hrs pa. For further information and to apply, please visit He allegedly knowingly WEATHER..................................www.nationaltrustjobs.org.ukClosing anddate: search 22/01/2014 using keyword IRC11442. 4 downloaded 590 still and TV & RADIO........................ 28-29 moving images on to his computer. Thirty are said to be YOUR SAY........................... 12-14 of category A, the most serious PUZZLES & STARS.............30-31 b r a cke t . Whitcombe, of Budshead INFORMATION........................ 32 Green, Whitleigh, denied six CLASSIFIED....................... 33-41 other counts of making single images on various dates. SPORT................................ 42-48 Judge Paul Darlow set down a trial to last two days, starting on September 28. BE OUR EYES AND EARS Whitcombe was released on unconditional bail. NEW IDEA: The barracks at Maker Heights If you see or hear anything we should know about call the newsdesk on 01752 293100 or Drugs accused email [email protected] Email our reporters: IChiara Giordano, A MAN has appeared in court ICarl Eve crime reporter, education reporter, accused of dealing a large ceve@plymouthherald. c h i a r a . g i o rd a n o @ amount of cannabis. co.uk plymouthherald.co.uk Wakan Robinson, aged 34, @CarlEveCrime @ c f g i o rd a n o faced a judge charged with IAlex Wood, re p o r t e r, possession of the Class B drug Community plans alex.wood@ ICharlotte Turner, with intent to supply. plymouthherald.co.uk reporter, charlotte.turner@ He attended Plymouth Crown @ M r A l e x Wo o d plymouth herald.co.uk Court after allegedly being ILouise Daniel, f e a t u re @ c h a re y t caught with 697 grams of writer, louise.daniel@dc- ISam Blackledge, chief cannabis on the city on media.co.uk reporter, sam.blackledge@ January 22. Robinson, of @LDanielPlym plymouthherald.co.uk Desborough Road, in St Judes, IWilliam Telford, @samblackledge to protect beauty business editor, wtelford@ is also accused of possession of plymouthherald.co.uk ISarah Waddington, amphetamine with intent to re p o r t e r, supply that day. He is said to @ W Te l f o rd H e r a l d I sarah.waddington@ have had 13.5 grams of the Stuart Abel, court reporter, sabel@ plymouthherald.co.uk Class B drug. plymouthherald.co.uk @ s a re w a d d i n g t o n Ali Rafati, for Robinson, said @stuabel ICarly Squires, f e a t u re legal aid had still not been IRachael Dodd, f e a t u re s secured and no pleas were spot from housing writer, carly.squires@ writer, rachael.dodd@ plymouthherald.co.uk entered. Judge Paul Darlow plymouthherald.co.uk adjourned the case until July @ rd o d d h e r a l d INicola Tapp, What’s On surrounding the issues at Maker 1. Robinson was bailed. A COMMUNITY near Ply- by CHARLOTTE TURNER IEmily Smith, f e a t u re s and Club Talk, whatson@ Heights”. mouth has rallied together to Herald Reporter writer, emily.smith@ plymouthherald.co.uk and Schools sign up create an alternative plan for It proposes to carry out the res- plymouthherald.co.uk ehclubs@theplymouth construct in the region of 30 res- toration of the Grade II*-listed Bar- emzj_smith herald.co.uk THREE more schools have land which has been ear- idential units, add more Nissen huts rack Building, which has been been added to the list hoping marked for residential devel- for an office, toilets and washing closed since a survey deemed the Contact editor Paul Burton by telephoning 01752 to win The Herald’s opment. facilities, put in up to 50 car parking building unsafe in May. 293015 or emailing [email protected] playground markings Since plans emerged for 30 houses spaces and create a glamping site. The RCIC, which has gained over or on Twitter @pburton_herald competition. Weston Mill to be built on Maker Heights in the The company, headed up by 900 Facebook likes in a few days, says it will run as an open forum in which Community Primary School, Rame Peninsula, a Community Patrick Tilley, also put plans forward HERALD NUMBERS: Shakespeare Primary School Interest Company has been put the community voice will be heard for the main Barrack Building at Newsdesk: 01752 293100 and Montpelier Primary together by professionals to offer and acted upon. Maker, despite it still being owned by Sport: 01752 293101 School are all looking for locals an alternative plan and save the Rame Conservation Trust– Maker Heights serves as a vital space for its community, where Switchboard: 01752 293000 vo t e s. the land from development. which has left locals confused and I artists, musicians and craftsmen See Page 19 for more details Maker Heights sits on the highest worried about the ownership of the Advertising: 01752 293000 have flourished and become success- peak of the peninsula between the bu i l d i n g . Picture desk: 01752 293102 villages of Cremyll, Millbrook, King- ful in their trades. Since Evolving Places published Photo sales: 08444 060269 Shoplifter warning sand and Cawsand. Recently, renowned artists such as their plans, a group of professionals Home deliveries inquiries: 0333 777 8004 Tavistock police are warning The land, which is an Area of Natty and RY X have played intimate shops selling alcohol to beware Outstanding Natural Beauty, houses including legal experts, architects gigs at the Random Arms bar and Home deliveries payment hotline: of a regular shoplifter. a selection of historic buildings, and historians have formed the Energy Room, putting Maker on the 0333 202 8000 Sgt Dave Anning said: “T he redoubts and barracks, whilst being Rame Community Interest Com- map as an exciting music venue in Home deliveries - if newspaper not man quite openly approaches surrounded by green space with pany (RCIC) which claims to provide the South West. delivered call: 0330 024 0122 bottles and tries to pull off the stretching views over the sea. an “alternative and viable plan”fo r To carry out the emergency Email [email protected] security tag before shoving Evolving Places purchased the M a ke r. repairs on the Barrack Building, the Now, the community are hoping to them up his jumper and majority of the outbuildings and RCIC is hoping to fundraise the CORRECTIONS AND COMPLAINTS leaving the shop.” land in 2014, when the Rame Con- keep the trust from handing over the £55,000 needed, with pledges already Police said the man usually servation Trust ran into financial freehold of the main Barrack Build- in place from supporters. If we have published anything that is factually ing to Evolving Places. inaccurate please contact the editor, Paul wears jeans and a light blue dif ficulty. ITo pledge funds for the restoration Burton, via email pburton@ baseball cap, and also wears The proposal put forward by The RCIC has been created to of the Barrack Building, email: plymouthherald.co.uk or write to The Editor, s p e c t a cl e s.
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