Write to the Boys Memorize At Camp "The Star Spangled THE SKIFF Banner" VOLUME XV TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1917. NUMBER 32 DEAN W. B. PARKS RECEPTION TENDERED GISH LOSES CASE MANY PROFS. ATTEND G.E.R.M.S. ENTERTAIN SERVES 25 YEARS ENLISTED MEN IN OJPID'S COURT THE HONOR ROLL MISSIONARY MEET FRESHMAN MEDICS The time has come when Dean W. Officer's Reserve, Hospital Corps, A royal farewell reception was Romance is not dead, neither lias T. 0. U. was well represented at The Germs of the Freshman Medical B. Parks feels that his work for his tendered the enlisted men Friday and Cavaly. the Spirit of Pan left our Hill. Once the thirtieth Annual Missionary con- 1 .with a \ iew of having a good remaining years of his life lies out- night, the program of the evening in- more Judge Cupid has held court, de- Willis M. McGregor, Alden A. vention of the Christian Churches of time, and Incidentally showing their side of T. C. U. cluding flag raising, band concert, ad- cided the "case," and sentenced two Evans, Shirley Sweeney, Charles Texas held at Austin this week. Fish that they could handle dresses by President Waits, Dr. Cock- Probably no man who has ever been of our students to pay the life penalty, W. ChrlltMlbwrjr, Tom Paul Swee- Among those who attended from Fort the frying pan as well as tie H, ,, i connected with T. C. U. has given to rell and Dean Hall of the Bible Col- in that sweetest of all prisons, home. ney. Italph D. Martin. Cavle Srolt, Worth were President Waits, Doctor ing knife, and could saw bread as it as great a part of his very life lege, who presented testaments to the Monday, May 7, sometime between Harry Bradford, John ('. Nelson. Wilson. Chancellor Weaver, Dean well as bones, serve,I hreakfast to men. After the program on the cam- energies as has Dean Parks. As early sunrise and midnight, Mr. Ralph Mar- Hugh Hrewster. (Jus I'atison, Wil- W. B. Parks. Ilenn Colby D. Hall, some of these embryo doctor? in For- pus, the group adjourned to Jarvis as '86 he took the first of his several tin and Miss Abigail Willingham were liam U. Snow, Heywood Leveridge, Professor Chalmers McPherson and est Park Wednesday morning. Sev- Hall whore an informal reception was degrees from T. C. U. and ever since united in marriage. "Gish", as we all Rayford Hills. Claude Kornogay, Prof. James ('rain. eral things happened which had not. then has been in the service of his held and refreshments served by the know, needs no eulogy. We have Jack Hammond, J. W, Tripplctl, A special program on Education been included in tin- program. Two young ladies. Alma Mater. At times he went East seen him on the football field, in the Avis Alexander, Frank Ogilvie, Hay featured Texas Christian Uni- of the Modi,-, offend to make- the to study in larger universities there, In the first address, Dr. Cockrell law room, and more recently, we have l.ee Willie, Wiley Finney, Clyde versity and other colleges of the Pi fire the beat lire that could he made. but each time he returned—a larger said in part: "No man is self-made. seen him join that group of men who Duringer, I'opanoe, (has. Hicks ciplei in Texas. They made such a good one that— man to assume larger duties. He is made within these college walls. left for Leon Springs to serve their and W. R. Scott. Delegate! were in attendance from well, they were all inside cooking, Dean Parks has received three de- In the four years you have spent in country in its time of need. But all over the State to the number of when Dr. Agee who was outside rives from T. C. U.—B. S. in '86, A. these walls you have grown to be a however much we may praise dish. about l.tioo, representing practically spreading the table, cried: "Oh, what M. in '92, and Ph. D. in '94. He has part of us and we a part of you. You and esteem him for his many quali- ev.ry city of any size. a pretty lire," and they came mil to done graduate work in Harvard, Chi- have inculcated in you that culture ties, he has more than found his The T. i . U. delegation returned find that the flame ueie coming out cago, Virginia and Vanderbilt. For based on human rights. Recognize "match" in his bride. Abigail unites Thursday and reported the greatest of the top of the chimney anil reaching twelve consecutive years he held the your college brothers across the sea. those two striking qualities so seldom convention in the history of the the tree top... The ham anil eggs chair of the Natural Science in T. Feel that you are in a holy cause— found in the same girl, strong, intel- movement. I i aside to cool while the Volun- C. U. For thirteen years he has been don't feel half-hearted — believe in lectual ability, cpmbined with rare teer Fire Department go! busy, "Fire- at the head of the Chemistry Depart- your cause for it is humanity's cause. beauty. Last year she won the freih M A N V RECRUITS NOT TO AT- man" Smith especially distinguished ment. We expect you to come back noble and man Scholarship, and in the same year TEND (AMP. himself by hi- bravery in climbing up broad-minded, strong in mind and in flag of Starry Ulue In the fall of 1910 the Board of was unanimously acknowledged the the wall ef the building te the roof body." most beautiful girl in T. C. U. Hv« hundred and eighty-six men Trustees decreed that a dean should and pouring water, by the cupful, "The sword of the spirit is the best have been notified not to report at be appointed to act as President; it We knew it was coming sometime, Flag of the starry blue, down the chimney. After an inter- implement of warfare," remarked Leon Springs on account of an e was with wisdom and discretion that from the rapture on their faces as Our hearts beat true to you. view with the manager of the Park, President Waits, as Dean Hall began they sat on the stone steps after number having been enrolled. No T. and the tearing down of the chimney they chose the "grand old man of the Within your folds our hearts you hold; his presentation speech. breakfast, dinner, and supper, but we C. U. men were notified, showing that fatuity." He has always been held the company turned their attention to didn't know that it was coming so Your wave commands our land and they passed satisfactory examinations, in the highest respect and regard by "This storm is one that will strain the delayed breakfast, and found that soon. But we do know that if they gold. as those were notified who were low- the excitement and labor had only the student body. and test your anchor of faith to the limit. When you are down in the will only be as happy after the mar- You guard by day and night est on the list. served as a stimulant to their appe- Dean Parks, with his twenty-five valley you often need to lift yourself riage as they were before, they will Our homes and firesides bright, tites, and the table was soon emptied. yean of service, has established a to the mountain top to see clearly. have no regrets. We feel sure that FACULTY ALLOWS ALL RE- The Germs proved their ability to record in T. C. U. He is the only A hundred million hearts you thrill— This Book gives you a mountain top they will be happy, and wish for them CRUITS FULL CREDIT. plan and servo a good meal—though human tie' that connects the old I'Tag of the starry blue. vision, and will prove to he a firm the very best of wedded life. to tell the truth, the hoys made the regime with the new. Students and anchor in time of storm," Dean Hall And the Spirit of Spring a.nd of The faculty, at a meeting Thursday, coffee and the toast—and the bey. alumni of many years ago ask in said. Life is still in the air. "Who'll be the Flag of the starry blue, passed resolutions allowing credit for were given an opportunity to display genuine solicitude about Dean Parks. work to the men who had enlisted. Willis McGregor responded in a next?" Our vows we each renew. their bravery, anil every one had a Many changes have taken place, but The classification committee will pass brief address: "If we had a message When foes oppress we'll stand the good time. through them all Dean Parks has held on the men and all work that was in Those enjoying the early ('east wivo to give to you it would be one of grati- WM. JONES ELECTED STUDENT test, the interest of hundreds of students good shape when the student left will tude. We appreciate your thoughtful- PRESIDENT. Doctors "Pestis" Smith, "Anthrax" and alumni who otherwise would have For by thy presence we arc blest. ness in selecting these gifts. We have be accredited. Owen, "Streptococcus" Agee, better fallen away. Thy crimson stripes are as red you to thank for four years—the hap- known as "Strep." and "Tuberculosis" Wm.
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