NORSK POLARINSTITUTT SKRIFTER NR. 127 DEREK JOHN GOBBETT CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN BRACHIOPODS OF SVALBARD WITH 27 FIGURES IN THE TEXT AND 25 PLATES NORSK POLARINSTITUTT OSLO 1963 DET KONGELIGE DEPARTEMENT FOR INDUSTRI OG HÅNDVERK NORSK POLARINSTITUTT Observatoriegt. 1, Oslo, Norway Short account of the publications of Norsk Polarinstitutt The two series, Norsk Polarinstitutt - SKRIFTER and Norsk Polarinstitutt - MEDDELELSER, were taken over from the institution Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs­ undersøkelser (NSIU), which was incorporated in Norsk Polarinstitutt when this was founded in 1948. A third series, Norsk Polarinstitutt - ARBOK, is published with one vol urne per year. SKRIFTER inc!udes scientific papers, published in English, French or German. MEDDELELSER comprises shorter papers, of ten being reprints from other publi­ cations. They generally have a more popular form and are mostly published in Norwegian. SKRIFTER has previously been published under various titles: Nos. 1-11. Resultater av De norske statsunderstøttede Spitsbergen-ekspe­ ditioner. No. 12. Skrifter om Svalbard og Nordishavet. Nos. 13-81. Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet. • 82-89. Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs-undersøkelser. Skrifter. • 90- . Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter. In addition a special series is published: NORWEGIAN-BRITISH-SWEDISH ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION, 1949-52. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS. This series will comprise six volumes, three of which are now completed. Hydrographie and topographic surveys make an important part of the work carried out by Norsk Polarinstitutt. A list of the published charts and maps is printed on p. 3 and 4 of this cover. A complete list of publications, charts and maps is obtainable on request. ÅRBØKER Arbok 1960. 1962. Kr. 15.00. Arbok 1961. 1962. Kr. 24.00. NORSK POLARINSTITUTT S KRI F TER N R. l 2 7 DEREK JOHN GOBBETT CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN BRACHIOPODS OF SVALBARD WlTH 27 FIGURES IN THE TEXT AND 2" PLATES NORSK POLARINSTITUTT OSLO 19GJ Received for publication February, 1962 Printed :November 1963 PUBLISHED BY NOR SK POLARI NSTITUTT DISTRIRUTED BY OSLO UNIVERSITY PRESS OSLO 1963 PREFACE 'fhis study was originally submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Cambridge University. This paper is a slightly modified version of that disserta­ tion with a necessary reduction in the number of plates. It is largely descriptive and purports to be an index to the Svalbard brachiopod faunas rather than an ecological or palaeo-geographical study. The stratigraphical implications herein are important in any consideration of arctic Upper Palaeozoic stratigraphy but they must be tested by further work on the other components of the fauna, parti­ cularly the polyzoa and the fusuline foraminifera. This work is being continued at Cambridge by J. CUTBILL and it is to be hoped that, before long, a more detailed picture of the Carboniferous and Permian of Svalbard will emerge. In the summers of 1958 and 1959, I visited Spitsbergen and was able to collect brachiopods from Ny Friesland, Biinsow Land and Dickson Land. However, the results of my own collecting were but a small fraction of the specimens available to me for study. Many individuals have been involved in collecting the brachiopods now in the Sedgwick Museum. I would like to acknowledge the field work of the following: Mr. W. B. HARLAND (1938 Cambridge Spitsbergen Expedition); Mr. E. DUFFEY, Mr. J. Lowy, and Mr. D. E. SERGEANT (1948 Bear Island Expe­ dition); Dr. C. L. FORBES, Mr. W. B. HARLAND, Mr. J. S. PAGE, Dr. R. W. MCWHAE, Dr. O. P. SINGLETON, and Mr. R. J. 'fAuNTON (1949 Cambridge Spitsbergen Expedition); Dr. M. P. H. BOTT (1951 Oxford and Cambridge Expe­ dition) ; Mr. M. B. BAYLY and Mr. P. H. BAILEY (1952 British Spitsbergen Expe­ dit ion) ; Mr. R. WEBBE (1952 Sherborne School Spitsbergen Expedition); Mr. J. H. LATTER and Mr. R. WEBBE (1954 British (Sherborne-Cambridge) Spitsbergen Expedition); Mr. R. F. ATHERTON, Dr. P. F. FRIEND, and Mr. P. R. SIMPSON (1958 Cambridge Spitsbergen Expedition); Miss M. DETTMAN, Mr. J. L. FOR­ TESQUE, Dr. P. F. FRIEND, Mr. D. G. GEE, Mr. R. V. LONGE, Dr. G. PLAYFORD, Mr. R. G. W. PRESCOTT, and Mr. :vI. S. 'fHORNTON (1959 Cambridge Svalbard Expedition); Mr. W. B. HARLAND and Mr. N. F. HUGHES (1960 International Geological Congress Excursion). I am grateful to Prof. O. M. B. BULMAN for research facilities in the Sedgwick Museum. Field notes, maps and collections have been made available to me by Mr. W. B. HARLAND to whom I am sincerely grateful and to whom I am indebted for guiding the course of my work including the preparation of this paper. Regarding the latter I wish to thank Dr. C. L. FORBES, Assistant Curator of the Sedgwick Muse- um, and Mrs. K. N. HEROD for their detailed checking of the manuscript in the course of numbering and cataloguing the specimens in the Sedgwick Museum. I am also indebted to the following for their assistance: Dr. K. BIRKENMAJER and Mr. S. CZARNIECKI (Polish Academy of Sciences) for discussion and the loan of specimens; Dr. K. S. W. CAMPBELL (University of New England, Armidale) for advice and encouragement in the initial stages of the work; Mr. A. CHALLINOR and Dr. M. R. HousE (University of Durham) for loan of specimens from Kongs­ fjorden, collected by the 1960 Durham Spitsbergen Expedition; Dr. D. L. DINELEY (University of Ottawa) and Mr. P. GARRETT (University of Birmingham) for dis­ cussion, access to MS. and the loan of specimens from Oscar Il Land collected by the 1954 Birmingham Spitsbergen Expedition; Dr. E. FLi.iGEL (Naturhisto­ risches Museum, Vienna) for the loan of TOULA'S specimens, including his de­ scribed material; Prof. A. HEINTZ (Paleontologisk Museum, Oslo) for allowing me access to the Norwegian collections and for the loan of specimens; Mr. J. W. S. JACKSON (National Museum of Ireland) for the loan of HAUGHTON'S described material from arctic Canada; Dr. H. M. MUIR-WOOD (British Museum, Naturai History) for advice, critical discussion and the loan of specimens; Dr. H. MUTVEI (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm) for allowing me access to the Swedish collections and for the loan of specimens; Prof. C. POULSEN (Mineralogisk Museum, Copenhagen) for allowing me access to the brachiopod collections from central east and northeast Greenland; Prof. P. PRUVOST (Laboratoire de Geologie a la Sorbonne, Paris) for the loan of specimens belonging to the DEREIM'S collection from Bolivia; Dr. M. J. S. RUDWICK (Sedgwick Museum) for my first detailed introduction to brachiopods and for advice on techniques; Dr. J. SORNAY (Institut de Paleontologie, Paris) for the gift of plaster casts of Bolivian specimens described by j)'ORBIGNY; Prof. D. L. STEPANOV (University of Leningrad) for gifts of reprints and photocopies and for discussion; Dr. T. S. WINSNES (Norsk Polar­ institutt, Oslo) for access to MS. and specimens and for discussion. �Vlr. A. I3ARLOW gave advice and help with the photography at Cambridge and TENGKU ISMAIl, BlN TENGKU MOHAMED helped to print photographs in Malaya. For the final preparat ion of this paper and for seeing it through the press I am indebted to Mrs. N. HEINTZ, Mrs. K. HEROD, and Mr. W. B. HARLAND. The bulk of the work was carried out during the tenure of a D. S.LR. maintenance grant. Kuala Lumpur. Pantai Valley J University of Alalaya, Department of Geology, J anuary, 1962. Contents Abstraet o o 7 1. Introduetion 8 I're,oious research o o o o o o o o 8 The present study o o o 15 lI. Stratigraphy o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 17 Introduction o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 17 Inner Isfjorden east of the \Vijdefjorden-Billefjorden fault zone 17 The area around Hinlopenstretet o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 23 Inner Isfjorden west of the ,,"'ijdefjorden-Billefjorden fault zone 26 Brøggerhalvøya o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 28 Oscar I I Land o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 30 The west coast from Kapp StarostIl1 to Sørkappøya o o o o o o 31 Bjørnøya o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 35 Correlatio'1 of the Carboniferous and Permian formations within Svalbard o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 38 Il lo Systematic deseriptions o o o o o o o o o o o 39 Introduction o o o o o o o o o o o o o 39 Sourees of material o o o o o o o o o o o 39 Preservation o o o o 39 Terminology o o o 40 Classification o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 41 Systematie deseriptions of the brachiopods 41 T ,ist of descriptions (with page referenees) 41 Descriptions o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 44 Speeies of doubtful oeeurrence or of uncertain systematie position o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 185 1\-0 Correlation and age of the Brachiopod Chert o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 187 References 193 \"0 Plates 203 ABSTRACT Following a review of previous research, an account is given of the Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphy of Svalbard, with special reference to the occurrence and content of brachiopod faunas.
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