IT Acronyms at your fingertips A quick references guide with over 3,000 technology related acronyms IT Acronyms at your Fingertips We’ve all experienced it. You’re sitting in a meeting and someone spouts off an acronym. You immediately look around the table and no one reacts. Do they all know what it means? Is it just me? We’re here to help! We’ve compiled a list of over 3,000 IT acronyms for your quick reference and a list of the top 15 acronyms you need to know now. Top 15 acronyms you need to know now. Click the links to get a full definition of the acronym API, Application Programmer Interface MDM, Mobile Device Management AWS, Amazon Web Services PCI DSS, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard BYOA, Bring Your Own Apps SaaS, Software as a Service BYOC, Bring Your Own Cloud SDN, Software Defined Network BYON, Bring Your Own Network SLA, Service Level Agreement BYOI, Bring Your Own Identity VDI, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure BYOE, Bring Your Own Encryption VM, Virtual Machine IoT, Internet of Things Quick Reference, over 3000 IT acronyms Click the links to get a full definition of the acronym Acronym Meaning 10 GbE 10 gigabit Ethernet 100GbE 100 Gigabit Ethernet 10HD busy period 10-high-day busy period 1170 UNIX 98 121 one-to-one 1xRTT Single-Carrier Radio Transmission Technology 2D barcode two-dimensional barcode Page 1 of 91 IT Acronyms at your Fingertips 3270 Information Display System 3BL triple bottom line 3-D three dimensions or three-dimensional 3G third generation of mobile telephony 3PL third-party logistics 3Vs volume, variety and velocity 40GbE 40 Gigabit Ethernet 4-D printing four-dimensional printing 4G fourth-generation wireless 7W seven wastes 8-VSB 8-level vestigial sideband A.I. Airborne Internet A/m, Oe, oersted ampere per meter A+ A Plus AA modem lights AAA authentication, authorization, and accounting AAA server authentication, authorization, and accounting AAR Apple Authorized Reseller AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAUI Apple attachment unit interface ab W abohm abA abampere ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming ABB activity-based budgeting ABBH average bouncing busy hour ABC activity-based costing abC abcoulomb abend abnormal end abF abfarad abH abhenry ABM activity-based management ABP Microsoft Exchange Address Book Policy abS absiemens abV abvolt ABVS Automated Best Value System ABVS automated best value system Page 2 of 91 IT Acronyms at your Fingertips abW abwatt AC-3 Dolby Digital ACD Automatic Call Distributor ACeS Asia Cellular Satellite System ACF2 or CA-ACF2 Access Control Facility ACH Automated Clearing House ACH fraud Automated Clearing House fraud ACID atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability ACL access control list ACM Association for Computing Machinery ACO accountable care organization ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ACR attenuation-to-crosstalk ratio ACT Application Compatibility Toolkit ACTA America's Carriers Telecommunications Association ACTS Automatic Coin Telephone System ACTS Automatic Coin Telephone System ACV all commodity volume AD CS Active Directory Certificate Services AD domain Active Directory domain AD forest Active Directory forest AD tree Active Directory tree ADAT Alesis Digital Audio Tape ADC automated data collection ADC analog-to-digital conversion ADE qutomated data entry ADF automatic document feed ADO ActiveX Data Objects ADP Automatic Data Processing Inc. ADP automatic data processing ADPCM adaptive differential pulse-code modulation ADS alternate data stream ADSI Analog Display Services Interface ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ADSM ADSTAR Distributed Storage Management AES Advanced Encryption Standard Page 3 of 91 IT Acronyms at your Fingertips AES/EBU Audio Engineers Society/European Broadcasting Union AET advanced evasion technique AF audio frequency or a.f. AFC pixie dust or antiferromagnetically-coupled AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFM atomic force microscopy AFP Advanced Function Printing AFS Andrew file system aglet agile applet AGP Accelerated Graphics Port AHA Accelerated Hub Architecture AHIMA American Health Information Management Association AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHT average handle time AI Artificial Intelligence AIBO Artificial Intelligence roBOt AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants AID automatic identification AIDC Automatic Identification and Data Capture AIFF Audio Interchange File Format AIM application integration middleware AIMS agile infrastructure for manufactured systems AIN Advanced Intelligent Network AIT advanced intelligent tape AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML AKO Army Knowledge Online AL access list ALE Application Link Enabling ALM application lifecycle management ALPR Automated License Plate Recognition alt. alternate newsgroup ALU arithmetic-logic unit Amazon EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EMR Amazon Elastic MapReduce Amazon FPS Amazon Flexible Payments Service Page 4 of 91 IT Acronyms at your Fingertips Amazon S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service AMD Advanced Micro Devices AMD-V AMD virtualization AMI Amazon Machine Image AMI advanced metering infrastructure AMIA American Medical Informatics Association AML anti-money laundering software AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service AMR ambulatory medical record AMR automated meter reading AMR Audio/Modem Riser or AMR slot AMT advanced manufacturing technology AMTOR amateur teleprinting over radio AMU or amu atomic mass unit ANI Automatic Number Identification animated GIF Graphics Interchange Format ANQP Access Network Query Protocol ANSI American National Standards Institute AoE ATA over Ethernet AOI automated optical inspection AOP aspect-oriented programming AOSP Android Open Source Project AP Adaptive Planning AP accounts payable Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator APAR authorized program analysis report API application program interface APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society APIPA Automatic Private IP Addressing APL a programming language APM application performance monitoring APM application portfolio management APO advanced planning and optimization APO Advanced Planner and Optimizer AppBlast Project AppBlast APPC Advanced Program-to-Program Communication or LU 6.2 Page 5 of 91 IT Acronyms at your Fingertips Apple VPP Apple Volume Purchase Program Apple WWDC Apple Worldwide Developers Conference APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking APQP advanced product quality planning APS advanced planning and scheduling APT advanced persistent threat AR accounts receivable AR augmented reality ARAX Asynchronous Ruby and XML ARIN American Registry of Internet Numbers Arista EOS Arista Extensible Operating System ARJ Archive Robert Jung ARP Address Resolution Protocol ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPU average revenue per user or average revenue per unit ARQ automatic repeat request ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ARRL American Radio Relay League AS autonomous system AS/400 IBM iSeries, AS/400e, eServer iSeries/400 AS1 Applicability Statement 1 AS2 Applicability Statement 2 ASAP AcceleratedSAP ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASD agile software development ASE Adaptive Server Enterprise ASF Apache Software Foundation American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning ASHRAE Engineers ASIC application-specific integrated circuit ASIO Audio Stream Input/Output ASLR address space layout randomization ASN advanced shipping notice ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One ASP authorized service provider ASP application service provider Page 6 of 91 IT Acronyms at your Fingertips ASP Active Server Page ASP+ ASP.NET ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface ASPI driver Advanced SCSI Programming Interface driver ASPIC Application Service Provider Industry Consortium ASQ American Society for Quality ASR automated speech recognition ASRS automated storage retrieval systems ASSP application-specific standard product AST automated storage tiering ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ASUG Americas' SAP Users' Group ATA American Telemedicine Association ATA analog telephone adapter ATA Advanced Technology Attachment ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface ATE automated test equipment ATE automated test equipment ATL Active Template Library ATM asynchronous transfer mode ATO assemble to order ATP advanced technology program ATR automated trouble reporting ATS applicant tracking system ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee ATU-R ADSL Terminal Unit - Remote ATV advanced television ATVEF Advanced Television Enhancement Forum AUI attachment unit interface AUP acceptable use policy AV audio/video AVA anonymous video analytics AVI file Audio Video Interleaved file AVL approved vendor list AVL automatic vehicle locator AWG American Wire Gauge Page 7 of 91 IT Acronyms at your Fingertips AWIS Alexa Web Information Service AWS Amazon Web Services AWT Abstract Window Toolkit AXI automated X-ray inspection AXT alien crosstalk B2B Business to Business B2B Business2Business or Business-to-Business B2C Business To Consumer B2C Business2Consumer or Business-to-Consumer B2E Business2Employee or Business-to-Employee B2G Business2Government or Business-to-Government bipolar 8-zero substitution, binary 8-zero substitution, clear channel, clear B8ZS 64 BA business analytics BA business agility BAA HIPAA business associate agreement BAA broad agency announcement BAL Basic Assembler Language BAL Basic Assembler Language or branch-and-link
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