Ifloocd WMtdr, Eatonl m Oseond-Okes H&te at tbo Fese* 1 LVOLUME XLIIi: NO. 20. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1920.' $1.50 Per Year? PAGES 1 T6 8. the treatment she received; and that QUICK PROFIT ON HOUSES. RUMSON FIREMEN GOT $600. • her riba and body were injured by be- ; JUST A PAEIDE. BIADE $400 AT AUTO TRIP TO FLORIDA. | ing crushed between the two doors at Patrick F. Kennedy Cleans Up Summer Residents Gave Money to $1,600 on Three Sales. Pay for Firchousc Improvements. FOUR WARRANTS SWORN OUT'tll(; timo when she was being pushed EXULTANT IT WAS GIVEN BY ST. JAMES'S TOWN OFFICIALS Clement Bruno of Oakland street The Kumson fire company has re-TWO RED BANK FAMILIES TO BV MRS. MARY W. SUTTON. out of the house by Kenneth Mc- CELEBRATE VICTORY. has bought a double house on , fhe LADIES' SODALITY. ceived ¥<i00 in donations from the WINTER IN THAT STATE. | Queen and the Skellys. south side of that street, near 1'earl summer residents of Kumson to pay An. Margaret Slielly Charged -With Mra. , ,, .,, ,, , Fire Alarms* Rung in to Get the street, from Patrick P. Kennedy for Held Lait Wednesday Night at St. Ambrose Matthews and Charles Mr.. M.r»»t RI<ell» CU* ™i -With> u tt B-t Sutton, . in. her complaint Jamei'i Clubhouse—The Proceeds for improvements to the iirehouse. Croft Started for Mineota, Flor- Perjury, and She, Kennetr h Me- Buo'"tea Mrsttl . fakelly1 for perjury, People and the Firemen Out for a $5,350. The lot is BUxHfi feet anil Q-t>™ and Maria Skelly McQueen ' <l , " ! p, P"' «* the complaint Were Turned Over to the Improve- A short time ago a li.st of donors was ida, Last Thursday and They Will ]n aile Skelly ! ld Republican Colebration-4—Mayor the house has six rooms and a bath- published in | Thc Register. Those _, ClmrBed With A.oault and Battery. > afrailist *"[? \^ ' " Marches, Carrying a Broom. ment Fund of the Church. Probably Buy Winter Homes. -^ . , , . , . | then adds that this "affidavit or com- room on e?5cji side. It is provided who have made contributions since dd t affiat To celebrate their party's triumph with gas, tva'tcrand stationary tubs. The ladies' sodality of St. James's then are Carl Schocn,. William B. '". Ambrose Matthews and Charles A new development occurred last j church cleared about $400 at the Croft of Red Bank started for Flor- week in the landlord and tonunt case '' h whol, fu,ae An(, thia du. and their own success at the polls ITh e tunanta'arc Mrs.'Sarah Buckley Symtnes, Jr., Thomas N, McCartcr, I ponent [Mra. Sutton] alleges that the nual barn dance held Wediiesday j_ j, j,. ,, ida last Thursday in their automo- of Mr. and Mrs. William K,' Winter said Margaret Skelly then and there thc Republican oiliccholderti of lUu and• Willia- m Carhart.- ' This is one of lr(li h H t h and Mrs. Margaret Skelly for posseB- Bank staged a parade last Wednes- three houses which Mr. Kennedy night at the clubhouse. The profits biles. Mr. Matthews was accom- wilfully and corruptly swore falsely, will go to the improvement fund of Ira Barrows, William Nelson Crom- Panied by his wife and by his sister, Hion of a house on Riverside avenue. nnd'then und there committed wilful day night. The celebration was got-"bought last winter from E. Gerry well, Mrs. J. K. Linde, Mrs. James '^"M"ew levelopDient was the arrest, , . » ten up in a hurry and few persons Roberts for $5,00p each. Mr. Ken-St. James's church. '. The dance was C. Scrymser, Mrs. George V, Coe, Mrs. Mary Platt. Mr. Croft was ac- t pcrjuI y outside of tlhe officeholders, politi- attended by -over 300 persons. The companied by his brother-in-law, of Mra. Margaret Skelly on a charge i ' ' J ^ . , j nedy Btatcs that the rent and the y p Mrs. Maniii'l Lopez, Mrs. Harry Thc Oc tob er ju Bt|1 ciansa and statesmen who arrangeg d it f the sales of these houses hulhlll dtd ith tlk Nichols, Mrs. Yale Kneeland, Mrs. Samuel Conovcr uf Oceanic. Mra. «i perjury and ulao on a charge »J I d Us term of service will nc money or and autumdecoraten leavesd wit. h Piecorn-stalk, cakes, Croft ami a friuml will make tha assuult und battery; the arrest of . sessin^ w Bbo t janualy knew .that it was to take place. In was $l,GO0 more ttian the prjee he George F. Victor, Mrs. Willia^ mi i journey to Florida by steamboat and Kenneth McQueen, non-m-luw of Mia ! ^0 on th wurrant /„ order to get paradere and spectators paid for the houses, plus the taxes doughnuts and cider and coffee were Barbour and Frank Godey. sold oh th'ej'stage. William F, Cogan i will join MrMr. Matthews and MMrr. bkelly, on a charge of assault and t come bef<jre the „„„ for • the occasion three false alarniB and all other expenses.- on the. improvements lo the fire- of lire were rung in from box 58. of Red Bank won a boudoir cap, house will be started at once. Croft there. ^"jA^J^^wault and buttery, of ?Mra . £l,Skelly' "•s: ! S™>d %**.. which will be empanelled An ahy;m from boxr 58 denotes a which was disposed of on the co- The automobile journey will be by daughter, Marie Skelly McQueen, le opening of the January term of fire in the heart of the town's busi- operative plan, way of Camden, Philadelphia, Wil- wife of Kenneth McQueen. The three ness section, and three calls mean a A NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH. The committee in charge of the mington and Baltimore to Washing- persona arrested under these war- •The Skelly family moved out of the lire which is so serious that every dance consisted of Misses Helena BODY FOUND IN A WOODS. ton. Then thc journey will be Gordon house on November 1st. Henderson, Kathryn and Mildred through the interior of Virginia, rants were taken before Justice Ed- fire company in the' town must at- RED BANK ITALIANS BUILDING ward W. Wise on Saturday und bail tend it. The firemen, hot being Fields, Margaret Ryan, Loretta and North Carolina, South Carolina and was given in the sum of $200 in each "wise" to the plans for the celebra- A HOUSE OF WORSHIP. Pauline Lang, Emma Holibough, AN APPARENT CASE OF SUI- Georgia to the city of Valdosta, case be-await thc action of the Janu- tion, responded with as much alac- •Mury Rciss, Nellie and Mary Quig- CIDE NEAR SEAGIRT. Georgia, near the Florida line. Ground was Brokon LMI WeeU S ! ary grand jury. The complaints were rity as if the community was men- „; ~o. i o -j A * ; leYvj Margaret and Vera Doherty, Thence the trip will be made direct- aced by a serious conflagration. elief that the Body Was That of ly southward through Florida about made October 20th by Mrs. Mary nue—ChurcChestnut Streeh Wilt anl dCo. Bridgt $35,00e Avie-0! vrlii;. !„>„,„ M..rv i>,.:ilv "' Milton McColgan of Red BanU Wooster Sutton, before Martin L. RIVER PLAZA FOLKS DISSATIS- Motor drawn engines went tearing r*t i. i«r:ii /••--.. *•)£ nnn iNemMcCarrone Lottus, - Josephin, iviarye KeinySidei,l and | midway between , ,e east and west through the streets, and tile air was and Will bo Completed in Mnrch. Proves Unfounded—Man Had coasts to iMineola. Ferris of Asbury Park and the war- • F1ED OVER SITUATION. , Madeline Palise. • j Been Dead Several Months. rants were served last Friday. Mrs. split with clanging bells and the ear- Ground was broken last week for The patronesses were Mrs. Andrew i The automobilists carry a eom- Sutton in n lawyer. Lively Time at a Mooting of the piercing shrieks of sirens. A fire Red Bank's new Catholic church at ..._.....Murray, , Mrs. Louis, C~. .J,. Barthelcmy,—••.,, . The bod,y- of an unidentified ma. n plete camp equipment, including two !was u This is the third act of complaints Middlctown Township Board of serious enough to demand three the corner of Bridge avenue and Mrs. James J. Quiglcy, Mrs. Charles found '" "woods near bengirt i tents, two collapsible stoves, mat- whicli have been made in the case. Education at River Plaza a Few alarms required haste on the part of Chestnut street. For a long time F. Dimond, Mrs. Edward .1. Murphy, Monday of last week. The body was tresses and pillows which can 1: " Nighto Ago. the (iremeit and impressed by thia past the Italian Catholics have been Mrs. John Giblin, Mrs. Juhn Canti badly decomposed and alt means of flatcd and which when deflated can The trouble arose out of the refusal identification had been almost com- of Mrs. Skelly to give up possession A lively meeting of tlie Middle- fact the fire lighters sent their ma- holding services at St. James's club-, ]ion, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. Davi be made up into a roll six inches in chines through the streets at break- house on Monmouth street. Last Lerpy, Mrs. Hugh Phillips, Mrs. P""-''y W1P<-'<I out »V the elements.! diametedi r andd two feet longl , as wellll of the house she was occupying on town township board of education neck speed. Good fortune; combined Tlle tmin s eath ll (1 vm Riverside avenue at Ued Bank, and I and the River Plaza improvement as- year a 'piece of property was bought Maurice Hollywood, Mrs. John J. » " " caused by Ia s a |ot of ot)ie,.
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