THIRD GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM Reading Unit: Animal Friendships Pacing Guide: September- November Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Benchmark Assessment(s) ● What strategies can I use to ● I can ask questions to ● Students will be able to create a suitcase based on a novel. They become a better reader? understand a text. will choose a main character to take on a new adventure and ● What strategies can I use to ● I can use prediction to write a paragraph to explain why this is a good location for the understand a text? help me understand a character to travel to using evidence from the text. The inside of text. the suitcase will include items the character will take on his trip ● I can make connections to that reflect elements from the novel that are important to that help me understand a character. A brief explanation will accompany each item and text. include what the item is and why the character would take it. ● I can summarize a text. Students will present their project to the class speaking clearly at ● I can describe the an understandable pace and distinguishing their point of view elements of a story. from that of the narrator or characters. Writing should also ● I can use decoding include linking words and phrases as well as a conclusion. strategies to find meaning Student will use commas in addresses and possessives. This of unknown words. benchmark will be assessed using a grade level rubric. (RL.3.1, ● I can compare and RL.3.5, RL.3.6, RL.3.10, W.3.1, W.3.10, SL.3.4, L.3.2.B, L.3.2.D) contrast elements of two ● SWBAT listen to two read alouds by the same author in order to different texts. compare and contrast the themes, settings, events and plot of the ● I can monitor my own stories. Students will complete a plot diagram and venn diagram reading. to show understanding. (RL.3.9) ● I can ask and answer questions during reading. Suggested Activities ● Mini Lessons: ○ Predicting: (DAY 1) Choose 3-4 ‘uncommon’ picture book the children are not familiar with. Tell students you will be making predictions, which are guesses based on clues. Display each of the picture books and read the title. The teacher previously creates a prediction for each of the books. Read the teacher prediction (on a card) and model how to match the prediction with the correct book through thinking aloud. Do another one if needed. Continue by having students match the prediction to the correct picture books and explain their thinking. (What clues from the title and cover helped you match the predictions?) (DAY 2) Repeat the Anticipated Date of BOE Approval: August 20, 2020 1 THIRD GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM process with several short texts having the students work in pairs or small groups to match the text with the correct prediction. Highlight the clues that helped them. Discuss thought process as a class. (Students will make a prediction for their novels during the weekly Guided Reading centers/stations.) ■ Use graphic organizer on BES Shared: Third Grade/Reading/ Reading Response Graphic Organizer; use pages 85-87) ■ Use Bookmark Strategies for reading during Centers; page 20 ■ Use Reading Interactive Notebook ○ Visualizing: ■ (DAY 1) Students will be asked to close their eyes and make a picture in their head while the teacher reads the first part of the poem “My Neighbor’s Dog” by Jack Prelutzky. After reading, the students will draw what they pictured from the reading (Use the ‘sunglasses’ outline) Give time for students to share and explain their drawings. ■ (DAY 2) Reread the start of the poem. Ask students to not say anything during the reading of the remainder of the poem. Students close their eyes while the teacher reads the remainder of the poem; illustrate what they have visualized on the other side for the ‘sunglasses’ pattern. Discuss as a class. ● Use graphic organizer on BES Shared: Third Grade/Reading/ Reading Response Graphic Organizer; use pages 129- 134 ● Use Bookmark Strategies for reading during Centers; page 20 ● Use Reading Interactive Notebook pages 86-87 (copy for each student; model completion and do together using document camera) ○ Making Connections: ■ Use Reading Graphic Organizer (BES Shared) pages 61-63 for student to practice after mini lessons ■ (TEXT-TO-SELF) Read My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother by Patricia Polacco. While reading, model how to use post-its to identify T-S connections. Provide sentence starters to glue into Reading Interactive NB ■ (TEXT-TO-TEXT) Read Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad Day by Judith Voirst. Have the previous day’s book available as well. Model how to make text-to-text connections (Go beyond the obvious, such as “both have characters that are boys”; have student dig deeper) ■ (TEXT-TO-WORLD) Read I Love You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco. Model how to make text-to-world connections using post-its and sentence starters. ● Use Reading Interactive Notebook pages 83-87: Each student creates their own; model using document camera and SMART board ○ Asking Questions: ■ Interactive Notebook page 42-44 ■ Reading Graphic Organizers page 5-10 ○ Retell/Summarize: ■ Interactive Notebook page 46-48 ■ Reading Graphic Organizers page 122-128 Anticipated Date of BOE Approval: August 20, 2020 2 THIRD GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM ○ Self-Monitor for Understanding: ● Before Reading: o What do good readers do? :Model strategies using read aloud picture books: Reading Strategies: Predicting, Visualizing, Thinking about Reading (Making Reading Salad), Making Connections, Ask and Answer Questions, Retell and Summarize, Self-Monitor o Students make predictions based on looking at cover of novel. Students view trailers for novel and then adjust prediction if needed. Students can later write another prediction based on what they have read and discuss whether or not their original prediction was correct. o Write 3 questions they have about the novel based on what they see on cover on a graphic organizer. Later in the story, students can revisit this and see if they found the answers to their story. o Create a friendship bookmark. o Discuss what makes a good friend. List attributes on an anchor chart. o Prediction Pyramid: Teacher writes essential words on broad and students place words in pyramid where they think the words will come into the story ● During Reading: o Students will be working in leveled groups to read their assigned novels. o Work will be completed during Guided Reading Centers/Stations o Centers/Stations: ▪ Before activity: Coincide with the mini lesson taught for that week ▪ Reading assigned pages (during activity) ▪ Complete the After Activity when assigned pages finished ▪ Word Work/Vocabulary: This center should be an activity to coincide with the current unit of Fundations or vocabulary from their assigned novels ▪ Optional centers may include: nonfiction text (Scholastic News, article, etc.), handwriting/cursive practice, cross curricular response to science or social studies articles, seasonal holiday craft/activity o Model Decoding Strategies using novel: Students follow along as teacher reads and models decoding strategy. Decoding Strategies: Use picture clues, Sound out the Word, Guess and Check for Meaning, Look for Chunks, Skip it and Check for Meaning o Story Elements: Complete story element graphic organizer using spooky house o Play story element bingo- Students place elements on a bingo board, teacher calls out element, students find on board and then state what the element is in their own novel o Create a story map with main idea in center with details around the outside. o Play “Hot Seat”- One student is character from book others ask questions about how that character felt about the events or event in the voice of the character o Students create character riddles others guess answers (can be about characters or events or whatever) o Create cause and effect cards o Make thought bubbles to make student thinking visible o Create connection paper chains- Students choose a slip of paper/ connection strip to add after reading sections or whenever they can Anticipated Date of BOE Approval: August 20, 2020 3 THIRD GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM and share. o Create interactive notebook pages for strategies o ● After o The ‘after activity’ should coincide with the skill/strategy taught during the mini lesson for the week o Examples: ▪ Visualization-Visualize an important part of the text you have read. Illustrate your visualization in your notebook and write at least 2 sentences explaining your illustration. ▪ Predictions-Students write their prediction as the ‘before activity’. After activity is to check your prediction for accuracy. Was this correct? What did you find in your reading that surprised you? o Create favorite character award o Create a character collage (Outline of character with characteristics in pictures, words, quotes) o Students write themselves into a chapter of the book Reinforcement Enrichment ● Have students collaborate on Frog and Toad, complete Venn ● Choose a character from given story, list 5 character traits and Diagram (attached charts, Frog and Toad Graphic Organizers) their contrasting trait. ( antonym- cooperative/mischievous) ● Given a list of character traits, choose 3 that are portrayed. Choose a set of traits and give examples of each. A person is Explain why you choose this trait. mischievous when…. ● Recall an event in the story- relate it to yourself, what did it ● What are you curious about when reading? Make prediction remind you of. /change ending/ continue the story- what do you think would ● Teach another student about a chosen strategy happen next ● Create a lesson to teach a younger student about a reading strategy Materials and Resources Other Assessments ● Class Read Aloud: ● Notebook checks ■ The One and Only Ivan by Applegate (S) ● Novel comprehension questions (open ended and short answer) ● Novels: ● Class discussions and class participation ▪ Frog and Toad are Friends by Lobel (K) ● Teacher observations ▪ A Letter to Amy by Keats (K) ● Guided reading anecdotal notes ▪ The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Cleary (O) Anticipated Date of BOE Approval: August 20, 2020 4 THIRD GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM ▪ Stuart Little by E.B.
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