Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 3-21-1955 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1955). Winona Daily News. 128. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/128 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .· . Light Snow >.·.·•··•.·•···•s:.·•·... Tonight1 Fair ·.•· ... /··.·.·.· .·. .. •..·.. .r:wI: .....••. < HE . - .· . On Tuesday Formerly The Winona Republican-Herald·.•. ' 100th Y;a, of Publi;tion ·•••·· VOLUME 99. NO. 101 SIX CENTS· PER COPY Administration ~ay Gov. Freeman's Back. Big 4 Parley · Programfacjng By FRANK CORMIER '!V AS'HINGTON {.¥,-State Department officials say a call by Sen. George (D-Ga) for a top-level Big Four meeting is in line with legislative Ax fM thinking of the Republican administration. .But, like' George, they said ceifain conditions should be met in advance of active efforts to bring together President Eisenhower Conservative Bloc Gd the chlefl! of RU5sia, Britain Holds Meeting, Sets ~ France, The department itself had no of- retary of State Dulles and leaders of Britain and France have talked Pattern for Action · .f1cial comment on George's sug- of this possibility in positive terms ge.stion. ;1 George, as chairman of the Sen- once German rearmament ls ap- proved, ate Foreign Relations Committee, Prospects for American support Jg influential -in the development of a top-1evel conference doubtless ol U. S. ioreign policy. He sug- would be brightened should a for­ ·• Big Craft Plows - gested last night a four-power con- eign ministers' session produce £ere.ace offers "the real hope of constructive results. Into Pasture 2 . .. avoiding war." He said it possibly EXJ)ressing a belief a to:i>-level Miles···•From· Airport &hould be held this year. conference would lead to "adjust- At the moment, a meeting of ments movina toward a more nor­ .Big Four foreign ministers - like mal world," 0 George said in an that held in Berlin a year ago- NBC television interview: seems more likely than a confer- "I think that we have reached ence of chiefs of government_ Sec- the point where we should try." Storm 'Collapses Big Circus Tent on 400 TODAY Reds Plan Attack on Formosa Committee OKs State Tax Withholding Plan ST. PAUL rn - The state .income tax "-'1thholding plan advanced by Gov. Freeman was appro,ed to- day by the Minnesota House Ap- FEDERAL FORECAST propriations Committee. Ail amendment was tacked on Winona and. Vicinity .~ Cloudy to provide a M00,000 appropriation. 3:11d ccldi:! ,nth some light snow for the first year to put the new: likely tomght and earlr. Tuesday plan into operation, and ~00,000, followed _by generally. faU: weather. for the second year. Low lorught 15 to 18, high Tues- 111 day 28. L-OCAL WEATHER . Model Drops Suit Official observations for the 24 hours ending at 12 m. Sunday: For Studio 'Theft' . Maximum, 52; . minimum, 25; Rush City noon, 36; precipitation, none. Man, :NEW YORK !?~Lyn .Jones, a Official observations for the 24 ,Attempt~ Suicide . blonde model :from Queens, has ].ours ending at 12 m_ today: dropped hµ- $100,000 suit against Maximum; 40; minimum, 23; MINNEAPoµs i.0-claude An~ y RKO Pictures, the studio · an- noon, 26; precipitation, .52 (6 inches . derson; 60; was reported in critical . nounced yesterday, snow); sun sets tonight at 6:20; condition today aftet' being· rushed The buxom, 21-year-old model sun rises tomorrow at 6:07. from Rush City; MiniJ..;.to 1Jiliver­ had claimed that ~O used with- AIRPORT. WEATHER sity of Mifinesota hospifals with out her consent a picture of her (North Central Observations) a. slashed throat.. · .· .. body with the head of Jane Russell Max.· temp. 39 at 4:30. p.ni. Sun- Police .Chief Chester Larson . of to promote the film "Unaerwater.u day, low 25 degrees at noon to- Rush City said Artqerson was waif~ . The studio announcement said ilay. Other noon reading~vercast ing to . be p~cked up by relatives Il(? settlement was involved in tbe with breaks at 2,500 feet,. visibility Mr. And Mrs. George Wharton smile happily bvei<the return . from North Btanch, Minn., on his withdrawal and that Miss jones more than 15 miles, wind from the Of baby Carol Sue, kidnaped 29 minutes after her,birthcjn Baptist release froin a BJISli City. hospital ··.· .Sbrty~Six Persons wer; ..·sb~ken:up wbenijiis·· . Airporlili.··chicago~· The ,mishap occurred.· ~hen admitted it was "all a mistake." west at 17 miles per hour,• baro• Hosp.. ital ·at Be. a. u.m... ont; Texas, .sun.da. Y.·.··. ·.Th.. e iuf..a. nt .was found.. fu.•·. · when he cut hk throat. , . transcorifuientaL J\mericari ·Airlines plane caille .· the nose wheef of the plane;. Los There was no immediate com- meter at 29.83 fluctuating rapidly, • . · : Anderson '\Vas sped by police botind from . ment by Miss Jones. humidity 70 per cent. .· . ~ouston and returned to her parents. (AP Wirephoto) · · ·, • escort to Minneanolis. · t.o rest on its .nose during a!anding' aiMia,way Angeles to New York, collapsed. (UP ·Telephoto) . .f: .. \ . j\ '\ - - TH! WINONA .D1'1LY NEWS, WINONA, MINNl!IOTA ·•-. MONDAY~ MARCH 21, ., ... .. ar~ _ne> 111ch barrier~ to pstchol~gi- border .fro.m Hong Xong and turn,; l) cal invasion., Aild tlti$ is being at• ed tip in Canton in a blare of wel- South Viet. Nam . tempted in· a very sly way. -. _.. · •·· coming publicity. : 'There is no tions . at a special depot in the Thwi whlin the new rionstitution dOl!bt that Wei Li-hJiang •'.chose - Pead River estuary.: .·.· --.. -_ ' ... ·· - was promtilg.ated and the Peking ComllluniSm''_ at a carefully pr~ ', Rebel Boasts He'll - Because of the controls, the government : was >reorganized, a arranged tinie. If Wei Li-hu1U1g's ·_ quantities of diesel ai;id -J{erosene significant role wiis allo~ to for- olcl. friends in Taipei are having - leaking out· o( Hong Kc,ng bave 'no! mfili mru»bl!l'R . of the Kuomin®tg ~ny doubv; about the futur~, the ef~ Seal Off Capital - been militarily important. Most government; The ,evil old ex-gov- feet -among .them sllould be con- · . - probably the buyers have been pri- emor of Yunnan~ Lung Yun · the sidetable, - . · .. · _ . .· 1 SAIGON, South Viet Nifrri." rn - v!1~. or state trader~ supplying the Generalis_simo's . ex~tavo~te,: . Ge~. Over all one cari-discer:n a pat: :Q.efying government troops - to c1vµ1an_ market m South-East FuJ'SO-Y!, who .. sold Peking to the rem_ of methodical; allenibracing - - By GRETCHEN L • .LAMBERTON - · _ Chin~. But .for almost two years Communists, ~Iid several -more preparation that became intensive come and get him, religious leader HE~E is a -~i:!-1 and terrible kind_oflorieliness suffered by a previous to l_ast December, there t~ed UP·~s.v1ce. chairmail of the soon after the. Khrushchev-Bui• "Bacut" predicts that within nine T child who is cnppled or has some physical defect. It is as hadbeellc no ~1gn of fyel shortage on National 11'.il!tary Coundl. ••· And• ·a garun:Mik<>yan visit to China •.. It is days his rebel force will seal off thou~ ~e sti?od always at the_ gate of the joyous world of childhood the Communist mamland. _. < -- really , cons~dera:ble· ?1Umbet" : of an ominous. pattern~ ·. A carefiilly l~king in wistfully but coUld never enter. But this summer there the capital 0£ Salgo.11. Thus it seems clear. that in D~ t~coats "'ere given s.imple coun- elaborated. national plan is unlikely will be Camp Courage where he can have happy coinpaniimship and -­ cember, the order:came do_wn froI!l C!il membershf11s. -.. -- .... -. ·: - to be ~bandon~d by the tpm, Receiving foreign newsmen yes­ leam to enter the joyful-world of normal childhood.· Peking to begin building maximum only.J.ast W.~k; inoreover, an- dedicated men who rule in PeJling, terday at a hideout 10 miles be1ow _ camp Courage is the new camp--not yet finished-that the stocks _llf the ~p Inv_11sion fuels~ o~he~ old favorite ~ !fie Generalis• at lef!st unless the( are decisively 1-0ng Xuyen, the 31-year-old, one­ Minnesota Society for Crippled Children and Adults is building on ii And th1.s order 1mm~diately creata s1mo s, ~en-,: Wei ~-1_>.uailg,, who convinced there, 1s · no·_ smallest . 40-acre -plot of gently rolling country on the shore of Ceaar -Lake .of 1Il, th1?>·b1g talk in. •. __ .. - arrned Hoa Hao general said Cabi­ ed the demand felt m Hong Xong ~eildS Ch1an_g s e~ed1tio11ary force elem~nt bluff near ~and~le, ~- Up to now the Society bad only one camp, and more. recently· reflected in the m. M;anchur1a, , slipped across :. th~ Washington. ·.. -- , _· .... ·.· .. ·._ -, . :. .·-· .· , . _ · net :?ifinister Gen. Tran Van Soai Camp Kiwanis built for them by the Kiwanis _clubs, which could voyage of the. "Aruba.'' - . had named him to lead the com­ take _care of 200 persons_ Iri 1953 over 800 severely handicapped. With . military ·.· stocks bined forces of the religious sects or cr1ppleq yt,ungsters and adu1ts requested and badly needed this intensive .against Premier Ngo Dinh Diem. camp, But over 600 had to be turned down-no room for them. - piling starting in December, the enemy should be ready to. move Soai, the Hoa llio military chief, _S9. last year the Society took what funds it had and started in .- April -or -early -.
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