Appendix 8 Derry City and Strabane District Council Planning Committee Report COMMITTEE DATE: 3 May 2017 APPLICATION No: LA11/2016/0732/F APPLICATION TYPE: Full PROPOSAL: Change of use to retail unit 5 (old off sales) to taxi office and waiting area. LOCATION: 13-17 Greenhaw Road, Derry, BT48 7RZ APPLICANT: Skeoge Taxis AGENT: Kevin McClelland Architects Ltd ADVERTISEMENT: 07.09.2016 STATUTORY EXPIRY: 21.09.2016 RECOMMENDATION: Approve REASON FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE: Number of objections exceeds 5. All planning application forms, drawings, consultation responses, letters etc. relating to this planning application are available to view on www.planningni.gov.uk 1. Description of Proposed Development The proposed development is for a change of use of the end retail unit at Supervalue to a taxi office and waiting area. The single storey end unit at present is currently vacant and has an existing service yard to the rear which serves the existing supermarket. The plans do not show any proposed changes externally. A change in use class from approved A1 retail use to a taxi business which is a sui generis use requires planning permission. 2. EIA Determination The site falls below the threshold of 0.5 ha for an urban development project and as such does not need to have an EIA determination carried out. Appendix 8 3. Site and Surrounding Area The site is a flat gradient and currently that of an existing retail premises Supervalu (Longs Supermarket) and also has 4 attached retail units which all front onto Greenhaw Road. At present the adjoining units include a hairdressers, charity shop, laundrette and sun bed salon. There is also an existing off-licence (which fronts Greenhaw Road also) which can be accessed internally through Super valu and has an external door onto the footpath. The end unit which is the subject of this proposal is currently vacant. There is an existing car park which serves the supermarket and retail units and is located in the western section of the site. The site (as outlined in red) is bounded to the rear by No.s 10 – 32 Danesfort Crescent. The unit which is the subject of this proposal is bounded to the rear by no. 32 Danesfort Crescent. Site Location Plan The surrounding area is predominantly residential. The site itself is a long established shopping centre and these units act as a local centre providing shopping provision for the local community. Proposed Site Layout showing end unit Appendix 8 In terms of site layout the proposal involves a change of use of the end unit only of this existing retail complex, closest to the boundary with the road entry to Danesfort Crescent. Photograph 1 shows Vacant Unit 4. Site Constraints No particular constraints have been identified for the site 5. Neighbour Notification Report Neighbour Address Date Neighbour Notified 10 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 10 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 11 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RZ, 9/9/16 12 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 12 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 Appendix 8 14A Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 9/9/16 14B Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 9/9/16 14 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 14 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 16 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 16 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 18 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 18 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 19 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RZ, 9/9/16 1A Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 9/9/16 1B Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 9/9/16 20A Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 20B Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 20 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 22 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 24 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 26 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 28 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 30 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 32 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 34 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 9/9/16 49 Hampstead Park,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RX, 9/9/16 5 Grainan Court,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SD, 9/9/16 8A Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 8B Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 9/9/16 Superfare Building,15 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 9/9/16 7SA, 10 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 10 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 11 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RZ, 10/6/16 12 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 12 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 Appendix 8 14A Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 10/6/16 14B Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 10/6/16 14 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 14 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 16 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 16 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 18 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 18 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 19 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RZ, 10/6/16 1A Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 10/6/16 1B Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 10/6/16 20A Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 20B Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 20 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 22 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 24 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 26 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 28 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 30 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 32 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 34 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 10/6/16 49 Hampstead Park,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RX, 10/6/16 5 Grainan Court,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SD, 10/6/16 8A Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 8B Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 10/6/16 Superfare Building,15 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 10/6/16 7SA, 10 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 10 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 11 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RZ, 1/30/17 12 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 12 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 Appendix 8 14A Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 1/30/17 14B Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 1/30/17 14 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 14 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 16 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 16 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 18 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 18 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 19 Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RZ, 1/30/17 1A Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 1/30/17 1B Shantallow Avenue,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7UB, 1/30/17 20A Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 20B Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 20 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 22 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 24 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 26 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 26 Greenhaw Road Shantallow Londonderry Londonderry BT48 7SB 1/30/17 28 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 30 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 32 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 34 Danesfort Crescent,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 8DG, 1/30/17 49 Hampstead Park,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7RX, 1/30/17 5 Grainan Court,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SD, 1/30/17 8A Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48 7SA, 1/30/17 8B Greenhaw Road,Shantallow,Londonderry,Londonderry,BT48
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