Madison et al.: Madison Magazine - Winter 2011 winter 2011 Madisonthe magazine of James m adison university The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts educates future artists, welcomes audiences and builds community The cur T ain i s r aised winter INSIDE: PluS: Seeing Differently: The Institute for Visual Studies asks, A Breeze keepsake poster to 2011 what if Da Vinci had a Flip video? PagE 24 savor the brightest spot of the JMU Alumni Board member Scott Rogers(’00, ’02M) Dukes’ 2010 football season. Publishedsmoothes by JMU the Scholarly way for Commons, meal helpers 2011 to really help. PagE 22 Get 2011 season tickets now!1 Madison Magazine, Vol. 34 [2011], No. 1, Art. 1 FULLFRAME tuba Photogra P h by kathy lam; wilson by s arah https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/madisonmagazine/vol34/iss1/1DavisMadison (’13); D uke MagazineD og an D football by D an gorin (’11) 2 et al.: Madison Magazine - Winter 2011 Homecoming reflections The Marching Royal Dukes, Purple Out on the Quad, Mr. and Ms. Madison, CMSS 25th anniversary, reunions, tail- gates and tours of the Forbes Center. If you missed Homecoming 2010 — where were you? This year’s Homecoming included a couple of firsts: the faculty/ staff/community door decorating con- test and a tailgate wedding! Congratu- lations Sarah Headley (‘96) and Fred Boyd, who got married. Stay tuned to next issue for a story about the pair. Though the University of New Hamp- shire Wildcats topped the Dukes 28–14, the JMU Nation’s spirit was not defeat- ed. Dukes packed Bridgeforth Stadium and tailgate spots all over campus. The Marching Royal Dukes wowed the fans. ✱ Read the official 2010 Homecoming blog by Jacquelyn Walsh (‘09) at www.jmu.edu/homecoming/blog.shtml Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2011 winter 2011 3 winter 2011 * VoL .34 * n o.1 ContentsMadison Magazine, Vol. 34 [2011], No. 1, Art. 1 Red, Blue and JMU Two Virginia politi- cal party leaders, two alums, two Daves, two “hands across the aisle.” Page 40 Featured 24 Time for the Arts to Soar at Madison Up Front by Chris Edwards and Jamie Marsh showtime! the $90.5 million Forbes Center for the Performing arts is the premier destination for cultural 1 Full Frame arts in the shenandoah Valley. the College of Visual and Performing arts now has a magnificent home to Homecoming 2010! match Madison professors’ and students’ 100-year dedication to the arts. on Page 24, Chris edwards shows how the college’s institute for Visual studies is helping students “see differently” and be innovative and 4 22807 creative. edwards also shares several theater alumni’s “adieu to theatre ii” on Page 28. Jamie Marsh captures Your letters and feedback the excitement of the Forbes Center grand opening on Page 31. 6 Contributors 36 A Confederacy of Dream Builders by Martha Bell Graham with the help of numerous volunteers, JMU connections and community organizations, Lisa shull (’85, ’91M) 7 Directions has created the perfect environment for children to “learn by doing and develop by creative play.” the former JMU President Linwood elementary school teacher created the explore More discovery Museum, an innovative H. rose addresses student learning and play space serving thousands of area children. retention and success On ThE COvER: �� 25K / Football Program Insert Lisa Shull (‘85, ‘91M), (regional com- dukes in the JMU nation never want to be bad sports, but the football team’s se pt . 11 munity cover) by Pat Jarrett. Forbes win over Virginia tech was special cause for celebration. Check out the enclosed poster Center (arts cover/Metamorphoses) by Richard Finkelstein. See both featuring sept. 13 front page and more details on the team. Have you purchased The Breeze Madison cover versions at your 2011 season tickets? Help make the JMU nation 25K strong. www.jmu.edu/MadisonOnline. https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/madisonmagazine/vol34/iss1/12 Madison Magazine rexroDe (’01) an D mills (’02) Photogra Ph by casey tem Pleton (‘06) 4 et al.: Madison Magazine - Winter 2011 M@ dison 8 news renovated wayland Hall will be a unique arts learning community, Christina delfico (’87) is producer for sesame workshop, the nonprofit organization for Sesame Street, Virginia sports Hall of Fame honors ronald e. Carrier, greater Madison, roanoke M.P.a. cohort, the “Price of Life,” students represent JMU at Usa science and engineering Festival, Contents Jenna wagner (’10) is on a fast-track career path, and much more 11 By the numbers what’s the no. 1 Bluestone reunion gift? a clean-shaven no. 2? what are 15, 25 and 260? what are the stats on the Class of 2011? Be the Change 19 Dukes Digest by Michelle Hite (’88) Kinesiology professor Men’s and women’s 2010–11 basketball schedules. Use your Madison Tom Moran embraces and empowers differ- promo code for discount tickets ent ways of learning. Visiting Fel- Page 43 Seeing Differently lows, like Michael Singer (above), and Departments professors in the Institute for Visual 13 Connections JMU is on Facebook, Flickr, Linkedin, twitter Studies help students approach cre- ativity differently. Page 24 and wordpress.com. get connected to the JMU nation 17 Special Report by George Sparks Cultivating and nurturing Five E’s of creativity: the Forbes Center sets the stage for the arts to soar at JMU health Pediatric 20 Concrete shredder and professor Howard gelfand, Bright Lights dietitian Dana Healthcare executive of the Year Carrie owen Plietz (’97) and Casendino’s takethemaMeal.com creator scott rogers (’00, ’02M) approach to better health 40 One World by Sande Snead (’82) is educating red, Blue and JMU: two political parties, two mirror positions, two families. daves. dave rexrode (’01) and david Mills (’02) lead Virginia’s Page 35 republicans and democrats 43 Be the Change by Colleen Dixon Kinesiology professor tom Moran is inspiring children, parents and tomorrow’s teachers with Project CLiMB (Children Learning to improve Movement Behaviors) 46 Professors You Love Kevin elliker (’08) honors history professor david dillard 47 Mixed Media Book announcements and book signings by professors and alumni Adieu Theatre II No Frost 17 players alumni return to campus to say Get connected: 49 news farewell to Theatre II/ Wampler and to see the Letter from the new home for JMU arts. www.jmu.edu alumni association Page 28 tell us about your president, 2010 Legacy Picnic, new alumni board members, Bright Light madison experience: freshmen are “alums from day one,” Virginia What’s happening at JMU? What’s on your History professor mind? Tell prospective students and alumni dMV license plate program supports JMU Howard Gelfand about your Madison Experience or share scholarships, chapter news and a save the surfs the side- other JMU-related thoughts: date calendar walks to help save www.facebook.com/jamesmadisonuniversity the environment. 54 Class notes news from alumni Page 20 visit jmu: and faculty emeriti, scholarship thank yous, Prospective students, JMU alumni, community members, JMU friends: Find it all here. The JMUworks features alumni house-flipping JMU events calendar, campus map, com- entrepreneurs, scott williamson (’93), Kurt munity news, area lodging and dining. Log on Morsink (’06), Heather before you roll in to the ‘Burg: schwarz (’08, ’09M) www.jmu.edu/jmuweb/visitor/ also: 64 Picture This Follow @JMUnews on Twitter. road dawg logs thou- Alumni news sands of miles to share Dukes share their parents: the Purple Pride with memories of JMU’s Visit www.jmu.edu/parents alumni and friends win over Virginia Tech. Page 49 singer an D moran Photogra P hs by mike miriello (’09 m); casen D ino (’06) by basil fargnoli/hackensack university Publishedme byD ical JMU center; Scholarly theatre Commons, ii grou P by holly 2011 marcus (’03); gelfan D by P at jarrett; P late by casey tem Pleton (‘06) winter 2011 3 5 Madison Magazine, Vol. 34 [2011], No. 1, Art. 1 22807 Madison Your letters and magazine feedback winter 2011 * VoL .34 * n o.1 Talofa FROM P URPLE An D gOLD Board o F Visitors 2010-2011 AMERICAn SAMOA ! PAREnT JaM es e. “J i M ” haR tMan (’70), Rector WhaR ton B. Rive Rs J R. (’02P), Vice Rector “talofa!” greetings from the beautiful i’m a parent of a 2007 JMU alumna, ashley sUsan a llen (’10P) island of american samoa. My name is eden schaefer. i received my copy of Madi- Kenneth BaR tee (’83) Katherine smith, and i graduated in May son and read it cover to cover. absolutely MaRK t. BoWles (’86) 2010 with a B.a. in history and a minor wonderful. so uplifting! go dukes. Joseph F. da M ico (’76, ’77M) Ronald c. devine (’78) in international humanities. after gradu- Bob Schaefer (’07P) vanessa M . evans (’93, ’97M) ation, i decided i wanted to try and “Be Virginia Beach, Va. lois caR daR ella Fo RBes (’64, ’90P) the Change” by becom- Joseph K . FUn KhoUseR ii (’99P, ’02P) Q UALITY TIME e lizaB eth v. lodal ing a high-school eng- l aRRy M. Roge Rs (’79, ’81M) lish teacher in american Let me thank you s teve sMith (’79) samoa — a U.s. terri- again for sending me a JU dith s . s tR icKleR (’60, ’91P, ’92P) tory that goes largely print version of Madi- FRed d. tho M pson JR. forgotten. today in . if a paid subscrip- daniel M. sMolKin (’11), Student Member son donna haR peR (’77, ’81M, ’86ed.s.), Secretary my rural village, i was tion ever becomes the President reading the latest Madi- only way to get a hard linWood h . Rose son magazine online. copy, i’ll gladly sign d i V ision Heads i decided to e-mail up.
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