November 1, 2013 TACNIGP NEWSLETTER Volume 1, Issue 1 Tallahassee Area Chapter of NIGP President’s Message Officers & Board Members 2013 is almost over. The month of November brings us many holidays to 2013 Officers celebrate; we have All Saints Day, Elections, Veterans’ Day, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving and St. Andrews. November is the month to observe American Jessie Moseley, President Diabetes, Lung Cancer Awareness, Native American Indian Heritage, National Donna Smith, President-Elect Healthy Skin, and National Family Caregivers. Daylight savings ends on the third. Vacant, Vice President And of course, Christmas is right around the corner. A survey was sent out to the Sandra Rogers, Secretary members so you could decide who the recipient would be from our Holiday Nancy Jewett, Treasurer Luncheon so please be sure to fill out the survey and send it back in! November 12th is the day to elect your new Officers and Board Members so make 2013 Board Members sure you come to the Chapter Meeting to VOTE!! Don Tobin Gloria Dixon TACNIGP November Monthly Membership Meeting 2013 Committee Chairs Awards – Jessie Moseley Bylaws – Nancy Jewett Reminder: the November monthly meeting is on November 12, 2013 at Communications – Diana K. Trahan the Leon County Civic Center from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. It is going to be a panel discussion about YOUR NIGP Chapter. You won’t want to miss Education – Lori Newman this one. Finance – Nancy Jewett Holiday – Vacant House – Mable Jones Membership – Sandra Rogers ***EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE**** Nominating – Gloria Dixon th Reverse Trade Show – Donna Smith Remember to register by TUESDAY, November 5 , 1:00 pm at Scholarship – Donna Smith https://www.tacnigp.com/. Volunteer – Ed Valla Looking forward to seeing you there! 2 5 Procurement Questions of the Month 1.) Your agency’s procurement manager has asked you to recommend an approach to an upcoming procurement for drug addiction counseling services. Which of the following possibilities would you put forward as the best approach? A. Develop a detailed specification as to how the contractor must provide the services B. Issue national standards for drug addiction counseling services to all potential respondents C. Work with the using department to develop performance measures you will use to ensure that the contractor meets the needs of the using department. D. Ask the using department for a list of drug addiction counseling protocols that they would be comfortable with. 2.) A governmental agency has a threshold for small purchases of $1000 and three quotes are required above that figure. There has been a steady increase in the number of field purchase orders, along with recent complaints from internal customers about it taking too long to buy what they need. Which of the following actions is most likely to have the biggest impact on reducing costs and saving time in the long run? A. Instituting a procurement card program. B. Raising the small purchase threshold. C. Hiring a new buyer just to handle small purchases. D. Reducing the number of quotes required from three to two. 3.) There are five types of training that typically occur in an organization. While seminars, webinars or other classroom situations may be needed to accomplish one or all of them, they are not what this question is about. Name 3 of the types. Extra credit for all 5. 4.) A company has formally requested a debriefing on why it was not awarded the contract to provide multi-media advertising services. How will the procurement professional prepare for this meeting? A. Prepare a spreadsheet showing the scores and ranks of all of the proposals to provide to the company B. Make copies of all the scores sheets for the company. C. Prepare a point by point comparison of the company’s proposal with all of the other proposals. D. Prepare an evaluation of the company’s significant strengths and weakness. 5.) What is a confirming order? Why might we want to be careful about their use? 3 3 OCTOBER 2013 MINUTES BOARD MEETING TALLAHASSEE AREA CHAPTER OF NIGP, INC. Members present: Jessie Moseley, President; Donna Smith, President-Elect; Nancy Jewett, Treasurer; Don Tobin, Board Member/Assistant Treasurer; Gloria Dixon, Nominating Chair and Board Member; Lori Newman, Professional Development & Education Chair. Meeting called to order at 3:57 PM by President Jessie Moseley. Board Minutes from August 2013 presented for approval, motion to approve made by Jessie Moseley, seconded by Donna Smith, motion approved. The September Chapter and August Board minutes were not available and will be distributed to the Board for approval on 10/3/13. Officer’s Reports: Presidents Report: Nominations discussion with all present. Most Board members and Officers have been reaching out to members in good standing to see if they are willing to run with disappointing results. We will continue the campaign. Buyer, Manager and Chapter of the Year Awards – the Board will ask the membership to start working on nominations for the 2014 National Forum in Philadelphia. There are two free webinars (for National members) coming up; October 17 – Designing a Quality RFP October, 22 – We "No Bid," and I'll tell you why. The contract with the Civic Center is coming due for renegotiating/signing. Treasurers Report: - Nancy Jewett: The bank statement had not been received so the report is not ready. Secretary’s Report: - Sandy Rogers: No report - absent. Scholarship Committee: – Donna Smith: No report - the Scholarship fund is at zero. There are still some funds in the re-certification scholarship budget. By-Laws Committee: - Nancy Jewett: no report, no issues. Professional Development/Education: - Lori Newman: The October lunch and training sessions are ready. Communication Committee: – Diana Trahan: No Report, {Absent}. Membership Committee: – no report Volunteer Committee: - Ed Valla – No report, {Absent}. Old Business: 1. The definition of “service”, used to grant scholarships has been finalized. 2. Lori Newman will reconfirm the quote she received for an alternate venue from Holiday Inn on N. Monroe. 3. Nancy will check with Aramark about holiday luncheon menus and pricing. New Business: 1. Holiday Committee volunteer, so far is Donna Smith. 2. The speakers for November chapter meeting will be those people that attended the FAPPO and National conferences. Next Board Meeting will be Tuesday, November 5, 2013 @ 4:00 P.M., EDT. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM Respectfully submitted, Donna Smith, President Elect 4 OCTOBER 2013 MINUTES GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING TALLAHASSEE AREA CHAPTER OF NIGP OCTOBER 8, 2013 President Jessie Moseley called the meeting to order at 12:00 P.M. Invocation: Jessie Moseley, DC Pledge: Susan Barr, Northwood Shared Resource Center Minutes for the August Board & Chapter and the September Board meeting minutes were presented. Bill Spencer moved to approve. It was seconded. Approved. No guests. New member – Katie Taff from Wakulla County Purchasing. Officers’ Reports: President’s Report: Jessie reported on a project she participated in at NIGP National Forum, Give Kids The World. This organization fulfills the wishes of kids with life threatening diseases. She highly recommended the book, Gift of Life, written by the founder of Give Kids the World, Henri Landwirth. Secretary’s Report: Sandy Rogers, absent, no report. Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Jewett – September figures are provided for members in the newsletter. Committee Reports: Education Committee: Lori Newman – There is only one more meeting with a formal educational focus for this year. The November meeting will be a panel answering and discussing questions presented by the membership. Lori will be sending out an email shortly so questions can be submitted. Job opportunities: AAI position open at FDLE. Nominating Committee: Gloria – Email her your nominations. Please be sure to get permission from the person before nominating them. You may nominate yourself. Nominees must be members in good standing. Introduction of Speaker: Lori Newman introduced the speaker for today, Don Buffum from NIGP National. He is presenting all 3 of the afternoon’s educational seminars. Free Luncheon Drawing: Richlyn White from FDLE won. N Jewett moved to adjourn. It was seconded. Meeting Adjourned at 12:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Jewett for Sandra L. Rogers Sandra L. Rogers, Secretary 5 5 TACNIGP CHAPTER BOARD MEETING August 6, 2013, 4:00 P.M., E.D.T. LEON COUNTY PROCUREMENT OFFICE Members present: Don Tobin, Board Member/Assistant Treasurer; Nancy Jewett, Treasurer & By-Laws Committee; Donna Smith, President-Elect, Scholarship & Reverse Trade Show Chair; Gloria Dixon, Board Member & Nominating Chair:, Sandy Rogers, Secretary & Membership Chair; Lori Newman, Professional Development & Education Chair. Meeting called to order at 3:59 PM by President-Elect Donna Smith in Jessie Moseley’s absence. Board Minutes from July 2013 presented for approval, motion made by Nancy Jewett, Sandy Rogers seconded, & everyone passed motion. President’s Report: Jessie Moseley {Absent} via Sandy Rogers, wanted to get the membership to renew their profiles. She also wants to announce that members should begin to think about being officers and board members. Treasurer’s Report: - Nancy Jewett: Have to pay for software licenses for our accounting program and Chapter Manager, and it costs the Chapter $620 to send Sandy to National Forum because she’s not a National Member. Secretary’s Report: - Sandy Rogers, No report, needs to schedule training with Diana Trahan. Reverse Trade Show: – Jessie is going to be the Chair; Donna Smith: is still working on the “how-to” notebook. Scholarship Committee: - Donna Smith, Budget entirely disbursed. By-Laws Committee: - Nancy Jewett: No activity Professional Development/Education: - Lori Newman: October 8th Seminar will have Don Buffum as the speaker. November meeting will be a panel of members. Communication Committee: – Diana Trahan: No Report, {Absent}. Membership Committee: –Sandy Rogers: No report. Need to get trained in the Chapter Manger program.
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