DOCUMENT RESUMI. ED 268 426 CG 018 985 TITLE The Role of the Entertainment Industry in Jeglamorizing Drug Use. Hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs. United States Senate, Ninety-Ninth Congress, First Session. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. REPORT NO Senate-Hrg-99-107 PUB DATE 20 Mar 85 NOTE 187p.; Some pages contain small print. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) FDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Broadcast Industry; *Drug Abuse; Hearings; *Information Dissemination; *Mass Media Effects; *Programing (Broadcast); *Television IDENTIFIERS Congress 99th; Media Characteristics; *Media Role ABSTRACT The text of a Senate hearing is presented in this document. In opening remarks, -4nators William Roth and Sam Nunn discuss the serious nature of the problem of drug abuse and the crime it fosters. Margaret Heckler, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services gives testimony on the statistics of drug abuse, the activities of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and anti-drug media campaigns. Gerald McRaney, costar of the TV show "Simon and Simon" and board director of the Entertainment Industries Council, testifies about media portrayal of drug abuse and the anti-drug activities of the Entertainment Industries Council. Susan Kendall Newman of the Scott Newman Center and Larry Stewart of the Caucus for Producers, Writers, and Directors testify about awards given to television programs portraying drug abuse accurately and about media efforts to do the same.. Thomas Leahy of CBS Broadcast Group, Irwin Segelstein of the National Broacasting Company, and Alfred Schneider of the American Broadcasting Company testify about methods their companies use in reviewing programming regarding drug abuse. (ABL) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************w************************** ********** S. HRG. 99-107 THE ROLE OF THEENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRYIN DEGLAMORIZING DRUG USE 0 cv ...i. co HEARING.0 (-4 BEFORE THE CZ 14../ PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ONINVESTIGATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION MARCH 20, 1985 Printed for the use of the Committeeon Governmental Affairs U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATION i. INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERICI This document has been reproduced as received from the person ororganization originating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality Points of view or Opinions stated in this dL.cu ment do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 47-713 0 WASHINGTON 1985 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U S GovernmentPnnting Office Washington. DC 20402 2 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS WILLIAM V ROTH. JR , Delaware,Chairman TED STEVENS, Alaska THOMAS F EAGLETON, Misrouri CHARLES McC MATHIAS, JR , Maryland LAWTON CHILES, Florida WILLIAM S COHEN, Maine SAM NUNN, Georgia DAVID DURENBERGER, Minnesota JOIN GLENN, Ohio WARREN B RUDMAN, New Hampshire CARL LEVIN, Michigan ALBERT GORE, JR , Tennessee THAD COCHRAN, Mississippi JOHN M DUNCAN,Staff Director MARGARlif P CRENSHAW,Minority Staff Director PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS WILLIAM V ROTH, JR , Delaware,'lawman WARREN B RUDMAN, New Hampshire,Vice Chairman CHARLES McC MATHIAS, JR , Maryland SAM NUNN, Georgia WILLIAM S COHEN, Maine LAWTON CHILES, Florida THAD COCHRAN, Mississippi JOHN GLENN, Ohio TED STEVENS, Alaska CARL LEVIN, Michigan ALBERT GORE, JR , Tennessee DANIEL F RINZEL,Chief Coulaiel FaF AsoREJ Hi' t,Chief Coiin74 .17-e Mincray RATI:ERINE RIDUN,Chief Clork 3 CONTENTS OPENING STATEMENTS Senator William V Roth, Jr Page Senator Sam Nunn 1 Appendix 8 107 WITNESSES MARCH20, 1985 Hon Margaret M Heckler, Secretary,Department of Health and Human Services..... ..... ...... ........................... .............. ... 3 Gerald McRaney (costar of "Simon & Simon"),board director, Entertainment Industries Council, Inc. 28 Susan Kendall Newman, the Scott Newman Center;and Larry Stewart, Caucus for Producers, Writers, & Directors 35 Alfred R. Schneider, vice president, policyand standards, American Broad- casting Co 61 Thomas F. Leahy, executive vice president, CBS Broadcast Group CBS, Inc.. 63 Irwin Segelstein, vice chairman of the board, NationalBroadcasting Co...... 66 ALPHABETICAL LIST OFWITNESSES Heckler, Hon. Margaret M Testimony... Leahy, Thomas F.: 3 Testimony.. .. 63 Prepared statement.. ... 142 McRaney, Gerald: Testimony. Newman, Susan K. Testimony 28 Schneider, Alfred R 35 Testimony Prepared statement 61 Segelstein, Irwin: 114 Testimony ..... Prepared statement 66 Stewart, Larry 172 Testimony ....... 35 Prepared statement 107 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Charts depicting the percentage of high school seniorsusing marijuana and cocaine 13 Information concerning the street value of marijuanaand cocaine submitted by the Department of Health and Human Services 15 Press release, January 31, 1985, in reference to "The Partnership"......... .... 27 Letter to Charles Morley from Susan Kendall Newman, January14, 1985, containing list of Scott Newman Drug Abuse Prevention Awards..... 36 "We've Done Some Thinking," whitepaper by the Caucus for Producers, Writers and Directors 45 Speech by Arthur R. Taylor at the National ReligiousBroadcasters Conven- tion, January 23, 1985. 54 Letter to Senator Roth from Thomas F Leahy, April 30, 1985, containing CBS program standards. 68 IV Page Letter to Charles Morley from Alice M. Henderson,February 1, 1985, contain- ing the total number of drug-related publicservice announcements made available on CBS television, 1981-84 76 Letter to Senator Roth from Alfred R. Schneider, vice president,policy and standards, April 12, 1985 78 Letter to Senator Roth from Thomas F. Leahy, executivevice president, CBS/ Broadcast Group, April 17, 1985 83 Letter t, Senator Roth from Robert D. Hynes, Jr., vicepresident, Washington, National Broadcasting System, Inc., July 19, 1985 ....... ........ 87 president, program stand- Letter to Dan Rinzel from Michele Vonfeld, vice guidelines, March 14, ards and public responsibility, containing program 93 r 2 THE ROLE OF THE ENTERTAINMENTINDUSTRY IN DEGLAMORIZING DRUGUSE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1985 U.S. SENATE, PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEEON INVESTIGATIONS, COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS, Washington, DC The subcommittee met at 10:10a.m., pursuant to call, in room SD-342, Dirksen Senate Office Building, underauthority of Senate Resolution 85, section 13, dated February28, 1985, Hon. William V. Roth, Jr. (chairman of the subcommittee)presiding. Members of the subcommittee present: SenatorWilliam V. Roth, Jr., Republican, Delaware; Senator SamNunn, Democrat, Georgia; and Senator John Glenn, Democrat,Ohio. Members of the professional staffpresent: Daniel F. Rinzel, chief counsel; Eleanore J. Hill, chief counselto the minority; Nicholas L. Chiarkas, deputy chief counsel; KatherineC Bidden, chief clerk; Chuck Morley, chief investigator;Barbara Kammerman and Paul Barbadoro, staff counsel; Charles Osolin,press secretary; Sarah Presgrave, executive assistant to thechief counsel of the majority; Leonard Willis, minority staffinvestigator; Carla Martin and Townsend Feehan, staff assistants. [Senator present at the convening ofthe hearing: Senator Roth.] [Letter of authority follows:} U S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS, SENATE PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D.C. Pursuant to rule 5 of the Rules of Procedure ofthe Senate Permanent Subcom- mittee on Investigations of the Committeeon Governmental Affairs, permission is hereby granted for the chairman,or any member of the subcommittee as designated by the chairman, to conductopen and/or executive hearings without a quorum of two members for the administration of oaths andtaking testimony in connection with hearing on The Role of theEntertainment Industry in Deglamorizing Drug Abase, to be held on March 20, 1985 WILLIAM V ROTH, JR., Chairman. SAM NUNN, Ranking Minority Member OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR ROTH ChairmanROTH.The subcommittee will please be in order. Today we address avery serious problem, drug abuse. It isone of the most significant health problemsfacing our Nation. Drugsare the enemy of the people. And by drugs,I mean, of course, illicit (1) 6 2 drugsheroin, cocaine, marijuanaand I mean prescription drugs which are abusedamphetamines, barbituates, valium, and others. I also mean alcohol. These are our No. 1 enemy. Today we will hear about one way to fight the enemy. We are going to hear about a different kind of "Star War," a war waged by the stars. I don't have to tell you how important, how deadly this war is. We just had a recent reminder 2 weeks agohere in the Dis- trict of Columbia. In one weekend, nine people died of heroin over- doses. So I think the stakes in this war are very clear. I am optimistic about the outcome. A recent Rand study has con- cluded that prevention is far more likely to succeed in the war on drugs than criminal sanctions against or efforts to rehabilitate the drug offender. So what weapons can and will the stare use? The media, of course. The media can present the most powerful messageand
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