Hyde Park High School Student-Parent Handbook 2017-2018 “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” --Psalm 16:11 11400 N. Mopac Expressway Austin, Texas 78759 (512) 465-8333 Fax (512) 371-1433 www.hp-schools.org @hydeparkschools 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS MISSION STATEMENT 6 OUR VISION 6 STATEMENT OF FAITH 6 CORE VALUES 7 ACCREDITATION 8 NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY 8 AMENDMENTS TO STUDENT HANDBOOK 8 COMMUNICATION 8 ACADEMICS 8 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 9 COURSE REQUIREMENTS 9 COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS 9 COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTINCTION 9 PHYSICAL EDUCATION /HIGH SCHOOL 9 ALTERNATE PHYSICAL EDUCATION 9 INTERNSHIPS 9 GRADUATION PLAN & ENDORSEMENTS 10 COURSE LEVELS AND PLACEMENT 10 COLLEGE PREP COURSES 10 PRE-AP (PRE-ADVANCED PLACEMENT) COURSES 11 ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES 11 DUAL CREDIT 11 ALTERNATIVE CREDIT 11 CREDIT BY EXAM 12 PORTFOLIO/RESUME INFORMATION 12 GRADES AND CLASS RANKING 12 GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) 12 2 CLASS RANK 13 VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN 13 HONOR ROLLS 13 GRADING SYMBOLS/POLICIES 14 PROGRESS REPORTS TO PARENTS 14 TRANSCRIPTS 14 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS 14 SEMESTER GRADES 14 EXAMS 14 SEMESTER EXAMS 14 EXEMPTION POLICY 14 AP EXAMS 15 SCHEDULE CHANGES 15 LEAP 15 ATTENDANCE 16 SCHOOL HOURS 16 WHEN A STUDENT IS ABSENT 16 ABSENCES 16 PLANNED ABSENCES 16 TRUANCY 16 CLOSED CAMPUS 16 SKIP DAY 16 MAKEUP WORK AND TESTS 16 PROCEDURES FOR LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY 17 HALL PASSES 17 COLLEGE VISITS 17 EXTRACURRICULAR / FIELD TRIP ABSENCES 17 LATE ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL 17 TARDY TO CLASS 17 3 DRESS CODE 17 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR ALL STUDENTS 18 GROOMING POLICY 18 OUTERWEAR 18 FOOTWEAR 18 BOYS’ APPAREL GUIDELINES 18 GIRLS’ APPAREL GUIDELINES 18 DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS/CONSEQUENCES 19 DISCIPLINARY POLICIES 19 CONSEQUENCES 19 SPECIFIC OFFENSES 20 PROHIBITED WEAPONS 20 PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES POLICY 21 DRUG & ALCOHOL POLICY 21 DETENTION 22 SATURDAY SCHOOL 22 EXPULSION 22 STUDENT/PARENT APPEAL PROCESS 23 ATHLETICS 23 PARTICIPATION AND INSURANCE 23 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/CLUBS 24 ADMISSION AND RE-ENROLLMENT 24 INVITATION TO RETURN 24 RETURNING STUDENT ADMISSIONS 25 GENERAL INFORMATION AND PROCEDURES 25 BAD WEATHER PROCEDURES 25 CELL PHONE USAGE 25 CHAPEL SERVICES 25 COUNSELING SERVICES 25 4 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 25 LIBRARY 25 LUNCHROOM 26 MEDICATION AND NURSE PROCEDURES 26 ILLNESS 26 SCHOOL VISITORS 26 SECURITY OF PERSONAL BELONGINGS AND SUPPLIES (STUDENT LOCKERS) 26 TEXTBOOKS 26 TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER POLICIES 26 RULES FOR APPROPRIATE USE 27 CONSEQUENCES FOR INAPPROPRIATE USE 27 COMPUTER PRINTING POLICY 27 HYDE PARK TECHNOLOGY AGREEMENT FORM 28 HYDE PARK FIGHT SONG 29 ALMA MATER 30 BELL SCHEDULE 31 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM 32 5 Mission Statement Hyde Park Schools’ mission is to provide a Christ-centered foundation of biblical truth integrated in strong college-preparatory academics and well-rounded extracurricular programs. Our Vision Hyde Park Schools exist to glorify God through the ministry of an excellent Christ-centered education. “Fully equipped…Ability to influence the world with – mind, hand, and heart” Statement of Faith for Hyde Park Schools Hyde Park School is a ministry of Hyde Park Baptist Church, and as such holds to its confession of faith and an historical, biblical Christian worldview. It seeks to give instruction to children and youth from a strictly biblical framework that is, at the core, Christ-centered. To this end, we affirm the following as true: 1. [The Word of God] We believe that only the sixty-six books of Holy Scripture as originally given are in their entirety the Word of God verbally inspired and wholly without error in all that they declare and, therefore, are the supreme and final authority of faith and life and is faithfully represented in many of the translations available today. 2. [Nature of the Trinity] We believe there is one true God, a divine and infinite being, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – all are one in substance, divine essence, power, and eternity. They each possess equally all the attributes of Deity and characteristics of personality. 3. [Creation] We believe in the beginning God created the entire universe out of nothing, that He proclaimed it very good, and that He created it to glorify Himself. 4. [Lostness of man] We believe man and woman were uniquely created in the image of God, that as a consequence of their sin all people became spiritually separated from God and subject to judgment and eternal separation from God in hell, are unable to save themselves, and need to be reconciled to God. 5. [Person of Christ] We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, fully God and fully man. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His death on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. 6. [Atonement] We believe the Lord Jesus Christ, by His perfect obedience and sacrifice of Himself on the cross, has fully satisfied the justice of God, has secured, with His blood, reconciliation, and has purchased an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven for His people. 7. [Salvation] We believe salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone through His finished work of atonement on the cross. A person is saved from the consequence of their sin when they are convicted of their sin and respond in repentance to God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This salvation is a merciful work of God, providing forgiveness and righteousness and eternal life for the saved sinner. A saved person is made new and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is empowered by the Holy Spirit to be obedient to God and to glorify Him, and will dwell eternally with God. 6 CORE VALUES CHRIST-CENTERED CULTURE Our Christ-centered environment has the foundation in the belief that Jesus Christ alone is Lord and Savior and the only way to have eternal life. This means that the lives of our staff, our school's curriculum and instruction, the decision- making processes and all other aspects of our school will be centered around Christ, His character, and His teachings. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” --John 14:6 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. --Galatians 2:20 EXCELLENCE We humbly pursue excellence in all that we do. Excellence is defined as being of exceptional quality. We equip the teachers and administrators for excellence by providing them with ongoing professional development; proven, research- based curriculum, programs, and instructional strategies; and assessment and data to guide school-wide decision making as well as instructional decisions in the classroom. By equipping teachers and administrators, we empower and encourage our students to pursue excellence in their academics, extra-curricular activities, spiritual development, and every aspect of their lives. We set high expectations for all students and maximize their growth and individual success by targeting instruction to meet their individual learning needs, helping them master essential skills and move beyond to pursue personal levels of excellence. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. --Colossians 3:23 COMMUNITY We view our educational community as a partnership encompassing families, students, faculty, administration, and the Church (the body of Christ). The stated values of Christ-centered Culture, Biblical Worldview, and Excellence are those pillars which hold up our educational community with our roots firmly planted in the Church. Because we strive to reflect the love of God, the entire education community of parents, students, faculty and administration are encouraged to apply their God-given gifts to serving each other. How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! --Psalm 133:1 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. --Ephesians 2:19-21 BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW We believe that the Bible is God’s word, infallible and without error. We view each and every decision through the lens of scripture, thereby contributing to a better world seeking to engage the culture and preparing our students for life in a complex, demanding and changing society. The truth of God's Word will be integrated into every aspect of our school, including but not limited to academics, extracurricular activities, and relationships. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. --2 Timothy 3:16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. --Colossians 1:16-17 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. --2 Peter 1:20-21 7 Accreditation Hyde Park Schools is accredited by state, regional and denominational accrediting bodies. All Hyde Park Schools are recognized by the Texas Education Agency as accredited by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC).
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