Multielectron effects in strong field processes in molecules by Yuqing Xia B.A., University of Science and Technology of China, 2010 M.S., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2013 A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Physics 2016 This thesis entitled: Multielectron effects in strong field processes in molecules written by Yuqing Xia has been approved for the Department of Physics Prof. Agnieszka Jaro´n-Becker Prof. Andreas Becker Date The final copy of this thesis has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both the content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the above mentioned discipline. iii Xia, Yuqing (University of Colorado at Boulder) Multielectron effects in strong field processes in molecules Thesis directed by Prof. Agnieszka Jaro´n-Becker Laser technology has experienced a rapid evolution in available intensities, frequencies, and pulse durations over the last three decades. Many new laser induced phenomena in atoms have been discovered, such as multiphoton ionization, above-threshold ionization, high-order harmonic generation etc. For the interaction with atoms, usually only one electron in the outermost shell is assumed to be active (called single-active-electron approximation) while all other electrons are considered to remain frozen in their initial states. Due to the extra degrees of freedom (vibration and rotation) and the more complex structures, the interaction of molecules with intense laser pulses reveals many new features. Recent experiments have indicated that electrons from inner valence orbitals of molecules can have significant contributions to ionization and high harmonic generation. Theoretical analysis of these processes in molecules faces the challenge to extend previous theories developed for the atomic case by including the multielectron character of the molecular target. In this thesis we systematically investigate multielectron effects in the interaction of molecules with intense laser light. To this end, we apply time-dependent density-functional theory to solve the multielectron Schr¨odingerequation and analyze highly nonlinear processes such as high harmonic generation, laser-induced ionization and nonadiabatic electron localization. Based on the results of our numerical simulations we predict a new feature in the harmonic spectra of molecules, namely the occurrence of fractional harmonics in the form of Mollow sidebands. Such additional peaks in the spectra appear due to a field-induced resonant coupling of an inner valence orbital with the outermost orbital in a molecule. Furthermore, we show that the theoretical explanation of recent experimental data for the ellipticity of high harmonics in N2 and CO2 require the systematic con- sideration of all inner valence shells as well as the proper alignment distribution in the experiment. We also show that the coupling of molecular orbitals in the field can lead to an enhancement of iv (inner-shell) ionization, potentially leading to a population inversion in the ion, as well as nonadia- batic electron dynamics, where the electron can be trapped at one side of the molecule over several field cycles. Finally, we present the development of a new intense-field theory based on the Floquet theorem with complex Gaussian basis sets and show results of first applications for ionization of simple systems. Dedication To my love and family vi Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Agnieszka Jaro´n- Becker for her excellent guidance, caring, patience, and providing me with an excellent atmosphere during my Ph.D study and research. She taught me a lot how to question thoughts and express ideas. Her patience and broad knowledge in Chemistry and Physics helped me to overcome many crisis situation in our project and finish this dissertation. She is also very warmhearted and always be ready to help us no matter what problem we met in both research and daily life. Next, I would like to thank Prof. Andreas Becker, who is like a co-advisor for me in the group. He is a very nice and easygoing person but with rigorous attitude towards science. I am deeply grateful to him for the discussion and always get new ideas because of his keen intuition in Physics. I would also like to thank my previous and current group members: Dr. Carlos Hernandez- Garcia, Daniel Weflen, Hongcheng Ni, Jing Su, Andrew Spott, Michelle Miller, Cory Goldsmith, Benjamin Miller, Ran Reiff, Erez Shani, Quynh Nguyen, as well as Felipe Cajiao. We not only share our ideas on projects but also any interesting things in life. They helped create a pleasant working environment and make the research full of fun. The Janus supercomputer and the clusters at JILA have given me continuous computational support during these years. Without these computation resources, I would not be able to finish my research. So I am grateful to all the people working for the Janus supercomputer and the staff members of JILA computing group. vii Finally, and most importantly, I would also like to thank my family and my friends for the support they provided me. In particular, I must acknowledge my wife. Thanks for her encourage- ment when I was frustrated and thanks to her to let me have a such lovely son. All in all, without their love, encouragement I would not have accomplished this thesis. viii Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 2 Time-dependent density-functional theory 6 2.1 Multielectron system . 7 2.2 The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem . 9 2.3 Kohn-Sham equation . 10 2.4 Time-dependent density-functional theory . 13 2.5 Exchange correlation functionals . 15 2.5.1 LDA and LB94 functionals . 17 2.6 The pseudopotential approximation . 19 2.7 Implementation of TDDFT . 20 2.7.1 Comparison of exchange-correlation functionals . 22 3 Multielectron effects in high-order harmonic generation from molecules 25 3.1 Classical and semi-classical description of HHG . 26 3.1.1 Three-step model . 26 3.1.2 Strong field approximation (SFA) . 28 3.1.3 Saddle point approximation . 31 3.2 High-order harmonic generation from molecules . 32 3.3 Fractional harmonics . 36 ix 3.3.1 Open shell molecules . 36 3.4 Ellipticity of high-order harmonics . 54 + 3.4.1 Ellipticity from one-electron system H2 ..................... 56 3.4.2 Complex ellipticity pattern due to two-electron effects . 58 3.4.3 Alignment angle average . 59 3.4.4 Comparison with experimental data for N2 ................... 60 3.4.5 Inner shell contributions to ellipticity of harmonics . 66 3.4.6 Ellipticity of harmonics from CO2 ........................ 69 3.5 Summary . 73 4 Multielectron effects in strong-field ionization from molecules 75 4.1 Role of ionization potential and orbital symmetry . 76 4.2 Resonance enhanced ionization of open-shell molecules . 78 4.3 Multiorbital contributions and enhanced ionization from inner-shell orbitals of N2 . 80 4.3.1 Total ionization . 89 4.3.2 Ionization of N2 in filamentation experiments . 90 4.4 Ionization from other molecules . 92 4.5 Summary . 95 5 Nonadiabatic electron localization 96 5.1 Coupling induced nonadiabatic electron dynamics . 98 5.2 Dependence of nonadiabatic behavior on laser intensity . 101 5.3 Nonadiabatic localization in two-color laser field . 102 5.4 Electron localization in other molecules . 104 5.5 Summary . 105 6 Complex Gaussian basis for non-Hermitian Floquet formalism 108 6.1 Floquet theorem . 109 x 6.2 Complex basis sets . 111 6.3 Gaussian basis integral . 113 6.3.1 Fundamental integral . 113 6.3.2 Recursion relation for general primitive Gaussian basis integrals . 117 6.4 Technical details . 120 6.5 Optimization for complex Gaussian basis . 122 6.5.1 Optimization algorithm . 123 6.6 Results and discussion . 126 6.6.1 One photon ionization of H atom . 126 6.6.2 Two photon ionization from H atom . 130 + 6.6.3 Two photon ionization from H2 . 131 6.7 Summary . 133 7 Summary 134 Bibliography 136 xi Tables Table + 3.1 Orbital energies (eigenvalue) of N2 ............................ 47 6.1 Results for one-photon ionization cross sections compared to those from the litera- ture. F is root mean square of laser electric field in atomic units. All the calculations above are performed for n = 0; 1 except for F = 0:05, in which n is −1; 0; 1; 2 due to the strong coupling at high intensity. The superscripts of the reference values: (a) stand for [243] and (b) for [233] . 128 6.2 The exponents of complex Gaussian basis sets for different laser frequencies. These basis sets are tested for the range of laser intensity from 7 × 108 W/cm to 1:8 × 1014 W/cm2. ........................................129 6.3 Complex Gaussian exponents for two photon ionization . 133 xii Figures Figure 2.1 Density plots for H atom in a 800 nm laser field at intensity of 1 × 1014 W/cm2 with mask function (left) and imaginary absorbing potential (right). 21 2.2 Comparison of population from valence orbitals of N2 between LB94 (left) and LDA (right) functionals. Laser field is at wavelength of 400 nm and intensity of 5 × 1013 W/cm2. Only the relevant KS orbitals which possess an important response to the laser field are shown with their labels. 22 2.3 Comparison of high harmonic spectra of N2 for LDA and LB94 functionals. Laser field is at wavelength of 400 nm and intensity of 1 × 1014 W/cm2 with polarization parallel to the molecular axis. 23 2.4 Projection between coupled orbitals of N2 in a 400 nm laser field at intensity of 1 × 1014 W/cm2 for LDA and LB94 functionals. 23 3.1 Three step model for high-order harmonic generation (left) and typical harmonic spectra from noble gas atom (right), adapted from [144].
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