. I POSTAGE PAID .,... AUSTRALiA THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE WA BRANCH (INCORPORATED) SPRING, 1992 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. WAS 1158 VOL. 15, ~o. 3- PRICE $1 Who said the AustraJ!an Flag ~ was not used in wwn Commonwealth Department <;>f Veterans' Affair.s Can ~ we help you? You could be eligible for benefits if • you are a veteran • a widow, wife or dependent child of a veteran, or • your spouse, parent or guardian is, or was, a veteran, or member of the Australian Defence or Peacekeeping forces. • you have completed qualifying peacetime service in the case of Defence Service Homes benefits. Veterans' benefits include: • Pensions and allowances • Health-care benefits • Counselling services • Pharmaceutical benefits • Defence Service Homes - housing loan subsidy - homeowners' insurance • Funeral benefits • Commemoration FIND OUT WHETHER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOll BENEFITS BY ·coNTACTING THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS ON 425 8222 .. --. ---- Country Callers Free Line: 008 113304 Remember .. .. "We're only a 'phone call away" Veterans' Affairs-Cares l:JISTENING;POST : Page ~ - . Publishers President's M css<t gc 3 ~ & Servicis lap W.A. Branch (looorporatcd) Anw: House G.P.O. Box Cl28, ~J 28 St. Georpi Tmace Perth, W.A. 60(11 0 on <t! 1 on s - 8 u i Id tng A ppl'CII · Ferib, · W.~ 6000 . Tel: 325·9799 In Defence of our Fl<tg 13 The Capture of Lac Part 3 16 The M(•t tlonous M ed<tl 17 Consumer F o! LUlls f o 1 the Ag!~d 3 1 '· '} Sub Br<tnch Offtce Bc<trers 37 D efe nce Issues 53 Veteran s· Affatrs 57 Editorial Committee Letter s to the Edtlor 59 Mrs H.P. Balfe, Mrs B. Cliriton, Mrs J. Dowson, Mess.rs P. Hester, T. Uoyd, R. Mercer, J. Surridge, P. White . Lost Tt<tils 61 (Co-opted) Messrs E. Hincbliffe, LJ. Owens Reunions 65 Sub-Editor Sub-Branch News 66 Mrs Pat Elpbinstone Women's Auxiliary 69 Last Post 73 Advertisers W estralian-Publishers, 263 Stirling Highway, Claremont, W .A. 6010 Tel: 383 4966 Typesett~g/Gomposing Action Press. Deadlines 10 I Catherine Street, for Listening Post Contributions Money, W.A. 6062 Tel: 276 5266 31 January for Autumn Edition , 30 April for Winter Edition · 31 July for Spring Edition 31 October for Summer Edition Printer If Possible submission should be typed, double spaced. Bell Group Press, Photographs CllJl be black and white or colour glossy. 7 Brigs Street, East Victoria Park, W.A. 6101 This is your journal and contributions are welcome. Tel: 361 5401 Post to: Ustenlag Post RSL G.P.O. Box C128 Opinion expressed by contn'buiOrs in articles aod reprocllqd articles ~ the Perth6001 individual opiJiioas oC sucb contriNton or thealllbon olsUdl reprodiiCCd articles (u the case may be) aod not ~y tbose o( the - ~ COVER: Reproduction oC anidc:s (or extnas) contained in J..islalina Past is Australian Flag used in wek:oined provided the 1101110e is ~nowJedaed. ') recruiting·poster WWII. Llatenlng Poat- Spring 1H2- P... 1 ''I wouldn't be dead for quids. ·That's why lplanned my own fUneral~' "I still get a lot of fun o ut of life ... I enjoy being independent. And I don't want to be a burden to my family. That's why I planned my funeral with Chippers, down to the last detail. Now I can get on with li ving~ C hipper & Son can advise you o n pre­ arranging a funeral o r one the many options in a Prepaid Funeral Plan, all in the privacy of your own home. Funeral expenses paid in advance are exempt fro:n the pension assets test. Talk to one of Kim Chipper's professional consultants by call ing 382 3933. C H IPP ER A~ SON CA IUNG FUNERAL D I HECTOHS • Booragoon • Subiaco • Hamilton Hill • Rockingham • Mandural! FD ) Member of Au st ul i ~n FUneral A A Directo rs' Associat ion Page 2- Listening Post- Spring 1992 State~ Executive{I~ \, • President's Message· STATE PRESIDENT J.P. ·Hall, AM, BEM, JP. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT L.C. Keynes, BA. JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT P.C. Firkins, OAM. STATE SECRETARY D.H. Gibos, AFC, JP. l COMMITTEE J.R. Babbage, Mrs H.P. Balfe, BEe, M~s .B. Clinton, A.A. Dacre, OBE, MBE, Mrs D.J. Dowson, MBE, M.C. Hall, JP, P.W. Hester, J.L. Holman, Mrs A. Keynes, Dr A.J. King, BSc, MBBS, FCCP, FRACMA, FACRM, Z. Kwiecinski, BEe, T.K. Lloyd, JP, R.D. Mercer, AM, RFD, ED, K.J. Morrison, K. Murphy, P. Simpson, · W.J. Surridge, P . .White, DCM. REGIONAL COUNTRY VICE PRESIDENTS Messrs R. Barber (Coolgardie Sub-Branch) P.J. Blenkinsopp (Port Hedland Sub-Branch) C. Mills (Bunbury Sub-Branch) S.G. Robinson (Merredin Sub-Branch) A.J. Spendlove (Geraldton Sub-Branch) R.E. Stanley (Aibany Sub-Branch) TRUSTEES . Messrs K. Broadhurst, FRAIA, ARABA, P. Pearson, CMG, OBE, JP, .R.N. Stone, AM, JP. LISTENING POST COMMITTEE Mrs H.P. Balfe, Mrs B. Clinton, Mrs D.J. Dowson, Mr P.W. Hester, Mr T.K. Lloyd,_ Messrs R. Mercer, W.J. Surridge, P. White, Support9ur CO-OPTED MEMBERS ., Messrs I:. Hinchliffe, l.J. Owens ~er~isers ·I Listening Post -.Spring 1112 - P... 3 . - O~EN SUPRE· 7D~YS TRADING Monday- Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm Thursday: 8.30am to 9.00pm HOURS Saturday I Sunday: 9.00am to 5.00pm OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. EXPERIENCE THE REAL TASMANI-A * HARTZ MOUNTAINS * FRANKLIN RIVER * CRADLE MOUNTAIN * RAIN FORESTS * CENTRAL HIGHLANDS BUSHVENTUR_ES 4WDTOURS Ph (002) 23 6910 or your Travel Agent Page 4- Listening Post- Spring 1992 ''TheRSL Cash Accident Programme continues.to provide the ~ comp~eben · sa·-,v'je p~•ect••on ~ J.P. H"II·""· 'u;".J,. .. • I ' ... • ua St:zh: Prc,!dcnl. RSL members are lpoking for.'' RSL members rrom right across Australia tell us it's the security, low price and the money-back guarantee that convinced them to enrol in this exclusive RSL Programme: " I! " '-''"4'nt l : tllh ~ •l l\.' l umcli "4..'f\'lll' tll\..'11 .tnd \\ttlllL'Il tk.'lp nnc :mn1hcr a' l cnrollcc.l in the RSL C:,,h Ac.:l'idcn1 Prtlgr.unmc bc~ : •u-.c "n olfl."rcd h._·, , "C ,,:.m . Till· ht·tl\.'llh .m: '-'\ll'lht\1,' fur .• ~,. · otnp .. r;ltivdy 'mall CU \ ' t: r:tg~ Where I w;1, nrn in~un:d fnr :J rc~ • ..o n;~hl c premium ••nd "ith :1 nual,t)' - -.c..·cul'i l ~ i, ~..· ,~-.ur ... d ·'' ,, ... 11 .. \1r v.• \. Proposch refund hcnc:fil. ·· Mr liaruld Parker ChciJcnhalfl. Vil"1oria Ch:tpm:nl. A.C.T . I cnrulkd Ill IlK· RSI. Lt,h \'-'lltkllt J )rugt.Jillllh..' t'x•t.:!l.u-.c..· ''ol the lm"' .. My wife :.llld I 'tudicd tl'k.' polil')' :mU lhl'IU!!IH it w~ " gnod '.IIUL' ,,;o'' ~ · .,,h cm et. .. , 1h111~ 1tw KSI , \ la na~cmc lll h ~ '' done a very ~oo< l bcc:nr""' ul the volume of Ui.!t1if.." on tht: n':td hld:•y. I would 'a) :111) Hill' "l'f\ h."t.' 111 .tll RSI nlt'n•tx·r, 111 nt. 'f PI Ltllll ~ ttu ... pulil'y.·· thinkin~ of joining will he dnin!! thcm'C.'Ivc-. u gn:;ll ~nil · ,: . " Mr \\'illia m A n de r ~o n T.E. Sm i1h l.c" j,ham. Ta... m :mi;.~ Nohlc P oar~ . V1t.:Wn :• •· r\lll'l tk'l'fl l ' t~I , Hkf , tllnn l }fl lilt' pro, ,tlltl I..Ofl\ Ill I he pro~rJilllllC' 11 Mo'l appealing 10 me "wa.. the 'aving' and the fact. th;ll Pcrhtt>llCr' :an.• l o o ~ cd i~ \\PUll! .IJ'jll'.tf Ill tx· t~ll\' t1l llx• (H\\1..''1 l..tl'l f>l'"UU:tl :llTidclll jlf'Uh..'l' lltHI aflcr under Mcdit.:an:. bUI e:\tru c:a ... h nccdc.:d." tllk.' \IIU (II " llh'lnh.: ht \\ tlh .t llil , t;ulll ~lllll' of ;I h.·fun.J (l! all Jo,..ph R. Uollam) pn.·mnuu ... ,tlh.'J •~·~~ 1Ill • H.,,,, '' tlh .tl"'' tlw !! u . n . mh : ~.· ol no lurlhcr K:unhah, A .C T. int:n.·: • ~ ·, \l.. tthut ''""' •·•h.'' ''' !IK' ltktnthl) pn.·nuum" \\ho l:Ou ld u'k l{,r ··The Frt:c PL·riod of l'frvcr without C:ll\1 hl·lpcd u .. to ckr~tk 10 L'nrllll piu' .m ~ f: d ~u rd Ci c.H. t ~h thm!! mt•n· ,.. the f:u.:l lh:ll if aft~.·r :r ten yc:rr 1 ~riod "ithnut a ~.· l:rim \\l' h:e\l' :t U lll' ltuk· l'r''''•:rpint:. Qu~,.·~,.·u,lalld tloC'I C~!! lu l'HIIcl·t... K.H:. Flu u t ~f1llh " \1\ \\lk I' ,11\ \ ' \ · ~T\ 1\\' \\ i'llt,tll .Uld . !l ,;oJhtttl~h lth ; ll 11 W~lt.J i d hi,• il lkadl. W.'A .:! ' ''~ 11\ k,l ~i d r ct r d h i h.tH' '''IIW 1111 111 u l tll'll!".tllU: ·• \Jr ( 'har Jt.., I. The ll:;llun.·, that mchl :1pp:akcl to Ilk.' \\l'ft· ·· 11 \l'f) n.'.h{lll,thk "'u'l. () ,ho rn ~.· . S.A. 21 p:.tymcnl ronwnh.'rK.'t'. The hun'M.: '' \lo · l lCrc·n~• 'l Jl'l' Hklll' oc..•t·ur. anti .L... u Pen~ inner and h(MI\t.' tt\1. llC(, n1lc ' ' ll:loh.' pmlk.' tu .. hrh .mtl !;1ll' 111 · 11 .. upp.trb 1lw RSI ,tnd ttk.'.!h .tl Ill(.• ,,un~ unw ~ .....,., '''''''llll.'nl .111<1 do-it -your-...:lfjnh,,'· Philippt A. Y\ :..nm,kh 111~.: nn·d~.·d ,..,....
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