September 3, 2008 www.dvidshub.net (search phrase: Expeditionary Times) Vol. 1, Issue 11 Great Gains Logistic Training Advisory Team 55 makes great gains toward Iraqi self sustainment Page 5 Early progress in Taji facility Taji level III wheeled vehicle maintenance facility showing early progress Pages 8-9 Women’s Equality Giving back Servicemembers pg. 7 throughout Iraq celebrate women’s right to vote Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Chris Seaton Staff Sgt. Max Bunhey, a 12th Combat Aviation Brigade unit movement noncommissioned officer, hands out toys to Iraqi children Aug. 16. Page 11 Iraqi Army teams up with 2-320th FAR for a safer Iraq by Staff Sgt. Tim Sander to conduct a joint air assault with Expeditionary Times staff “The local citizens … saw Iraqi Soldiers, U.S. Sol- Iraqi Security Forces to deny the enemy freedom of movement while JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq– diers and Airmen descend on their village from the sky searching for weapon caches, said The massive blades of the CH-47 Sgt. 1st Class Peter E. Bjorklund, Chinook helicopter were churning as one team fighting the insurgency to secure Iraq.” a native of Seattle, and the platoon through the hot, night air, throw- sergeant of 2nd platoon, 2-320th ing dust and rocks from the barren FAR. A secondary goal of the op- Sgt. Maj. Robert Levis field into the Soldiers’ faces as it 2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment eration was to provide the IA with lifted into the dark sky, leaving valuable training in night-time air them behind with only their weap- assault missions. ons and Iraqi counterparts to keep U.S. Soldiers of 2nd Battalion, 17th Brigade, started moving, us- through the rugged terrain and into According to Sgt. Maj. Robert them safe. 320th Field Artillery Regiment, ing the dim, green glow of their their target village Aug. 11. As the dust began to settle, the and Iraqi Soldiers of 3rd Battalion, night-vision goggles to navigate The purpose of the mission was See AIR ASSAULT, Page 3 PAGE 2 EXPEDITIONARY TIMES September 3, 2008 PMO Blotter: 22 Aug. – 28 Aug. Indecent Exposure: A female bus driver TRADOC Culture Center observed a male Soldier expose himself to her Did you know? on at least three occasions before finally noti- fying PMO. PMO apprehended the suspect Many of our favorite stories originated 48 hours after the bus driver reported the in- in the Middle East. One of the most fa- cident. A search of the suspect’s housing unit mous collection of Arab folk tales, “The led to the discovering of some very disturb- Thousand and One Nights,” was proba- ing videos of the suspect involved in illicit sex acts. PMO Commentary: The display bly put together in Iraq sometime around of sexually deviant behavior in public is more AD 1000–1500. Supposedly, a beautiful than likely the sign of disturbing behavior hid- woman named Scheherazade marries a den below the surface; notify the PMO imme- king who has killed all his previous wives. diately when such behavior is observed. Each night she tells him a story that is a Major Vehicle Accident: A female Ugan- “cliffhanger,” so that he must keep her dan SOC contractor driving a small van alive to find out the ending. This goes on crossed over the median on Victory Loop, for one thousand and one nights. Finally just north of Snake Circle, and crashed into the king decides to let her stay alive for- a parked bus on the opposite side of the road. The SOC van was totaled and two contractors ever as his wife. Among the stories she in the van were evacuated to the AFTH for tells are the well-known tales of “Ali treatment. Baba and the Forty Thieves,” “Aladdin Stolen Generator: A floodlight genera- and the Magic Lamp,” and “The Voyages tor, valued at $6,200, was stolen from behind of Sinbad the Sailor.” Photo by Sgt. Gary Hawkins DFAC #3. The generator was secured with a Another famous story originating in chain at the time of the larceny. The chain was ancient Iraq – then known as Mesopota- Cultural Reminder that when our values and beliefs are con- found lying on the ground with the lock cut. mia – is “the Epic of Gilgamesh.” The fronted with changing physical or social Assault/ Disrespecting an NCO: A pri- poem tells of Gilgamesh’s struggles to When working with your Iraqi coun- conditions that it may require a little time vate first class struck his team leader in the jaw in a dispute over CQ duty. achieve immortality. terpart, remember that you will not al- to adjust our behaviors. Stolen Bicycle: A $3,000 Cannondale A love of literature is a tool that may ways see “eye to eye” on every issue. Culture training is an integral part of Bicycle was stolen from outside the Bab- be used to bring together parties in con- One successful approach to resolving your situational awareness of the battle- tel Internet Office on the west side of post. flict. Mutual interest is a great starting conflict is to find a middle ground. If field. If you are trained on the norms and The bicycle was secured with a chain wound point to begin the resolution process and you and your counterpart disagree on sensitivities of the culture you are work- through the tires and frame but not secured to build relationships. how supplies are accounted for, you both ing in, it will aid in the identification of an immovable object. Submitted by Michelle Gray, Africa begin to look for reasons why account- the appropriate action to take in a certain Team, TCC ability is important. For example, if the situation. Contact the Provost Marshal Office: unit you are working with receives a NIPR- 443-8602 SIPR- 242-9982 Culture Points monthly allocation of water, the impor- Helpful Website Email- [email protected] tance of accountability can be reiterated 1. The more you try to force a if the allocation is exhausted before the Thanks to Marc Hill, the TCC web- change in cultural beliefs, the more the next scheduled delivery. Use this situa- site is up and running. It can be located culture will cling to what they believe is tion to show your counterpart that if they on ICON, https://icon.army.mil, in the true. documented where all of the water went, Training Toolkit column, or you can 2. Culture is the glue that binds any they will know exactly who received access our site at https://icon.army.mil/ society together. their allocation and hold them account- apps/tcc/index.cfm. The website contains 3. We apply cultural awareness to able- if they ask for more. information on the Army Education and maintain our friendships and to avoid Behind this mind set is the cultural Training Curriculum, points of contact, making new enemies. norm that during the Baath Party rule, articles, links, and various other refer- 4. Cultural awareness is a planned certain staples such as water were pro- ence materials. Please provide feedback step toward victory and an early step to- vided on a weekly basis. Iraqis were not to Mr. Hill at [email protected]; Let us ward peace. required to account for items since they know what you think! 5. Behavior is the expression of a were provided with additional supplies Another helpful website used to ex- culture’s values and beliefs. if needed. This type of accountability is plore other cultures is www.everyculture.com. Submitted by William S. Parrish, Af- a new concept or cultural behavior for This site was used as a resource in the rica Team, TCC many Iraqis. It is important to remember “Did you know?” section. EXPEDITIONARY TIMES 3d ESC Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Mike Lally Contributing Public Affairs Offices Expeditionary Times is authorized for publication Managing Editor Expeditionary Times NCOIC d by the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) for Maj. Paul Hayes, 3 ESC Staff Sgt. Tim Sander, 215th MPAD 1st Sustainment Brigade [email protected] [email protected] the Joint Base Balad community. The contents of the 16th Sustainment Brigade Expeditionary Times are unofficial and are not to be 215th MPAD Commander Photo Editor 371st Sustainment Brigade considered the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Maj. Timothy Horton, 215th MPAD Sgt. Gary Hawkins, 215th MPAD 7th Sustainment Brigade Government, including the Department of Defense or [email protected] [email protected] 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Operation Iraqi Freedom. 20th Engineer Brigade Expeditionary Times is a command information 215th MPAD NCOIC Layout and Design st 55th Sustainment Brigade newspaper in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1. Sgt. 1 Class David Zerbe, 215th MPAD Spc. Ryan Hohman, 215th MPAD Expeditionary Times is published weekly by the [email protected] [email protected] 402nd Army Field Support Brigade Stars and Stripes central office, with a circulation of CJSOTF-AP 3d ESC PAO NCOIC Staff Writers 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team 5,000 papers. d Sgt. 1st Class David McClain, 3 ESC Spc. Anthony Hooker, 215th MPAD Task Force 49 The Public Affairs Office is located on New Jersey Ave. [email protected] [email protected] Building 7508, DSN 318-433-2154.Expeditionary Times, Spc. Charlotte Martinez, 215th MPAD Distribution HHC 3d ESC, APO AE 09391. Web site at www.dvidshub.net 3d ESC G2, Security Manager [email protected] Contact the Expeditionary Times staff at: Lt. Col Dale Davis, 3d ESC Spc. Michael Behlin, 3d ESC Sgt.
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