History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142. Agrippa, von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius, Letters of Abelard and Heloise. 1486?-1535. London, Printed for J. Watts. 1743 The glory of women; or, A treatise declaring the Item identification number 1; To which is prefix'd a excellency and preheminence of women above men, particular account of their lives, amours, and which is proved both by scripture, law, reason, and misfortunes: extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. authority, divine and humane. Translated from the French by the late John Hughes, London, Printed for Robert Ibbitson. 1652 esq. 7th ed. Item identification number 7; Written first in Latine Reel: 1 by Henricus Cornelius Agrippa ... and now translated into English for the vertuous and beautifull female Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832. sex of the commonwealth of England. by Edvv. An alphabetical compendium of the various sects Fleetvvood, gent. which have appeared in the world from the beginning Reel: 1 of the Christian æ ra to the present day. Boston, Printed by B. Edes & sons. 1784 Alberti, Marcello, b. 1714. Item identification number 3; with an appendix, Istoria della donne scientiate del dotore Marcello containing a brief account of the different schemes of Alberti. religion now embraced among mankind. The whole In Napoli, Per Felice Mosca. 1740 collected from the best authors, ancient and modern. Item identification number 8. Reel: 1 Reel: 1 Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832. Albertus Magnus, Saint, bp. of Ratisbon, 1193?- A summary history of New-England, from the 1280. first settlement at Plymouth, to the acceptance of the Albertus Magnus, de secretis mulierum. federal Constitution. Amstelodami, Apud Henricum et Theod. Boom, A. Dedham [Mass.] Printed for the author, by H. Mann 1669 & J. H. Adams. 1799 Item identification number 10; Item de virtutibus Item identification number 4; Comprehending a herbarum, lapidum, et animalium. general sketch of the American war. Reel: 1 Reel: 1 Albizzi, Barbera Tigliamochi degl'. [Adams, John], 1750-1814. Ascanio errante, poema della Barbera Tigliamochi Woman. degl' Albizi, gentildonna Fiorentina. London, Printed for G. Kearsley. 1790 In Fiorenza, Nella Stamperia de' Landini. 1640 Item identification number 5; Sketches of the history, Item identification number 11. genius, disposition accomplishments, employments, Reel: 1 customs and importance of the fair sex, in all parts of the world. Interspersed with many singular and Archiv Fur Frauenkunde und Konstitutionsforschung. entertaining anecdotes. by a friend to the sex. 1914-1921 Reel: 1 Reel: 1 An Address to the ladies, shewing how hazardous Alexander, William, d. 1783. matrimony is found to enter upon at this time. The history of women, from the earliest antiquity, London, Printed by T. and J. W. Pasham. 1767 to the present time; giving some account of almost Item identification number 5.1; by a young batchelor. every interesting particular concerning that sex, Reel: 1 among all nations, ancient and modern. London, Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell. 1779 Advice from a lady of quality to her children, in the Item identification number 12. last stage of a lingering illness. Reel: 2 Boston, Printed and sold by S. Hall. 1796 Item identification number 6; Translated from the Allacci, Leone, 1586-1669. French by S. Glasse. Leonis Allatii, de Ioanna Papissa fabula Reel: 1 commentatio. Romae, Ex Typographia Reu. Cam. Apost. 1630 Item identification number 12.1. Reel: 2 [Allestree, Richard], 1619-1681, supposed author. The ladies calling. Oxford, Printed at the Theater. 1673 Item identification number 13; In two parts. by the author of The whole duty of man, The causes of the decay of Christian piety, and The gentlemans calling. Reel: 2 1 History of Women Reel Listing The American spectator; or, Matrimonial preceptor. Angelica's Ladies Library; or, Parents and guardians Boston, Printed by Manning & Loring, for David present. West. 1797 London, Hamilton. 1794 Item identification number 14; A collection (with Item identification number 21; with eight elegant additions and variations) of essays, epistles, precepts, plates designed by A. Kauffman and H. Bunbury. and examples relating to the married state ... Adapted Reel: 3 to the state of society in the American Republic. Reel: 2 Anjos, Luis dos, d. 1625. Jardim de Portugal. [Amory, Thomas], 1691?-1788. Coimbra, N. Carvalho. 1626 Memoirs: containing the lives of several ladies of Item identification number 22; Em que se da noticia Great Britain. de alg{~u}as sanctas & outras molheres illustres em London, Printed for John Noon. 1755 virtude, as quais nascerão, ou viverão, ou estao Item identification number 15. sepultadas neste reino & suas cõquistas. Recopilado Reel: 2 novamente. Reel: 3 The Amours of Messalina, late queen of Albion. London, Printed for J. Lyford. 1689 Anthony, Susanna, 1726-1791. Item identification number 16; In which are briefly The life and character of Miss Susanna Anthony. couch'd, secrets of the imposture of the Cambrion Printed at Worcester, Mass.; Hartford: Re-printed by prince, the Gothick league and other court intrigues Hudson and Goodwin. 1799 of the four last years reign, not yet made publick. by Item identification number 23; consisting chiefly in a woman of quality, a late confident of Q. Messalina. extracts from her writings. Compiled by Samuel Reel: 2 Hopkins, D.D. Reel: 3 Ancourt, d', abbé. The lady's preceptor; or, A letter to a young lady Archiv Fur Frauenkunde und Konstitutionsforschung. of distinction upon politeness. 1928-1933 London, Printed for J. Watts. 1743 Reel: 3 Item identification number 17; Taken from the French of the abbé d'Ancourt, and adapted to the An Apology for Mrs. Antonia Bourignon: in four religion, customs, and manners of the English nation. parts. by a gentleman of Cambridge. The second edition. London, D. Brown [etc.]. 1699 Reel: 2 Item identification number 24. Reel: 4 Archiv Fur Frauenkunde und Konstitutionsforschung. 1922-1927 L'apotheose du beau-sexe. Reel: 2 A Londres [i.e. Hollande] Chez van der Hoek. 1712 Item identification number 25. Andreini, Isabella, 1562-1604. Reel: 4 Lettre della signora Isabella Andreini Padovana, comica gelosa. Aragona, Tullia d', 1510-1565. Venetia, Alla Minerua. 1647 Dialogo della signora Tullia D'Aragona della Item identification number 18. infinita di amore. Reel: 3 Vinegia, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, et Fratelli. 1552 Item identification number 27. Andreini, Isabella, 1562-1604. Reel: 4 Lettre et ragionamenti d'Isabelle Andreini Padovana. Aragona, Tullia d', 1510-1565. Turin. 1611 Rime della S. Tullia de Aragona; et di diversi a Item identification number 19. lei, nuouamente corrette et ristampate. Reel: 3 In Vinegia, Appresso G. Giolito de Ferrari. 1560 Item identification number 28. Andrews, John, 1736-1809. Reel: 4 Remarks on the French and English ladies, in a series of letters; interspersed with various anecdotes, Association Feminina de Camaguey Revista. and additional matter, arising from the subject. 1923-July 1926 London, Printed for T. Longman, and G. Robinson. Reel: 4 1783 Item identification number 20. Reel: 3 2 History of Women Reel Listing [Arblay, Frances (Burney) (Mme.) d'], 1752-1840. L'art de rendre les femmes fidelles: ouvrage imprimé Camilla: or, A picture of youth. à Paris en 1717, remis au jour & commenté avec des London, T. Payne, T. Cadell, jun., and W. Davies. anecdotes tant anciennes que modernes. 1796 Geneve, Jean-François Bastien. 1779 Item identification number 29; by the author of Item identification number 34. Evelina, and Cecilia. Reel: 7 Reel: 4-5 Astell, Mary, 1666-1731. [Arblay, Frances (Burney) (Mme.) d'], 1752-1840. Reflections upon marriage. Evelina; or, The history of a young lady's entrance London, Printed for R. Wilkin. 1706 into the world. Item identification number 37; The third edition. To London, Printed for T. and W. Lowndes. 1783 which is added a preface, in answer to some Item identification number 30; A new ed. objections. Reel: 5 Reel: 7 Archambault (Mlle.). [Astell, Mary], 1666-1731. Dissertation sur la question, lequel de l'homme ou An essay in defence of the female sex. de la femme est plus capable de constance?. London, Printet for A. Roper, and R. Clavel, and E. Paris, Chez La Veuve Pissot et J. Bullot. 1750 Wilkinson. 1696 Item identification number 31; Ou, La cause des Item identification number 35; In which are inserted dames soutenue par Mlle Archambault, de Laval, the characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a BasMaine, contre M***. & M. L. L. R. vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. in a letter to a Reel: 5 lady. Written by a lady. Reel: 7 La Belle Assemblee (1st series). 1806-1807 [Astell, Mary], 1668-1731, supposed author. Reel: 5 A farther essay relating to the female-sex. London, Printed for A. Roper and E. Wilkinson. 1696 [Arckenholtz, Johan]. Item identification number 36. Memoires concernant Christine, reine de Suede, Reel: 7 pour servir d'eclaircissement à l'histoire de son regne et principalement de sa vie privée. La Belle Assemblee (new series 2nd). A Amsterdam et à Leipzig, P. Mortier. 1751-60 1810-1812 Item identification number 31.1; suivis de deux Reel: 7 ouvrages de cette savante princesse, qui n'ont jamais été imprimés. [Astell, Mary], 1666-1731. Reel: 6 A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. Aristotle, pseud. London, Printed for R. Wilkin. 1695 Aristotle's master-piece completed: in two parts. Item identification number 38; by a lover of her sex. The first containing the secrets of generation in all The second edition corrected. parts thereof. Reel: 8 New York, Printed for the Company of flying stationers. 1798 [Aubin, Nicolas] b. ca. 1655. Item identification number 32; The second part being Histoire des diables de Loudun; ou, De la a private looking glass for the female sex. Treating of possession des religieuses Ursulines, et de la the various maladies of the womb, and all other condamnation & du suplice d'Urbain Grandier.
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