Lao-J-4, -f-GtY\--'el0 2 j. ;at "17-) 1164- as id_ Q.3 .114_ lot a 'Cover • . or ar.. in exi.o?.. ROTt Er r'r-.Z. long hair and a . reddish WHEN IT HAPPENED, in " Scheduled for arraignment Herald Staff Writer beai-d, got out •and gave the 1968, Sturgis told reporters it in Miami Sept. 10, Sturgis The ncy; Mexican border guards a dol- was a commando raid on now is in the federal prison Olds, Fri 1.1ce.7-e La, 10F.- lar each. He went inside the Castro's Cuba. in.Danbury, Conn., serving a '3017, a C:=7: Iron K:n--; borde7 station and gave their • 40-year provisional sentence Motor Co., La”.f"er.--ale, ea:I:a:a 53. • Now, almost five years for his part in the Watergate pulled into the Mexican bor- later to the day, the U.S. Jus- break-in. der station on 'a Sunday he • .Olds crossed into tice Department is preparing night, dusty from a long Mexico without a search. to prosecute him and six In Texas, a codefendant, drive. That was the beginning . of other South Florida men on former South Florida resi- the Mexican caper of Frank charges that the mysterious dent Jerry Buchanan, -has There were three men in Fiorini, alias Frank Sturgis, Mexican mission really was a claimed the whole 'car theft .the car, and a bag of oranges Watergate burglar, and his conspiracy to smuggle stolen case merely is a governinent lay on the shelf under the South Florida • soldiers of automobiles out of the Unit- rear window. fortune. ed States. Turn to Page 10A Col. 1 Three things made this car different from others coming into Mexico from Texas on a hot September weekend. .The Olds had a very hard ploy to force Sturgis to_ talk back seat. It weighed more about the 1972 burglary of than General Motors ever the Democratic National -meant it to. And it eventually Committee headquarters. would be listed as stolen. WHAT REALLY happened - THE BACK SEAT was during the 1968 Mexican ad- solid as a stone because the venture until now has been a springs had been removed closely guarded secret, and replaced with disassem- known only to the partici- bled rifles. The Olds was pants and, possibly, the FBI overweight because the side agents who have been track- panels had- been stuffed with ing them for five long years. handguns, ammunition, guer- Last week. however, Rob- rilla warfare training manu- pert Curtis of Pompano Beach, als and military uniforms. *a member of Sturgis's "Se- And the car would be list- cret Army Organization" and ed as stolen because King :a key government witness Motor Co. never would see it ,scheduled to testify at this again. :month's upcoming trial, told - The driver, a skinny young his story in an exclusive man with sharp blue eyes, interview with The Herald. - With Sturgis on record as ;claiming the entire affair was an anti-Communist foray :against Castro, and with the `iustice Department claiming it was merely a cover for :car theft, Curtis takes a --middle position. - According to him, it was some of both. And Robert :Curtis has reason to know. He was the bearded man who drove the red-and-white -Olds across the border. And `later he did the same with two other allegedly stolen cars listed in the government 'indictment. As Curtis relates it, the whole thing began with a —Associated Press Wirephoti classified ad. Sturgis On Way to Washington, D.C., Jai; Watergate APPEARING SPORADI- . after arrest in CALLY in various newspa- pers in July and August 1968, in hand, standing proudly on FIVE YEARS ago this icate forms and blank regis- --the ad called for "young men the fresh mass grave of 75 weekend, Curtis and other tration forms." interested in adventure, in- Batista loyalists executed by members of the group pre- Armed with the typewriter trigue and foreign travel." the Castro regime. pared to leave for Mexico. kit and a Gulf Oil travel card 7.:• It indicated that the work Later, he switched sides Curtis recalls the experience in the name of Charles Con- was with a mercenary army and claimed to have made a as "just like going back in nell, Curtis and Brown went .".in South America. Pay was daring propaganda raid in the service . to Brownsville. Tex., and :"described as "very high." which anti-Castro leaflets al- "I quit my job and sold my rented a 1969 maroon Ford --Those interested were invited legedly were dropped from a car and my truck. I pur- Torino with a black stripe on to contact Col. Francisco plane over Cuba. Sturgis - chased a rifle with a scope. the side. Quesada in care of Ray or Fiorini, as he 'then was Then there was a delay, and I "We put on a Florida tag Sandstrom, a Fort Lauder- known — was a controver- sat for a week in a motel in and throw away the Texas *-dale lawyer. sial soldier of fortune, and Fort Lauderdale, waiting." tag." Then they drove the car precisley the kind of man . would be The waiting into Mexico. When reporters inquired who might advertise for Curtis's eventual undoing, }'about the ad in 1968, followers who wanted adven- for it was then that he rented ';Sandstrom, who 's pent LESS THAN a week later, ture, danger, and high pay. that red-and-white Oldsmo- according to the indictment, ,weekends flying cargo to Sai- bile, vehicle indentification :gon for Airlift International "He told us men with two Curtis was at it again, on or- kinds of experience would number 354878D118437. d e r s from Sturgis and as a part-time pilot, said the In what the U.S. Attor- 'ad was placed without his get preference for this job," Buchanan. Curtis says. "Ex-cons and ney's office admits may be a Curtis remembers 'this trip *knowledge. self-serving claim by their military." as the wildest one: "Frank Last week, however, There were more meetings. prospective witness, Curtis blames Sturgis for the car's said, 'Bob, you got to go back Sandstrom told The Herald According to the indictment, into Texas and get another that the advertisement ap- ending up in Mexico. they continued "during July, car. You have 15 minutes to :geared after Sturgis "asked August and September of "Frank said, 'You're gonna ..me if he could use my ad- have to take the rental car.' I get ready.'" 1968 . at various loca- Curtis took a bus to dress to get some mail, and I tions," including Sturgis's said, 'What do you mean? That car's rented in my Brownsville. This time he .let him." residence at 2515 NW 122nd used the Gulf card to pick up Sandstrom . said Sturgis St. name.' He said, . 'That's all right.' " . a red 1969 Mustang so new ;told him the mail concerned Sturgis was present, the that the odometer showed an anti-Castro mission into (If Sturgis indeed said it indictment charges, as were was all right, he was wrong. 'only three miles. Averaging -Mexico; no one, according to codefendants Jerry Buchanan In 1969, a• Broward County 110 m.p.h., Curtis sped back :him, said anything about car and Max Gonzalez (also :across the border. The car :theft. jury took just 20 minutes to known as Max Gorman) and find Curtis guilty of unautho- had 800 miles on it when he two unindicted coconspira- got to Guadalajara. y. ALONG WITH others who rized use of the car, a crime tors, Richard G. Brown and for which he went to jail.) *answered the ad, Robert Robert Curtis.- "I FELT kind of bad about :Curtis was told that the mys- ACCORDING TO the it, because the rental guy terious "Col. Quesada" was CURTIS SAYS Sturgis told indictrrient, the rented Olds said he just had two, and :in charge. Sandstrom said the others that he was orga- was one of at least three somebody had taken one, and :Quesada "may be Cuban," nizing a "Secret Army Orga- South Florida cars that what was thinking was, , 'and Sturgis described Quesa- nization" to "attack Castro entered Mexico with `Well, now you don't have :cla as a former Cuban doctor- ships and stop trade with Sturgis's self-styled army. any."' :Who had fled into exile and Cuba, and eventually attack -Max Gonzalez allegedly Finally, the time came to *formed a "Secret Army Orga- Cuba itself." launch the long-promised drove a new red Chevrolet, :nization" in Venezuela. Curtis. then 31 and a for- commando raid. The group mer Marine, was impressed. ; and Lomen Ray Bruce trans- moved to Progreso, Mexico, There was some vague ported a new ivory-colored "Frank painted a beautiful and boarded a yacht called talk, later, that the colonel Chevrolet. The ivory Chevy, was flying as a mercenary in picture. He said he was the the Amigo. The Mexican cap- phantom flyer who had drop- like the Olds, was a rented the Congo. No one ever saw car. It isn't clear where the tain later claimed the Ameri- him. Government sources are ped leaflets over Cuba. He cans hijacked his ship. Curtis said we was going in and in- red one came from, and the confirms it, saying the cap- -now convinced that "Col. government does not claim it Quesada" actually was filtrate with the Cuban peo- tain and his mate were ple in the mountains, and 50 was stolen. Sturgis. • forced at gunpoint to sail per cent of them. would join By October 7, the indict- where Sturgis told them.
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