VOltsam" 1 "+ l~fb. Oakiaad, Ca1l~oa~nla . lrov.mbhr i, i964 INTEGRATION SUCCESS WITHOUT VIOLENCE The Ghost of Prince They Said It Edward County Couldn't Be Done Travels West SLUMS AND- SUFFERING A few years ago, many Black deprived of S years children were A new program has been of public education becat;se of greatly expanded in the U. 5. in haired - and ignorance. After a the last 20 years. This program ~arrage ol< hysterical, hate"breed- hus j. dead miltSo"_a and mil- ing speeches and articles, the pap- ?ions of ..allays fot' some; beapti- ulation of Prince Edward County, ful modern homes and stable re- Va. shocked the nation by com- ligious and social communities for pletely shutting down the public others; and a life of chasing after school system . available slums for us. Their reason: white sclwals are The program is commonly superior. Keepi them white and called `'Slum Clearance and Ur- you will keep them superior. ban Renewal" ; in Wit Oakland Fanpty classrooms and booklees it is called Acorn. It has been estimated children came r "st. by Federal Administra- tor Robert C. Weaver that about Crying Black parents sacrificed ijU S of the persons affected by their -pennies. The funds were used s?um clearance are of African to legally establish once and for . descent. all, throughout the U.S. that public schools could not be closed in WHY US??? furtherance of White Supremacy. Finally in 1964, five years later, the Supreme Court agreed. Also As some men wait patiently for in 1964" a segment of the Oakland slums to develop and subsequently community disagreed. be cleared and reconstructed, lit" orally millions and millions of McClymonds High is 9a dollars are made by real estate Black. A state commission study- agents, contractors, .insuranee com- ing Oakland's de facto school seg- parries, architects, lawyers, mer- rogation situation has recom- chants, social workers and specu- mended the gradual abolition of lators. WE ARE OF PARA- McClymonds High School. This is MOUNT IMPORTANCE BE- true even though McClymonds, CAUSE OF THE WIDESPREAD construction completed in 1960, BELIEF THAT ANYTIME A costing $4 million, is conveniently COPd~MUNIY BECOMES PRE- located for many Black families, DOMINANTLY BLACK, SLUMS and attending another school AND DISORGANIZED CON- would cost parents $42 a year for HOW LONG MUST WE WAlT ? FUSION WILL EMERGE. each child. 9 Cow ott Pete ~ Continued on Pa6e Pie s A 1Konday, Aiovember :, i 96a NEWSat a "We Care Enough To Tell , It Just Like It Is" Glance LOCAL THEY SAID CLOSE McCLYMOND5? A state commission studying Oakland's de facto school segre" IT COULDN',t BE DONE gation situation has recommen" ded the gradual abolition of Nlc" Clymonds High School The Brunkfitild Homcu~"nera Aaari: provide,: free ,p~nui~ to' iie;nts School has a 98~fo Negro enroll- The ability of the Negro to survive `the challenges of the coming. ment. years will depend primarily upon his ability to view himself as an HOW ABOUT ITS BEREKELEY INTEGRATES ITS. object of respect and dignity. The reoccuring theme of "integration" and" Question Og The Week JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND WOULD YOU OBJECT TO LIVING IN AN ALL DIVIDES, COMMUNITY the alleged . goal of forcing whites to accept us as individuals has The Berkeley School Board has BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD started to end de facto racial seg- caused many Negroes to smile with pleasure when the white press Ben Johnson, 803 Athens; a top Fuller Products Sales" regation in junior high schools. describes them as "exceptions" (you're not like the others). Critical man-"I have no objection to an all Negro neighborhood . (See page 5) I oply object to unkempt homes and rundown houses and evaluation of suFh statements makes it abundantly clear that to be an not enough self respect. We should respect our neighborhood by keeping it clean, "exception" implies that the mass of the race is no good or at least and encourage our children and neighbors to love and respect each other ss well as themselves. - NATIONAL unacceptable. To rejoice in such ignorance is the growing cancer of the. race. ANTI-POVERTY; BILL _..._......... President Johnson's °6750 mil- More important than integration, demonstrations or political slogans, Leadis Jackson, 560-2nd _ St., Richmond-"I wouldn't mind living in an all black or all white community. I just lion antipoverty bill has become promises and or lies, in the struggle to advance, and preserve hum~i desire a clean community, good neighbors, reasonable law._ rents, convenience, comfort and privacy. An all black It calls for job training, bagic dignity is the ability of a man to view himself with racial and cultural community is not necessarily bad: There are a lot o~ education, aid to needy college Negroes wno sake prde in themselves and their homes. Most of the black students, community ~ anti-poverty slums were . slum's when the Nearces moved . pride and respect. The formidable barriers of our past slavery in in projects, loans to low income farmers and businessmen and a America caused us to believe that the race was "no good" and more domestic Peace Corps. tragically, that anything all Black was evil and inferior. This message (see page G) has been continuously echoed by so called white and Black leaders of 5MALL BUSINESS FLOCKING For instance, McClymonds High School (Oakland) must be today. FOR IAANS closed, not because of teachers, facilities, etc., but solely because "It is Iai n... ...st few months, small businessmen have been taking ad- predominantly Black". If it is an all Chinese community,, we are told vantage of an easier new policy on Loans. that such is cultural ; if an all Jewish or Catholic school, we are told (see page G) that such is permissable and even desirable because it is based on religion ; butif it is an all Black school, store, housing development, etc., - INTERNATIONAL we are scolded and rebuked for allegedly fostering segregation or separa" lion ox racial supremacy. VIE1' NAbf Individualism can not be used as a cloak for irresponsiblity. As Southeast Asia is about half youth have initiated a rtezu-up campai~m to I~autify the, streets. way around the world from long as the race is at the bottom, each and every one is at the bottom" VKrashington . Why the great interest there? The imposing struggle for progress demands that the Negro community Southeast Asia's importance rests mainly on it position as a take a little time out from chasing whites all over the globe and learq A large line of books by and about Africans and vital crossroads of the world, between the Indian Ocean and to integrate and accept himself. Nuture~the love, respect and honor, Afro-Americans the Pacific, between the great economically, socially and politically that can save himself and mankind. land mass of Asia and the rich, heavily populated: lands to the Praise be to the East Oakland community for destroying the lie that south and east-Malaysia, Indo- nesia, the 1',~ilipines. human. Black people can not live together and be Book Company (see page G) 116 LEAVENWORTH STREET `SAN FRANCISCO Z, CALIFORNIA GRaysrons 4-0141 AFRO-~RI~AN DIGNTTY NEWS EDITOR .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _. .... .. .. Donald Warden, PU$LISHER .. _. .. .. .... .. .. .. ., ., Afro-Americ¢n Association ENTERTAINMENT EVERY NIQHT BUSINESS MANAGER .... .. .: .. ...... _ .. A. I. Raymond CIRCULATION .MANAGER .. .... .. .. .. ..Knorvel Cherry EXCELLENT FOOD STAFF ~%RITERS Akin Emiola, Editor, Nigerian Tribune a Gwen Hill Ollie lGillitants i ROSS CHRISTIE leanette Tucker Guy D¢niels wssa - ts chat. Lewis E. tones __i ~R Oakand. Callf. Ilil "IIII"IIII"LIB"IIII "IIII "IIII"III"IIII "IIII"III"III"III"III"IIII"IIII"III"IIII"Ilq"ilp"IIII"ilt"IIII"Ilu"II A~>ro"Amoriaaa >Dl~alty 'lows lrooday, >llovombar s, 196q- ~IFRICAN NEWS 6~ VIEWS EDUCATION It's Whets Inside That Counts "IF AFRICA IS SO BAD,~WHY ARE MILLIONS OP EUROPEANS WILLING TO DIE BEFORE THEY WILL . LEAVE?" WO~NS Johnny comes home from exerted to bring about maximum WORLD school and through a misunder- communication between home and atanding or in an attempt to get school. away with some misdeed, tells This is possible because of a his mother .of an unpleasant new program in the Oakland experience with his teacher. Public . Schools called the Inter- LAW IN GHANA SIERRA LEONE TO Mother may get the wrong iur agency Project. Ghanian business law is in ad= EXPAND ORE MINE5 pression, and the next day, fume Partially financed by the Ford into the school to let the teacher Foundation, hnd. This statement was made The most important project in it is presently con- alnd. This statement was made Sierra Leone, under its 10 year know what she thinks in a few centrating in the East Oakland choice words. by Robert R. Pennington in com- plan, is the expansion of the area. ments oh Ghanian Company or Sierra-Leone Development Com- On the other hand, teacher rosy Other phases of the program have pre-conceived ideas that her Corporation Law, reported in 105 pany's Iron Ore mines at Ma. include using high school students students Solicitor's Journal 737 (1961) . ramps and Pepel. The export of are not college material as tutors in summer schools. _ or not be able to understand the Many of the novel ~ and im- bauxite by the Ore Metal Com- These` students are chosen on portant Provisions of the code pant' began last June- attitude Johnny has for his studies. the recommendations of their have not been touched on in In order to avoid this or similar counselors and are paid $1.00 an summary review .
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