Made in America' Companies Please contact individual companies for product details. Not all goods 100% made in the U.S. Category Company Name City State Webpage Automotive Airstream Trailers Jackson Center OH http://www.airstream.com/index.html Automotive Baker Drivetrain Haslett MI http://www.bakerdrivetrain.com Automotive Covercraft Industries Pauls Valley OK http://www.covercraft.com/ Automotive Edelbrock - Automotive Parts Torrance CA http://www.edelbrock.com/ Automotive Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Milwaukee WI http://www.harley-davidson.com Automotive Sport Paint Inc. Louisville KY http://www.sportpaint.com/index2.html, www.sp3isports.com Automotive Wheeldock Co. Stillwater OK http://www.wheeldock.com/ Bedding Better Night Sleep La Habra CA http://www.betternite.com/ Bedding Bowles Mattress Company Jeffersonville IN http://www.bowlesmattress.com/ Bedding Dewoolfson Banner Elk NC http://www.dewoolfsondown.com/ Bedding Eastern Accents Chicago IL http://www.easternaccents.com/ Bedding Ecosus Sleep Systems High Point NC http://www.ecosussleepsystems.com Bedding Happi Nappi Memphis TN http://www.happinappi.com/ Bedding Jamestown Mattress Company Jamestown NY http://www.jamestownmattress.com/ Bedding Mid South Bunk Beds Memphis TN http://www.midsouthbunkbeds.com Bedding Orange Mattress Custom Bedding Maplewood NJ http://www.mycustombedding.com/ Bedding Organic Comfort Zone Norfolk VA http://www.organiccomfortzone.com/ Bedding Organic Mattresses, Inc. Yuba City CA http://www.omimattress.com/AboutOMI.php Bedding Original Mattress Factory Cleveland OH http://www.originalmattress.com/our-story Bedding Otis Bed Manufactoring Buffalo NY http://www.otisbed.com/ Bedding Royal Pillows Rockford IL http://www.royalpillows.com Bedding Sealy Mattress High Point NC http://www.sealy.com/ Bedding Simmons Bedding Company Atlanta GA http://www.simmons.com/ Bedding Sleep Innovations West Long Branch NJ http://www.jamestownmattress.com/ Bedding Tempur-Pedic Lexington KY http://www.tempurpedic.com/ Bedding The Boppy Co. Golden CO http://www.boppy.com/ Cabinets Bertch Cabinet Mfg., Inc. Waterloo IA http://www.bertch.com/ Cabinets Cabinet Fever Anchorage AK http://www.cabinetfever.net/ Cabinets Kahles Kitchens, Inc. Leeper PA http://www.kahleskitchens.com Cabinets Kemper Cabinets Richmond IN http://www.kempercabinets.com/ Cabinets Kitchen Kompact Jeffersonville IN http://www.kitchenkompact.com/ Cabinets KraftMaid Cabinets Middlefield OH http://www.kraftmaid.com/ Cabinets Secret Sill Warminster PA http://www.secretsill.com/ Cabinets Strasser Woodenworks Woodinville WA http://www.strasserwood.com Cabinets W.L. Rubottom Co. Ventura CA http://www.wlrubottom.com Cabinets Wooden Concepts Wooden Concepts TX http://www.woodenconcepts.net/ Clothing A Personal Touch Hanson MA http://personaltouchinc.com/ Clothing Alabama Chanin Florence AL http://www.alabamachanin.com Clothing All American Clothing Co. Arcanum OH http://www.allamericanclothing.com/ Clothing Andrew Christian Glendale CA http://www.andrewchristian.com/ Clothing Annie Girl Couture Creations & Anna Elyse BridesmaidsPasadena CA http://www.anniegirl.com Clothing B and B Design Collection Los Angeles CA http://www.amandafashion.com/ Clothing Bamboosa Clothing and Baby Products Andrews SC https://www.bamboosa.com/ Clothing Bemidji Woolen Mills Bemidji MN http://www.bemidjiwoolenmills.com/ Clothing BGreen Apparel Rancho Dominguez CA http://www.bgreenapparel.com Clothing Bill's Khakis Reading PA http://www.billskhakis.com Clothing Black Hills Gold By Coleman Rapid City SD http://www.blackhillsgoldbycoleman.com/index.aspx Clothing Blouse House Hanson MA http://www.blousehouse.com/ Clothing Body Bark Denver CO http://www.bodybark.com/ Clothing Bridlebrook Baltimore MD http://www.fashionsu.net/id31.html Clothing Buddys Jeans New Hebron MS http://www.buddysjeans.com/ Clothing Campbellsville Apparel Company Campbellsville KY http://www.camapp.com Clothing Castle Ware Eureka CA http://www.castleware.com/ Clothing Columbiaknit Factory Store Portland OR http://www.usa-wear.com Clothing Diamond Gusset Jeans Bon Aqua TN http://www.gussetclothing.com/ Clothing Elbeco, Inc. Reading PA http://www.elbeco.com Clothing Ener-Gel Footcare Products Penn Runn PA http://www.energelinsole.com/ Clothing Exelnt Designs Swimwear Warren MI http://exelnt.com/ Clothing Fashions Unlimited Baltimore MD http://www.fashionsu.net/ Clothing FesslerUSA Orwigsburg PA http://www.fesslerusa.com Clothing Filson Clothing Seattle WA http://www.filson.com Clothing Flexsystems El Cajon CA http://www.flexsystems.com/ Clothing Fox River Mills Osage IA http://www.foxsox.com/ Clothing Gerald and Stewart Everett MA http://www.geraldandstewart.com Clothing Globe Manufacturing Co. -- Fire Suits Pittsfield NH http://www.globeturnoutgear.com/ Clothing Glory Sales and Service Los Angeles CA http://www.glorysales.com Clothing Goodhew Socks Chattanooga TN http://www.goodhew.us.com/ Clothing Goodwill Industries Inc. Rockville MD http://www.goodwill.org/ Clothing HeartThreads Clothing San Diego CA http://www.heartthreadsclothing.com/ Clothing Hitchin' Post Wyoming County NY http://www.thehitchinpost.com/ Clothing Jane Darling by ME Sandy Springs GA http://www.jdbyme.com/ Clothing Johnson Woolen Mills Johnson VT http://www.johnsonwoolenmills.com/ Clothing Jon Wye Company Washington DC http://www.jonwye.com/ Clothing Legendary USA Exton PA http://www.legendaryusa.com/ Clothing Loggerhead Apparel Greenville SC http://www.loggerheadapparel.com/index.php/ Clothing Longhorn Jean Company Scottsdale AZ http://www.longhornjeans.com Clothing Malley & Co. Garland TX http://www.malleyandco.com/ Clothing Mortex Apparel Wendell NC http://www.mortexapparel.com/ Clothing Nanette Lepore New York NY http://www.nanettelepore.com Clothing New I.C.M., L.P El Campo TX http://www.newicm.com Clothing North Star Glove Co. Tacoma WA http://www.northstarglove.com Clothing NYDJ Apparel Vernon CA http://www.nydj.com Clothing Olympic Uniforms Seattle WA http://jmarcelenterpris.qwestoffice.net/ Clothing Only Hearts Clothing New York NY http://www.onlyhearts.com Clothing Oxxford Clothes, Inc. Chicago IL http://www.oxxfordclothes.com/home.aspx Clothing Parabellum Los Angeles CA http://www.parabellumcollection.com Clothing Pointer Brand Bristol TN http://www.pointerbrand.com/ Clothing R. Hanauer Mens Accessories Fort Mill SC http://www.bowties.com/ Clothing Red Ants Pants White Sulfur Springs MT http://www.redantspants.com/ Clothing Red Flannel Factory Rockford MI http://www.redflannels.com/ Clothing RESTORE Clothing New York NY http://www.restoreclothing.com Clothing Rock Me Clarkson MI http://www.rockmeusa.com/site Clothing Round House Overalls and Jeans Shawnee OK http://www.round-house.com/index.html Clothing Sabaku Artware Tuscon AZ http://www.sabakuart.com/ Clothing Schott NYC New York NY http://www.schottnyc.com/ Clothing Soyad Brothers Warren MI http://www.soyadsocks.com Clothing St. Croix Weaving Hudson WI http://www.stcroixweaving.com Clothing Sterlingware of Boston East Boston MA http://www.sterlingwear.com/cart/ Clothing Stockin Girl Stockin Girl CT http://www.stockingirl.com Clothing Stormy Kromer Clothing Ironwood MI http://www.stormykromer.com/ Clothing Texas Jeans USA Asheboro NC http://www.texasjeans.com Clothing The Beach Depot Saginaw TX http://www.thebeachdepot.com/ Clothing Thorlo Socks Statesville NC http://www.thorlo.com Clothing Triangle Shop Wellesley MA Clothing True Religion Jeans Vernon CA http://www.truereligionbrandjeans.com Clothing Tuff Cookie Clothing Company Falmouth MA http://www.tuffcookie.com Clothing Union Label Wyoming MN http://www.unionlabel.com/ Clothing Vanson Leathers Fall River MA http://www.vansonleathers.com Clothing Wigwam Mills Sheboygan WI http://www.wigwam.com/ Clothing Zenteck Clothing Seattle WA http://www.zentekclothing.com/ Computers/ElectronicsDeck Keyboards Kenosho WI http://www.deckkeyboards.com/ Computers/ElectronicsL-3 Eotech Ann Arbor MI http://www.eotech-inc.com Computers/ElectronicsMacroton Systems, Inc Fremont CA http://www.macrotronsystems.com/services.html Computers/ElectronicsOHM Speakers Brooklyn NY http://www.ohmspeakers.com/index.cfm Computers/ElectronicsU.S. Wire and Cable Corporation Newark NJ http://www.uswireandcable.com Computers/ElectronicsUnion Built PC Ocean City MD http://unionbuiltpc.com Flooring Barefoot Flooring, Inc. Troy PA http://www.barefootflooringinc.com/ Flooring Bath-Tec Bath Products Ennis TX http://www.bathtec.com/ Flooring Capel Rugs Troy NC http://www.capelrugs.com/history Flooring Clear Lake Lumber Inc. Spartanburg PA http://www.clearlumber.com Flooring Connor Sports Flooring Arlington Heights IL http://www.connorfloor.com/ Flooring Crossville, Inc. Crossville TN http://www.crossvilleinc.com Flooring FLOR Chicago IL http://www.flor.com/ Flooring Florim U.S.A. Clarksville TN http://www.florimusa.com/ Flooring From the Forest Weston MN http://www.fromtheforest.com/ Flooring Gulistan Carpet Pinehurst NC http://www.gullistan.com Flooring HomerWood Hardwood Floors Titusville PA http://www.homerwood.com Flooring Karlsons Hardwood Defiance MT http://www.karlsonshardwood.com Flooring Mannington Mills Inc. Salem NJ http://www.mannington.com/ Flooring Mohawk Rugs Calhoun GA http://www.mohawkflooring.com/ Flooring Owens Flooring by Colonial Craft Shawano WI http://www.colonialcraft.com/ofbcc.html Flooring Plantation Hardwood Floors Oxnard PA http://plantationhardwood.com/ Flooring Sheoga Hardwood Flooring Burton OH http://www.sheogaflooring.com/ Flooring Shepard's Flock Townshend GA http://www.shepardsflock.com
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