Minutes of the 246'h EXIM Committee meeting for cxport and import of sccds and planling materials held under the Chairpersonship ot Joinl Secrctary (Sccds), I),\( &F$ on {rh Ocrubcr. 2019 at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. The list of panicipants is annexed. Item No. l Action faken Report for thc 245"'EXIM Committee mccting for export and import of sceds and planting material held on 2"r Scptcmber,20l9. lhc nrinLrLcs un(l rcconlrncnd ioI lcttcrs in rcspcct ol l.1i'r' l:Xl\J ( omnr Llc! meeting have been issucd 1() all conccl ncd. l'ollow-up Actions l) (i) Proposal for import of total 5,00,000 Nos. Oil Palm seed sprouts c.v. Tenera Hybrid from Thailand, Malaysia, Costarica, Benin, Ivory Coas! Cameroon, Colomhia and Ecuador by M/s. Ruchi Soya lndustries Limited, lDA, ADB Road, Peddapuram-533 437, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. 'fhc abovc proposal was dcfcrrcrl in 243, IiXIN{ commrttcc nrectinlj li)r w.lnt oI l)llQ verification rcport fiom I)Pl,Q&S Now vide lettcr no 99-153/2014 I,QI) I)t.11daLed 12 09 201,9 DPPQ&S, I;afldabadhas rnlormed that thc lirnr hrs rhe requircd PIiQ lacility lo accommodate 5,00,000 plants ln view of thc report of DI,I,QS, thc lixll\4 commi ee of the I)epartmcnt approvcd thc import ol total 5,00,000 Nos 0il I,alm secd sprouts cv Tcncra llybrid lrom '[hailand, [4alaysia, Costarica, I]cnin, lvory Coast, Crrncroon, Colombia and Ilcuador by N4/s Ruchi Soya lndustrics Lirnitcd,liasl (;o(l.rvrrr I)islrict, Andhra Pradcsh Abrxe permissron will be valid for six nonths onl) and also sibicct ro srriut conrpliancc ol'l)lant Quaranlinc (llc8ulation ot inport into India) Order. l00l lnd arrcnclnrcnts made thcrein (ii) Proposal for import of Total 2,000 Nos. Grapes (Bare root plants free from Soil) c.v. ARRA 29 and ARRA 32 @ 1000 Nos. each from Chilc by M/s, Vilas Vishnu Shinde, Sr. No.7702/A, A/p-Adqaon, Tal & District, Nashik-422 003. Abovc proposal was deferred in 2451r F'XIM commiftee mcctlng for want ol Pl.lQ vcr-ificalion rcport from l)l'}l)Q&S. Now l)l)PQ&S, traridabad has in[oImcd that the lirm has the requircd PljQ lacility to accommodatc 2000 Nos. Cl-ape plaDts In vicw of thc rcport ot I)l>l'QS thc lix)M committcc ol thc Dcpartmcnt approvcd thc impolt oltotal 2,000 Nos Crapcs olarc root planls frcc trom Sotl) seed sprouls c.v. AIIRA 29 and ARIIA 32 @ 1000 Nos. cach from Chilc by M/s. Vilas Vishnu Shinde, Adgaon,'Ial & District, Nashik. Above permission will bc valid lbr six months only and also subiecl lo srnel conrpliancc ol Plant Quarantine (Regulation ol impon inlo lndia) Order. 2001 and arncrrdmonts rnade thcrern- (iii) Proposal for import.of 13,200 Nos, True Potato Seeds c.v. B54B @ 1200 seeds, 8549 and BB00 @ 6000 seeds each from The Ncthcrlands by lvl/s. Sungro Seeds Pvt. Ltd., 19, Rai Mahal,84, Veer Nariman Road., Mumbai-400 Thc abovc proposal was dclcrrcd ibr want ol lustification/rcasons for thc import Moreover, thc FIXIM committcc also dcsircd that thc firm m;ty procurc lt tiom ICAIT Thc firm has clanfied that the IPS proposcd to be imporrcd has several advanlages over the indigenous TPS. The committee discussed the vanous benefits of TPS proposed Lo be imported and desired that the firm should be inviled to give a presentation in respect ofvarious bcnefils ofTPS proposed to be imported. (vi) Proposal for import of total 5,000 Nos. Apple Rootstock (c.v. Malus cala 'fenplus' (cov) Rootstock Malus M9 /a) 1 oon N^< M1l,,c cr.nnv <hirlt Rootstock M9 and Malus Red Del, Ro from ltaly by Saniay Mehta, 55/ Eq!C!hn3gal.qqrC4o4: 12?e22 IHa In 244th meeting, the FIXIM committee h Nos. Apple Rootstock [c.v. Malus Ca]a'lenplus'(covl Ilootstock N4alus l\49 (@ 1,000 Nos., Malus Cranny Smith Rootstock Iy'9 and Malus Red l)el. Rootstock Malus M9 @ 2,000 Nos. each) from lraly by Sanjay Mehta, S5/11, Dt.F Ciry phase 3, , Gurgaon. N ow the firm has requested to import of same quantity of plants oI apple as given below" al Malus Gala-2500/- Plants b) Malus Red Del'2500/'Plants The committee approved the import of 5,000 Nos. Apple Rootstock (c.v. l\4alus Gala and Malus Red Del @2500 No. each. from Italy by San,ay Mehta, 55/11, Dt,F' City Phase 3, Nathupur, Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon. other terms and conditjon as laid down in earlier permission will be same. - Nelr proposals for cxport and import ol Seeds und Planting materials Itclll No.2 Proposal for cxport of 2800 Kgs Onion secds c.v. Rcd Star @600Kgs, c.v. Dayo @800 Kgs, Prema @600Kgs and c.v. Super Yali @800 Kgs to Dakar, Senegel by EAST Wf,Sl SEEDS INDIA PVT. LTI). Regd. Office/Planr: Cur No.66, Village Narayanpur (Bk,), Taluka cangapur, Aurangabad - 431 133. Iten No. J Proposal for export of 6 Kgs Onion seeds c.v, lPl338 @6 Kgs to Mayanmar by EAST WEST SREDS INDIA PVT. L'ID, Regd. Office/Planri cur No.66, Village Narayanpur (Bk.), Taluka cangapur, Aurangabad - 431 133. Itcm No. ;[ Proposal for export of 3100 Kgs Onion seeds c.v. Red Jewel @500 Kgs, c.v. Red Star@500 Kgs, c.v. Dayo @800 Kgs, c.v. Prema @800, c.v. Super yali @ 500 Kgs to fvlali by EAST WI,ST SEEDS INDIA PVT. LTD; Regd. Office/Plantr cur N0.66, Village Narayanpur (Bk,), Taluka cangapur, Aurangabad - 431 133, Itcm No, 5 Proposal for export of 15000 Kgs Onion seeds c.v. Red Jewel @1500 Kgs, c.v. Red Star @2000 Kgs, c.v. Dayo @4500 Kgs, c.v. Prema @6000, c.v. Super yali @1000 Kgs to Nethcrland hy r:AST WIIST SIiEDS lNfrlA pVT. LTt). Rcgd. Office/Plant: Gut No.66, Villagc Narayanpur (Bk.), Taluka cangapur, Aurangabad - 431 133. Itcm No.6 Proposal for export ot 2000 Kgs Onion seeds c.v, Prema @1000 to Pakistan by EAST WIIST SEEDS INDIA PVT. l,TD, Regd. Office/Plantr Gut No.66, Village Narayanpur (Bk,), Taluka Gangapur, Aurangabad - 431 133. Item No.7 Proposal for export of 6000 Kgs Onion seeds c.v. Prema @2000 Kgs, c,v. Prerona @500 Kgs, c,v. Prapti @500, c.v, Prema @2000 Kgs, c.v. Prema @500 Kgs, c.v. Prapti Fl @500 Kgs, to llangladesh by EAST WEST SEEDS INDIA PVT. LTD. Regd. Office/Plant: Gut No.66, Village Narayanpur (Bk.), Taluka Gangapur, Aurangabad - 431 133. Itcm No.8 Proposal for export of 25 Kgs Onion seeds c.v. ID-06511, c.v. ID-11091, c.v. ID. 11092, c.v. 1D.11093, c,v, ID-11094, c.v, ID'11096, c.v. lD-1 1097, c,v, ID-11098, c.v. lD-11099, c.v. ID-11100, c,v. lD'11101, c.v. lD'11102, c.v. lD'11103, c.v. ID. 11104, c.v. ID-11105 , c.v. ID.11106 , c,v. lD-11107 c.v. ID.11108, c.v, ID-11109, c.v. ID-111010, c,v. ID-10517, c.v. ID-10518, c.v. lD-10529, c.v. ID-10531, c.v, ID-10S59 @1 Kgs cach to Philippincs by EAS'I'WEST SEBD INTIIRNATIONAL, Regd. office/Planr: EAST wsET sDEDs INDIA Pv]. LTD.: Gur No.66, village Narayanpur (Bk,), P,O. Walui, Tq. Gangapur, Dist, Aurangabad - 431 133. t Itcm No.9 Proposal for export of 1500 Kgs Onion seeds c.v. Red ,ewael @ 250 Kgs, c.v. Red Star @250Kgs, c.v. Dayo @300 Kgs, Prema @300 Kgs and c.v, Super Yali @400 Kgs to Benin by EAST WEST Sf,EDS INDIA PVT. LTD. Regd. Office/Plant: Gut No.66, Village Narayanpur (Bk.), Taluka Gangapur, Aurangabad - 431 133. Itcm No. I0 Proposal for export of 11000 Kgs Onion sceds c.v. Red Star @1000 Kgs, c.v. Dayo @4000 Kgs, Prema @3000 Kgs and c,v. Supcr Yali (43000 Kgs io Philippines by EAST WESTSIED lN'IERNATIONAL Rcgd. Officc/Plant: I-IAST wSE'I SEITDS INDIA PVT. LTD; Gut No.66, Village Narayanpur (Bk.), P.O, Walui, Tq. Gangapur, Dist. Aurangabad - 431 133, Itcm No. I I Proposal for export of 5000 Kgs Hybrid Onion seeds c.v. KSP 9198 @5000 Kgs to ltaly by KALASH SEEDS PVT. LTD. Regd. Office/Plant: Mantha Raod, IALNA- 430203 (lndia). Itcm No. l2 Proposal for export of 110 M'l Onion seeds c.v. Red Creole @ 110 MT, to Dubai by Crystal Crop Sciences LTD. Regd, office/Plant:41, Indra Market, old sabzi Mandi, Delhi-110007 (lndia) Itcm No. l3 Proposal for export of 150 MT Onion seeds c.v. Red Creole @ 150 MT, to Afghanistan by Crystal Crop Sciences LTD. Regd. Office/Plant: 41, Indra Markct, Old Sabzi Mandi, Delhi-110007 (lndia), lJascd on thc al-llrnrrtivc comncnls ol-thc conccrncd di\isrons. llrlhcr discussl(, nd dclails ol sccd production and minimunr sccd e llxlM Committce approved the expon ol'onion concemed, the Committee deferred the proposal ion and minimum seed standards ofthe varieties Rice seeds c.v. XRA87936, c.v. XRA87940, c.v. 100 ea.h KBs to Bangladesh by PIONEER, PHI lart: V-Ascendas, Aria Block, 12rh Floor, Plot Hyderabad 500081. (sava ls I Proposat foi export of 1,?0,000 Kgs Paddy seeds.r. t*titaii Hyt.ia Rice 4 134) @100OoOKgs,cv Paddy secds c.v Mitali Hybrid Rice 3 (sava 4613) @ 70000 Kgs to Bengladesh by SAVANNAH SEEDS PVT.
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