E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1995 No. 1 House of Representatives This being the day fixed by the 20th The CLERK. Representatives-elect, their presence by electronic device and amendment to the Constitution for the this is the day fixed by the 20th amend- also to vote on the election of the annual meeting of the Congress of the ment to the Constitution and Public speaker. United States, the Members-elect of Law 103±395 for the meeting of the 104th There was no objection. the 104th Congress met in their Hall, Congress and, as the law directs, the The CLERK. Without objection, the and at 12 noon, were called to order by Clerk of the House has prepared the of- Representatives-elect will record their the Clerk of the House of Representa- ficial roll of the Representatives-elect. presence by electronic device and their tives, the Honorable Donnald K. Ander- Certificates of election covering 428 names will be reported in alphabetical son. seats in the 104th Congress have been order by States, beginning with the The Chaplain, Rev. James David received by the Clerk of the House, and State of Alabama, to determine wheth- Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- the names of those persons whose cre- er a quorum is present. er: dentials show that they were regularly There was no objection. With gratefulness and praise and elected as Representatives in accord- The CLERK. Representatives-elect with a sense of duty and honor, we ex- ance with the laws of their respective who have not obtained their voting ID press our thanksgivings, O gracious States or of the United States will be cards may do so now in the Speaker's God, that we have the opportunity to called. lobby. serve at this time and place. When we The Clerk lays before the House the The call was taken by electronic de- contemplate the demands of justice following communication from the vice, and the following Representa- and the high calling to public service, Secretary of the State of the State of tives-elect responded to their names: we pray that Your spirit will illumine Alabama. [Roll No. 1] our minds, strengthen our resolve and STATE OF ALABAMA, ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð432 give us hearts of wisdom, tolerance, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, ALABAMA Montgomery, AL, December 19, 1994. and compassion. May each person be Bevill Hilliard Everett faithful to the vocation of Government Hon. DONNALD K. ANDERSON, Browder Bachus service, that we will be good stewards Clerk, Cramer Callahan U.S. House of Representatives, of the resources of the land, hold to the Washington, DC. ALASKA standards of integrity and loyalty and DEAR MR. ANDERSON: According to the un- Young do all those good things that honor official results of the election held on No- ARIZONA You and serve people everywhere. May vember 8, 1994, in the state of Alabama, the Your benediction, O God, that is new following individuals received a majority of Pastor Kolbe Shadegg Hayworth Salmon Stump every morning and is with us in all the the votes for a term of two years beginning moments of life, continue to bless us on January 3, 1995, to the United States ARKANSAS and keep us in Your grace, now and ev- House of Representatives: Dickey Lambert-Lincoln ermore. As the prophet Micah has said, Sonny GallahanÐ1st District. Hutchinson Thornton Terry EverettÐ2nd District. ``And what does the Lord require of Glen BrowderÐ3rd District. CALIFORNIA you, but to do justice, to love mercy, Tom BevillÐ4th District. Baker Farr Packard and to walk humbly with your God.'' Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, JrÐ5th District. Becerra Fazio Pelosi Amen. Spencer BachusÐ6th District. Beilenson Filner Pombo Berman Gallegly Radanovich Earl F. HilliardÐ7th District. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Bilbray Harman Riggs The official results and certificates of elec- Bono Herger Rohrabacher The CLERK. Will the Members-elect tion will be transmitted to you as soon as I Brown Horn Roybal-Allard and their guests please remain stand- am authorized to do so. Should the official Calvert Hunter Royce ing and join with us in the Pledge of results differ from this in any way, I will no- Condit Kim Seastrand Allegiance to the Flag. tify you immediately. Cox Lantos Stark Sincerely, Cunningham Lewis Thomas The Clerk led the Pledge of Alle- Dellums Lofgren Torres giance as follows: JIM BENNETT, Dixon Martinez Tucker Secretary of State. Dooley Matsui Waters I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The CLERK. Without objection, the Doolittle McKeon Waxman United States of America, and to the Repub- Dornan Miller Woolsey lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Representatives-elect from the State of Dreier Mineta indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Alabama will be allowed to record Eshoo Moorhead b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 1 H 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 4, 1995 COLORADO MISSOURI Johnson, Sam Smith Tejeda Laughlin Stenholm Thornberry Allard McInnis Schroeder Clay Gephardt Skelton Ortiz Stockman Wilson Hefley Schaefer Skaggs Danner Hancock Talent Emerson McCarthy Volkmer UTAH CONNECTICUT MONTANA Hansen Orton Waldholtz DeLauro Gejdenson Kennelly Franks Johnson Shays Williams VERMONT DELAWARE NEBRASKA Sanders Castle Barrett Bereuter Christensen VIRGINIA NEVADA FLORIDA Bateman Goodlatte Scott Ensign Vucanovich Bliley Moran Sisisky Bilirakis Goss Ros-Lehtinen Boucher Payne Wolf Brown Hastings Scarborough NEW HAMPSHIRE Davis Pickett Canady Johnston Shaw Deutsch McCollum Stearns Bass Zeliff WASHINGTON Diaz-Balart Meek Thurman NEW JERSEY Dicks McDermott Smith Foley Mica Weldon Dunn Metcalf Tate Andrews Menendez Smith Fowler Miller Young Hastings Nethercutt White Gibbons Peterson Franks Pallone Torricelli Frelinghuysen Payne Zimmer WEST VIRGINIA GEORGIA LoBiondo Roukema Martini Saxton Mollohan Rahall Wise Barr Deal Linder Bishop Gingrich McKinney NEW MEXICO WISCONSIN Chambliss Kingston Norwood Barrett Klug Petri Collins Lewis Richardson Schiff Skeen Gunderson Neumann Roth NEW YORK HAWAII Kleczka Obey Sensenbrenner Ackerman LaFalce Paxon Abercrombie Mink WYOMING Boehlert Lazio Quinn Cubin IDAHO Engel Lowey Rangel Flake Maloney Schumer Chenoweth Crapo Forbes Manton Serrano b 1230 Frisa McHugh Slaughter ILLINOIS Hinchey McNulty Solomon The CLERK. The quorum call dis- Collins Flanagan Porter Houghton Molinari Towns closes that 432 Representatives-elect Costello Gutierrez Poshard Kelly Nadler Velazquez have responded to their names. A Crane Hastert Reynolds King Owens Walsh quorum is present. Durbin Hyde Rush Evans LaHood Weller NORTH CAROLINA f Ewing Lipinski Yates Ballenger Funderburk Myrick Fawell Manzullo Burr Hefner Rose ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK Clayton Heineman Taylor INDIANA Coble Jones Watt The CLERK. The Clerk will state that Burton Jacobs Souder NORTH DAKOTA credentials, regular in form, have been Buyer McIntosh Visclosky received showing the election of the Hamilton Myers Pomeroy  Hostettler Roemer Honorable CARLOS ROMERO-BARCELO as OHIO Resident Commissioner from the Com- IOWA Boehner Hoke Pryce monwealth of Puerto Rico for a term of Ganske Leach Nussle Brown Kaptur Regula 4 years beginning January 3, 1993; the Latham Lightfoot Chabot Kasich Sawyer Cremeans LaTourette Stokes election of the Honorable ELEANOR KANSAS Gillmor Ney Traficant HOLMES NORTON as Delegate from the Hall Oxley District of Columbia; the election of Brownback Roberts Hobson Portman Meyers Tiahrt the Honorable VICTOR O. FRAZER as OKLAHOMA Delegate from the Virgin Islands; the KENTUCKY Brewster Istook Lucas election of the Honorable ENI F.H. Baesler Lewis Ward Coburn Largent FALEOMAVAEGA as Delegate from Amer- Bunning Rogers Whitfield OREGON ican Samoa; and the election of the LOUISIANA Bunn DeFazio Wyden Honorable ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD as Baker Jefferson Tauzin Cooley Furse Delegate from Guam. Fields Livingston Hayes McCrery PENNSYLVANIA f Borski Fox Mascara MAINE Clinger Gekas McDade FAREWELL REMARKS OF THE Baldacci Longley Coyne Goodling McHale HONORABLE DONNALD K. AN- Doyle Greenwood Murtha DERSON MARYLAND English Holden Shuster Fattah Kanjorski Walker LERK Bartlett Gilchrest Morella The C . Ladies and gentlemen of Foglietta Klink Weldon Cardin Hoyer Wynn the House, if you will indulge me for Ehrlich Mfume RHODE ISLAND just one moment, I will shortly take leave of this Chamber after 35 years in MASSACHUSETTS Kennedy Reed your service, the last 8 in the high Blute Meehan Studds SOUTH CAROLINA Frank Moakley Torkildsen stewardship as your Clerk. Clyburn Inglis Spence Kennedy Neal My heart is filled with the happy re- Graham Sanford Spratt Markey Olver flections of those years, a deep sense of SOUTH DAKOTA MICHIGAN fulfillment, and profound gratitude for Johnson your unfailing confidence and friend- Barcia Dingell Levin Bonior Ehlers Rivers TENNESSEE ship. Indeed, I am grateful above all to Camp Hoekstra Stupak Bryant Ford Quillen the one Nation which affords oppor- Chrysler Kildee Smith Clement Gordon Tanner tunity for an ordinary citizen to Conyers Knollenberg Upton Duncan Hilleary Wamp achieve extraordinary responsibility. MINNESOTA TEXAS You will remain constantly in my Gutknecht Oberstar Sabo Archer Coleman Frost thoughts and in my prayers that God Luther Peterson Vento Armey Combest Geren will bless each of you in the work Minge Ramstad Barton de la Garza Gonzalez which you are about and may He for- Bentsen DeLay Green ever prosper this House and the United MISSISSIPPI Bonilla Doggett Hall Montgomery Taylor Wicker Bryant Edwards Jackson-Lee States of America. Parker Thompson Chapman Fields Johnson, E. B. I bid you an affectionate farewell. January 4, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 3 (Applause, the Members rising.) sion for the future of the House, and he ROUKEMA], and the gentlewoman from f fought hard to keep us current with the Colorado [Mrs.
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