University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 5-14-1968 Kabul Times (May 14, 1968, vo. 7, no. 45) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 14, 1968, vo. 7, no. 45)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1769. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1769 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .' \ . \ ., " 1 \ ',' ''l' .\ ,- \ ' I ", , " \ ' , \ , , MAY 13, 1968 J;" ", , PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES .' ----.-. , , .' RoleO~,; ....dia's , tlarYO,na ;"';'A'ft,GH~N\,\ WdMikN >j ~ f~ FOR SHEER ... :Private'Enterprise ,~" c.'" I iJ .~ ... ", :"iJ 'Kennedy •, • ~ , .'1' .I.' •• ' II I l".If. ~ B~9In~' ~ti~g , (Continued 1r(J."llP(J~C.~)" ,,~ \, '/ ,'.J. A' l.\:' . 1 "• (Conti"ued Irom [peI;.!{' I) tate' l .. , ULTI DELIGHT ¥ In the Vedic hymlls we hear of !tis wife would become the mo- ES reelection plans came lao laic 10 gel In ,S.E.' ASia To Be.'DiSCusSed CHANDIGARH, ' Northern )no ... <lleute~)'.~The the married couple ",ho, with tller of heroes. hiS name removed. cstab1i$hment of .these projects Le~ <1la, May 13, pet>: pie of Haryana state 'in north­ minds in harmony. press the So­ In addition, Vicc-President Hub­ SINGAP.ORE. May q, (Reuter) wis added, that 'they "co"d' ~.1I\e sa~red ~\ west India· began voting yestcr· .Da, the plait, and mix 'its Lack of sons was placed on cn Humphrey who entered the -A four-day conference allt:'ndcd cornerstone or foundation for oUtO.' JUIce ,wIth millS: • and honey the same level as' poverty, and While House raCe late and is nol day in India's first poll since hist by 160 businessmen from II coun' ioint undertakings and pos31bly vie; ...~ to offer it to gods, Though the adopti'on was recognised 'as contesting lhe prim<lries, is ('xpee­ tries began in Singapore yc:;terday It this Tl1ccting, could dlscus~' a'nd .year's general elections. ., Moderate polling' was, ,repor\ad the wile at 'this stage was look­ a maReshift, No' desire 'for 'the ',I:' led to win a subsrnntial number of to discuss the role of private enler­ even pian the setting up of an 'ac­ from the 41 constituencies: vot­ ed upon ·as inferior to her husb­ birth ilf a daughter is ever ex- write-in votes here prise in vthc economic development tion Tmmittec comprising of go'ver4 'NII~ ~6."45 ing yesterday, 'rhe remainin'g 40 and and subject to his will, yet pressed eiihel' in Rlgieda :VOL. KABUL, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968 (SAUR 2-;.;4;:.';;13;.;;4.;.7;;S,;;..l:I;;.,):... ~P~R~I~C;;,E:.:AF;:;;.; ..:..4_ Most politic.11 observers will re­ of Soufhea.sl Asia. nment representatives and private she enjoyed great liberty and .oc­ or , in Avesta'. In spite of gard the I..'ombmed Johnson-Hum­ constitu-encies vote on Tuesdny. • The (.'llnfcrencc, the Inaugural me' enterprise, towards th.is gonl:' cupied a much higher status than this, woman was respected and phrey vote as an Indication 'of the etmg of mformal gro'up knuwn " In urban areas, votinS was P:O;W'E~~::S-;-'TA"""T--, an brisk when it started at eight lhat which 'was' allotted to even the composition of some ve­ , I......O....N.....,;,;,;··--· Vice-President's support in this pra­ ,IS the Southea.st Asia Business (0­ a,m. but in rural areas hot, dusty hel' in later periods. rses of Rigveda Is attributed to House Invites Irie stale. mmillcc, IS sponsored by Ihe Sian· She participated with 'her hu­ them. .As in previous primary clcdlOns, winds seemed to be keeping peo­ Government To ford Research Institute (SRI), a non­ Arrivals and ple from the voting booths, By sband in religious ceremonies, ac­ the Republican side of the conlt':')t IS profit making affiliate of Stanford noon' temperatures of over 100 companied him in wars and Was One of the most beautiful cre­ virtually a foregone conclusion, wJlh University, California. in charge Jof the hou~e during ations of the Rigvedic hymns is FOR"KAJAKI'DAM Question Hour furmer Vice-PreSident Richard NI' degrees fahrenheit kept people at . 1 he emph~sls during the mccling. Departures home, ' peace time, Having the control nol Ushas, the charming goddess of . , KABUL. May 14, (Bakhtar).­ :+onn :J certain wmner. which will consist moslly on private, Mrs. Indira Gandhi's Congress' only of th~ servants and slaves, but dawn. She is celebrated in no Th~ house jn its general rnee!.ing . informal dIscussion groups, WII! be KABUL. May 13, (Bakhlarl,- Party has thrown its full weight also of the unmarried brothers less than 20 hYmns The name ~ihanc~ Monday deCided to ask the Gov. In th. Dcmocrat poll ali obser­ on pr:lctical approches to reg:onal Hakim Mohammad Hasan. the new and sisters of husband as well, meaning "The Shining One" IS iU.S. waw' To Energy ernment to appear today's ques­ \'ers agree that Kennedy needs a into the Haryana elections whieh cconomil..· planning. Particular alte­ ambassador designate of Pakistan are looked nn as a test for "Iec. There seems to have been no cognate to "the La1lin "Aurora" tion hour. deCISIve viclory to boost his While ntion ""ill be paid to problems of the to Afghanistan arrived here yesler­ veil system and women moved and the Greek "Eos", When this' The house earlier discussed the House hopes after scoring what .....as tions later this year in the big Fcreilities In Helmand Valley I..'ounlries belonging 10 the :\sso,:ia- day afternoon to prescnt his crcd· states of Uttar Pradesh and about freely in society. They goddess is addressed the physi.cal report on lhe Government Mono_ wlf.Jcly interpreted 3S a crcdllabl.e, Special To The Kabul Times .' tlon 01 Southeast Asian N.tb,ons cnrials to HIS Majesty the King. West Bengal where the Congress were fond of putting on ornam­ phenomenon/of da'wn is never ab­ . An agreement for two United States loans to Afghanistan, to• polies. A number of deputies ga­ but not spcctacuTar. wrn in Ihe Indi' IASEAN I-Ihc Phillpplncs, Ind,,,,· .lJr Abdul Ghafar Aziz advisor to' ents and beautiful bright clothe" sent from the wet's mind. She is ve their .opinions on this report. .lOa rHee. is faced by powerful combinations tailing $ 16,600,000 were signed Monday in Kabul by the'Minister 'csla, Thailand. MalaYSia .llId .\ihg· lh~ Pub'lic Health M inistry. ~""r~. of opposition and had open air dances in which the most beautiful creature of Dr, Abdul Zaher the presid~nt Two more key primaries remaIn. parties. 'of ~'inance, Mohammad Anwar Ziayee snd U.S. Ambassador Rohen apore. Nazifa Ghazi. director of MaternI­ . Although the Congress won n women took a prominent part. Vedic pantheon, the charm of wh­ was in the chair. In Oregon and California, before thl.:. , G, Neusmann, ty Hospital In Kabul. And 'Dr. seat~, In' the' general elections its ich is never surpassed in the de­ ·fn the Senate, the various com­ Dcmocratk party convention mt'ct..: ~he Addressing lhe opening session, Akht;u Mohammad Baraki, g}"nc\'1 ministry lasted only 12 lllYs and The Aryans of thIS early age scriptive Iyrice of any other re­ One loan, of $ 12,000,000 will help Afghanistan finance mittees of the house met and ,h­ in Chicago on A'ugust :!6 to' pil:k its gr~w. the chaIrman, Max Lcwis of Smga­ l.."ologist in the Maternity Hospll,tl collapsed when 13 membflr~' dp­ were usually monogamous., though ligious literature, r construction of a power facility at Kajaki dam to serve the scussed matter~ related to them sl<'lOdard bearer. Forelg~ pore. :oipokc of lhc agrccmenl by ttl(' left Kabul ye~tcrday to visit family rccted to the opposition, polygamy was not unknown es- ing residential. and industrial needs of the more than one million The Internatl8nal and Unless Kennedy 1..';111 confront the la~l secretarial of ASEAN lVt'ck on planning centros In Iran, Turkey. A united front governmel'it wa:; pecially among the rich and' pri- Ushas is a radiant maiden, with 11eople in Helmand-Arghandab Valley. ' Affairs Committee presided by l'l1nvention with thc image. of ,In ~hc joint dt'veklpment \11 Iran';pnrl. India, Singapore, the (~llippinco;; and form('d under Rao B;rendJ"a ncely classes. The standard of mo- bright face, golden hair, full of 1 Sen. Abdul Hadi Dawi discu'5d un heatable winner, hili; hopes of sec· fisheries and InUrI'im. Pakistan at the mVltallOn 1.\1" Singh but this too collaD~eJ U;I­ rality was fairly high; adultery light 'and delight, born in the sky pneumatic earth. tampers and the protocol on coordination of fad~ The other loan. of $4,000,000 urtng the nomination could Savmg lhal pnvAtl.-' ent(.'1 PII:,t' "0- USAID, ough dcfl'{"tlon~ and last Nnv(:'Tn­ and I'ape werc counted among and 's the loving daughter'of Dy_ trucks-and to finance the cost the internalOnal air transport badly, will be used to prepare final uld PIoIY an Illlportnn( roll: 'n the The 18 member te<lnl of Fr~r.l'h hpJ" the oresid('nl look nv~:- the the most serious offences and •aus. She is the bright sister of the· design plans for the land better­ of technical services for engin­ regulations.
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