Technical Guidelines for Disposal to Land Waste Management Institute New Zealand (WasteMINZ) August 2018 ISBN 978-0-473-35718-4 (PDF) First published by WasteMINZ in April 2016 This edition was updated by WasteMINZ in August 2018 Waste Management Institute New Zealand Incorporated (WasteMINZ) Unit 2, 5 Orbit Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 0632 PO Box 305426, Triton Plaza, Auckland 0757 Phone (09) 476 7162 Available for download at: www.wasteminz.org.nz. 2 Acknowledgements These guidelines were produced with funding from the Ministry for the Environment. The Ministry for the Environment does not necessarily endorse or support the content of the publication in any way. These guidelines were developed in consultation with the following individuals, and would not have been possible without their time and expertise: Technical Guidelines for Disposal to Land Project Team • Brent Aitken, Taupō District Council • Mike Baker, New Plymouth District Council • Dave Beresford, Hastings District Council • John Cocks, MWH New Zealand Ltd • Laurence Dolan (Project Manager) • Simonne Eldridge, Tonkin + Taylor Ltd • Adrian Heays, Bay of Plenty Regional Council • Ian Jenkins, AECOM Ltd • Ian Kennedy, Waste Management NZ Ltd • Michael LeRoy-Dyson, Fulton Hogan Ltd • Chris Lobb, EnviroWaste Services Ltd • Gerry O’Neill, Ministry for the Environment • Eric Souchon, H.G. Leach & Co. Ltd • Walter Starke, Jacobs New Zealand Ltd We also extend our thanks to Environmental Protection Agency Ireland for allowing the use of figures from their Landfill Site Design Manual (2000). This work is copyright. The copying, adaptation, or issuing of this work to the public on a non- profit basis is welcomed. No other use of this work is permitted without the prior consent of the copyright holder(s). 3 About WasteMINZ WasteMINZ is the largest representative body of the waste and resource recovery sector in New Zealand. As the authoritative voice on waste and resource recovery in New Zealand, WasteMINZ seeks to achieve ongoing and positive development of the industry through strengthening relationships, facilitating collaboration, knowledge sharing and championing the implementation of best practice standards. Disclaimer Every effort has been made to ensure that these guidelines are as comprehensive and accurate as practicable; however, WasteMINZ will not be held responsible for any action arising out of their use. If the reader is uncertain about issues raised in these guidelines, they should refer to the Health Act 1956, Resource Management Act 1991, Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, Local Government Act 2002, Climate Change Response Act 2002, Waste Minimisation Act 2008 and other applicable legislation, and seek further expert advice as necessary. 4 Table of Contents 1. Glossary and Definitions 13 2. Introduction 20 2.1 Purpose of the Guidelines 20 2.2 Scope of the Guidelines 20 Disposal to Land 20 Activities Covered by the Guidelines 20 2.3 Objectives 21 2.4 Related Landfill Guidelines 22 2.5 Waste Types 22 2.6 Types of Facility for Disposal of Waste to Land 22 Class 1 - Landfill 22 Class 2 – Landfill 23 Class 3 – Landfill 24 Class 4 – Landfill 24 Class 5 – Landfill 24 Summary of Landfill Classes 26 3. Legislation 28 3.1 Introduction 28 Overview of Relevant Legislation 28 3.2 Health Act 1956 30 3.3 Resource Management Act 1991 30 Resource Consents 31 Existing Use Rights 37 The Suite of Typically Necessary Consents 37 Designations 38 District Plans 38 National Environmental Standards 39 3.4 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 40 3.5 Other Relevant Legislation 42 3.6 Other Relevant Documents 42 4. Siting 43 4.1 Introduction 43 4.2 Siting Approach 45 General 45 Class 1 and Class 2 Landfills 45 Class 3 Landfills 45 5 Class 4 and Class 5 Landfills 46 4.3 Site Selection Process 46 Initial Desk-top Study 47 Site Investigations 47 Economic Assessment 49 Consultation 50 4.4 Landfill Siting Criteria 51 Geology 51 Hydrogeology 53 Surface Hydrology 54 Site Stability 55 Environmentally Sensitive Areas 56 Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses 57 Topography 57 Climatic Conditions 58 Access and Traffic 58 Leachate Management 59 Landfill Gas Management 59 Cultural Issues 59 Community Issues 60 End Use of Land 60 5. Design 61 5.1 Introduction 61 5.2 Design Approach 61 General 61 New Zealand Landfill Design Trends 62 Design Objectives 62 5.3 Design Considerations 63 5.4 Siting 63 Investigations and Site Characterisation 64 Materials Requirement and Balance 65 Site Access 65 Site Facilities 66 Phasing 67 5.5 Groundwater Control 68 Groundwater Drainage 68 5.6 Surface Water and Stormwater Management 70 5.7 Liner Systems 71 Liner Design 71 6 Soil Liners 74 Geosynthetic Clay Liners 74 Geomembranes 74 Protection Geotextiles 75 Liner and Global Stability 75 Contaminant Transport 76 Alternative Liner Designs 76 5.8 Leachate Management 77 Leachate Generation 77 Leachate Generation Estimates 78 Leachate Characteristics 79 Leachate Collection and Removal Systems 82 Leachate Recirculation 84 Leachate Treatment and Disposal 85 5.9 Landfill Gas Management 86 Landfill Gas Generation Processes 86 Potential Problems Associated with Landfill Gas 90 Landfill Gas Control 90 Landfill Gas Passive Venting 92 Landfill Gas Treatment 92 5.10 Landfill Cover Systems 93 Daily Cover 94 Intermediate Cover 94 Final Cover 94 5.11 Construction Quality Assurance & Quality Control 97 6. Waste Acceptance and Monitoring 99 6.1 Introduction 99 6.2 Waste Acceptance Criteria 99 Class 1 Landfill 99 Class 2 Landfill 100 Class 3 Landfill 100 Class 4 Landfill 100 Class 5 Landfill 101 Summary Table 102 Prohibited Wastes 106 6.3 Waste Acceptance Procedures 106 Waste Disposal Application 106 Pre-Assessment Testing 107 Assessment of Application 108 7 Acceptance Agreement 108 Notification of Alternatives 108 6.4 Records, Verification, and Monitoring 108 Random Load Inspections 108 Verification Sampling 109 Supervision of the Tipping Face 110 Notification of Regulatory Authorities 110 Record Keeping - Recording Waste Acceptance 110 Record Keeping - Recording Disposal Location 111 7. Operations 112 7.1 Introduction 112 7.2 Site Management Plan 112 7.3 Staffing and Training 113 Staffing 113 Training 113 7.4 Health and Safety 114 7.5 Site Access 115 7.6 Roading and Traffic Management 115 7.7 Visual Impacts 115 7.8 Waste Placement and Compaction 116 Equipment Selection 116 Waste Placement 116 Waste Compaction 117 7.9 Cover 117 Daily Cover 118 Daily Cover Options 118 Intermediate Cover 119 Final Cover 120 7.10 Nuisance Control 121 Litter 121 Dust 121 Odour 122 Birds 123 Flies 125 Vermin 125 Noise 125 7.11 Fire Prevention 126 Surface Fires 127 Deep-seated Fires 127 8 Management Provisions 128 7.12 Water Control 129 Leachate 129 Stormwater 130 7.13 Landfill Gas Management 131 Landfill Gas Generation 131 Landfill Gas Control 131 Landfill Gas Monitoring 132 7.14 Contingency Management 132 7.15 Closure and After-care 133 Closure 133 After-care 133 8. Monitoring 135 8.1 Introduction 135 Monitoring Philosophy 135 Landfill Processes 135 Structure of Section 136 8.2 Objectives and Purpose of Monitoring 136 8.3 Scope of Monitoring 137 Monitoring 137 Parameters Analysed 138 8.4 Conceptual Site Models 140 Design of Monitoring Programmes 140 Developing a Monitoring Programme 143 Trigger Levels 143 Detection Limits 143 Sampling and Analytical Requirements 144 8.5 Surface Water Monitoring (Class 1 to 5) 145 Purpose of Surface Water Monitoring 145 Controls for Surface Water Monitoring 146 Design of Surface Water Monitoring Programmes 146 Determining Locations for Surface Water Monitoring 146 Monitoring Frequency and Timing 147 8.6 Landfill Surface and Settlement Monitoring (Class 1 to 5) 148 Purpose 148 Landfill surface monitoring facilitates: 148 8.7 Meteorological Conditions (Class 1 to 4) 148 8.8 Groundwater Monitoring (Class 1 to 4) 148 Purpose of Groundwater Monitoring 148 9 Objectives of Groundwater Monitoring 149 Groundwater Drainage Discharge Monitoring 149 Determining Numbers and Locations of Monitoring Points 149 Monitoring Frequency and Timing 150 8.9 Leachate Monitoring (Class 1 & 2) 152 Purpose of Leachate Monitoring 152 Monitoring Locations 152 Monitoring Parameters and Frequency 152 8.10 Landfill Gas Monitoring (Class 1 & 2) 153 Purpose of Landfill Gas Monitoring 153 Characteristics Affecting Monitoring Requirements 154 Subsurface Gas Monitoring 154 Surface Gas Monitoring 154 Landfill Gas Control System Monitoring 155 Flares 156 8.11 Analysis and Review of Monitoring Data 157 Purpose 157 General 157 9. References 159 List of Tables Table 2-1 Summary of Landfill Classes 26 Table 2-2 Landfill Class Rationale 27 Table 3-1 Legislation Relating to Landfills 29 Table 3-2 Regulatory Authority Resource Consent Responsibilities 38 Table 4-1 Siting Criteria – Technical Constraints 44 Table 4-2 Geology - Technical Constraints 53 Table 4-3 Hydrogeology - Technical Constraints 54 Table 4-4 Surface Hydrology - Technical Constraints 55 Table 4-5 Site Stability - Technical Constraints 56 Table 4-6 Environmentally Sensitive Areas - Technical Constraints 56 Table 5-1 Summary of Minimum Groundwater Drainage Requirements 70 Table 5-2 Summary of Minimum Surface Water and Stormwater Drainage requirements 71 Table 5-3 Summary of Recommended Minimum Liner Requirements 77 Table 5-4 Changes in Leachate Composition in Different Stages of a Landfill 81 10 Table 5-5 Leachate from Class 1 and Class 2 Equivalent Landfills 82 Table 5-6 Summary of Minimum Leachate Collection System Requirements 84 Table 5-7 Typical Constituents Found In Landfill Gas 89 Table 5-8 Minimum Recommended Final Cover Requirements 97 Table 6-1 Summary of Accepted Waste Types 103 Table 6-2 Recommended Pre-Assessment Testing Requirements 107 Table 6-3 Recommended Load Inspection Requirements 109 Table 6-4 Recommended Verification Sampling Requirements 110 Table 8-1 Leachate and Water Monitoring Parameters 139 Table 8-2 Surface Water Sampling Frequency 147 Table 8-3 Landfill Surface Monitoring Frequency 148 Table 8-4 Groundwater Sampling Frequency 151 Table 8-5 Leachate Sampling Frequency 153 Table 8-6 Gas Sampling Frequency 157 List of Figures Figure 5-1 Typical Operational Plan for a Landfill Site.
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