Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1093 Recueil des Traites Traites et accords internationaux enregistres ou classes et inscrits au r~pertoire au Secretariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations e Nations Unies New York, 1985 Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1093 1978 I. Nos. 16772-16808 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and international agreements registered from 28 June 1978 to 30 June 1978 Page No. 16772. Federal Republic of Germany and Zaire: Agreement concerning financial assistance. Signed at Bonn on 16 June 1976 .... 3 No. 16773. Federal Republic of Germany and Indonesia: Agreement concerning financial assistance. Signed at Jakarta on 16 September 1976 ............................................................. 11 No. 16774. Federal Republic of Germany and Indonesia: Agreement concerning financial assistance. Signed at Jakarta on 10 June 1977 21 No. 16775. Federal Republic of Germany and Sudan: Agreement concerning financial assistance (with annex). Signed at Khartoum on 20 O ctober 1976 ................................................... 31 No. 16776. Federal Republic of Germany and Kenya: Agreement concerning financial assistance for the purchase of goods and services (with annex). Signed at Nairobi on 15 December 1976 ................... 41 No. 16777. Federal Republic of Germany and Kenya: Agreement concerning financial assistance-Kitale Water Supply and Sewerage Scheme Project. Signed at Nairobi on 15 December 1976 ................. 49 No. 16778. Federal Republic of Germany and Kenya: Agreement concerning financial assistance -Projects financed by the Coopera- tive Bank of Kenya. Signed at Nairobi on 19 July 1977 ................... 57 No. 16779. Federal Republic of Germany and Kenya: Agreement concerning financial assistance - Water Supply Project for Elderet. Signed at Nairobi on 19 July 1977 .................................... 65 No. 16780. Federal Republic of Germany and United Republic of Tanzania: Agreement concerning financial assistance-Arusha Water Supply Project. Signed at Dares Salaam on 21 December 1976 .......................... 73 Vol. 1093 Traits et accords internationaux enregistrigs ou classids et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariatde lOrganisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 1093 1978 I. N0 s 16772-16808 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrisdu 28 juin 1978 au 30 juin 1978 Pages No 16772. Republique fid6rale d'Allemagne et Zaire: Accord d'aide financire. Sign6 ABonn le 16 juin 1976 ....................... 3 NO 16773. Republique f6derale d'Allemagne et Indon6sie : Accord d'aide financi~re. Sign6 h Jakarta le 16 septembre 1976 ................ 11 N 16774. Republique f6derale d'Allemagne et Indonesie : Accord d'aide financire. Sign6 AJakarta le 10 juin 1977 ..................... 21 NO 16775. Republique f6derale d'Allemagne et Soudan : Accord d'aide financibre (avec annexe). Sign6 a Khartoum le 20 octobre 1976 .... 31 N O 16776. Ripublique f6d6rale d'Allemagne et Kenya : Accord d'aide financire pour F'achat de biens et la fourniture de services (avec annexe). Sign6 ANairobi le 15 d6cembre 1976 ........................... 41 NO 16777. Ripublique federale d'Allemagne et Kenya : Accord d'aide financi~re - Projet d'approvisionnementen eau et d'assainisse- ment de Kitale. Sign6 a Nairobi le 15 d6cembre 1976 ..................... 49 NO 16778. Ripublique f6d6rale d'Allemagne et Kenya : Accord d'aide financire - Projetsdevant trefinancespar la CooperativeBank of Kenya. Sign6 ANairobi le 19 juillet 1977 ............................ 57 N0 16779. Republique f6dirale d'Allemagne et Kenya : Accord d'aide financire - Projet d'approvisionnementen eau d'Elderet. Sign6 A N airobi le 19 juillet 1977 ............................................ 65 NO 16780. Rpublique f6dkrale d'Allemagne et R6publique-Unie de Tan- zanie : Accord d'aide financi~re - Projet d'approvisionnementen eau d'Arusha. Sign A Dar es-Salam le 21 d6cembre 1976 .................................... 73 Vol. 1093 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 0 Nations Unles - Recuel des Traitis 1978 Page No. 16781. Federal Republic of Germany and United Republic of Tanzania: Agreement concerning financial assistance for the purchase of goods and services (with annex). Signed at Dar es Salaam on 21 December 1976 .............. 81 No. 16782. Federal Republic of Germany and United Republic of Tanzania: Agreement concerning financial assistance - Tabora Water Supply Project. Signed at Dares Salaam on 21 December 1976 .......................... 89 No. 16783. Federal Republic of Germany and United Republic of Tanzania: Agreement concerning financial assistance -Tanzania Investment Bank Proj- ect. Signed at Dares Salaam on 21 December 1976 ...................... 97 No. 16784. Federal Republic of Germany and United Republic of Tanzania: Agreement concerning financial assistance - Tanzania Rural Development Bank Project. Signed at Dares Salaam on 21 December 1976 .................. 105 No. 16785. Federal Republic of Germany and United Republic of Tanzania: Agreement concerning financial assistance. Signed at Dar es Salaam on 25 Febru- ary 1977 .......................................................... 113 No. 16786. Federal Republic of Germany and Ivory Coast: Agreement concerning financial assistance-Development of San Pedro Har- bour. Signed at Abidjan on 25 January 1977 ........................... 121 No. 16787. Federal Republic of Germany and Ivory Coast: Agreement concerning financial assistance -Project concerning dams in the Upper Bandama Region (Lohowe and Parima). Signed at Abidjan on 25 January 1977 ................................................... 129 No. 16788. Federal Republic of Germany and Ivory Coast: Agreement concerning financial assistance - Water supply project for certain provincialtowns II. Signed at Abidjan on 25 January 1977 ............... 137 No. 16789. Federal Republic of Germany and Ivory Coast: Agreement concerning financial assistance -Long-term financing of agricultural investments. Signed at Abidjan on 25 January 1977 ..................... 145 No. 16790. Federal Republic of Germany and Philippines: Agreement concerning financial assistance. Signed at Manila on 9 February 1977. 153 No. 16791. Federal Republic of Germany and Niger: Agreement concerning financial assistance (with annex). Signed at Niamey on 10 February 1977 .................................................. 161 No. 16792. Federal Republic of Germany and Niger: Agreement concerning technical co-operation. Signed at Niamey on 18 June 1977 ............................................................. 171 Vol. 1093 1978 United Nations - Treaty Series 0 Nations Unies - Recuell des Trait~s V Pages NO 16781. Ripublique f~d6rale d'Allemagne et Rkpublique-Unie de Tan- zanie : Accord d'aide financire pour l'achat de biens et de services (avec annexe). Sign6 ; Dar es-Salam le 21 d~cembre 1976 .................................... 81 NO 16782. Ripublique f~dirale d'Allemagne et Rdpublique-Unie de Tan- zanie : Accord d'aide financire - Projet d'approvisionnementen eau de Tabora. Sign6 4 Dar es-Salam le 21 d6cembre 1976 ................................... 89 NO 16783. Ripublique fid6rale d'Allemagne et Ripublique-Unie de Tan- zanie : Accord d'aide financire - Projet relatifd1 la Tanzania Investment Bank. Sign6 A Dar es-Salam le 21 d6cembre 1976 .................................... 97 N0 16784. Rpublique fiddrale d'Allemagne et Ripublique-Unie de Tan- zanie : Accord d'aide financire - Projet relatif d la Tanzania Rural Development Bank. Sign6 ADar es-Salam le 21 d6cembre 1976 ........................ 105 NO 16785. Ripublique fiddrale d'Allemagne et Ripublique-Unie de Tan- zanie : Accord d'aide financire. Sign6 ADar es-Salam le 25 fvrier 1977 ............... 113 NO 16786. Republique fed6rale d'Allemagne et C6te d'Ivoire : Accord d'aide financi~re - Projet Amdnagement du port de San Pedro>. Sign6 AAbidjan le 25 janvier 1977 ......................................... 121 NO 16787. Republique federale d'Allemagne et C6te d'Ivoire : Accord d'aide financi~re - Projet relatif i des barragesdans la rdgion du Haut Bandama(Lohow6 et Parima). Sign6 AAbidjan le 25 janvier 1977 ......... 129 NO 16788. Republique fed6rale d'Allemagne et C6te d'Ivoire : Accord d'aide financi~re - Projet d'approvisionnementen eau de certainesvilles deprovince11. Sign6 AAbidjan le 25 janvier 1977 ....................... 137 NO 16789. Republique fed6rale d'Allemagne et C6te d'Ivoire : Accord d'aide financire - Financement i long terme d'investissements agricoles. Sign6 b Abidjan le 25 janvier 1977 ........................... 145 NO 16790. R6publique federale d'Allemagne et Philippines : Accord d'aide financire. Sign6 b Manille le 9 fWrier 1977 .................... 153 NO 16791. R6publique f6derale d'Allemagne et Niger : Accord d'aide financi~re (avec annexe). Sign6 Niamey le 10 fvrier 1977 ....... 161 NO 16792. Ripublique f6derale d'Allemagne et Niger : Accord de coop6ration technique. Sign6 h Niamey le 18 juin 1977 ............. 171 Vol. 1093 VI United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1978 Page No. 16793. Federal Republic of Germany and Bolivia: Agreement concerning financial assistance. Signed at La Paz on 31 March 1977 187 No. 16794. Federal Republic of Germany and Republic of Korea: Agreement concerning financial assistance. Signed at Seoul on 14 April 1977 .... 197 No.
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