United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General Economic and Social Council 20 July 2004 Original: English General Assembly Economic and Social Council Fifty-ninth session Substantive session of 2004 Item 56 of the provisional agenda* 28 June-23 July 2004 Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit Items 4 and 6 of the provisional agenda*** Coordination of the policies and activities of the specialized agencies and other bodies of the United Nations system Implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits Letter dated 2 June 2004 from the Permanent Representatives of Finland and the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General We are pleased to draw your attention to the report entitled “A fair globalization: creating opportunities for all” (see annex). This report, issued by the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, which was co-chaired by President Tarja Halonen of Finland and President Benjamin William Mkapa of the United Republic of Tanzania, focuses, inter alia, on issues of governance and accountability and recommends, among other things, a series of coordinated measures across a broad front at both the national and the international levels in the areas of trade, investment, finance, migration and labour. In the light of the importance of the report and its relevance to the work of the United Nations, particularly in the economic and social fields, we would be grateful if it could be published as a document of both the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly. In addition, we would like to request that it be included for ** Second rcissuc for technical reasons. * A/59/150. *** E/2004/100 and Corr.1 and 2. 04-39424** (E) 220704 I IllUl Ill1 1111111111 11111 11111 11111 1111 I111 A159198 m004n9 consideration at the upcoming 2004 substantive session of the Economic and Social Council and at the fifty-ninth session of the General Assembly. (Signed) Marjatta Rasi Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations (Signed) Augustine Mahiga Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations 2 AlSYlY8 E12004/79 Annex to the letter dated 2 June 2004 from the Permanent Representatives of Finland and the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General 3 World ComrmsSlon on the Social Dimension of Globalization ISBN 92-2-115426-2 First pubiished February 2004 Reprinted April 2004 The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice. and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International labour Officeconcerning the legal status of any country. area or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of isfrontiers. Reference to names of arms and commercial products and processes does not imply their en- dorsement by the International Labour Office, and any failure to mention a particular firm. com- mercial product or process is not a sign of disapproval. ILO publications can be obtained through major booksellers or ILO local offices in many countries, or direct from ILO Publications. International labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22. Switzerland. Catalogues or liss of new publications are available free of charge from the above address. Photocomposed by the International Labour Office.Geneva.Swltzerland DTP Printed In Switzerland Am on the Sociai Of Globalization Co-Chairs: H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen. President of the Republic of Finland H.E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa, President of the United Republic of Tanzania Members: Giuliano Amato Ruth Cardoso Heha Handoussa Eveline Herfkens Ann McLaughlin Korologos Lu Mai Valentina Matvienko Deepak Nayyar Tail," Nishimuro Francois Perigor Surin Pitsuwan Julio Maria Sanguinetti Aernando de Soto Joseph Stiglitz John J. Sweeriey Victoria l'auli-Corpuz Aminata D. Tram6 Zwelinzima Vavi Emst Ulrich von Weizsaecker En uflciu III~IIIIJ~I~.Bill BI~U Eui-yong Chung Daniel Funes de Rioja Juan Somavia Alain T.udwic Toti PREFACE In his address to the United Nations General Assembly on 23 September 2003, the United Nations SecretaryGeneral, Kofi Annan, succinctly warned the world body that It had “come to a fork in the road.” We, the Co-Chairs of the World Commission on the Social Dimensinn nf Clnhali7aHnn. helipve the wnrld stands at a histnrir mnmpnt nf rlericinn The Commission was established to address some of the challenges facing the world as it stands at this fork. As human beings, it is in our power to take a correct turn. which would make the world safer, fair, ethical, inclusive and prosperous for the majority, not just for a few, within countries and between countries. It is also in our power to prevaricate, to ignore the road signs, and let the world we all share slide into further spirals of political turbulence, conflicts and wars. We believe we have in these following pages enough of the case for political leaders, nationally and internationally, to be persuaded to take the correct turn. Currently, globalization is a divisive subject. It verges on a dialogue of the deaf, both nationally and internationally. Yet the future of our countries, and the destiny of our globe, demands that we all rethinkglobalization. This report is timely. The debate is changing. Old convictions and ideologies have been tested by experience, and changed by example. People are open to a fresh start. Now is the time for leadership, to move from sterile debate to positive action. We believe that, in this report, we have looked at globalization through the eyes of the people, rising above our constituencies and capturing faithfully the hopes and fears of our shared humanity. Many recognize the opportunities for a better life that globalization presents. We believe their hopes are realizable. but only if globalization is subjected to bet- ter governance at all levels. More people than ever before do not want to be left behind by the globalization train: but they want lo be sure where it is heading, and that it is travelling at survivable speed. Our driving spirit has been to make globalization a positive force for all people and countries. We propose no panaceas or simple solutions: instead we suggest a new perspective. We believe the dominant perspective on globalization must shift more from a narrow preoccupation with markets to a broader preoccupation with people. Globalization must be brought from the high pedestal of corporate board rooms and cabinet meetings to meet the needs of people in the communities in which they live. The social dimension of global- ization is about jobs, health and education - but it goes far beyond these. It is the dimension of globalization which people experience in their daily life and work: the totality of their aspirations for democratic participation and materlal prosperlty. A better globallzatlon IS the key to a better and secure life for people everywhere in the 21st century. We also propose a process by which such a perspective can be realized at all levels, beginning with empowered local communities and improved and more accountable national governance: fair global rules applied fairly: and global institutions that are more pro-people. We propose a series of actions - each small in themselves. Yet taken together they will set in train a process to achieve this goal by stimulating and energizing the networks of people and ideas and the economic and social interactions of globalization itself. Our experience working in the commission makes us conndent of the future. The Commission is a microcosm of thc very widc divcrsity of oplnion. conccrns ond pcrspcc tives of the real world. We come from some of the wealthiest and poorest countries. We comprise trade unionists and corporate leaders, parliamentarians and presidents, leaders of indigenous peoples and women’s activists, scholars and government advisors. We have seen, in the course of our work, how divergent positions can be spanned and how common interests can lead to common action through dialogue. The Commission was established by the LO.It had full and independent responsibil- ity for its Report, and members of the Commission served in their individual capacity. The members of the Commission do not each subscribe to every statement in the text, but they endorse the Report as a whole to stimulate a wider process of public dialogue and common endeavour which will promote a fair and inclusive globalization. It was a great pleasure and a uniquely enriching experience for us. the CoChairs. to work with a Cnmmission rompnwd of siirh a distinguished. thoroughly committed and energetic group of global citizens. We thank them wholeheartedly for their dedication, contribution and cooperation. We thank the very capable Secretariat that served us so well. And we are grateful to the UO for the decision to constitute such a Commission and to hon- our us with the historic responsibillty to chair it. To the world, and especially to political and corporate leaders everywhere, we present these pointers to a better globalization, a better future for people - all people. Tarja Halonen Benjamin Willlvn Mkapa President of the Republic of Finland President of the United Republic Cochair of Tanzania: Co-Chair SYNOPSIS Introduction Our remit, the Social Dimension of Globalization, is a vast and complex one. As a Commission we were broadly representative of the diverse and contending actors and interests that exist in the real wnrld ro-rhaired by twn cerving Heads of State. a woman and a man, from North and South. we came from countries in different parts of the world and at all stages of development. Our affiliations were equally diverse: government. politics, parliaments, business and multinational corporations, organized labour, academia and civil sociely. Yet, through a spirit of common purpose, we arrived at the shared understandings that are before you.
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