T e l e p h o n e i 22#, E a s t b o u r n e * Registered, at th6 q ,p ,o, <m a Newspaper, EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914. E s t a b l is h e d 1856. PRICE ONE PENNY. iTHB EASTBOURNE Jjl A ST BOURNE COLLEGE. H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, MARY H. COOPER, A rtistic (Joust D ressmaker. President i T GRASSINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 11. P 1 Y 1 K S B Y B O A S . THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping. Business Train­ ing, Geography, Arithmetic), Civil Servioe Suhjeots and Latest Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prices Head Masters Principals; i Languages. The REV. F. 8. WILLIAMS, M.A MISS HITCHCOCK and MISS CRAKE CERTIFICATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYED. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. IT IS WELL (Suooessors to Miss Dee Ruelles), Schools Visited. Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting Day and Evening Classes. Individual Tuition. Telephone 7 9 a , The School is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Sons Masters and Ml-tresses. of Gentlemen, TO HAVE GAS FIRES CLEANED OUT ssistants SBlanteb LL SIDE, ST. ANNE’S ROAD, 6 LI8MORE .ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Boys are prepared for the Universities, the Army, Navy ______ __, — w. y w.TVl £>IU/ | 1UI UUU Society H1 TBOURNE. and Civil Servioes, Professions and Commercial Life, of Frenoh Profeei-orsin London and for tho Examination Preparatory School for Boys. There are special Arm y and-NAVY Classes. by the Assoolalod Board of the Royal Academy of Muslo MR. W. H. JONES; M.A., F.R.G.8., Clifton College and A n d ADJUSTED READY f o r AUTUMN a n d WINTER. and Royal College of MubIc. kCHERS. - WANTED, (Proprietors, ■ For Prospectus and information as to reoenb Successes, Students desirous of pursuing their studlesaf ter leaving holiday or disengaged, to ,__ Emmanuel College, Cambridge, application should be made to the Head Master. School may join Advauoed Classes In h.ngllsh Literature ol, Lewes, from 31st August, > < under 16 to he prepared for thehe Publio Schools and DICKER & CO. E. A F. SLOCOMBE), R.N.C., Osborne. Physical 1Drill is3 compulsory for the whole School. and History, French. German, Latin and Mathematics. 1 Military Service.—Apply, C. j gneoial arrangements for Day Pupils and the. Sons ol THE GAS COMPANY REPEATS ITS ANNUAL OFFER Hookey. Cricket and TenntB Clubs. Ct, Lowes. Vlsltars. 2} acres of Playing Field In Qlldredge Park. HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS & GROCERS, School Frenoh Library. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, EASTBOURNE, LOVEliLY - KEPPLE8TONE, A FEW BOARDERS ARE RECEIVED. 21 r e n c h , g o u in s c h o o l . CSTAVELEY ROAD, MEADS. EASTBOURNE. Scholarship-open to all under U—tenableat the Ladles’ 'ANT WANTED in small family; The Oldest Established. TO DO THIS DURING SEPTEMBER College for three years ; examination In connection with essential.—19, Lewes-ioad, East- F WINES, SPIRITS AND MINERAL WATER8. Telephone No. 118. this held in January of every year. Runnymead, Mill Road, Upperton, Eastbourne. Far Prospectus, further Particulars, &c., apply to tho RKGISTUY. Susans-road, Ehst- A Living Method for a Living language, Old Qlenlivet Whiskey, 3/6 A 4/- per bottle. Fine Old Tawney Port, 36/- k 42/- per dozen. School for Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). Principals, The Ladles’ College. —-"- •able Situations.—W.'-AilTU): l at all stages in various parts of the Town. Mr>.F. H. Browne and Miss Tait-Reid, B.A., AT ONE SHILLING EACH. ' t N.B.—Mibb Hitchcock and Mibb Orakk are at home J Schools Attended, N E W JAMB. I Abk fob Price Libt. ‘ to see Parents on business on Friday si 3 30 to 6.30 p.m. i. tor Army, Navy and all other Exams. •j BOTTLED FRUITS, Ac. « Telephojte M . Assisted \ t a large Resident Staff of Trained _ ____ear, Speak or Repeat French the whole time. CertlflcaV | English and Foreign Teaohere, R E ENOKOFT-ELLESMERE, .—Ahle to assist smalls,—Apply. Age no ohleot. Lessons begin any time. — *“ road, Eastbourae. No extra charge for visiting. Conierenoea. to the 10, SUSSEX GARDENS. G , 1, SPENCER ROAD A. BONEFANT. B. to L. (Univ. GalL), ___ m i uns anaand Lear wiunq " I (Late of 32, Tbe Avenue). —Apply, before ana o'clock. But., and lady Lindaay-Hogg,Lindj the _______' % Eastbourne. it of the Society of French Professors. BAKER & SONS’ Charles Orowden, ■Master ol Butboorae College! Rome School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. and Mn. Orowden, Rte, Eeq.. M.D., F.B.O.8., and Mn. fANT Wanted, to sleep in or opt; O B O R O 0 G H SCHOOL, Colgate, O.H." FK.D.P., M.E.C.8., D.Ph. Cam., and MISS LLOYDS has removed to more commodious character required.—Apply, 18, UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. Mia. Ouneroi > Mb.,• I Fradk1’ioiii wGrayfcly, aiw y, Eeq..isou., M.D.m .i;, premises and is prepared to reoeive an increased no. 1 K, MACHINE MADE BREAD. (Newink), O. v ,. m , ■ e...,.,^ . , J.p.kv , M. .a.o,f>.,jJ.h.o.p., . ^ number of DAILY PUPILS. PrinHmla i & GILBERT*. B«A. (Lond,). F. Hollins, Esq., and Mrs. Hollins, the Ber. O. and Mrs, Hors! Principals j R G g il b e r t , (Lond. Univ.). the Her. H. a. and Mrs. Jameeon, W. J. O. Merry, Esq., MJ and Mrs.i. Merry, QathomeQathorne Orr. Eeq.,Eeq.. and Mn. Orr, the Bey.~ Urling M ADAM E -PETRELLI, R.A.M. Private School for Boys. and Mn,i, WhelpWhe ton, the Bey. F. 8. WOliasu, M A. (Head Master (late Pupil of Signor Randogger), of the principal Largo PromiseePremii with 8 acres of ground. Chemical and 3 iD . per 2 - lb. L oaf. at Eastboamewnme College). London Oonoerts. and PKIMA DONNA D’Oyly Physical LabLaboratories. Gymnasium and Playing Fields. MARSHALL & jDUN BAR, Carte Operas, London, Prepara tii - GENERAL WANTED Ion for London Matrioulatlon and Oxford r a n v il l e h o u s e , gaudick r o a d , GIVES LESSONS in VOICE PRODUCTION soaal reference; alto Ter and Cambridge Locals. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. .and SINGING (Italian Method), fwood (new house). Ditto] Fees Moderate and.Inolutlve. G MEADS, EASTBOURNE. R e sid en tia l, P repa r a to r y and F in ish in g HIGH-CLASS TAILORS FOR LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN. Address: Cra ig -v-Don, D ukk’s D r iv e, Eastbourne UNmust be stron gT . GEORGE’S SCHio d l (UPPERTON}. 19 and 81, C hurch-street; 15, Pevensey-road and 176, Seaside. Gir l s’ School; Many of her Pupils holding distinctive engagements ir.—Apply, Gale, f Principals—: C. H. DK. la MO^HE and In Opera and Conoerta, TeL 168. TOR BOYS INTENDED FOR BUSINESS LIFE. MRS. _______NELSONF° FOLEY. _____ B.8o_______ (Lond.) late 0LEEICAL, NAVAL AND MILITANT TAILORS. 8G MAN well up at fish Of the Ladles’ CollegB, Cheltenham. q I ELOCUTION. ir.—Apply, Gale, The Buhl sots of Instruction lnolude those taught at Assisted by a well-qualified Staff. aU Publio Secondary Schools and, in additlor---- ,‘l Flannel/ Washed in Bain Water, for the storage of which large underground Concrete Tanks have been constructed. Established 1893. I S S HILDA-FLANAGAN ntion la paid to Commercial Suhjeots and House beautifully situated In its own Grounds. Good - ! (Late pupil of Mrs. Haalnck), ; GIRL to serve In fried fish bar. gen. Tennis Courts and Playing Field. Recreation and M Gold Medalist and A.L.A.M. Elocution, Fishmonger, 68, Seaside, EASTBOURNE Gymnasium Room (60 ft. long). Tor Prospectus apply Head Master. Riding Habit and Breeches Makers. GI-VES LESSONS in RECITING, PUBLIO Special Advantages for Muaio and Modem Languages. LAD as Porter, about 18 oi IT.— SPEAKING, PURE VOICE TONE, &c. i|U jam., at F. R. Aldridge, 51 Ter- l^yUNIOIPAL SCHOOL O F A R T SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., L i m i t e d , Prospectus and references, on appUoatlon. HOSIERS AND SHIRTMAKEBS. AddreBS: (TnCHNICAt I n h t it c t x , G b o v e -b o a d ). CUFFNELL8, BURLINGTON PLACE, Eastbourne, SRAL; two1! . _, DAT and EVENING, GLASSES are held In all LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. /NRANVILLE OREST, ST. JOHN’S ROAD, I out.—Apply, 14, Cavend V J EASTBOURNE. SOLE ADDRESS ; Telephone No. 995. I j j • i , , , Branches of Art, including Glasses in Metal Work, Every convenience is provided for ensuring the Highest Class of Work for Families, Lodging ISS ALICE NORTON, l.r.a.m., a.r.o.m., Wood Carving and Leather Work. School for, the Daughters of Gentlemen. )NG LAD, about 18, as Aasihtant : „ Houses, or Hotels. - j M Vibits a n d Rbckivks Pupils fob 1 Porter.—Findlaler, Mackie and _ Visitors oan join for short periods. Thorough Modern Education with special facilities tor Pianoforte, Harmony, Singing & Voloe Production, ' ' SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. s :[ ?■ Muslo and Languages. in & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. .Eastbourne, MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY 8CHOOL In EASTBOURNE on SATURDAYS. I PLAIN COOK ; two in Letters should be addressed “ Miss Unx, Sanitary Steam Laundry, Latimer-road, Eastbourne." O ru Scholarships obtained bt Pupils. Pupils Prepared for Metropolitan & Local Examinations 1 outings.—Apply, Mrs. • • FOR GIRLS Individual supervision and training. Happy home life Upwards of 200 Successes. ne. (Uppkkton-road). with healthy School discipline. Address; PLAIN ■ JK; housemaid ki Extensive premises in own grounds. Playing field. , Mrs, 1 uin, 6, Enys-road, MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL Large hall, well-lighted and ventilated, for gymnast! 29, MAGDALEN TERRACE, 8T,»LEONARD8.
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