375 To the Queens Most Excellent Majesty in Council. present and every fufcire archdeacon of Craven ; and shall be under and subject to the episcopal jurisdic-. We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, tion, .authority, and control of the said Edward appointed and incorporated by an Act, passed in the Archbishop of York, and his successors archbishops session of Parliament held in the sixth and severith of York, for ever, and to the archidiaconal jurisdic- -years of the reign of His late Majesty King tion of the archdeacon of York, for the time being. William the Fourth, intituled " An Act for " carrying into effect the reports of the Commis- And we further recommend and propose, that <( sioners appointed to consider the state of the so much of the said deanry of Pontefract as remains ' " Established Church in England and Wales, with in the said diocese and archdeaconry of York, shall " reference to ecclesiastical duties and revenues, be included in, and form part of, the deanry of the " so far as they relate to episcopal dioceses, re- Ainstey, in the same diocese and archdeaconry ; " venues, and patronage," have, in pursuance there- and that so much of the said deanry of the Ainstey i of, prepared, and now humbly lay before your Ma- as remains in the said diocese of Ripon, and in the jesty in Council, the following scheme, for further said archdeaconry of Craven, shall be included in, carrying into effect part of the provisions of the said and form part of, the said deanry of Pontefract, in Act, relating to the dioceses of York and Ripon. the said last-mentioned diocese and archdeaconry. We humbly recommend and propose, with the And we further recommend and propose, that consent of the Right Honourable and Most Reverend all parishes and places, churches and chapels, within Edward Archbishop of York, in testimony whereof the limits of the respective dioceses of York and he has signed and sealed this scheme, that so much Ripon, shall be subject to the episcopal jurisdiction, and such parts of the several parishes of Darton, authority, and control of the bishops of such dioceses High Hoyland, Silkstone, Pennistone, and Kirk respectively; and shall be under the archidiacorml . Hammerton, in the county of York, as now form jurisdiction of the respective archdeacons of the arch- part of the diocese and archdeaconry of York, shall deaconries, and within the respective deanries, in be detached and dissevered from the said diocese and which respectively they are locally situate. archdeaconry, and shall be and becomejpermanently And we further recommend . and propose, that annexed, and united to, and included in, and form nothing herein contained shall prevent us from re- pait of the diocese of .Ripon, and shall, as to the said commending and proposing other measures relating parishes of Dai ton, High Hoyland, Silkstone, and to the said dioceses of York and Ripon, or either o£ Pennistone, be part of the archdeaconry of Craven, them, in conformity witk the provisions of the aad within the deanry of Pontefract j and as to the said Act. said parish of Kirk Hamtiierton, part of the arch- deaconry of Richmond, and within the deanry of All which we humbly recommend and propose to Buirowbridge ; and that all churches and chapels your Majesty in Council. ' within the limits of the said several parishes, and In witness whereof we have hereunto set our eotri- the whole clergy, and others your Majesty's subjects mon seal this nineteenth day of December within the same limits, shall be exempted and re- in the year one thousand eight hundred and ; leased from all episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and thirty-seven. , control of the said Edward Archbishop of York, and of his successors Archbishops of York, and from the And whereas the said scheme has been approved , archidiaconal jurisdiction 'of the present and every by Her Majesty in Council; now> therefore, Her Ma- • ftiture Archdeacon of York, and shall be under and jesty, by and with the advice of Her said Council, is subject to the jurisdiction, authority, a»d control pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, arid to . ;of the Right Reverend Charles Thomas Bishop of order and direct that the same, and every part thereof, • Ripon, and of his successors bishops of Ripon, for shall take effect immediately from and after the time ever, and of the archdeacons of Craven and Rich- when the same shall have been registered as hei tin- mond, for the time being, respectively : after directed, and shall have been duly published in And we further recommend and propose, with the the London Gazette, pursuant to the said Act; and • like consent, testified as aforesaid, that so much and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is such parts of the several parishes of Crofton, Warm- pleased hereby to direct, that this Order be field, Normanton, Featherstone, and Abberford, in forthwith registered by the several registrars of the said county of York and diocese of Ripon, as the dioc'eses of York and Ripon respectively. • now form part of the said archdeaconry of Craven, H'm. L, Balhurst, • shall be deta-hed and dissevered from the said last- mentioned diocese and archdeaconry, and shall be • and become permanently annexed, and united to, and included, in, and form part of, the said diocese and T the Court at Buckingham-Palace, the 1st archdeaconry of York, and shall be within the day of February 1838, deanry of the Ainstey ; and that all churches and chapels within the limits of the said several last- PRESENT. mentioned parishes, and the whole clergy, and others your Majesty's subjects within the same limits, shall The QUEERS Most Excellent Majestyin Council. be exempted and released from all juiisdiction, authority, and, control of the said Charles Thomas HEREAS by an Act, passed in the seventh Bishop of Ripon, and of his successors bishops of W year of the reign, of His late Majesty King Ripon, and from the archidiaconal jurisdiction of'the William the Fomth/ intituled "An Act for A 2.
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