Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment Arka Santra 4th Red LHC Workshop On behalf of MoEDAL Collaboration November 6, 2020 Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 1 / 34 Magnetic Monopoles: symmetrising Maxwell’s equation The isolated magnetic charges were not present in Maxwell’s equation. The equations are asymmetric in electric and magnetic charge. A magnetic monopole restores the symmetry to Maxwell’s equation Symmetrised Maxwell’s equations are invariant under rotation in (E,B) plane. Distinction between electric and magnetic charge becomes just definition. If a monopole also carries electric charge, it is called Dyon. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 2 / 34 The Baseline MoEDAL Detector: Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 3 / 34 2015-2017 MoEDAL magnetic monopole trapper (MMT) deployment: Monopole search MMT-2 and MMT-3 (sides) are newly added with respect to previous MoEDAL analyses. Latest analysis is based on data extracted from all MMTs. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 4 / 34 List of Publications from MoEDAL Drell-Yan production with β-independent coupling August 2019 3 MoEDAL Run-3 estim. spin-1 2016 - First results with 8 TeV: MoEDAL Run-3 estim. 2.5 1 spin- /2 ATLAS 13 TeV JHEP 1608 (2016) 067 1 spin- /2 2 ATLAS 13 TeV 2017 - First results with 13 TeV: spin-0 MoEDAL 13 TeV MoEDAL 13 TeV spin-1 Phys.Rev.Lett. 118 (2017) 061801 1 ATLAS 8 TeV spin- /2 1.5 spin-1/ MoEDAL Run-3 estim. 2018 - MMT results with 2 spin-0 1 MoEDAL 8 TeV Spin 1 monopoles 1 ATLAS 8 TeV spin- /2 β-dependent coupling: spin-0 MoEDAL 13 TeV 0.5 MoEDAL 8 TeV spin-0 Phys.Lett.B 782 (2018) 510–516 spin-0 CDF 1.96 TeV Excluded magnetic monopole mass [TeV] 1 spin- /2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 Magnetic charge [g ] MoEDAL Run-3: 30 fb @ 14 TeV, NTD+MMT, no HCC D 2019 - MMT results with full MMT detector (∼ 1 ton of Al) photon fusion interpretation (first time at the LHC): Phys.Rev.Lett. 123 (2019) 021802 based on photon fusion phenomenology paper: S. Baines, N. E. Mavromatos, V. A. Mitsou, J. L. Pinfold and AS. Eur. Phys. J. C 78, 966 (2018) Latest result in 2020 - MMT search for Dyons, first time at a collider experiment: arXiv:2002.00861 Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 5 / 34 The SQUID Response of MMTs: Dyon search Magnetic charges > 0.5 gD can be excluded at high confidence level. A threshold of 0.4 gD was used to identify potential candidate samples. The candidate samples were passed through SQUID a number of times to check if they really contain any monopole or dyon. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 6 / 34 Dyon search result: First explicit accelerator search for direct Dyon production [arXiv:2002.00861] Used full run 2 dataset: 6.46 fb−1. Searched for dyons of spin 0, 1/2 and 1, considering only Drell-Yan production mechanism. Excluded cross-section as low as 30 fb. mass limits in the range 790-3130 GeV were set for: up to 5 gD magnetic charge. electric charges in the range 1e to 200e. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 7 / 34 The table of mass limits: Dyon search [arXiv:2002.00861] Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 8 / 34 Beyond Magnetic Monopole Search Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 9 / 34 Prospect of SUSY searches at the MoEDAL experiment (Felea et al., Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (2020) 431): 0 0 ± MoEDAL can be useful for SUSY search, for exampleg ˜g˜,g ˜ → jjχ˜1,χ ˜1 → τ τ˜1 where sleptons are sufficiently slow to produce tracks in the NTD. 0 0 χ˜1 long-lived despite large mass splitting betweenχ ˜1 andτ ˜1 : decays in tracker. ± 0 if τ is massive, it produces a kink betweenχ ˜1 andτ ˜1 tracks: large impact parameter dxy , dz . ATLAS/CMS sensitivity suffers because of no pixel hit (long lived neutralino) and too large impact parameter forτ ˜. MoEDAL is useful here: can cover long-lifetime region with nominal NTD performance z/β > 5. g˜ decay diagram (left) and ATLAS exclusion with MoEDAL discovery potential requiring 1 and 2 signal events for MoEDAL (right). Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 10 / 34 Future Developments Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 11 / 34 Upcoming publications Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 12 / 34 MAPP-MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles (Universe 2019, 5(2), 47) Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 13 / 34 MAPP as a milli-charged particle (mQP) detector and sensitivity: Central mQP detection section 400 scintillator bars (10cm × 10cm × 75 cm) in 4 sections readout by 400 low noise PMTs - rough size 1.2m × 1.2m × 3.6m. Four radiator layers to tag EM energy. Placed far away (25 − 55 m) from the IP and with overburden (∼ 100 m) of limestone: no radiogenic background or dark counts and protected from cosmics. Dark photon scenario [Phys. Lett. B746 (2015) 117-120] massless dark photon mixing with γ/Z and mQP dark fermion ψ. MAPP sensitive to a charge of O(10−3) − O(10−2)e for mass O(1) GeV. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 14 / 34 MAPP as a long-lived particle detector (LLP) and sensitivity: Long-Lived Particle detector system Benchmark scenario scintillator x/y strip planes (“hodoscope” type) readout by SiPMs. dark Higgs φ mixes use of nested detector (“Russian doll”). with SM H0 (mixing envisaged ToF resolution: ∼ 500 ps and spatial resolution: σx/y ∼ 1 angle θ 1) leading cm. to exotic B → Xs φ. Planned to operate in Run 3 (2022-2024). φ → l +l −. RPV SUSY model [2008.07539] MAPP has better reach than ANUBIS in the low neutralino masses for decay scenario: 0 ± Ds → χ˜1 + e Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 15 / 34 Summary and Conclusion: Magnetic monopoles and highly ionizing particles continue to excite interest and have been the subject of numerous experimental searches. The MoEDAL experiment is one of the key players in the quest. Shown the results from MoEDAL experiment with Dyon search MoEDAL can also search for (meta)stable electrically-charged massive particles. Such scenarios come from supersymmetric models. Much higher charges can be probed by looking for trapped monopoles in CMS beampipe. Further detector extensions are in progress for Run 3. MAPP searching for milli-charged particles (2021) and long-lived particles (2022 onwards). Stay tuned for the upcoming results! Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 16 / 34 Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 17 / 34 Bonus slides Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 18 / 34 Magnetic monopole properties and production at the colliders Paul Dirac in 1931 thought of monopoles as the end of an infinitely long and thin solenoid. Dirac’s quantization condition: h c i h n i ge = n ~ or g = e, n = 1, 2, 3... 2 2α where g is the magnetic charge and α = 1/137. Single magnetic charge: gD = 68.5e. Large coupling constant: g ∼ 20, perturbative calculation impossible for general case. ~c Monopoles would accelerate along field lines- Lorentz equation: F~ = g(B~ − ~v × E~ ). Dirac monopole properties Dirac monopole is a point-like particle. Spin and mass are not determined by the theory. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 19 / 34 √ Latest MoEDAL Monopole Search Result at s = 13 TeV (Phys.Rev.Lett. 123 (2019) 021802): Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 20 / 34 MoEDAL result with persistent current: Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 21 / 34 MALL - MoEDAL Apparatus for very Long Lived Particles Motivation MoEDAL MMTs can be monitored for decaying electrically charged particles that may have been trapped in their volume. CMS and ATLAS have similar analyses in empty bunch crossings for trapped R-hadrons decaying into jets. MALL Sensitive to charged particles and photons with energy as small as ∼ 1 GeV. planned to be kept deep underground at SNOLAB, Canada - cosmic ray background will be minimum. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 22 / 34 Magnetic monopoles via Thermal Schwinger mechanism Monopole-antimonopole pairs may be produced in a strong magnetic field. This kind of strong magnetic field can be present in the heavy-ion collision (Gould and Rajantie, Phys.Rev.Lett. 119 (2017) 241601). Advantages over Drell-Yan/photon fusion method: no exponential suppression for finite sized monopoles. cross-section calculation can be non-perturbative. Monopole mass reach is 20-30 times smaller than the current ATLAS and MoEDAL bounds (they were set using only tree-level diagrams!). MoEDAL result in the end of 2020. Arka Santra Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment 23 / 34 CMS beam pipe: Beam pipe most directly exposed piece of material of the experiment. covers very high magnetic charges, which may be trapped in upstream material before reaching the MoEDAL MMTs. Brief idea first piece of CMS beam pipe tested in 2012 (EPJC72 (2012) 2212): but this was far from the collision point.
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