
24—MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, June 15, 1990 J ^ C A R S CARS ITRUCKS/VANS I TAG SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE CHURCH TAG SALE- O LD SM O BILE 1987 Delta C H EV RO LET 1975 Step- Frldav, June 15th, 9-1. ^9^9.TA- 1986 Auto- Van 350 Aluminum Saturday, 16th, 9-12. Royal 4 door, loaded. Call 647-9199 ofter 6 pm. motlc. Long bed, extra body, new parts. Rns CARDINAL BUICK'S VOLUME- Community Baptist cab. 57,000 miles. Lear good. $2800. Call 649- Church, 585 East Cen- TOYOTA 1980 white Ter­ 6232.________________ J cap,lmmaculate $5900 ter St. Manchester. cel. 4 speed, 4 new tires Call 646-6873. (155srl2) Good body FU RN ITU RE, household We buy clean, late model PRICING SAVES YOU CASH! and Interior. Engine HONDA 1988 CRX Civic used cars rnd trucks. Top Items, 3 snowmobiles, needs work. S300 or and a lot more. June 16 best offer. 649-7929. HF 23K miles, light prices paid. and 17th. 9-6,368 Wood- blue, 5 speed, air, Mr. Duff - Carter Chevrolet land St. Manchester. CHEVEROLET 1979 Co­ A M /FM stero, 40MPG. 1229 Main Street moro V-8, automatic, Excellent condition. 7 Manchester, CT g a r a g e saleroln/shlne. air, runs good. Household. June 16-17, year transferable war­ 646-6484 9-4.66 Green Manor Rd. $2500/best ofter. Call rantee. $8000/best 645-8287 and leave ofter.56S-4504. Manchester.________ messoge.______ SATU RDAY, June 16th, WANTED TO 102 Oxford St. 9 to 3. ford 1965 C AD ILLAC 1974 Coupe I THU NDERBIRD- hard Devllle, Original IBUY/TRADE BOOK and Too Sale-116 top. 88,000 miles, char­ owner 88K. Must sell Hloh St. Saturday, coal grey, 390 V.8, air, $2500. 649-0472. CASH PA ID tor old cars IJWBUKK SKYLARK SED June 16,9am-4pm. Rain full power, one owner, STOCK #1249 4 Dr., AT, A/C, V-6, Defog., White --Wall----------- Tires u Iri good condition. Call date June 23.________ excellent condition. anytime 646-6388. ¥ m ^ STOCKSTOCK #1289 #1289 BACKYARD TAG SALE $5800/best offer. 643- June 16and 17,9am toS 8703 evenings._____ ONLY om, 148 Loomis St. 19 8 1 PONTIAC ----— — ...wv VVV . • 513,480* OM, $10,689* Manchester. MIsc. FIR E B IR D - excellent Items, baseball cards, condition. Asking tools, garden tools, $2200. Coll 649-2811. ^p h en Nissan # Suzuki stuffed animals, elect­ ric motors, and many PROLONG THE life of cut Nissan-200 available other Items.______ flowers In your home by TTOSir TAG SALE-Saturday, snipping stems at an an­ "StNTRASDrr N June 16th 9-4. MIsc. gle. This provides more ’ • ......... toys, household goods, stem surface to absorb $11,495 $5995 children's clothes. 130 the water. Prolong the life 90 SE pkg et budel iem j198« c h e v y CaEBRITY SEDAN Elizabeth Dr. of good, but unused Items - Low Mfleagel DIrectlons-of Wood- In your home by selling ~ssm — STANZA brldge or Constance St. them for cosh with a TAG SALE-3 family, 85 low-cost ad In classified. $21,995 $8495 i.brakM. Watch This ^ c e Ea^ Week MUST B£ $^£nI $5,995 Spruce St. Saturday 90 4dr. brakes, June 16th. 9am to 5pm. THE DEADLINE FOR _ — uiuiiu blaiifLnnil npfl t a g SALE-586 Wood- P L A C IN G OR Pathfinder XE Hardbody Truck 1989 BuIck Regal Coupe..... ................W CARS bridge St. Manchester. CANCELING AN AD IS 987 Isuzu Pup Pickup....... S oFlFl lono Regency Brougham... $13,490 1 4 Saturday, June 16, 9-3. 12 NOON THE DAY $15,494 $6295 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier............. $8 980 1987 Olds Cutlass Ciera 4 Dr................. SFi’aon Rain date Sunday, 904dr.4l4 er, base June 17. Vanity, hutch, BEFORE, MONDAY - ---------- -- ------ '^equpr 1988 Chevy Cavalier................ ......... Se’dao 1986 Olds Delta Sedan........ZZZ:;:."" $8*495 FRIDAY, IN ORDER' 1988 Olds Ciera Sedan..................... $8 480 1987 Buick Century LTD Waoon $R*RAn anrhpHtpr MmlJi vacuum,toys, baby TTNISSANSbNrRA Items, misc. house- TO MAKE THE NEXT 1988 Olds Custom Cruiser W a a o n $ 11 aait 1986 Buick Skyhawk Coupe.. .............. $5 *9^ wores, and much more. ISSUE. FRIDAY NOW ON SALE!!! 1987 Buick Park Ave............. ......... 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix............ $7*980 t a g SALE-Saturday, AFTERNOON BY 2:30 1985 Cadillac Sedan DeVille........... $9*480 Weekend Edition, Saturday, June 16, 1990 SUZUKI • 20 Availableower good thru June 30th 1987 Chevrolet Caprice................. .... $7495 Manchester, Conn. — A City oF Village Charm June 16,9-4. Misc, toys, PM FOR MONDAY’S 1988 Ford Ranger Pickup........ .......$5*895 1985 Oldsmobile Calais............ $5*980 Newsstand Price: 35 Cents household goods, ISSUE. THANK YOU '5AMURAI 'SIDEKICK 1987 Buick Regal....... .......... ........ 1982 Chevrolet Ceipbrity 45k....... $3*995 children's clothes. 130 FO R YO UR 1982 Citation 46k....... S S I Elizabeth Dr. Direc­ 1987 Oldsmobile Ciera.................. ....... $6,’990 COOPERATIONIII $7495 $8995 tions: off of Wood- 4x 4 Convanble brldge or Constance St. 4x4 convflrible. sport pkg equipment SATU RDAY and SUN- CARDINAL DA Y, 9-4,25 Ridgewood SWIFT $529.5 CARDINAL BUICK, INC. St. Includes kitchen ap­ BUICK, INC. 1988 Ford Ranger PAJ $5,695 S ID E K IC K 91 4x4 cut 4dr now on sale "A TOUCH ABOVE FIRST CLASS” pliances, stove, refrig­ 1 ^ 7 B u i* 1 ^ $8,495 erator, and washer, 19870WsCtefa $6,990 01 Adams Street, Manchester 0 ' and other household Items. 1987 Isuzu Pup Pfckup $4,280 STEPHEN NISSAN SUZUKI (Open Eves. Monday thru Thursday) 649-4571 1988 Chevy C ^ i e r $8,990 1 ^ 1988 98 Reg Brougham $13,490 097 Farmington Ave. Bristol 548-7436 Automotive 1988 C h ^ Z-24 &valier $6,980 1988 Pontiac Sunbird Coupe $7,895 1987 Buiek park Are $11a m 1987BuiekSomereelCp0 $7380 f ; ^ CARS 987 Ctwvfolet Caprice M remake FOR SALE 1986 MItsubisM Pickup $3,995 Z 7 £ [ I 1986BuickSk^w kCpe $5,980 DODGE ^[986^157^18 1986 Pwiiac Grand Prix $7,980 CID, automatic, bed 1985 Cadillac Sedan DeVille $9480 liner, tool box, 50K, 1985 Oldsmobile Calais l l j M r n . 1 ^ 2 Chevrolet Celebrity 45k $3,995 $5500. 742-8669. 1982Citaton4i5k $2 295 MUSTANG -1979 Must 81 Adams Street I 5 sell. Best offer 282-1028. z m Manchester planned BMW 325 E- 1984 show- 649-4571 O "o room condition. Red with every available option. BMW/Blau- QUITO BECOME O o punkt sound sys- tem.$9850 coll 644-8331. MANCHESTER'S CADILLAC 1974 Coupe Devllle, Original #1 owner 88K. Must sell Repaving, building facelift $2500. 649-0472. USED CAR 3 TRACTORS- 3 SATURDAYS TOYOTA- 1986 Auto- part of upgrading,. .page 4 matlc. Long bed, extra DEALER ONLY AT MANCHESTER cab. 57,000 miles. $5900. Call 646-6873. 1982 Cadlac Eldorado $5995 19e2RrBbird $3995 HONDA. WIN THIS 42" NEW VOLKSWAGON 1985 >s >1“ Jetta sedan. 5 speed, 19e3ToyataCoroiaSRS $3495 NEVER HONDA LAWN TRACTOR 33 CO air, great condition. 19eSLir^TawiCar $9995 $3800 call 646-6388. 1985 Pontiac Fiero $2995 DRAWING DATES JUNE 16th, 5 3 > 1965 Ford Escort $1995 BEFORE! 23rd & 30th AT N O ON. vetoes > H 19e6200SX $5995 M ERC U RY 1984 Capri. "D Low mileage, 1 owner. 1906ChevyS-1OBlazar4x4 $9395 RETAIL VALUE $3500 ONLY 1 Clean. Asking $2000. 1966UneolnTowiCaf $12,995 Call Carol,649-5862. INI D 1966 Mercuiy Cougar $6995 e n t r y p e r p e r s o n a n d b e 1986 Mazda nt-7 $8995 18 YEARS OF AGE WITH Schaller's 1966 Font Thunderbird $6395 'TVvpx r ^ t> V T_TT7 RIO RED ONLY... Quality PreOwnedAutoa VALID DRIVERS UCENSE. 1906 Honda Accord Ua $8995 . s m select from. Value Priced 1966 B220OSE5SE5 Pick-up $4395 1 n e n r Hatch Act 1987 ACU RA INTEGRA L S 3 D R Auto. A/C. Sunroof 1987 Pontiac Grand Am $6695 $ 9 300 1987Reg0nqf98 $10,495 1986 HONDA PRELUDE 1967 Hyundai Excel $3495 a A/C, SunroGi $8,700 1967 Mazda B2200 Pick-up $3995 1988 SUBARU GL SEDAN 1967BMW32SIS $ 18,995 Auto. AK, P S . P B $7,400 1967 Mercuy Topaz LS $4995 1990 ACURA LEGEND L SEDAN 1967PlymauthHortzon $ ^ 9 5 5 Spd.. Lo«M . ALB. Srcurily 8n. $ 2 2 90 0 1987 Mateuy Cougar LSCpe $8995 y / / / / President is afraid measure Judy Harrting/Manchester Herald 1985 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVIILE 1067 Dodge Dakota Pick-up fSSSS v-a, Fulljr Loodad. Llw N n. * UPWARD AND OUT — Manchester High School senior James Hanson looks up during 1987 Grand Marquis $9995 could lead to abuses.. .page 4 $ 7 900 graduation ceremonies Friday night at the school. Cheney Tech and Bolton Hiqh also 1985 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM 1987 Ford TaunJi $6995 V-e. Ful Power, Extra Cleen 1068Mazda323SE $4995 held graduation ceremonies. See additional photos and stories on pages 6 and 8. $ 4 900 1988 MAZDA 323 S E 1968 Fold bcort $4995 Auto. KC, PS, PB, Low Milee 1988 Jaguar XJ6 Sedan $29,995 1968 MMD^323 LX 1988 Metuxy Sable GS $8595 Auto.Ak:. PS. PB, LowMilee 1968 Lincoln Town Car $ 12,995 $7,400 1988 Meieuy Cougar LS $8995 ‘Wall of water’ kills 11, 1987 CHEVY CAMARO BridGeport man charGed V-8. S T-Top. AK 1988 Mazda RX-7SE $12,695 $6,900 1989 Ford F-250 4x4 Pick-up $18,421 1987 MAZDA RX7 S Spd.. AC . Suniiiw Funl 1989 Mercuy Sable GSWcg $ 11,995 scores more are missinG with arson murder in fire $9,400 1980 Mercuy Sable GS $ 10,995 1988 CHEVY K-5 BLAZER V-8, Auto, Silverado, Loaded lOSOUncokiToMnCar $19,995 $14 ,50 0 1980PonliacGrandPiixl£ $ 11,995 1990 ACURA INTEGRA GS 1969 Merc Grand Maiquls LS $15,995 .
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