Middletown School Magazine Battle Flares SE£ STORY BELOW Clearing, Mild Clearing and mild today. THEBMLY FINAL Cloudy and mild tonight. Partly sunny, mild tomorrow. Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch EDITION (See DeUlli, Pit* tx I 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 76 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 18 PAGES TEN CENTS IMJIBllllllIlilllJllllllll -;;iiL!iiir \ixon to Campaign Here Saturday for GOP Slate By BEN VAN VUET County Democrats tried to Airport for a rally on behalf and there is a question If It seat Rep. James J. Howard, President Nixon is coming maintain a sort of "ho-hum" of Mr. Gross. can be readied in time. B'N.J. , • to Monmouth County Satur. attitude toward the President's He then will board the heli- He also said there may be a At that time, Mr. Nixon, af- day to campaign for Senate visit, but several admitted copter and fly to the Garden problem with security ar- ter noting that 8,000 people candidate Nelson G. Gross privately that they were wor- State Arts Center in liolmdel. rangements which may re. came out in the rain to see and other Republican hope-\ ried of the political effect the quire a change in the loca- him, predicted that the Re- fuls, including congressional Plans for the Monmouth visit would have. County visit still are tenta- tion, possibly to the Mon. publicans were "going to rock aspirant William F. Dowd. The White House said yes- mouth Shopping Center. it to them." It will be the first time the tive, Mr. Dowd said last terday the President is sched- night, Shop Center His prediction turned out to President has been in the uled to arrive aboard Air Mr. Nixon Is familiar with be correct as far as his cam. county since 1968, and the Force One at ,1:30 p.m. at Mr. Dowd, on leave as a the shopping center In Eaton- paign went, but Sen. Stout first time he has been here Newark Airport, where, he presidential staff assistant, town. That's where he • ap- went on to lose to Mr. Howard since taking office. will meet with Republican said he is "95 per cent sure" peared Oct. 19, 1968, In a by more than 30,000 votes. Announcement of his pend- candidates and hold a press Mr. Nixon will appear at the pouring rain to campaign on Monmouth Republicans are ing arrival yesterday after, conference. arts center. his own behalf, and also to predicting things will be dif- noon left Monmouth County At Arts Center The only problem, Mr. give a boost to State Ren. ferent this time. Republicans in a state of ec- He then will board a heli- Dowd said, Is that the arts Richard R. Stout, who like "I'm just delighted," said CROWD TURNS OUT FOR NIXON — President Nixon stands in automobile to stasy. ; copter and fly to Teterboro center had been "winterized" Mr; Dowd, was seeking to un- (See Nixon, Pg. t) greet crowd that lined street in Hartford yesterday. Mrs. Nixon is seated behind him with Mayor Ann Uccelo of Hartford, Republican candidate for Congress. •__ (AP Wirephoto) See Canada-Red China Pact OTTAWA (AP) - Beports nada, Yuchi Hsueh, report- an announcement of agree- nada was known to consider of (he Stockholm talks. Quebec Negotiates persisted today that Canada edly was preparing to fly ment between Ottawa and such a stipulation a dan- Even with a switch by Ot- and Communist China have home today. Peking was imminent, He gerous precedent. tawa, however, the resolution agreed to open diplomatic re- Canada had been consid- said Chiang Kai-shek's re- But Sharp has held through- is - expected to be rejected lations, ending successfully a ering whether to seek rela- gime would break relations out to a one-China policy, and again. 22-month initiative by the gov- tions with mainland China with Canada within 24 hours observers speculated that the . The Canadian initiative was With Kidnapers of 2 ernment of Prime Minister since the 1950s, but no action of the announcement. issue was resolved by a Cana- launched in January 1969 over Pierre Elliot Trudeau. was taken until bilateral talks Agreement was not reached dian pledge to vote next the strong objections of the Informed sources in Ottawa MONTREAL (AP) - The began in Stockholm in Febru- easily. Ottawa balked at the month for a resolution in the Nixon administration. The Minister PJerre Laporte Sat- resentative was still being reported last night that the Quebec government opened ary, 1969, a month after For- Communists' insistence that U.N. General Assembly to United States opposes Bed urday. held. two governments have negotiations during the night eign Minister Mitchell Sharp Canada recognize Red scat the Communist regime China's entry into the United Another Montreal lawyer, Lemieux is an advocate of reached accord and will pro- with the kidnapers of a Brit- announced the Canadian in- China's claim to Formosa, the instead of Nationalist China Nations at Nationalist China's Robert Demers, was appoint- Quebec's separation from Ca- claim recognition soon, but ish diplomat and a provincial tentions. home of the Nationalist gov- in the United Nations. expense and wants its allies ed as the provincial govern- nada and has frequently de- the government refused offi- cabinet minister as hundreds Nationalist China's acting ernment. Diplomatic recogni- Trudeau's government has to withhold diplomatic recog- ment's contact man. fended terrorist members of cial confirmation. Nationalist o f armed combat troops foreign minister, James Shen, tion usually doesn't specify said its vote on the question nition until Peking softens its The two men met in the the FLQ in court. The FLQ's China's ambassador to Ca- told his parliament in Taipei . national boundaries, and Ca- would depend on the outcome militant tone. joined police in guarding poli- downtown police station aim is separation of the ticians, diplomats and other where Lemieux had been held French-speaking province prominent persons in Ottawa. since Sunday .in connection from the rest of Canada and Robert Lemieux, a ftfag- with ttie investigation into its establishment as an inde- haired lawyer awaiting trial the kidnapings.' After mid- pendent state. Campaign Spending Curb Vetoed on a charge of obstructing night Justice Minister Jerome The FLQ cell that kidnaped justice, was representing the Choquette announced that Le- Cross says it will free the Quebec Liberation Front — mieux was being paroled, ap- Briton if the government re- WASHINGTON (AP) - said it will be "very tough" to Nixon had blocked "a major $20,000, whichever was high- "This bill plugs'only one hole ttie FLQ - which kidnaped parently to expedite the nego- leases 23 men convicted or President Nixon has vetoed a muster the necessary two- effort tostenv the spiraling er. in a sieve." British Trade Commissioner tiations for the release of awaiting trial for political ter- bill to limit campaign spend- thirds vote. Hart was one of cost of campaigning for pub- Its terms would cover can- "Until we take this step, James Richard Cross Oct. 5 Cross and Laporte, but sev- rorism, and if the police call ing on radio and television, the bill's original sponsors. lic office via the electronic didates for president, vice we'll never know how to light- and abducted Quebec Labor eral hours later the FLQ rep- off their investigation into the calling it "worse than no an- Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R. media. president, senator, represen- en up the loopholes," Hart swer to the problem" of soar- Mich., the assistant GOP "The American people will tative, governor and lieuten- countered. The cell that abducted Lap- ing political costs. leader, said flatly the veto be the losers unless Congress ant governor. Nixon sild the bill actually 1 orte has made the same de- • Democratic sponsors of the will be sustained. overrides the veto,' he said. would force more campaign measure pledged an effort to "I think the country would spending,, Dy,leading :an(IL Tough Anticrime m a n d s plus four others: "The bill deserved to be ve- The bill would limit upend- have been well served by the $500,000 in ransom, the name override the veto, Immediate- toed," Griffin said. ing on campaign broadcasting dates to switch from radio ly or after the Nov. 3 election establishment of these lim. and television campaigning to and picture of an alleged in- But Sen. John O. Pastore, D- to seven cents for each vote its," said Hart. former against the FLQ, pub- recess. But one of, them, Sen. R.I., and another prime upon, cast for the office involved in more expensive techniques of Bill Is Approved lication of FLQ propaganda, Philip A. Hart of Michigan, sor of the legislation, raid the previous elections, or Nixon's veto message, Is- reaching the voter. and reinstatement of all truck sued yesterday while the He doted there would be no President was appearing In WASHINGTON (AP) - and bribery of local officials drivers who lost their jobs restriction on campaign ad- Stamford,and Hartford, Congress has sent to the in connection with gambling when the city took over mail ver11sin g In newspapers, Conn., on a barely disguised White House a tough anti- activities. deliveries in Montreal. magazines, pamphlets and campaign mission, said the crime bill designed to surtail The measure swept through Coleman Cites Interest material mailed out by caridi. bill fell Short of its laudable campus bombings and shield the Senate after less than 30 dales. i ' goals and "threatens to make businesses and unions from minutes debate.
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