~ I l I I Royal Cambrian Academy I ~ of Art, I; ·tr,, PLAS MAWR, CONWAY, .f ~ Telephone, 113 Conway. ~ Ii CATALOGUE Ii ~ OF THE .,. I FIFFY-T!IIRD ANNUAL I 'i EXHIBITION , 1935. ,i ~ ~ f The Exhibition will be open from 8th June to .% ,ij 25th September. ~ i Admission, Adults, Gd. Children under 14, 3d. f Jr Season Tickets, 2/6. ~ .Q'~~~~~~~~~,%",~~~~'t!J R. E. Jones & Bros. Pridlers, Comm; . HONORARY MEMBERS. Tb.e Presidents of the following Academies and Societies:- Royal Academy of Arts, London (Sir W. Llewelyn, K.C.V.O., R.I., R.W.A.). Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh (George Pirie, Esq.), M.A., H.R.A. Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin (Dermod O'Brien, Esq.,H.R.A., H.R.S.A.). Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (Wyly Grier, Esq.) . tb~ RO!'al Cambrian Jlcad~mv or Rrr. Societe Royale des Beaux Arts, Brussels. INSTITUTED 1881. Royal Art Society of New South Wales (W. Lister Lister, Esq.). National Academy of Design, New York (Edwin H. Blashfield, Esq.). American Water Color Society. Victorian Artists' Society (C. Douglas Richardson, Esq.). New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. PATRONS. West Australian Society of Arts. SocietY'of Artists, Brisbane. South Australian Society of Artists, Adelaide. ·' F. Drangwyn, Esq., R.A., H .R.S.A., R.E., R.W.A., A.R.W.S. HIS lV!AJESTY THE KING Sir W. Goscombe John, R.A. · HER MAJESTY QUEEN Terrick Williams, Esq., R.A., V.P.R.I., R.O.I., R.W.A., V.P.R.B.C. Sir Herbert Baker, R.A., F.R.I.B.A• .__.HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS-THE PRINCE ~~-~~9"f.~6-,­ OF- WALES. FOUNDE~S. - W. Laurence Banks, J.P. Sir Cuthbert Grundy, P.R.C.A., R.I., R.W.A., V.P.R.B.C. J . R. G. Grundy, R.C.A. Anderson Hague, V.P.R.C.A., R.I., R.O.I. E. I\. Norbury, R.C.A. Charles Potter, R.C.A. H. Clarence Whaite, P.R.C.A., R.W.S. 3 J MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY. MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY. Academicians. 8~~3'>-~ President: Augustus E. John, Esq., R .A., LLD. ~.\,->.J- ' Associates. Vice-President :! Ben Fisher (Trustee). Bancroft, Mrs. Elias. Mahler, Henry. Hon. Secretary.<., *Thomas Ellison. f)-')~6v . Beare, J. C., A.R.T.B.A. Hon. Treasurer ;/1-I. Harold Hughes, F.S.A., A.R.1.B.A. Moore, Frank. Boak, R. Cresswell ~ Netherwoo<l, Norman. Adams, Harry W., R.B.C., R.B.A. I -tJones, J. Clinton. V Brewer, J. Alphege. :?fioha.ts&R; Q 001.~ ..R C. er., Aitken, J.E., R.S.W., A.R.W.A. Kemp-Welch, Miss Lucy, R.1. ~ra 9i1; lsB8MPd. ~ Berrie, J. A. A. Kinsley, Albert, R.1. Paice, P . S. / ~woe ~" G. Parkyn, W . S., A.R.W.A. , Bishop, w. Follen, R.13.C., R.B.A. 1" Knight, Miss Clara. Collins, G. E. Booth, J. vV. Lanca,ter, Percy, R.I., A.R.E. , Egginton, F . J. Pierce, Robert, F.R.1.1:3.A . Bowen, Owen, R.0.1. Le'ig -Hunt, G. (" • · ,~ Swinstead, Mi5q E. Hillyard. Brockbank, A. E . Littlejohns, ., R.I.. ~~(f" Frobisher, Miss M. Bruh!, L. Burleigh, R.B.A., Mann, J. S., R.I. Fuller, Leonard J. :reasdale, P.M. (President British Water Colour •McDou~al, J. Jones, T. H. Watson, W. J. Society). ,forris, Cedric .,.J Tu:~ (A. ., / Kenworthy, J. D. \lfilliu BJ lie £{11181 OS. Chactwick, E. A. · Owen, Will d-' , tClough, T. l 'ritchard, I . M. Kinsley, H. R., o ... ' .Wilson, E.'Marsden. tCockram, Geo., R.1. (Trustee). Roberts, Lancelot. f e is1 Jel!ft ~.t).....,"4..:a:.., Woods, Albert. Dobson, Raeburn. *Sharpe, C. W. Edwards, Lionel, R.1. Stamper, J . W. Egginton, W., R.I. "j"*Stephenson, W. Honorary Retired Members. Finnemore, J., R.I. Towers, S. Garside, Oswald, R.I., Thompson, Mrs. C. Dutton Academicians. Associates. Grundy, Sir Cuthbert, J .P., R.I., Weaver, H . P., R.B.A., R.W.A. Raker, Oliver, R.E. Bottomley, A. E. R.W.A., V.P.R.B.C. Whewell, Herbert, R.1. Casssidy, John. T owers, J ames. ,61\!'9nae Je.,@s, ·) Uw Williams, Alyi:, P.R.M.S. Hughes, Leonard. t Hinchlille, R.G. iams, ,ss , argaret Lindsay tHumphreys, G. A., F.R.I.B.A. 1 ' /Trustee). Williams, R. J. H on. L egal Adviser : James Porter, Esq. tMembers of the Academy Council, 1935. Hoa. Architect: H arold Hughes, Esq., R.C.A., F.S.A,, A.R.I.B.A. •Members of the Hanging Committee, rn35. Curnto,· and Secretary : C. G. Dyal!. · 4 5 ARTISTS' GENERAL BENEVOLENT NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF EXHIBITS'. INSTITUTION. The Council of the Royal Cambrian Academy have en­ deavoured to secure accuracy in the prices fixed by the Artists, but are not responsible for any errors that may Patron: occur. H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, K.G. Intending purchasers must negotiate through the Curator. President: A Deposit of not less than 2(1 per cent. o.f the purchase price is required to be paid on all works directed to be Sir William Llewelyn, G.C.V.0., P.R.A. marked as sold, and the balance before anv picture is· removed. No picture um be removed be-fore the close of The object of the Artists'. General_ Benevolent the Exhibition. Institution is to assist profess10nal artists who are The prices in the Catalogue include the· frames. except in difficulties arising from loss of work, sickness. <l:nd where otherwise stated. old age, and to relieve widows and orphans, prov1~mg A Red Star on a picture indicates either that it is sol& for the entire education of children to the age of se\ en- or is not for sale. teen or later. The copyright remains the property of the Artist unless During recent years the res_ources of . t~e In- there be a special agreement to the contrary at the time of stitution have been strained to their utmost hm1t. purchase. Neither the Council of the Royal Cambrian Academy nor All who appreciate and enjoy works of art are their Agents will be responsible for any loss of, or damage, requested to send donatipns, small or large, to : or iniury to. any works, however caused, whether in transit or whilst under their control. E. GUY DAWBER, A.R.A., Hon. Treasurer, The Royal Cambrian Academy does not undertake tO' or deliver any work purchased in the Exhibition, but for the­ convenience of purchasers the Curator, on receipt of full MARTIN HARDIE, C.B.E., · V.P.R.I., Hon. Secretary, instructions, will arrange with an experienced firm to pack Artists' General Benevolent Institution, S, Vigo Street, and forward any pictures bought in thA Exhibition, subject; London, W.r. to the buyers undertaking to pay all charges for such. wor.k... (i 7 Initials following th~ Names of Artists indicate that they CATALOGUE. are connected with one or more of the undermentioned Banqueting Hall. Academies or Societies. l s. d. In the lieart of the Glen, G ian Conway ................. 8 8 0 The late Ralph lf:V. ·Bardill, R.C.A. R.A. Royal Academy. 2. The River Ou5e, Huntington .......................... 6 0 () R.S.A. Royal Scottish Academy. The l,1te Ralph lf:V. Bardill, R.C.A. RH.A. Royal Hibernian Academy. 3 Mermaid Street, Rye ...................................... 9 'J 0 RC.A. Royal Cambrian Academy. The iate Ralph If?. Bardill, R.C.A. 4 The Beach Wood, Bectws-y-Coed ..................... .. 6 G 0 R.W.A. Royal West of En!(land Academy. I. The late Ralph ii"'. Bardill, R .C.A. RB.A. Royal Society of British Artists. 5 Brixham Harbour, South Devon ....................... 9 9 0) Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. R.W.S. The late Ralph lf:V. Bardill, R.C.A. Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. R,I. 6 The Old Mill, Rye, Sussex ................................ 6 0 ()l RO.I. Royal Institute of Oil Painters. The late Ralph IV Bardill, R .C.A. R.S.W. Royal Scottish Society of Fainters in Water 7 London Street Scene ... ............ Miss A . F. Marlin 15 15 O· Colours. s· "The Brown Dress" (Mrs. 0. P. Bernard) ........... R.M.S. Royal Society of Miniature Painters. J\1rs. Olive L r·c 31 10 0, R.E. Royal Society of Painter E tchers. 9 The Song ............... R . G. Hinch!i!Je, R .C.A. 75 0 O< RB.C. Royal British Colonial Society. 10 Miss Dagmar Sacrshinger ... Miss Mahe/ Thomps.111 52 0 0. R.l.B.A.­ Royal Institute of British Architects. 11 Swirling Waters ....... ..... Miss ,V lf:Vi11der Reid 15 15 0 12. Toiling Down to Pindi ....· .. .. F. NI. de la Co :e 31 10 0 B.W.S. British ' "-iater lColour Society. 13 A Modern Girl ..... .). D . Ke,vwrtqy, A .R.C.A. 31 10 () P., as a prefix, indicates the President of a Society. 14 Red Roofs of Whitby ............ illiss Louis, Jacobs 1Z 12 0 V .P. a Vice-President of a Society. 15 Cornfield ............ Miss Margaret Sidney Davies. F. Fellow of a Society. 16 On the Lledr, North Wales ............................. 9 9 0 H: an Honorary '.'\'I.ember of a Society. 1/Yalter }. 1/Yatson, A.R.C.A. an Associate of a Society. A. 9 8 BANQUETING HALL BANQUET ING HALL l. $. LI. £ s. d J7 Still Life .................. Miss Margaret M. Os1Pa!d Pewter Brooches .J. • • ••• . ••. ••. • • .. .. •• .••• • •• •• 18 · A Bunch of Mixed Flowers Mrs E. B. Nic/owx Kerr 25 0 0 (5) Round : Seven Green Stones 0 5 6 (6) Pansy Stone ....
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