Dr. Robert ·L. GluckStern Main Administration Bldg. College Park Campus THE UMBC VOLUME 13 NUMBER 8 SBHE recommends tuition hike. cuts budget By Mary E. Peitersen was considered "realistic for the imately $300,000 of these funds students to pick up some of the in­ would go to the University of The State Board for Higher Ed­ crease" of the rising cost of edu­ Maryland for this purpose. ucation on October 5 approved cation. Lapovsky noted that the A 6.5 percent salary increase $151 million of a $158 million bud­ SBHE budget approval was 11 was approved for all faculty with­ get request of the University of percent above last year's figure. in the University of Maryland Maryland for the next fiscal year. Last year the SBHE requested system. However, the board, re­ Although the proposed tuition of Acting Governor Blair Lee that fused to advocate an additional hike was approved as part of the some of the surplus funds left 2. 7 percent salary increase for budget, a total of over $1 million over from the fiscal 1977 budget UMBC and UMES faculty while was cut from UMBC's operation be used to freeze University of approving the same additional2. 7 and supplemental budgets. Maryland tuition. This year the percent increase for UMCP and The tuition hike was passed as State Board has not specifically UMAB faculty salaries. part of a special fund revenue requested any of the surplus In a letter to the state board, package proposed by the Univer­ funds left .over from fiscal year John Toll, university president, sity of Maryland. The tuition hike 1978, -estimated by the Comptrol­ atacked this 'inequality in faculty itself was not specifically dis­ ler's Office to total about 79.4 mil­ salary increases and the denial of cussed at the October 5 meeting. lion. several funding requests for SBHE guidelines aim at provi­ However, the total higher edu­ UMBC. He said it was "inconsis­ ding 70 percent state support to cation budget for the state recom­ tent with the master plan of the colleges and universities, accord­ mended by the SBHE, $2.86 mil­ state," approved by the SBHE ing to Lucy Lapovsky, an SBHE lion, is $14.5 million above the July 6. Toll also accused these re­ official. Currently, state support_ limit set by the budget guidelines quest denials as not reflecting the for the University of Maryland established by Governor Lee. If true need of the University of campuses is 63 percent for Lee follows the SBHE recommen­ Maryland. UMCP, 75·percent for UMBC and dations, the extra $14.5 million Among the denials was a dele­ 81 percent for UMES. The state would have to come from the bud­ tion of $570,000 in the operation board decided that "if the state get surplus or some other source budget request for UMBC. This was going to increase its of additional revenue. Lee, how­ request was the only reduction in support," said Lapovsky, then it ever, is not legally bound to use the regular UM budget request. the SBHE reconunendations in Also deleted was $585,000 from formulating the state budget for eight supplemental requests the next fiscal year. from UMBC. The board rejected The SBHE also approved a funding for equipment and opera- Controversy surrounds half-million dollars for programs continued on page 6 for high ability students. Approx- business course transfer Affirmative By Joe Kerger du~te program. ''I don't care The College Park Business UMBC' s administration and whether they transfer the school and Managerial college is· the University of Maryland or not," said Alan Sorkin, currently under review by the Action ~ plan central administration are · oconomi~ professor and de­ American Assembly of Colle­ moving in different directions 'partment chairperson. "The giate Schools of Business, the over the transfer of programs oconomics department is more· business school accrediting from College Park to UMBC. intP.rested in shared programs, association. Overcrowding and reviewed The transfer of programs such as the accounting pro- the lack of available resources from College Park's troubled are major problems sighted by .. gram." Sorkin said he believes By Joe Kerger rosiness school is under "ser­ an accotmting major would be the MCSB. If the problems are ious consideration" by UM superior _to a business or rot corrected the AACSB has Mter years of being "kicked President John Toll and the management major. UMBC suggested that the school may around" UMBC's Affirmative central administration. currently offers only a certifi­ oo placed on probation. The Action plan is in it's final stages UMBC' s administration how­ cate in Administrative and transfer df programs is being of development, according to ever, dismisses the idea of Managerial Sciences. discussed as a real possibility to Reginald Lawrence, acting direc­ transfers in favor of initiating ''The establishment of gra­ alleviate overcrowding at the tor of hwnan relations. The plan new programs. wate programs in economics wsiness school. which is currently under review The State Board on Higher and an accounting major - is The transfer of business by "key people" on campus is be­ Education has recommended nothing. new. We've been p-ograms to UMBC is expected ing finalized for presentation to p-ogram transfers as a means of talking about them for years,'' to meet with a great deal of local the chancellor. wilding th,e UMBC and UMES said Sorkin. Chancellor John opposition. Loyola, Morgan, "I hope we can go through all campuses, while relieving over­ DorsP .. is currently engaged in' Towson, and University of the channels and have the report Reginald Lawrence, ''time is im­ crowding at College Park. Toll discussions with Robert Marris, Baltimore currently have busi­ to HEW by .January," Lawrence portant.'' has completed his recom­ chairperson of the economics ness programs and are opposed said. The Affirmative Action pro­ mendations for the eastern to duplication by UMBC. ''I see gram is currently the top priority the preparation of a wvrking af­ department at College Park, · firmative action plan. "The ad­ shore campus, which included over the creation of UMBC's a very protracted and bitter of the Office of Hwnan Relations. m program transfers. He is .fight," said Sorkin. "My "We are working on a plan that ministration has its own sense of economic graduate program. urgency and is eager to come up currently drafting a compre­ Dorsey and Marris have dis­ personal feeling is that there's a will meet the needs of faculty, oonsive program for UMBC. 50 percent chance that other staff, and students, and the gen- with the needed proposal," said cussed the possibility of ex­ Lawrence, adding that UMBC Toll is considering the transfer tending programs to UMBC. 8chools- in the area would kill eral community." , of programs from the Business it '' Some of the local schools Lawrence, former director of hasn't received any external The MA program offered at pressure from the Department of and Management college, pos­ College Park is structured for are dependent ori their business minority recruitment, was ap­ sibly the transportation and programs. Sorkin cites the pointed acting director of human Health, Education and Welfare to people who are unable to get speed the process. "I would sus­ occounting programs as part of into the PhD program according University of Baltimore in relations two weeks ago. '' Affir­ pect that a significant number of the UMBC proposal. Toll also to Sorkin. ''We want an MA for p:trtic ular. mative action has been kicked institutions throughout the coun­ favors extending existing pro­ it's own sake. What Dorsey and "Knowing the politics in­ around UMBC for the last four try are at the same point we are." grams from College Park to Marris discussed is nothing volved, what people want and years," said Lawrence. He The aim of the UMBC plan is to UMBC. we'd be interested ih." Sorkin what programs are actually believes such a comprehensive guarantee a broade· ·"presenta­ UMBC' s economic depart­ stresses that the two campuses initiated will be two different and important plan must be care­ tion of minorities ..t.:d women ment is currently working on must work together. ''Politically things," said Sorkin. Toll's fully constructed, but time is im­ their_ own programs. The if they're (CoJ.jege Park) r:roposal for UMBC is expected portant. throughout all levels of the uni­ versity. Central to the plan will department is discussing the strongly opposed to what we're to reach the Board of Regents The administration has been creation 'of an economics gra- doing they could stop it." oofore the end of October. accused of draggi!Jg their feet in conunued on page 6 2 Retriever, October 16, 1978 Student charges Women's Union ORL hearings as biased focusing on By Rai Douglas director of ORL, pending a hear­ sex discrimination Weatherholtz was given no hear­ Walter "Kip" Merritt, a stu­ ing. ORL then ·charged Merritt with assault of a resident of the ing on her supposed negligence. By Alex O'Brien · The chairperson of the dent who had hearing procedures Merritt was given hearings instituted against him by the Of­ dormitoreis. Contract termina­ Women's Union was "very tion, under Procedure 2 of the under Procedure 1 and Proce­ The first activity of the pleased with the turnout" for the fi_ce of Residential Life (ORL), dure 2 of the UMBC Residence alleges that the hearing board Residence Contract, is used when Women's Union will be a meeting first meeting. "the immediate safety and well­ Hall Contract. The contract, writ­ held on conjunction with the SGA The group is planning a wide was inherently biased.
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