:\ HAXDLIST OF THE Arabic l\Ianuscripts THE CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY A HANDLIST OF THE Arabic Manuscripts Volu,ne III. MSS. 3501 to 3750 BY AR'THU R ]. ARBERRY LITT. D., F.B.A. Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge With 3 I plates DUBLIN HODGES, FIGGIS & CO. LTD. 1958 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN TEXT BY CHARLES BATEY, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD PLATES BY MESSRS. EMERY WALKER, LTD. LONDON DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 3501 (1) SHJ'R AL-SHANFARA, by AL-SHANFARA al-Azdi (ft. 6th century A.D.). [Collected poems with a brief anonymous comn1entary; foll. 1-27.] Brockelmann i. 25, Suppl. i. 52-54. (2) SHARIJ QA$1DAT AL-BURDA, by Abu Zakariya' Yal_iya b. 'Ali al-Khatib AL-TIBRIZI (d. 502/1108). [ A commentary on the well-known panegyric of the Prophet Mu}:iammad by KA'B B. ZUHAIR (ft. 1st/7th century); foll. 28-5 5.] DatedJumada I 836 (January 1433). Brockelmann i. 3 9, Sup pl. i. 69. (3) AL-MAQfURAT AL-KUBRA, by IBN DURAID (d. 321/ 934). [ A well-known poem illustrating a point of orthography, with a brief anonymous interlineary commentary; foll. 56-58.] Brockelmann i. 1 12, Sup pl. i. 173. Foll. 60. 18 X 13· 5 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Copyist, 'Abd al-Karim b. Mu}:iammad al-Shafi'L Dated (fol. 1a)Jumada II 835 (February 1432) and 836 (1433). 3502 (1) AL-MURSHID AL-WAJlZ.ILA'ULUM TATA'ALLAQ BI'L-KITAB AL-'AZlZ, by ABO SHAMA (d. 665/1268). [An introduction to the Qur'anic sciences, with special reference to the canonical variants; foll. 1-6 5.] Brockelmann, Sup pl. i. 5 5 1. III B 2 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS (2) KITAB AL-BASMALAT AL-$AGH1R, by ABO SHA.MA. [ A short treatise on the basma/a formula in the Qur'an; foll. 67- 91.] Brockelmann, Suppl. i. 5 5I. (3) AL-BA'ITH 'ALA INK.AR AL-BIDA' WA'L-IJAWA­ DITH, by ABO SHA.MA. [ A treatise rectifying innovations in the ritual prayer; foll. 92- 200.] Brockelmann, Sup pl. i. 55 I. Foll. 200. 1 8 · 5 X 1 3 ·7 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Dated (fol. 6 5b) 23 Mul)-arram 797 (5 November I 394). 35°3 (1) AL-MA'ARIJ, by ABO MADYAN (d. 598/1193). [ A ~UfI treatise on the nature of the human spirit; foll. r-29.] No other copy appears to be recorded. (2) DIWAN IBRAHlM AL-SHADHILl, by Burhan al-Din IBRAHil\1 b. Ma}:imiid b. A}:imad b. I-_Iasan al-Aqsara'I al-I-_IanafI AL-SHADHILI al-MawahibI (d. 908/1502). [Collected poems, with a brief anonymous introduction; foll. 30- 56.] No other copy appears to be recorded. Foll. 69. 19·5 X 14 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, 1 o / 1 6th century. 35°4 (1) QURRAT AL-'AIN FlMA IJASALA MIN AL-ITTIFAQ WA'L-IKHTILAF BAIN AL-MADHHABAIN, by Jamal al­ Din Abu 'I-Maha.sin. Yusuf b. al-Hasan. b. Ahmad. B. AL- MABRAD al-Dimashqi al-Maqdisi al-I-_Ianbali (d. 909/1503). DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 3 [ An account of the agreements and differences between the I:Jan­ bali and Shafi'I schools of jurisprudence; foll. 1-50.] No other copy appears to be recorded. (2) IZALAT AL-l)AJAR BI'KHTI§AR MU'JAM AL­ DAHR, by IBN AL-MABRAD. [ A biographical dictionary of learned men of the 8/ 14th and 9/ 1 5th centuries; foll. 5 1-80.] No other copy appears to be recorded. Foll. 8 1. 8· 5 X 1 3 ·6 cm. Scholar's cursive ta 'liq. AUTOGRAPH. Undated, 9/15th century. 35°5 AL-GHURAR AL-BAHlYA Fl SHARIJ AL-BAHJAT AL­ W.,,1.RDlYA, by IBN AL-AN~A.Ri (d. 926/1521). [The third and fourth parts of a commentary on al-Bahjat al­ Wardrya of IBN AL-WARD! (d. 749/1349); see No. 3432.] Foll. 22 I. 27 x 18· 5 cm. Two scholars' clear naskh hands. Copyist of first part, 'Abd al-Ra}:iman b. A}:imad b. Mu}:iammad al-Shafi'I. Copyist of second part, Mu}:iammad b. Mu}:iammad b. A}:imad b. J:Iusain b. I:Jasan al-SakhawI al-Shafi'I. Dated 13 Sha'ban 878 (3 January 1474) and 1 Rabi' I 895 (23 January 1490). 3506 AL-KA.FI FI 'L-NA?M AL-SHAFI, by AL-KHWARIZMI (JI. 6/12th century). [The second volume of a systematic treatise on _Shafi'I jurispru- dence; see No. 3443.] Foll. 240. 24· 5 x 1 5·7 cn1. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, 6/12th century. 4 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 35°7 DIWAN ZUHAIR, by ZUHAIR b. Abi Sulma Rabi'a b. Rabal) al-Muzani (JI. 6th century A.D.). [Collected poems, with an anonymous commentary.] Foll. 49. 20·7 x 1 5 cm. Excellent scholar's naskh. Copyist, Ma'ali b. Yal).ya b. Khalaf al-Sulami al-Dimashqi. Undated, 5/11th century. Brockelmann i. 23, Suppl. i. 48. 3508 AL-SABIQ WA'L-LAif.IQ, by Abu Bakr Al).mad b. 'Ali b. Thabit AL-KHATIB AL-BAGHDAD! (d. 463/1071). [ A biographical dictionary of traditionists.] Foll. 7 5. 17· 5 X 13 ·7 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, 7 / 1 3th century. No other copy appears to be recorded. 35°9 IBRAZ AL-MA'ANI MIN If.IRZ AL-AMAN], by ABU SHA.MA (d. 665/1268). [The second ( and concluding) volume of a commentary on the If.irz a/-amani of AL-SHATIBI (d. 590/1194); see Nos. 3179, 3462.] Foll. 186. 21 · 5 X 1 5·6 cm. Clear scholar's ta'liq. Dated 818 (1415). 3510 AL-JAM' BAIN AL-'AQL WA'L-NAQL, by IBN TAIMiYA (d. 728/1328). [The third volume of a polen1ic against the philosophers.] Foll. 267. 21 ·2 X I 5·3 cm. Rather cursive scholar's naskh. Copyist, Yusuf b. •A bd Allah b. Mutammad b. Yusuf al-Maqdisi (d. 754/1353). DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 5 Dated 23 Dhu 'l-Qa'da 737 (23June 1337). No other copy appears to be recorded. 3 5 I I (1) AL-MUQADDIMA Fl 'ILM AL-JJISAB, by SIBT AL­ MARIDINI (d. 912/1506). [A short introduction to the study of arithmetic: foll. 1-10.] Copyist, J:!asan b. Mul).ammad b. Ya'qub. Dated 21 Rabi' II 926 ( 9 April 1 520 ). No other copy appears to be recorded. * This copy was transcribed from a copy of the author's auto­ graph. (2) AL-TAJNJS FI 'L-JJISAB, by Siraj al-Din Abu Tahir Mul).ammad b. Mul).ammad b. 'Abd al-Rashid AL-SAJAWANDI (ft. 6 / 1 2 th century). [ A short treatise on arithmetic; foll. 1 1-19.] Dated 71 I ( 1 3 r r ). Brockelmann i. 3 79, Suppl. i. 6 5 1. (3) AL-l'TIQAD WA'L-HIDAYA ILA SABlL AL-RASHAD, by AL-BAIHAQI (d. 458/1066). [ A treatise on the fundamental principles of Islamic theology; foll. 20-163.] Copyist, Al).mad b. 'Uthman al-Diyarbakri al-Karawi al-Shafi'i. Dated, at the Barquqiya Madrasa, [Cairo], 7 Sha'ban 856 (23 August 1452). Brockelmann, Suppl. i. 6 r 9. Foll. 167. 18 X r3·4 cm. Three hands, the first two scholars' naskh, the third a scholar's ta'liq. Various dates, 8-10/r4-r6th century. 6 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 3512 AL-ASHBAH WA L-NA?A'IR, by Zain (Siraj) al-Din (al- •Abidin) 'U mar b. Ibrahim B. NUJ AIM al-Mi~rI al-I:Janafi ( d. 970/ l 563). [ A treatise on points of I:Janafi jurisprudence.] Foll. 222. 22·8 x 16·2 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Copyist, Mu!)ammad b. 'Abd Allah al-Timirtashi al-Ghazzi (d. 1004/1595). Dated 27 Jumada II 969 (4 March 1562). Brockelmann ii. 3 I r, Suppl. ii. 42 5. 35 13 SHARIJ 'UMDAT AL-AIJKAM, by 'Imad al-Din IBN AL­ ATHiR (d. 699/1299). (A commentary, otherwise called lbkiim al-Abkam, on the 'Umdat al-abkam of AL-JAMMA'lLi (d. 600/1203); see No. 3053.] Foll. 28 1. 24·8 x 16·7 cm. Good scholar's naskh. Undated, 8/ 1 4th century. 35 14 ITMAM AL-DIRAYA LI-QURRA' AL-NUQAYA, by AL­ SUYUTi ( d. 911/150 5). [ A commentary on the author's own al-Nuqiiya, a brief encyclo- paedia of the sciences.] Foll. 94. 21 · 1 X 14· 5 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, 9/15th century. Brockelmann ii. 1 56, Suppl. ii. 19 5. * Fol. 93a contains a reading-certificate in the author's autograph. 35 1 5 SHARIJ AL-KAUKAB AL-SAT!' Fl NAZM JAM' AL- JAWAMI', by AL-SUYOTI (d. 9°11/1505). [ A commentary on the author's own al-Kaukab al-sii/i', a versifica- DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 7 tion of the Jam' al-jawiimi', a celebrated treatise on the principles of Shafi'ijurisprudence by Taj al-Din AL-SUBKI (d. 771/1370).] Foll. 193. 27·4 X 18· 5 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Dated 12 Rama9an 887 (25 October 1482). Brockelmann ii. 89, Suppl. ii. 106. * This copy bears the author's autograph notes of collation. 3516 '/LAL AL-JfADlTH, by Abu Mu}:iammad 'Abd al-Ra}:iman b. Abi J:Iatim b. Idris AL-TAMIMI al-J:Ian?ali al-Razi (d. 327/939). [ A register of spurious and suspect Traditions.] Foll. 309. 26·3 X 19·2 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Dated I 5 RabI' II 73 5 ( 13 Decen1ber 1334).
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