Published by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Volume 38, Number 9 July 2018 Tammuz-Av 5778 Legacy Awards: Singer Family Has Legacy of Giving Shlicha Noam Wolf By Michael Cousineau "They have set an example for others to Bring Prayers & to follow," Baines said. Reprinted with permission of New Three of Irving's seven children (along Wishes From New Hampshire Union Leader with a son-in-law) currently own Merchants Hooksett — Decades ago, Irving Sing- Automotive Group. Their 93-year-old Hampshire to the er would bring home college students mother, Bernice, still lives in Manchester. and others in need of a hot meal after The Granite State Legacy Awards cele- Western Wall! synagogue on Saturdays. brate the accomplishments of the state's Manchester — Jewish Federation of "My mom always knew to set an extra most distinguished citizens who have giv- New Hampshire is excited to announce a five or six settings for people who didn't en the most to New Hampshire through special opportunity for the statewide have a warm meal," son Gary Singer re- business, philanthropy, politics, and more. Jewish community. Our Shlicha, Noam called last week. The awards are given to New Hampshire Wolf, is returning to Israel to visit family The gesture was part of a legacy of residents who have made significant con- and friends before the second year of her giving -- both public and private -- by the tributions over an extended period to their Shlichim begins. In an effort to bring us Singer family over the past half century. Gary Singer talks about awards he has profession, community, and state. all closer to Israel and to fulfill her prom- Whether it be supporting the nation's gotten over the years in his office at Mer- "They're a good family, and I'm sure ise to NH’s Hebrew School children, largest blood drive or donating money to chants Automotive in Hooksett. Photo by they're deserving of the award," said Noam will be bringing a big envelope of build Singer Family Park, generations of David Lane/Union Leader Larry Gammon, president and CEO of prayers and wishes to the Western Wall the Singers have donated money and Easterseals New Hampshire, to which in Jerusalem on our behalf. time -- often without fanfare. or Bob Baines said. the family donates money to help chil- Noam’s popular “Trip to Israel” pass- That has earned the family a Granite "They have established a legacy of giv- dren's programs. port program toured New Hampshire State Legacy Award this month. ing," said Baines, who gets fundraising help "With respect to the Legacy Award, my during the 2017-18 religious school sea- "I don't think there's a better example for his annual blarney breakfast from Ste- parents very strongly believed in giving back son, reaching hundreds and transporting of a family that could be more deserving phen Singer, who for many years was the to the community," Gary Singer said. "My them to four Israeli locales, where they of this award," former Manchester May- public face of the family's philanthropy. Legacy Awards continued on page 4 Wall continued on page 3 Manchester Hebrew Cemetery Seeks Federation Voices 3, 5-6 Calendar 4 Community Support to Complete Upgrades Your Federation at Work 7 Arts & Entertainment 10 By Michael Sydney From the Bimah 11 Manchester — The Manchester Hebrew Senior Living 13 Cemetery is seeking community support in Education 14 performing an important community mitzvah. In the Community 17 The cemetery has been in existence for well over 100 years and is the final resting place for Mitzvahs 22 the Jewish community in the Manchester area. Recent Events 23 After WWII, a chapel was built on the Book Review 24 grounds of the cemetery in memory of the Tributes 25 servicemen killed during the war. This chapel Business & Professional fell into disrepair over the years, and it was Services 26 recently restored. It’s a respectful location to conduct services prior to burial. The next phase of this important mitzvah The cemetery driveway, which is in need of repaving. Photo by David Rosenzweig project is now about to begin. The under- ground sprinklers are antiquated and need to In conjunction with this work, security light- grown landscaping and resetting the granite be replaced. In order to perform the work, the ing and handicap accessibility to the chapel entryway patio and curbing for safety. The pavement needs to be removed and replaced. needs to be added, along with replacing over- Cemetery continued on page 3 Change Service Requested Service Change PERMIT NO. 1174 NO. PERMIT MANCHESTER, NH MANCHESTER, Manchester, NH 03101 NH Manchester, PAID 66 Hanover St., Suite 300 Suite St., Hanover 66 US POSTAGE US Jewish Federation of New Hampshire New of Federation Jewish ORGANIZATION The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter Jewish Hampshire New The NON-PROFIT JRF: Jewish Reconstructionist Federation URJ: Union for Reform Judaism The New Hampshire CONGREGATIONS USCJ: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Jewish Reporter VVolumeolume 38,3, NumberNumber 9 AMHERST HANOVER MANCHESTER JULY. 2018 CONGREGATION BETENU CHABAD AT DARTMOUTH COLLEGE CHABAD CENTER FOR JEWISH LIVING Tammuz-Av* 5778 Sam Blumberg (Rabbinic Intern) Rabbi Moshe Gray Rabbi Levi Krinsky PublishedPublished by thethe 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 1, Amherst 22a School Street, Hanover 1234 River Rd., Manchester JeJewishwish FFederationederation of NeNeww HampshirHampshiree Reform, Affiliated URJ Orthodox, Chabad Orthodox, Chabad (603) 886-1633 (603) 643-9821 (603) 647-0204 66 Hanover698 Beech St., Str Suiteeet 300 www.betenu.org www.dartmouthchabad.com www.Lubavitchnh.com Manchester,Manchester, NHNH 0310403101 Services: Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat [email protected] [email protected] Tel: (603) 627-7679Tel: (603) 627-7679Fax: (603) 627-7963 services at 7:30 PM Services: Friday Evening Shabbat services Services: Shabbat Services Saturday morning twice a month, 9:30 AM and Dinner Saturday morning at 9:30 AM Editor: FranFran BerBermanman Shabbat morning services Sunday morning minyan at 9 AM BETHLEHEM LLayoutayout and and Design: Design: 5JN(SFHPSZ Tim Gregory Call for times TEMPLE ADATH YESHURUN BETHLEHEM HEBREW CONGREGATION KOL HA'EMEK UPPER VALLEY Rabbi Beth D. Davidson AdAdvertisingvertising Sales: Sales: 39 Strawberry Hill Road JEWISH COMMUNITY 152 Prospect Street, Manchester 603-627-7679603-627-7679 PO Box 395, Bethlehem Roth Center for Jewish Life Reform, Affiliated URJ thereporter@[email protected] Unaffiliated-Egalitarian 5 Occom Ridge, Hanover (603) 669-5650 (603) 869-5465 The objectivesobjectives of TheThe NewNew HampshireHampshire Nondenominational, Unaffiliated www.taynh.org www.bethlehemsynagogue.org JewishJewish ReporterReporter areare toto fosterfoster aa sensesense ofof (603) 646-0460 [email protected] community among the Jewish people of New [email protected] community among the Jewish people of New www.uvjc.org Services: Shabbat services the first Friday HampshireHampshire byby sharingsharing ideas,ideas , information,information, Services: Contact for Date/Time Info experiences and opinions, and to promote the [email protected] of the month at 6 PM experiences and opinions, and to promote the President Dave Goldstone - agencies,agencies, projectsprojects andand missionmission ofof thethe JewishJewish Services: Friday night Shabbat services All other Friday nights at 7 PM Federation of New Hampshire. (516) 592-1462 Federation of New Hampshire. at 6 PM, led by Dartmouth Hillel with some exceptions. The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter is or Eileen Regen – (603) 823-7711 publishedThe Ne wmonthly Hampshir ten timese Jewish per year,Reporter with ais Saturday morning Shabbat services at Alternating Shabbat services or Torah published monthly ten times per year, with Weekly Services: July through Simchat Torah deadline for submissions of the 10th of the 10 AM, led by Rabbi Boraz study Saturday mornings at 10 AM montha deadline before for publication.submissions ofThere the 10thare noof Friday: 6:30 PM; Saturday: 10 AM Januarythe month or Junebefor eissues. publica Alltion. items, Ther includinge are no KEENE TEMPLE ISRAEL calendarFebruary events,or August for theissues December-January. An “Upcoming CLAREMONT Rabbi Jeremy Szczepanski orEv May-Juneent” (Calendar) newspaper submission must be submittedfor those CONGREGATION AHAVAS ACHIM bymonths Nov. 10should or April be 10,submitted respectively. by December TEMPLE MEYER DAVID 66 Salmon Street, Manchester Rabbi Amy Loewenthal 10th or June 10th, respectively. 25 Putnam Street, Claremont Conservative 84 Hastings Avenue, Keene Please send all materials to: Conservative (603) 622-6171 Please send all materials to: Reconstructionist, Affiliated JRF [email protected]@jewishnh.org (603) 542-6773 [email protected] (603) 352-6747 Services: Generally the second Friday of For Shabbat service times, call www.keenesynagogue.org 6HQGLWHPVIRUWKHSULQWDQGRQOLQHSend items for the print and online the month, 6:15 PM, April to November. 603-622-6171 x12 or visit [email protected] -)1+&DOHQGDUDQG(1HZVWRJFNH Calendar and E-News to www.templeisraelmht.org. [email protected]#MHZLVKQKRUJ CONCORD [email protected] Call Stephen Singer, 669-4100 for more Opinions presented in the paper do Services: Regular Friday night services at info. notOpinions necessaril presentedy represent in thethe paperviews doof notthe TEMPLE BETH JACOB 7 PM necessarilyFederation. represent the views of the Federation. Photos submitted by individuals Rabbi Robin Nafshi Monthly Shabbat morning
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