FEDERAL DI·STRICT . CCJMMISSION - ANN.UAL R·EPORT fot the FISCAL YEAR APRIL tst, 193.6 TO MARCH ~1st, 1937 J ~-FEDERAL~--·-· __DISTRICT .__, COMMISSION-- ._, ____ _ W.E. Matthews, Esq., C.B.E. COMMISSIONERS c. Jackson Booth, Esq. P.H. Murphy, Esq., F.E. Bronson, Esq. A.E. Provost, Esq. Dr. R. Chevrier. J.B. Spencer, Esq. His Worhsip the Mayor of Ottawa J.W. Ste. Marie, Esq. J.E. Stanley Lewis, Esq. H.R. Cram, Secretary. STAFF A. Stuart, Superintendent. A. Chevrier, Alan K. Hay, Assistant Secretary. Consulting Engineer. ..... ··· Report of the lT'ederal District Cor.nnission for fiscal year ended 31st l/iarch 1937 The Honourable C.A. Dunninc;, Minister of Finance, Ottawa. The Federal District Cornnis sion, as required by Statute 17, Georce v. Chapter 55, Section 15-16~ 1927 and 18-10, Georse v. Chapter 26, Section 9, 1928, has tho honour to submit the :E'ollm'Jin; report for the fiscal year onclod J1Iarch 31st 1937. The cross receipts at the disposal of the CoErrnission durin:::_~ tho ~roar wore ~;;348,604.21 derived :E'ron the folloF ins sources:- Dominion Governn.ent - Statutory Grant ~;l; 1 g 2 ' 7 50 • 00 Dominion Government - Vote f/-424 • • • 100,000.00 Balance from 1935/36 •••• ttl - •• 12,750.00 Interest, bank deposits .... 68.10 Labour and nBtorials provided Government Departnents. .. 13,353.09 Sundries •••• 4,815.02 Rentals - Refreshment booth e boathouse. 868.00 Vote #-217 •••• • •• ~4:._t_q_qg~,_q_q_ ~;~ 348' 604.21 -1- The total expenditure durinG the sane period amounted to (?329, 428,27. This included ~;;4, 598.18 which represents the cost of vrork done and materials supplied to Governnent departments and other parties, whioh amount has been rebated to the Cornraission by the parties for who:ra the work was performed an~ 09,860,00 for properties, leavins a balance of 019,175.94 frot1 which amount after deductins the unexpended balance of Votes 424 and 2l7 returned to the Receiver General leaves a balance of ~;;19,169,72 carried over to 1937-38. On maintenance including cost of afu~1inistration, there has been expended the suru of 0197,744.82, on properties ~~ 9, 860.00 and on new work ~;>121, 45 6. 93 including the above r1entioned rebated amount of (?4,598.18. The expenditure may thus be su.tunarized as foll0\11S:- t New Work {schedule l attached) ~.!116' 858.7 5 Work for Government and other ('., ·parties 4,598,18 '\( 121,456.93 Properties • • . • • • • • • .• 9,860,00 Legal costs te Experiwental Far:ra properties. 366.52 Maintenance, t1achinery, contingencies and administration r••• ••• 1_97, 744:._!.82 ,l\ 'I( 329,428.27 - - . A total of 172,900 hardy perennials and annual flower plants was sent out from the Cbmrn.ission~s greenhouses at Rockcliffe to be planted in the Commission's parks and Government grounds throughout the City and, in addition, 1,080 deciduous trees, 17,867 evergreens and 2,507 ornamental trees and shrubs were distributed from the Cornmissionvs nursery during the year 1936/37. Mr. v;. E. Matthews, C .B .E., who was appointed to the Federal District Commission on March 20, 1920, and to the Chairmanship thereof on February 15, 1932, resigned from membership on the Corillilission November 18, 1936, after many years of valuable service rendered in its behalf. Conmlissioner Frederic E. Bronson was appointed by Order-in-Council November 18, 1936, to the post of Chairman in his stead. Also the resignation of Conm1issioner P .H. Murphy was accepted by the Minister of Finance on December 9, 1936; he too gave freely of his services in the interests of the Conmission from his appointment on AuGust 4, 1923. All of which is respectfully submitted. Chairman, ,Secretary. SCHEDULE l DISBURSEMENT DETAILS - NEW VJORK Construction and Dovolo£me~t. Appro pr i at_· i O.,E: Disbursement Total Strathcona Park - improve­ ments to tho two water pools and repairs to stairways loading to Laurier avenue •••.••...• $ 3,060.00 ~~ 3' 055.15 Rideau Canal fence - south bank from C.N.Rly. bridge to Main St., Ottawa East, erection of fonco on tho retaining wall •...•..•.• 2,151.00 2,150,65 Pare Jacques Cartier - this park, under development is proposed to be completed ·in gradual stages by an annual expenditure •••.•••••...• f.-1, 000.00 4,999.97 King Edward Avenue Boulevard­ planting and re-sodding tho boulevards of this avenue from Rideau Stroot to tho Minto Bridges •.•• e•••••• 3,000.00 3,000,00 Minto Bridges - re-flooring. 5, 789 •. 00 5,788.16 Central Park - grading new property, etc •.•.•.••••• 1,ooo.oo 999.93 Improvements to Commission property, Carling avenue. 3,100.00 3,091.49 Experimental Farm Driveway­ building of now roadwai through tho Farm. This extension to Island Park Driveway will bo completed during 1937-38 •••••••••• $123,100.00 $116,858.75 Our major activity in construction work was the building of the extension of Island Park Driveway throut,h the Exp.erimental Farm thereby greatly relieving traffic on Carling Avenue. Our expenditure on this project amounted to $99,999.92 including $5,860.00 for properties, which amount was provided for by an appropriation of ~~100,000.00 out of a supplementary vote of $193,856.00. This important improvement will be completed next season. 'de have also made the following expenditure of ~~14, 205.70 in the improvements of the different parks under the control of the Federal District Commission. In the improvements to our Carlin:; avenue property there was an expenditure of $3,091.49 as well as $5,788.16 for the re-flooring of the Minto Bridges. From the vote of $97,400.00 for Government Grounds the sum of ~~96, 960. ?5 was expended on the maintenance and for the improvements of Rideau Hall Grounds and Government Grounds detailed in annexed repor~ (see schedule 4).· The sum of $9,860.00 was expended on properties; ~~4, 000.00 for a parcel of land facing Bank Street and ad joining Central Park at Patterson avenue, bought from Dr. A.E. Mahood, $2,500.00 for a parcel of land on the north-west corner of Carling avenue and the Driveway from the Ottawa Land Association and also ~~1, 78_5.00 for a piece of land at the north-east corner of Carling and the Driveway, and $1,575.00 for a parcel of land at the south-west corner of Carling and Fisher avenues from E.D. Sullivan. SCHEDULE 2 Dis bur semen t Total Maintenance of Parks, Driveways, Bridges, etc •• 130,167.78 129,666.36 Greenhouses .. .. 15,400.00 15,503.69 Nursery ... .. 6 300.00 -~-·--···--- 4~ 151' 867.78 ----------- ..... ~_, ___..... _____ __ Purchase of a Champion Power Nls.intainer, snow plow equip­ ment, a power lavmmower; general repairs and maintenance of trucks, automobiles and machinery •••• l7 2 400.0Q 17,786.04 ,Staff ,Salaries. • • .... -·-'---·-·--17 032.22 17,032.22 Stationery, printing, etc. .. .. • • 637.74 Taxes • • • • • •• .. .. .. 1,368.41 Electricity.... • •• • . • • 618.35 Coal •••• • •• .. • • 148.85 Telephone •••• • •• • • • • . • 273.32 Wages •••• • •• . • • • .. 1,347.46 Legal Fees •••• • •• • • • • •• 719.31 Engineering supplies ••• • • • • •• 174.75 Medical services ••• • .. • . 241.25 Constablesv equipment ••• • . .. .. 39.86 Workmen 7 s Compensation •••• .. •• 369.67 Postage & Revenue Stamps •• . .. • ... 303.00 Transportation. • .. • . 60.00 Sundries ••• . .. .. 637.54 Lighting supplies . .. • ... 361.55 Paints, etc ••• . ••• • • 57.97 J"ani tor ,Supplies .. .. .. 147.48 Special Grants. 750.00 ____8_,_2 ~\?..~_5]: . .. .. .. •• -~-,_..._,_._._.._._ ...-.·~~..-..- .... -~--------'>-·-- d1~ ~~ 8,300.00 '"H) 194,544.82 __..._.,,.,_._,,_____ ,"".~-· ~. ~-·-----~" ---------~--. ---.._.,-~ ~ .....- ........ ·"""""·='--"- .--·--·-·~-·"···-" ~aintenancei Mach.inory, Sontin~~ios~ Administr~ Maintenance of Parks, Driveways, Bridges, etc. • ••• $ 129,666.36 Gre onhous e s .... • • • • 15,503.69 Nursery .... • ••• 6,300.00 Machinery, repairs, etc. • • • • 17,786.04 Cont ingenc io s. .. • • • • 8,256,51 Staff .. •••• l 7 Lt?_~-• 2_!3_ $ 194,544.82 Now Work- I~provemonts to property, Carling avenue •• 3,091.49 Strathcona Park •••• • • • • 3,055.15 Experimental Farm Driveway • • • • 93,773.40 Rideau Canal fonco •••.• •••• 2,150.65 Pare Jacques Cartier •••• • ••• 4,999.97 King Edward Avonue Boulevard • • • • 3,000.00 Minto Bridges • • • • •••• 5,788.16 Contral Park •••• • • • • 999.93 116,858.75 Pr_o:f!erj_~~- Bank :St. property- from Dr. Mahood. 4,000.00 Experimental Farm Driveway, properties. ~ ... 5,860.00 9,860.00 legal costs re same • • • • 366.52 366.52 Sundries- Mosquito Control . 3,200.00 Work for Government and others •••• ( rofundod.) •••• 4 598.18 7 798.18 -::..Z...:~--~-- ----'-----~-·---- TOTAL $ 329,428.27 -~-_____ ,.... ___ -~...-----·.. ·-~-- ··-~·_.._,-.. ..... .,.__ ......... -.,.,. -"'~--~-·--· ... COMP.AIUSON OF ESTIMA'rES APPROVED BY TIIE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COlll\TCIL ·over General- Estima to :E~xpeY-_~i~tur ~ unexpended. ·-~~P..:?J!:_d_c:._~ Office Staff ... ~~ 17,032.22 17,032o22 -.- -.- Contingencies • • • 8,300.00 8,256.51 43.49 -.- Machinery, repairs, etc. 17,400.00- 17,786.04 -.- 386.04 ~a t.P._t_.q_n_<?.:_U..C o_­ Maintenance of Parks, Drivo~ays, Bridges, etc. 130,167.78 l29,666o36 501.42 -.- Greenhouses ...... 15,400.00 15,503.69 -.- 103.69 Nursery ....... 6,300o00 6,300o00 -.- -.- Novv Work- Improvements to property Carling avenue ••• 3,100.00 3,09lo49 8.51 -.- Strathcona Park 0 0 0 3,060.00 3,055.15 4.85 -.- Experimental Farm Drive. 100,000.00 93,773.40 properties ro above 5,860.00 legal costs 11 1; 366.52 .08 -.- Rideau Canal fence. ••• 2,151.00 2,150.65 .35 -.- l)arc ,Jacques Cartier. 5,000.00 4,999.97 .03 -.- King Edward Av0nue Boulevard. ••• 3,000.00 3,000.00 -.- -.- Minto Bridges. ••• 5,789.00 5,788.16 .84 -.- Central Park ••• 1,ooo,.oo 999.93 .07 -.- Sundries- Mosquito Control.
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