WEEKDAY MASS TIMES The Partnered Parishes of SUNDAY MASSES TIMES (this week) St. Gabriel, Reservoir and Sat. 6 p.m.Vigil St Stephen’s ST GABRIEL’S: Tues, Thurs., Fri. at 9 a.m. St Stephen of Hungary, East Reservoir Sun. 8:30 a.m. (It. & Eng.) St Stephen’s Parish Priest: Fr. Shane Hoctor 8:30 a.m. (It. & Eng.) St Gabriel’s ST STEPHEN’S: Mass Wed. at 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. St Gabriel’s No Mass at Keon Park Thurs. at 11a.m. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St Gabriel’s - 21.07.2019 - SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 1 Viola Street, Reservoir, 3073 FERIALS, FEASTS & INTENTIONS— 16a Domenica in Tempo Ordinario (Confessions) Orario sante messe feriali Ph: 9460 6036 St Gabriel’s Fax: 9460 4771 e know from John’s gospel that Martha and Mary Mon. St Mary Magdalene NO MASS were friends of Jesus, and that he was frequently Sat. at 9:45 a.m. Email: [email protected] W in their home. Luke tells us nothing of this; perhaps it Tues. Ordinary Time 16 Website: www.stgabrielsreservoir.org St Stephen’s Intention: Leslie Brown - Anniv. was not in the material available to him. However, he immortalises this incident that took place during one of Sat. at 5:30 p.m. Parish Secretaries: Jesus’ visits, because he sees it as having a lesson for Wed. Ordinary Time 16 Mrs Gracie Forde us all. Busy preparing special dishes for their guest, Mar- Intention: BAPTISMS Mr Hung Chau tha feels left out. Jesus tells her not to go to so much by prior arrangement trouble: one dish will be plenty. He then goes beyond Thurs. St James, apostle Office Hours: this homely advice to remind Martha and those present St Gabriel’s Intention: that the ‘one thing necessary’ in life is finding the truth he 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 11:30 a.m. Mon. & Tues. 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Fri. Sts Joachim & Anne, parents of Blessed Virgin Mary Fri: 8 a.m.—3 p.m. is bringing them. Mary does not need to be reminded of this; she shows herself to be a true ‘disciple’. Intention: MARRIAGES In the gospel accounts, ‘disciples’ are mentioned hun- by prior arrangement St Gabriel’s Parish Primary School: dreds of times. For many centuries, however, the idea of Sat. Ordinary Time 16 NO MASS 237 Spring Street, Reservoir (at least six months notice is required. ‘discipleship’ has had little place in our Christian aware- No Sunday weddings.) Learning, Life and Faith! ness. Today, we are being told that our lives will be en- 90 Years Strong! riched, if we see ourselves as disciples of the Lord. ‘Disciples’ are learners. All inspiring leaders gather Ph: 9469 3513 around them a group who want to share in their vision. Email: [email protected] Those who followed Jesus and were inspired by his message were called ‘disciples’; even those who had not TODAY’S MASS Principal: Mr Mark Miatello known Jesus during his earthly life called themselves his Secretary: Mrs Enza Torcasio ‘disciples’ - as we know from the Acts of the Apostles. By including this incident in his gospel, Luke is inviting us to First Reading: Genesis 18:1-10 Abraham gives his Lord a great welcome and is blessed by the Lord God in return. become disciples of the Lord by identifying with Mary as St Stephen’s she sat at his feet – finding the truth that gives meaning Psalm Response: The just will live in the presence of the Lord. 71 Whitelaw Street, Reservoir East, 3073 to our lives. If we develop the outlook of disciples it will become sec- Ph: 9460 7266 ond nature to us to recognise that we are never alone in Second Reading: Colossians 1:1:24-28 The mystery of Christ, hidden for generations, is now revealed to Fax: 9460 7650 our moments of faith awareness and prayer – ‘Come to us all. Email: [email protected] me’, the Lord tells us, ‘I am with you always’. He encour- ages us as we seek the way, to share our lives with him Parish Secretary: with honesty and courage, to look honestly, in his pres- Gospel Acc.: Alleluia, alleluia! Mrs Gracie Forde ence, at the quality of our relationships, at the responsi- bilities life has brought us, at our hopes and ambitions – Happy are they who have kept the word with a generous heart comparing our outlook with that of the guest who told And yield a harvest through perseverance. Office: Please contact St Gabriel’s Parish Office. Martha that one dish was enough. The light and encour- Alleluia! agement this attitude of discipleship brings will surprise us. It will make our personal prayer more meaningful. St Stephen of Hungary Primary School: The strength and inspiration we find will make us more Gospel Reading: Luke 10:38-42 Martha and Mary welcome Jesus into their home in their 71 Whitelaw Street, Reservoir East aware of the workings of the Holy Spirit. Where every child counts! How do we know the mind of Jesus, what he stands for? different ways. Ph: 9460 3566 The Scriptures should play an important part in our life of discipleship. Listening to the gospel story, we must be Fax: 9462 3404 prepared to meet the real Jesus and be challenged by Email: [email protected] the example of his attitudes. Knowing the Scriptures will NEXT SUNDAY—DOMENICA PROSSIMA Principal: Mr Richard Keele help us to situate our lives in the great plan of God – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time—17a Domenica in Tempo Ordinario spoken of in today’s readings. We are the beneficiaries Secretary: Mrs Gracie Forde Genesis 18:20-32; Colossians 2:12-14; Luke 11:1-13 of all that is foreshadowed in the promises made to Abraham. We should learn to share Paul’s amazement and gratitude at the generous plan, hidden from all eter- The Parishes of St Gabriel, Reservoir and St Stephen, East Reservoir, are committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set nity and now revealed in Christ. out in the 2001 legislation of the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments. A copy of the Parishes’ Privacy Policy is available to any Parishion- John Thornhill sm er by contacting the respective Parish Offices. The Emmaus Series at www.theemmausseries.com GENERAL MEETINGS, EVENTS, NEWS & HUMOUR PARISHES’ INFORMATION MELBOURNE ACYF PILGIMRAGE TO PERTH - ROSTERS FOR 27 / 28 JULY ADULT FAITH FORMATION continues on ACYF is the largest national gathering of Catholic youth Dates for your Diary Readers & Special Ministers Thurs. 25 July. in Australia and it exists to provide young people with opportunities to deepen their relationship with Jesus, 6 p.m. Moira Beck / J. Borja be empowered to be disciples in the world today and H. Nowak / B. Harris Sun. 27 & 28 July encounter and celebrate the vitality of the Church. The 8:30 a.m. L. Carusi / G. Tieri hen we receive Melbourne Pilgrimage Appeal Festival is for youth and young adults from year 9 to 30 holy commun- Exciting News for our younger parishioners! ST STEPHEN’S SCHOOL ENROLMENTS—’Every W years of age. Details: cam.org.au/acyf19 or call the of- ion, it is well enough Sun. 11 August Day is Open Day’. If you know of any family who has a fice on 9287 5565. Like our Facebook page to keep up child ready for school please let them know about us if we find ourselves in to date: @melbacyf OUR PARTNERED PARISHES CatholiCare Annual Appeal and encourage them to visit the school! the dispositions of have two pilgrims attending and we want two more. Martha, eagerly enter- Please see Fr Hoctor ASAP if you are able to join “Where every child counts.” taining our divine the group. n today’s Gospel the Evangelist Luke writes about guest with prayers for OZANAM CONVERSATION STANDING UP - Wed. 24 Jesus who, on the way to Jerusalem, enters a village ...cont. this and that; for the I July, 6:30–8 p.m. Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Vic- and is welcomed into the home of two sisters: Martha Jesus, before being Lord and Master, is a pilgrim and graces we covet, toria Road, East Melbourne. Join renowned journalist and Mary (see gospel above). Both welcome the Lord, guest. Thus, his response has this significance first and strength to resist temptations, the needs of the Church and broadcaster Geraldine Doogue in conversation but they do so in different ways. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet foremost: “Martha, Martha why do you busy yourself do- or of our friends. But, just at that moment, it is surely with Francis Sullivan who was recently the CEO of The and listens to his words (cf. v. 39), whereas Martha is ing so much for this guest even to the point of forgetting better still if we find ourselves in the dispositions of Truth, Justice and Healing Council. Francis argues for completely caught up in preparing things; at a certain about his presence?” — A guest of stone! — Not much is Mary Magdalen, sitting at his feet and hearing his word; the need of reform, renewal and refreshment in the point she says to Jesus: “Lord, do you not care that my necessary to welcome him; indeed, only one thing is sitting at his feet, in a humility which makes us forget Church and has been highly successful in bringing a sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help needed: listen to him — this is the word: listen to him — self, hearing his word, in a raptness of attention which social conscience to the political debate on health and me” (v.
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