Con on t:"' 1:' " rv 1 �;4 Y-97GO 1,... ..a 7 ONLY PAID BULKRATE PERMIT#17 WARNER, OK 74469 2 Forwarding & Address Correction Requested 5¢ • ive Serving Keefeton • Gore • Porum • Warner • Webbers Falls Vol. XI - Issue No. 7 Call (918) 463-2386 or Fax (918) 773-8745 Wednesday, December 4, 1996 $4.3 million being distributed to schools Porum gets into the Christmas spirit State Superintendent Sandy Senate Bill 1100, which included a Garrell said recently that $4.3 mil­ designation of$4.3million forteacher lion in staff development funding, staff development fWlds. The actual which had been held up by a veto appropriation for this staff develop­ from the Governor, now is being ment item alreadyhad beenapproved distributedto schoolsstatewide (549 in another bill, Senate Bill 800. schooldistricts). Garrett asked the attorneygeneral for Earlierlast month, in response a legal opinion on the matter after the to a request by Garrett,the attorney governor'sveto. general's office said that the State Another$1.65 million in staff Board of Education may expend development for stipends and arts, money to fund an existing program, the GreatExpectations program was even thoughamendments to the pro­ included in Senate Bill 1100. Ac­ gram werevetoed by the governor. cording to the attorneygeneral's opin­ Garrellsaid the staff develop­ ion, the $1.65 million cannot bedis­ ment funds are being distributed to tributed becausethe money was to be schoolsin threepayments based on used forprograms not yet established, average daily attendance. Schools wich Garrett said is "unfonunate" for were scheduled to receive their first schools. installment of staff development Listed below are the Profes­ funds on November25. sional/Staff Development Funds for - "We are happy to beproviding each local school. schoolswith funds to help their teach­ Checotah - $11,170.00 ers learn more about their specialty Webbers Falls - $2,408.00 areas," Garrett said. "Professional Oktaha • $4,244.00 development is important for the Warner - $5,796.00 continued progress we're making in Porum. $3,412.00 education in Oklahoma." Braggs - $1,802.00 LastJune, the governorvetoed Gore - $4,194.00 Storms leave several without electricity ..,,,,. ·- - .. .. A Cookson Hills Co-Op Release the outage and the areas affected. .. : .. ...... ., Ice, glistening in the trees. It Additional crews from neighboring .. looks like diamonds hanging from cooperativeswere called in to assist. .. tips of the trees. The beauty, "These are terrible conditions to hve createdthe by the rain that turnedto ice to work in. The only way for us to and sleet over the weekend caused safelycontinue working around the Area residentsline Highway #2 in Porum in anticipationof t he annual Porum Christmas Paradeearly Saturday afternoon. many people to wake up without clock is to call in crews to help. So Residentsf rom Porum and the electricity, Monday, November 25. that our men can go home, get some mrrounding area communities took We should be consider our­ rest and warm up," said interim 1ime off from the busiest shopping selves fortunate. Winter storms have manager T. A. Greenmyer. "Any­ veekend of the year to enjoy the left thousands of people without time you have ice on the trees, it mnualPorum Christmas Parade, held power all across the country. Some causes real problems. The treelimbs �t l pm. Saturday afternoon,Novem­ of these people have been without get so heavy that they break and fall ber30, under cloudy and chilly con­ electricity for days and snow and ice on the power lines." ditions. continue to fall. With CooksonHills serving the People lined the main thorough­ Cookson Hills members were rural areas, it makes working condi­ lare through the town, Highway #2, hardest hit in southeast Muskogee tions much more difficult. The areas as riders on horsebackcarrying flags County and westernHaskell County. are more difficult to get to, many cd the parade, followed closely by Crews began working late Sunday times the line will have to walked out Shriners in their little cars,entertain­ evening and continue through the day because trucks can not make it ingthe crowd with their antics. They and night on Monday. "There were through. And there may only be one vere followed by several floats, some areas we would have lo cut our or two customers on a mile of line, korseback riders and Porum veterans way in, and by the time we would get compared to other utilities that may beforethe parade concluded with the the problem fixed, we would have to have twenty to twenty-five custom­ passage of a Porum policecar. cut our way back out," said Lineman ers on a mile of line. Darrell Stout. Employeesworked all "This is not the first storm we Elementary school night answering the phone and work­ have encountered and I know it will ing with crews lo make sure they not be the last. We want our mem­ holds food drive were kept informed on all situations. bers to know their service is impor­ Webbers Falls Elementary Over 1700 members were af­ tant to us. We would like to thank our Schoolis holding acannedfood drive While this year's paradefeatured the clowns and other members ofthe BedouinShrine Te mplein Muskogee. fected by the winter storm. Most members,for being so understanding a the school through December 18. members had their power back on and patient as we worked to return Cans can be brought to Jan Ray, withina few hours. There were only the electric service," stated T.A. Elementary School Secretary, at the Sound system a few exceptions due to the nature of Greenmyer. �hool. drive begins WebbersFalls Schoolsinvites interested patrons to join withArm­ strong Bank in the purchase of a "State of the An" sound system for the gymnasium. Armstrong Bank will match all donations up to $2,500.QO. To participate, please contact Garyat the Webbers Falls Branch of Armstrong Bank or the Superinten­ dent's Office at the school. Donations are greatly appreci­ ated and tax deductible and should be made on or before December 13. Warner church Several different churchesand organizations built floatsfor the parade... holds bazaar, dinner The First Assembly of God Church in Warner will be holding a bazaar on Saturday, December 7, beginning at 8 am. in the church's · gymnasium. Booth space is avail­ able for crafts display only foronly $10.00each. Warner High SclwolLady Eagle Assistant Coach BrendaTucker tells players to keptheir armsup while Lady Eagle Also, a spaghettidinner will be Head CoachLeAnn Barnwell and theLady Eagle bench keep a close eye on the rictionas the WarnerLady Eagles' held at thechurch startingat 11 am. lwme opener wasspoiled by the Lady Hornets, 61-55, Tuesday, November 26 ..Wore sports on page 7. For more information,contact Susan Potts at 463-2396 or April Kyzer at 463-3206. Proceedswill go tothe church's Women Missionaries. But the main attraction at the parade wasthe aTTiva/of Santa Claus. PAGE 2 • Wednesday,December 4, 1996 Huggins attends ALAO working to prevent deadly indoor air Meetings OSLEP seminar Winter is just around the cor­ sheds, burningcharcoal, and unvented Webbers Falls Lodge ner and that meansresidents will be kerosene heaters arc all combustion Fourteen students from col­ The Webbers Falls Masonic spending mostof their time indoors, sources. A Weekly leges and universities throughout the coltimn by Lodge #14 meets on the second and where haz.ardous air pollutants can To minimize exposure to car­ Go\·ernor Fr�nk Keating state, including Warner senior fourth Mondays of every month at 7 exist at higher levels than outdoors. bon monoxide, ALAO recommends V alenda E, Huggins ofNSU, recently pm. at thelodge building. Children, pregnant women, the eld­ that fuel burning appliancesbe regu­ attended anOklahoma Scholar-Lead­ Porum Lodge erly, andpeople with lung diseaseare larly inspected by a qualified techni­ erhsip Enrichment Program seminar The Porum Masonic Lodge particularly at high risk for adverse cian. ALAO also recommends the at Oklahoma State University in Still­ #351 meets on the first Thursday of health effects caused by indoor air purchase of an electronic detector wat.er. every month at 7 pm. at the lodge pollution, including carbon monox­ with an audible alarm that has an The in-depth, five-day semi­ building. ide (CO). Underwriters Laboratories(UL) cer­ At Last, Real Welfare Reform nar, "Alternative Visions: Possible Carbon monoxide is a poison­ tification. Scenarios for the Next Millennium," ous gas that is difficult Lo detect To help increase awareness of That is a true revolution. Thank You was presented by independent scholar Congress has finally passed �ausc it is colorless, odorlessand carbonmonoxide poisoning, ALAO For six decades. our welfare The Physical Science Class at Morris Berman, most recently ap­ a real welfare reform bill -- one t2Steless. Most carbon monoxide is offering carbon monoxide •detec­ that closely mirrors reforms we system has operated under the Warner High School would like to pointed tothe GarreyCarruthers Chair poisoning canbe prevented. Aware­ tors for $5 each. These spotor color­ theory tkat anyone who wanted thank Brian Toney of the Warner in Honors as a visiting professor at began implementing in ness is the first step toward preven­ change detectors are able to measure benefits and who technically Water Deparunent forhis time and the University of New Mexico. The Oklahoma this year. tion, levels of the gas in the home and qualified for them could get a tour of the WarnerWarner Plant. seminar was held on the Oklahoma The Oklahoma welfare The American Lung Associa­ fea ture a circle in the middle of a card State University campus in Stillwa­ reform bill which I signed in check ev.:ry month for as long as tion of Oklahoma (ALAO) is con­ ter.
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